Slovakia - Financial Times Report 2008

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A confident place at Europe’s top table

Euro membership greeted his victory have
confirms the Mr Fico made an obvious
country’s promise, break with the pro-US stance
of his predecessor, dropping
says Jan Cienski by the Cuban embassy in
Bratislava and making trips

decade ago, Slova- to Libya and Venezuela, as
kia was a country well as withdrawing Slova-
on the margins of kia’s small contingent from
Europe that looked Iraq. Although he is now
in danger of dropping off the less provocative, the prime
map altogether. minister is still unafraid to
It was being overtaken by buck regional trends.
ambitious reformist neigh- While neighbours such as
bours such as Poland, Hun- Poland and the Czech
gary and the Czech Republic, Republic look fearfully at
that were speeding towards Russia’s growing strength,
membership of Nato and the Slovakia is relatively uncon-
EU, while the authoritarian cerned about being reliant
government in Bratislava on Russia for oil and gas.
cuddled up to Moscow. “We consider them a very
But by January 1 next reliable partner,” says Mr
year, Slovakia will have left
its older and more estab-
lished neighbours behind as The prime minister
it joins the eurozone, mark- makes no bones
ing its final acceptance into
one of the most exclusive about his preference
clubs in the world and
cementing its place as one of
for a good dose of
Europe’s most promising state control
Last year it joined the
Schengen zone, with its lib- Kubis. “We don’t have any
eralised internal border con- Russophobia.” Slovakia is
trols, and the EU’s eastern also opposed to the planned
frontier now lies in the for- US missile defence shield,
ested hills of Slovakia, Old and new: Bratislava has its share of new construction but the country has avoided the property bubble that is painfully deflating in some neighbour states Alamy Images which would see a radar sys-
where guards scan dozens of tem built in the Czech
television monitors linked to the-art factories churning tral Europe and the Baltics. with the prime minister “We need improved road Local companies, as opposed the euro in May. Mr Pociatek Republic and, possibly, an
cameras watching for illegal out cars for export. Much of The booming economy has labelling a couple of the and rail links to the east,” to foreign companies with denies wrongdoing. anti-missile base in Poland.
migrants trying to sneak the foreign money has gone allowed Mr Fico to keep his country’s leading papers says Andreas Tostmann, Slovak factories, still have In foreign policy, Mr Fico’s “We are not happy with
into the EU from Ukraine. into productive investments popularity high by making “prostitutes”. chairman of Volkswagen Slo- not made headway in becom- coalition with Jan Slota’s rockets and radars in
That the final stages of such as car and flatscreen- small changes, such as elimi- Mr Fico pushed through a vakia. ing suppliers to the car xenophobic, anti-Hungarian Europe,” says Mr Fico, who
this process have been television factories, pushing nating a much-disliked fee controversial media bill this The labour market in the industry. The most success- nationalist party strained also has opposed the major-
achieved under the unlikely up productivity and cutting for accessing the healthcare year that caused worries west of the country is tight, ful local businesses are relations with Hungary, ity of fellow EU countries by
leadership of Robert Fico, the current account deficit. system, while not reversing about press freedom. “I but the education system is financial groups, Penta and whose politicians have in not recognising Kosovo’s
the prime minister and a By contrast, the three Bal- the reforms of his centre- think Fico hates the media,” lacklustre at best, dangerous J&T, both of which have turn fanned anti-Slovak independence.
fiery left-wing populist, tic countries – which, com- right predecessors. says Matus Kostolny, editor- for a country which will not grown large enough to look sentiments. “Our view is that interna-
makes Slovakia’s success bined, are of a similar size to The prime minister makes in-chief of the SME daily. be able to rely on cheap beyond Slovakia. “Relations are basically tional law has not been
even more surprising. Slovakia and which, for a no bones about his dislike But, as in most countries, wages for much longer. The local business and normal, but they should be respected in this case,” says
Mr Fico’s most singular time, vied for the title of for large retail chains and taking a swipe at the media Tourism has not yet been political elite is small and better,” says Jan Kubis, for- Mr Fico.
accomplishment was not to Europe’s fastest-growing financial groups, as well as and questioning the pricing able to develop as a money tightly interlinked, as shown eign minister. Slovakia’s self-confidence
implement his more radical economies – saw much of his preference for a good policies of large energy com- spinner, which would benefit by the scandal surrounding After he formed his coali- is a reflection of the growing
anti-reform ideas from the their FDI used for real estate dose of state control of the panies tends to be popular the northern Tatra moun- finance minister Jan Poci- tion government, Mr Fico’s sense that, only 15 years
2006 election campaign. and construction. economy. “This government with voters, and those ges- tain region. atek’s trip aboard a Mediter- Smer party was initially sus- after arriving on the interna-
Even one of his economic This helped cause the hasn’t privatised anything,” tures have helped make Mr The economy is dominated ranean yacht organised by a pended by the Socialist tional scene, the small coun-
advisers, Peter Stanek, property bubble that is now he says proudly. Fico Slovakia’s most popular by foreigners, who control private equity group accused grouping in the European try of 5.4m is about to join
admits that this has been a painfully deflating, says Much of the local media politician, with many ana- the bulk of the banking sec- of profiting from currency parliament. However, it was the eurozone and is now con-
government of “no change”. Christoph Rosenberg, the dislikes him, an antipathy lysts expecting him to win tor as well as the country’s speculation before the reinstated earlier this year, a fidently taking a seat at
Now Slovaks, whose econ- IMF’s representative for cen- that is heartily returned, the next parliamentary elec- most important industries. koruna was revalued against sign that the shudders which Europe’s top table.
omy grew last year at 10.4 tions scheduled for 2010.
per cent, are feeling flush Mr Fico’s politics of small
enough to start buying gestures may have helped
houses just across the border Inside this issue get his country into the
in neighbouring Austria, Economy Inflation remains biggest successes (below), eurozone. However, he may
while developers scan the a concern, says Jan Cienski warns Jan Cienski Page 5 be called on to be more
hills around the capital for Page 2 active to deal with chal-
sites for new real-estate Guest Column Slovakia’s lenges in future, as Slovakia,
projects. Banking The global credit pioneer role means it will with only 70 per cent of the
The credit crunch that has crunch has had a limited be closely watched when it EU’s average GDP per cap-
hit the US and parts of west- impact so far, writes joins the eurozone, writes ita, tries to make up the dis-
ern Europe has had little Jan Cienski Page 2 Martin Barto Page 6 tance separating it from the
impact and banks continue rest of the continent, while
to lend. Real Estate Strong the world economy enters a
Slovakia’s fast growth and growth is leading to turbulent period.
low wages have made it a tensions, finds Tom There are severe regional
magnet for foreign investors, Nicholson Page 5 disparities between the fast-
with the government expect- growing west of the country
ing about $2.7bn in foreign Motor Industry and the more depressed east,
direct investment this year. A growing labour where unemployment is
shortage threatens
The country is the world’s stubbornly high, and where
one of the country’s
biggest per capita car pro- the large Roma minority
ducer, with three state-of- lives in poverty.


Cadca Dolny
Bystrica Poprad

Martin Ruzomberok Presov

Trencin SLOVAKIA Michalovce

Kuty Banská Roznava
Bystrica Trebisov
Piest'any UKRAINE
Zvolen Rimavská
Malacky Sobota

Bratislava Levice Sahy

Nové Zamky HUNGARY

Sturovo 100 km
Komarno Danube

SLOVAKIA Economic summary 2007 2008* 2009*

Official name: 17 2006 (legislative); next Total GDP (Sk bn) 1,852 2,028 2,182
Slovak Republic presidential election due in 2009;
next legislative election due in 2010 Total GDP ($bn) 75.0 100.4 109.4
Form of state:
National government: Real GDP growth (annual % change) 10.4 7.5 5.2
Parliamentary republic
Head of state: Coalition government headed by GDP per head ($ at ppp) 19,894 21,897 23,499
President of the republic, elected Robert Fico was sworn in on July 4 Inflation (annual % change in CPI) 3.4 3.3 5.0
directly; Ivan Gasparovic was 2006 Agricultural output (annual % change) -20.2 8.0 3.5
elected on April 17 2004 Main political parties:
Ruling parties: Direction-Social Industrial production (annual % change) 17.2 8.0 6.0
National legislature: Money supply, M2 (annual % change) 11.1 10.5 8.0
Democracy (Smer-SD); Slovak
Slovak National Council of 150
National Party (SNS); People’s Foreign exchange reserves ($bn) 19.0 23.6 25.5
members, elected in June 2006
Party-Movement for the Democratic Unemployment rate (% of labour force) 8.4 7.3 7.1
Electoral system: Slovakia (LS-HZDS). Opposition
Universal direct suffrage for party parties: Slovak Democratic and Government expenditure (% of GDP) 48.0 48.6 49.1
lists; proportional representation Christian Union-Democratic Party Budget balance (% of GDP) -2.2 -2.1 -2.0
subject to 5 per cent threshold (SDKU-DS); Hungarian Coalition Current Account Balance ($bn) -4.0 -4.2 -3.8
National elections: Party (SMK); Christian Democratic Exports of Goods ($bn) 57.5 84.9 99.8
April 17 2004 (presidential); June Movement (KDH)
Imports of Goods ($bn) 58.4 84.5 99.1
Main cities and population Trade Balance ($bn) -0.9 0.4 0.7
December 2004 (’000) * Forecast
Area: 49,035 sq km
Main trading partners
Bratislava (capital) 425,000 Languages: Slovak, Hungarian Share of total trade to world 2007 (%) Exports Imports
Kosice 235,000 Population: 5.4m (end-2006)
Presov 92,000 Currency: Slovak Crown (Sk)
Nitra 86,000 Exchange rate: Germany
Zilina 85,000 2007 average Sk24.679=US$1 Czech Rep
Banska Bystrica 82,000 Latest figure Sk19.001=US$1
Sovereign credit rating
Moody A1 Fitch IBCA A+ Standard and Poor’s A
Sources: EBRD; EIU; IMF 0 5 10 15 20 25


It can pay to
be small when
a crisis comes
BANKING workers from other regions,”
says Dusan Dvorak, spokesman
The credit crunch has for South Korea’s Kia, which
had a limited impact, recently opened a car factory
near the north-western city.
writes Jan Cienski With a loan-to-GDP ratio of
about 40 per cent, much lower
In business it sometimes pays to than in western Europe, Slovak
be small, out of the way and a bit banks can continue to expand
behind the times. Or so Slova- their lending. Despite tougher
kia’s banks are finding, when scrutiny, mortgage loans last
they survey the damage the year grew 17 per cent at Sloven-
credit crunch has wrought in the ska Sporitelna, the country’s
US and parts of western Europe. largest bank, with about a third
“The impact of the credit of the lending market. At Tatra,
crunch here has been fairly lim- mortgage loans more than dou-
ited,” says Marcel Kascak, a bled last year; at VUB they went
board member at Tatra Banka, up by more than 40 per cent.
the Slovak subsidiary of Aus- Despite the increase in loans,
tria’s Raiffeisen. Slovak banks are awash with
Tatra, together with VUB liquidity, with loan-to-deposit
Banka, owned by Italy’s Intesa ratios close to 70 per cent. That
Sanpaulo, and Slovenska means they do not have to tap
Sporitelna, part of Austria’s into international markets.
Erste Bank, form the big three of Adding stability to the system
Slovak banking, controlling 55 is the negligible amount of loans
per cent of the market. denominated in euros and Swiss
The main reason for Slovakia’s francs, which make up a majority
banking buoyancy is that, while of the mortgages in Hungary and
growth is anaemic or even nega- Poland. Banks have been reluc-
tive in many developed econo- tant to take on that kind of cur-
mies, Slovakia’s economy rency risk, due in large part to
expanded by 10.4 per cent in 2007 the country’s commitment to join
and is expected to grow by 7.7 the euro by next year.
per cent this year. “Interest rates in the Slovak
While the mortgage market has koruna have been stable and
developed rapidly, lending is still acceptable, so there has been no
mainly to urban middle class and
upper middle class professionals,
people whose salaries are rising ‘Interest rates in the
rapidly and who are unlikely to koruna have been
have trouble repaying their
loans. Non-performing loans are stable and acceptable,
More than face value: Slovakia has beaten most of its former Soviet neighbours to the eurozone François Lenoir/Reuters below 1 per cent at Tatra, says
Mr Kascak.
so there has been no
interest in exotic

The tiger that beat the odds

Ignacio Jaquotot, chief execu-
tive of VUB, says that the NPL
ratio at his bank was closer to 35
foreign currencies’
per cent eight years ago, before it
came under foreign ownership. It
is now just over 1 per cent. interest in exotic foreign curren-
Slovakia’s banking sector, cies,” says Mr Jaquotot.
ECONOMY Slovakia’s admission was Despite his occasionally popu- strides during a very benign eco- The most obvious problem is 92 per cent of which is in foreign Joining the common currency
grudging, with the European list pronouncements, Mr Fico nomic environment, when Ger- the over-stretched labour market, hands, has also been very con- may end up having a larger
The eurozone may Central Bank worried about its insists that he will not let spend- many was growing strongly and particularly in the booming west servative. The loan-to-value ratio impact on Slovakia’s banks than
beckon, but inflation fitness for the euro, stressing
that it had “considerable con-
ing rip – even once his country is
safely a member of the euro –
foreign investment poured into
the country – last year FDI came
of the country.
“It’s really difficult to find
for most mortgage loans rarely
exceeds 70 per cent, less than in
the turmoil unleashed by crisis
in the US housing market. One
remains a concern, cern” over the country’s ability and that he is committed to the to $2.1bn, or 2.8 per cent of GDP. workers,” says Martin Pytlik, a countries such as Poland, where area where banks will take a hit
writes Jan Cienski to restrain inflation.
For Mr Fico, in many ways,
goal of reducing the structural
deficit to 0.9 per cent of GDP by
The economic situation is very
different now, with food and
board member of Tatra Banka.
“We’re having trouble finding IT
100 per cent and even higher
loans are increasingly common.
is in foreign exchange transac-
tions, which will shrink rapidly.
getting into the euro was the 2010. energy prices soaring, and and risk management specialists Foreign expertise has also made “A substantial part of our

lovakia joins the eurozone easy part. Most of the heavy lift- “We will continue the consoli- growth in western Europe slow- and they are becoming very local banks more stable. profit in corporate business
next year, becoming only ing had been done by his prede- dation of public finances,” he ing. That spells potential trouble expensive.” The Austrian and Italian banks comes from FX transactions,”
the second ex-communist cessor, Mikulas Dzurinda, who says, adding that wage increases for one of Europe’s most open Slovakia’s national unemploy- that dominate in Slovakia stuck says Martin Pytlik, another Tatra
country to do so – an undertook radical reforms that will be limited to increases in economies, but so far the govern- ment rate is 7.4 per cent, but that closer to the traditional business board member. “It used to be a
achievement many thought turned Slovakia into a European ment has no plans for any kind conceals enormous regional dis- of taking deposits and making big advantage for us, but now it
unlikely and one that continues tiger. But the reforms, combined of deeper economic reforms. parities. About 200,000 Slovaks loans instead of investing in will become a disadvantage,
to elude its former Soviet-bloc with corruption scandals and The European Central When pressed, Jan Pociatek, have left to work abroad. exotic US securities, which has which we will have to deal with.”
neighbours. chaos in the governing coalition, Bank has expressed the finance minister, pauses and “People with high potential spared them the worst after- Regina Ovesny-Straka, the
The government of Robert so disenchanted voters that they lists a series of measures he calls have left the country and we effects of the subprime crisis. chief executive of Slovenska
Fico, the prime minister, regards replaced Mr Dzurinda’s centre- ‘considerable concern’ “small things” such as centralis- really miss them,” says Peter Unlike in neighbouring Poland, Sporitelna, agrees that euro
euro entry as its signal accom-
plishment and a rebuke to those
right government with Mr Fico
and his left-wing populists.
over the country’s ing procurement and merging
the customs and tax offices.
Hajas, CEO of Sario, the Slovak
investment agency.
where the real-estate market is
softening, in part because of an
adoption is likely to have a nega-
tive effect on local banks’ profits.
who warned two years ago that All Mr Fico had to do was not ability to restrain Most of Mr Pociatek’s efforts Finally, there is the country’s earlier influx of speculative capi- Joining the common currency
the coalition created by his Smer up-end the reforms, as he had seem aimed at ensuring that greatest success but also its tal from foreign investors, apart- could lead to large corporations
party with smaller xenophobic promised during the election
inflation prices do not surge too high next greatest risk – the car industry. ment prices in Bratislava, which handing all their banking to a
and populist parties would lead campaign. That he accomplished. year, when the euro is intro- Cars account for about a third of is too small to attract much out- single large European bank,
to economic disaster. “We haven’t witnessed a major productivity, which last year was duced. He is setting up a special exports. But if the current eco- side interest, remain firm. pushing local banks out.
“In 2006 many politicians, reversal of reforms as had been 7 per cent. committee that will compare nomic turmoil and high fuel They are expected to rise by “It is not our target to be a
many analysts, many people, suggested before the election,” Hoping to stifle the inflation prices in Slovakia and neighbour- prices cause a fall in European about 20 per cent this year and leading European bank for large
believed that my government says Jan Toth, chief economist that is a natural result of a fast- ing countries, with the power to auto sales, the impact on Slova- by about 10 per cent next year, corporate clients,” says Ms
would be very bad for the coun- for ING bank in Slovakia. growing economy catching up intervene, while Mr Fico warns kia could be big. according to Colliers, the real- Ovesny-Straka. “We are a retail
try, for the economy, for every- The result is an economy with more developed partners, retail chains not to take advan- “We are nervous that a huge estate company. bank that also serves SMEs.”
thing,” says Mr Fico. “But the which grew at 10.4 per cent and Slovakia argued for and received tage of the currency change. proportion of investments are in Real-estate prices are also At Tatra Banka, executives
fact is that, in 2008, we have the which is expected to expand by a very strong final conversion “We will try to fight specula- car production,” says Mr Fico. climbing outside Bratislava, have already studied the impact
highest economic growth in the 7.5 per cent this year. That rate – 30.126 korunas to the euro tive movements,” says Mr Poci- For a small, export-oriented thanks in large part to new car of euro adoption in such coun-
European Union, we have control growth has unleashed higher – which made exporters wince atek. economy, the coming years could factories and other foreign tries as Portugal and Slovenia.
over inflation, there are only pos- inflation, at an annualised 4.6 per but pleased voters and should That approach may please Mr be difficult, but Slovakia has investments in western Slovakia. “We will have to focus on the
itive trends. The introduction of cent in June, but the government keep inflation under control for Fico’s voters, but may not be already beaten the odds by “Apartment prices have soared retail business and small and
the euro is another success of remains confident that it will not the next couple of years. enough to ensure Slovakia’s con- becoming one of Europe’s most in Zilina over the past few years. medium enterprises,” says Mr
this government.” spin out of control. Slovakia made its biggest tinued rapid development. striking success stories. It’s making it difficult to pull in Kascak.

Leftwing populist surprises critics

and emerges as a wily survivor
POLITICS Two years ago, when Robert by Mikulas Dzurinda, the limited Mr Fico’s ability to thing significant,” says Vil-
Fico cobbled together an former prime minister who do much to swerve Slovakia iam Patoprsty, chief econo-
Jan Cienski unlikely coalition with a introduced a 19 per cent from the path it had been set mist with UniCredit in
profiles Robert xenophobe and a former
authoritarian, his election
flat tax, privatised most
state-controlled companies,
on by Mr Dzurinda.
“It hasn’t been very easy”
He adds: “They haven’t
Fico, the successful victory was greeted with a reformed the healthcare and to introduce social pro- done anything to change Slo-
prime minister shudder by the rest of
Europe and by fear from
pension systems, and ended
Slovakia’s international
grammes while keeping
spending under control,
vakia’s reputation as a busi-
ness-friendly country or
businesspeople and econo- isolation by leading it into admits Mr Fico. He avers destabilise the economy.”
mists, who worried he would Nato and the EU. that his is a social-demo- Despite a lack of follow-
junk the reforms that had But Mr Dzurinda’s frac- cratic government that through, Mr Fico remains
made Slovakia a star per- tious coalition, the arro- always keeps in mind ordi- enormously popular, a testa-
former. gance of many of its leaders, nary people. ment to both his political
Today, Mr Fico is at the and the constant drip of cor- skills and to the divided
helm of a country enjoying ruption allegations around opposition.
the fastest growth in Europe, the government combined ‘They are playing His abilities were demon-
Contributors his Smer party is no longer with reform fatigue to with the image of strated this year when the
Jan Cienski shunned in the European prompt voters to hand power opposition joined forces to
Warsaw and Prague parliament, he is by far the to Mr Fico, a lawyer and being a leftist try to block a controversial
Bureau Chief country’s most popular poli-
tician, and Slovakia is
nationalist who joined the
Communist party shortly
government media bill by threatening to
prevent the ratification of
Tom Nicholson
FT Contributor months away from becoming before the collapse of the without doing the Lisbon treaty reforming
the second ex-communist Soviet bloc. the functioning of the EU.
Rohit Jaggi country to adopt the euro, Mr Fico’s earliest weeks in
anything significant’ Despite the media bill
Commissioning Editor after Slovenia. power seemed to confirm the coming under fire from
“Compare 2006 and 2008 worst fears of the sceptics, Instead of reversing most many quarters across
Steven Bird and what was said about my when he questioned the reforms, Mr Fico resorted to Europe, Mr Fico was able to
Designer government, that we are a timetable of joining the euro revolutionary populist slo- pose as a defender of the EU.
catastrophe,” says Mr Fico, by 2009, causing the koruna gans followed by incremen- He ended up splitting the
Annabel Cook
sitting at a conference table to lurch downwards on cur- tal changes in unpopular opposition by luring away
Katie Carnie
Picture Editors in the government building rency markets. programmes, such as ending an ethnic Hungarian party,
in downtown Bratislava. However, a meeting with small user fees for accessing and both passing the media
For advertising details, “Are we? Today, Slovakia central bank governor Ivan the healthcare system. law and getting the Lisbon
contact: Regina Gill on is seen as a success story. I Sramko prompted Mr Fico to He has also flailed away at treaty ratified.
+49 69 156 85 161, Fax + understand why the opposi- temper his comments and popular targets such as the “Fico played it brilliantly.
43 69 596 44 78, email: tion is so nervous,” he says. reconfirm the earlier com- media, greedy retail chains He is really the best politi-, or your During the 2006 election mitment to adopt the euro as and energy companies. cian in the country,” says a
usual Financial Times campaign, Mr Fico ran soon as possible. “They are playing with the foreign diplomat. “The oppo-
representative strongly against the eco- The straitjacket imposed image of being a leftist gov- sition is nowhere while Fico
nomic reforms championed by the Maastricht criteria ernment without doing any- rules all he surveys.” Popular: Robert Fico has maintained his leftist image Peter Zakovic


Transformed by deferred gratification High­f lier hit


Tom Nicholson
the furniture in this room,”
he says, patting the olive-
green nap on a boardroom
The key to rebuilding the
business was membership of
the European Union in 2004.
pany would have got that
contract,” Mr Smatlik says.
“It was a real breakthrough,
renewed investment in elec-
tricity grids worldwide due
to high oil prices.
by turbulence
still confident
chair. “All originals from the After that, European clients and allowed us to take big Paul Greeman, an invest-
on a company that time of communism. A lot of
companies go out and buy
who had spurned non-EU
producers came knocking.
steps forward. We can now
win other customers such as
ment banking specialist
based in Slovakia since 1991,
values modesty new carpets as soon as they “When we approached the MTU because we offer a believes BEZ is reaping the
open, but it’s better to be Austrian power company whole portfolio.” benefits of the foresight it
humble and invest all your EVN in 1997, they wouldn’t Apart from its Czech and showed in the ETD deal.
The headquarters of the BEZ assets in your future.” even talk to us,” says Mr Russian clientele, BEZ also “They’ve put together and SKYEUROPE now very large,” says Mr
Group, a transformer maker, Mr Smatlik and his part- Smatlik. “But in 2004, they executed a long-term strat- Bitter, predicting that Sky-
could use more than a lick of ners bought BEZ for about came themselves. They told egy of anticipating what is The plucky low­cost Europe will finally turn a
’My dream was to
paint. The executive parking $500,000 in 1996 during Slova- us that, while we were out- going to happen in the mar- airline is changing profit next year.
lot is a patchwork of cracked kia’s wild privatisation era, side the EU, we were not take a communist ket and positioning them-
its flight plan by
The scramble to profitabil-
asphalt, while the main when many new owners reliable partners for them. selves for it,” he argues. ity will not be easy. Ryanair
office building, a stodgy were only interested in mak- Today we supply two Aus- dinosaur and turn “They haven’t gone for the slashing costs, is fighting hard in Prague,
communist low-rise on the
outskirts of the Slovak capi-
ing a quick buck.
“A lot of them figured that Humble: Juraj Smatlik
trian energy companies.”
In that same year BEZ
it into a company easy money and cashed out,
but instead made some reports Jan Cienski
and in Bratislava it carried
almost as many passengers
tal, advertises space for rent. the first thing to do when made a crucial acquisition, that could compete strong capital investments as SkyEurope. For the
Inside, the furniture and fit- they got their hands on a factory was only operating buying Skoda Plzen’s former and built themselves into a SkyEurope, once one of Slo- moment SkyEurope’s base in
tings date back to the 1970s. factory was suck all the four days a week, having transformer division, ETD
in foreign markets’ regional winner.” vakia’s high-fliers and an expensive Vienna allows it
Not what you might money out of it, sell the lost most of its customers Transformatory, giving it a So is it finally time for example of plucky central to compete against high-cost
expect from a fast-growing, assets and go buy a yacht. with the break-up of the wider product range. supplies European energy BEZ to buy some new furni- European entrepreneurship, Austrian Airlines.
export-based company that But my dream was to take a Soviet bloc and then Czecho- The ETD acquisition was giants such as Germany’s ture? Not yet. “The entire is in deep trouble and trying “In Vienna we have east
saw sales jump 55 per cent communist dinosaur that slovakia in 1993. The new crucial in winning a €6.5m E.on and RWE, while indus- business success of the to restructure itself and European costs but west
last year to almost €57m. was stuck in its tracks and owners cut the workforce contract in 2005 from MTU trial clients include Anglo-Saxon culture is based change its business model European revenues,” says
But for Juraj Smatlik, the turn it into a company that from 650 to 230, and opened Friedrichshafen, part of the Volkswagen and Siemens. on the principle of deferred while being buffeted by soar- Mr Bitter, adding that the
chairman, modesty is a could compete in foreign offices in the Czech Republic DaimlerChrysler Group. “If The company, which gratification,” says Mr Smat- ing fuel prices and a likely airline also has the advan-
cardinal corporate virtue. markets,” he says. and Russia to recover its we hadn’t bought the Skoda exports 90 per cent of its pro- lik. “We did the same thing, shake-out among European tage of operating out of one
“Look at my office, look at When he bought it, the traditional markets. Plzen division, neither com- duction, is benefiting from and we’re still doing it.” airlines. of Europe’s fastest-growing
SkyEurope was one of the countries, and plans to focus
first airlines to see the on offering a friendlier
potential in central Europe- service than its Irish rival
ans flying west once the Ryanair.

region was admitted to the Smiles may not be enough
European Union in 2004. It of a draw in a tight-fisted
exploded from having a region, says Aleksander
single 30-seat Embraer jet in Domaradzki, transportation
2002 into being an airline analyst with DGL Polska, a
offering flights from bases consultancy. “Money is still

reaches top
throughout the region. a driver in the region. Would
Other airlines also piled in you pay more to have some-
but, while passenger num- one smile at you? I
bers are rising, profits have wouldn’t.”
been hard to find, especially Despite the changes, Sky-
for the local start-ups. Air Europe remains financially

speed in
Polonia, an early Polish low- constrained, reporting cash
cost carrier, went bust; Cen- of only €13m at end of the
tral Wings, an affiliate of first quarter of this year.
state-owned Lot Polish Air- “Our liquidity is not the
lines, is losing money; and strongest,” admits Mr Bitter,
SkyEurope has never been who cut his low-cost teeth at

auto sector
in the black. airlines like India’s Spicejet
SkyEurope’s growth, while and the now bankrupt
fast, was also increasingly V Bird of the Netherlands.
chaotic. Its schedule became SkyEurope’s failure to
so confusing that even the earn money during the
company’s CFO was previous fat years could
stranded in London after leave it vulnerable during an
MOTOR INDUSTRY Kia was drawn to the area in missing his flight because he
part because of the cheaper work- had not figured out when his
Rapid expansion and force – car workers earn about a own airline was flying.
state­of­the­art factories fifth of the salaries of their Ger-
man counterparts. But more impor-
With fuel prices starting
their steep increase last
cannot conceal growing tant was Slovakia’s close ties to year, it became increasingly
labour shortages, the export-oriented auto industry
in the rest of central Europe – a
clear that SkyEurope’s
growth was unsustainable.
reports Jan Cienski cluster that runs from southern Losses were €24m last year,
Poland to northern Hungary and and cash was dwindling. ‘Would you pay

tanding on the factory floor includes the western Czech Repub- The danger prompted York more to have
of the new Kia car factory lic. In Kia’s case, it plans to send Capital Management, the
in north-west Slovakia, a engines to Hyundai’s factory just US-based private equity fund someone smile at
careful scan of the welding
area reveals that the only things
across the border in the Czech
Republic, while taking transmis-
that controls 30 per cent of
SkyEurope’s equity and
you? I wouldn’t’
moving are the bright yellow sions from its sister factory. 90 per cent of the voting
Hyundai robots: there is not a The spine of Slovakia’s car rights, to push aside the Aleksander Domaradzki,
person in sight. industry runs from Bratislava, the company’s two founders last DGL Polska
“Labour costs in Slovakia are capital, in the south, the site of a year, replacing them with
lower, but people seeing the fac- Volkswagen factory, through outsiders who cut their teeth
tory are surprised it is so state-of- Trnava, about 50km to the north, on other low-cost airlines, to era where fuel costs are
the-art,” says In-Kyu Bae, presi- where France’s PSA Peugeot try to save SkyEurope. likely to stay high.
dent and chief executive of Kia in Citroën has a factory, and on to “SkyEurope was a great “The future for every air-
Slovakia, a unit of South Korea’s Zilina, nestled against the Czech story but a lousy business,” line is pretty challenging at
Hyundai. and Polish borders in the says Jason Bitter, the air- the moment and, given the
While hundreds of workers north-west, where Kia’s first cars line’s Irish-Canadian CEO, at data we are seeing from
labour away further down the pro- rolled off the production line in SkyEurope’s new headquar- them, they are in an even
duction line installing equipment late 2006. ters near Bratislava airport. more challenging position
on Cee’d, Sportage and other mod- The country has the highest per- “We were brought in by the that other airlines,” says
els that roll down the single pro- capita car production in the world, supervisory board with the Andrew Lobbenberg, an air-
duction line, the empty welding with about 106 cars made for every mandate of turning this com- line analyst with ABN
floor is a sign that the low-cost 1,000 Slovaks; cars make up about pany around and turning it Amro. “Companies with
labour that helped drive Slovakia’s a third of exports. into a real business.” plenty of cash will survive –
car miracle may be beginning to The sector’s weight is certain to Built by robots: Kia’s plant near Zilina risks a shortage of humans Bloomberg Their first step was to that, in the short term, is
run dry. grow. Last year, the big three car chop the airline’s network, more important than the
The Kia factory currently runs factories produced 572,000 units, Republic were admitted to Nato ing a key part of the economy as pulling out of Hungary and quality of the business
two shifts. To staff the first shift, it almost double production in 2006. and the EU. well. Mr Tostmann says that, as of Poland to focus on hubs in model.”
set up a bus line to transport work- This year production is expected to But the economic reforms of the last year, Slovakia-based suppliers Bratislava, Vienna and Michael O’Leary, Rya-
ers from nearby Zilina. For the sec- be about 675,000 before reaching previous centre-right government for the first time outpaced those Prague, while laying off nair’s famously frank CEO,
ond shift, it built up a bus network full capacity of close to 1m by 2009, of Mikulas Dzurinda and Slovakia’s from Germany, sending him €1.8bn workers and slashing costs. predicted in a recent confer-
to ferry workers in from as far as says Lubos Vanco, managing part- 2004 entry into the EU alleviated in components while €1.7bn were The schedule was revamped ence call that only the profit-
100km away. If a third shift is ner in Slovakia for KPMG, the those fears, prompting PSA and sourced from Germany. to become more predictable able low costs such as his
started, there could be real diffi- consultancy. then Kia to build their factories. With both car factories and sup- and to increase flight fre- own and easyJet have any
culty finding labour. Slovakia was a late starter in the In addition to cheaper workers, pliers vacuuming up much of the quency to popular destina- hope of surviving the com-
“It is not easy to find workers,” region, with only Volkswagen tak- the Slovak government was much labour force, expansion of the car tions. ing downturn. “Loss-making
says Mr Bae, who spends his spare ing the plunge and investing in more aggressive than its neigh- sector is doubtful. Like Mr Bae, Mr The airline flies 14 modern low-fare airlines, which are
minutes tending the lush flowers 1991, before the break-up of Czech- bours in wooing carmakers. The Tostmann brings in workers from Boeing 737-700 NG airliners, just high-cost airlines, will
planted along walkways joining oslovakia. government also promised to up to 100km away, and the unem- giving it one of the youngest go bust.”
factory buildings. He is so keen to “We found good skills and upgrade Slovakia’s rickety infra- ployment in Bratislava is even fleets in the business and But Mr Bitter remains con-
make the point that he switches trained workers. Czechoslovakia structure, pledging to build a high- lower than in Zilina. one which is more fuel effi- fident the turnaround began
into English from his native was a country with a tradition of way from Bratislava to Zilina by For now, workers are much cient than many of its rivals. in time to save SkyEurope.
Korean to stress the issue. “Unem- making cars,” says Andreas Tost- 2006. cheaper than in western Europe, As a result, SkyEurope “If we had last year’s cost
ployment is too low in this area.” mann, chairman of Volkswagen The country has Currently, the highway peters and their productivity, when given recorded a 17.7 per cent base with this year’s fuel
It is a problem facing Slovakia’s Slovakia. the highest per­capita out in the hills just outside Zilina, the same equipment, is compara- reduction in costs in the first price I don’t know if we’d be
other carmakers as well. Other carmakers held back, creating massive traffic jams lead- ble. However, pay is also rising half of this fiscal year, sitting here right now,” he
“Each plant requires a lot of scared off by the populist govern- car production in the ing into the city and headaches for steadily – Mr Bae says he is raising despite a 42 per cent says.
labour. You’ve got to find it, train
it and then retain it,” says Peter
ments of Vladimir Meciar in the
1990s and by the fear that Slovakia
world, with about the suppliers who followed Kia to
Slovakia, but the government
salaries by about 9 per cent a year.
“I think the car industry has
increase in fuel prices,
making it one of the few air-
“Now we are in the right
market with the right cost
Cooke, professor of automotive would be left on the periphery of 106 cars made for promises to have the highway com- probably reached its potential in lines without a fuel hedge base. We just have to get the
management at Britain’s Bucking- Europe while neighbours such as pleted by 2010. terms of assembly plants,” says Mr to report a decrease in costs. revenues and then we’re
ham University. Poland, Hungary and the Czech
every 1,000 Slovaks Those parts suppliers are becom- Cooke. “Our cost advantage is there.”

Need for more development meets picturesque town

REAL ESTATE Bratislava, whose population company was issued the nec- a local real estate boom. The consultant Laurie Farmer. ble to those in the Czech ting new standards of con-
is expected to double over essary permits by the previ- price of housing in Bratisl- The boom is not confined and Hungarian capitals, as is duct in the rough-and-tum-
Strong growth is the next two decades, is ous mayor, but is now in ava has doubled over the to residential real estate. the local 9 per cent office ble real estate market.
leading to some sprawling in every direction,
and picturesque Devin is too
talks with Ms Kolkova to
find a consensus with the
past five years on the
strength of the country’s EU
Opinions vary as to
whether Bratislava already
vacancy rate.
If there is a chill in the
Ms Kolkova, after all, was
able to appeal to Skanska’s
tensions, reports inviting a destination to current administration. membership and its eco- has too many office projects Slovak real estate market, it code of conduct and its
Tom Nicholson escape notice.
Swedish international
“We haven’t put a spade in
the ground there, even
nomic prospects. Prices are
expected to rise as much as
in the pipeline, but Mr
Farmer argues that develop-
is coming from banks, which
have grown skittish follow-
commitment to avoiding
“unacceptable environmen-
developer Skanska is plan- though we have our permits 20 per cent this year, after 25 ers would have no trouble ing the US mortgage crisis. tal and social risks” in call-
In rustic Devin, a village of ning 23 low-rise apartment and are entitled to get on per cent growth in 2007. filling new buildings for at Developers now need as ing on the company to com-
1,000 at the confluence of the buildings on a slope over- with it,” says Noel Morrin, Migrant workers continue least the next three years. much as 40 per cent equity promise.
Danube and Morava rivers, looking the town. The senior vice-president for sus- to flock to the capital from “Demand is as strong now just to get in the door, com- “Our code of conduct is
fishermen are a common project will double Devin’s tainability at Skanska’s the east of the country, as it’s ever been,” he says. pared with 10 per cent cash just as applicable in Bratisl-
sight even on weekday population, and according to headquarters in Sweden. where unemployment is “If you need 2,000 metres of two years ago, and their ava as anywhere else in the
mornings, keeping a sleepy Lubica Kolkova, the mayor, “But we recognise that among the highest in office space right now, records are also being exam- world,” says Mr Morrin.
vigil over much-used rods. will clash with the local Devin has a cultural impor- Europe, while wealthier where are you going to rent ined more closely. “Property development is
These hunched figures are architecture, environment tance within Bratislava and Bratislavans exchange apart- Foreign developers it? The space just doesn’t This is weeding out potentially messy every-
as much a part of Devin as and way of life. “If it goes Slovakia, and we’re in dis- ments in communist-built may be setting exist.” weaker local companies and where, not just in Slovakia.
its castle, first mentioned in ahead, this place will never cussion with them about tenements for family houses Bratislava has 800,000 forcing others into joint However, we are willing to
10th century chronicles, and be the same,” she says. what we build and how we in nearby towns. new standards of metres of office space, about ventures with international talk about how we adapt or
now a gaunt ruin guarding
the frontier with Austria and
For Skanska, local resist-
ance being fanned by Ms
build it.”
It is a process that will
“Bratislava will grow to
1m, so until you create the
conduct in the a third of what is on offer in
Prague and a quarter of that
developers such as Holland’s
Rodamco and Ireland’s Quin-
adjust what we are permit-
ted to build so that the local
the Czech Republic. Kolkova is part of the chal- inevitably be repeated in necessary housing for those rough­and­tumble in Budapest, but local lan. community feels more com-
But the pace of life in lenge of doing business in towns and villages around people, prices aren’t going monthly rents of €10-€20 per The presence of foreign fortable with it, within eco-
Devin is accelerating: nearby transitional economies. The the Slovak capital, driven by down,” says real estate
real estate market metre are roughly compara- developers may also be set- nomic reason.”


Selling the idea that small is beautiful

TOURISM only find five-star quality in
Tom Nicholson on Kempinski’s other five-star
efforts to market project in Slovakia, the Grand
Hotel in the High Tatra resort
a ‘cute’ destination town of Strbske Pleso, will open
this autumn.
The chain is partnering

eorge W. Bush once got with J&T, a Bratislava-based
Slovakia and Slovenia capital group, which is develop-
mixed up. Infamy, in ing ski runs and four hotels in
the two capitals Bratisl- the mountains as part of a €250m
ava and Ljubljana, but under- project that should be finished by
standable elsewhere in the world, 2011.
where these two benign, pretty “The High Tatras offer very
countries must compete for a good recreational facilities and
place on the tourist map. beautiful mountains and lakes,
The Slovak capital (pop. but it’s a niche destination and
450,000), while immeasurably needs to be promoted more
more attractive than when the worldwide,” says Mr Zeuke, add-
communists handed it over in ing that Kempinski would use its
1989, is merely “cute” by compar- own channels to “bring a new
ison with nearby Prague, Buda- customer mix to the High Tatras
pest and Vienna. from countries such as the US,
The High Tatra mountains, Russia and Germany”.
while scenic, stretch for J&T founder and partner
barely 50 kilometers; the highest Patrik Tkac says that the small
peak, Gerlach, is fully 2,000 size of the mountains, and their
metres short of Mont Blanc. And
so on.
Small wonder, then, that after ‘Bratislava has a
a blip following Slovakia’s EU problem. There are
entry in 2004, when investors and
curious Europeans came to take too few rooms on the
a look at one of the Union’s new-
est members, tourism figures
market and it doesn’t
dipped in 2007. have as much to offer
In the first quarter of 2008,
Bratislava hotels had an
as Vienna or Prague’
average occupancy rate of
57.1 per cent, according to a proximity to the airport at
study by Deloitte, the consul- Poprad that has regular flights
tancy, well below the EU average from London, increases their
of 62.7 per cent. attractiveness for travellers look-
“It’s clear that Bratislava has a ing for convenience.
problem,” says Tomas Hasala, “You can sell the Tatras,” he
owner of the Limba travel says. “Nowhere in Europe is
agency, which books Slovak holi- there a lowland airport so close
days for foreigners. to a mountain chain. You can be
“There are too few rooms on at your hotel in 15 minutes,
the market, which means that whereas in the Alps you may
hotel prices are at least 30 per have to drive for an hour or
cent too high, on a level more. Our plan is to rebuild the
with Vienna or Prague. But Tatras, or perhaps to reclaim
Bratislava, while it has a lot them from the ashes.”
of potential, doesn’t have as Peak performers: Koncista and Gerlach, the high points of the High Tatra mountains that are Slovakia’s secret tourism weapon Alamy Images But whether they’re selling a
much to offer as Vienna or mountain getaway or a city stop-
Prague.” owns two luxury restaurants So what can be done? For Mr from neighbouring countries before opening an office in “With the Kempinski River over, pitching to a Polish back-
And with tourists starting to in Bratislava’s Old Town with Hasala, part of the problem is such as Poland and the Czech Paris.” Park in Bratislava, as of next packer or a Parisian jetsetter,
give Bratislava hotels a miss, his wife, says that he has already solving itself, as more Republic. Meanwhile, the opening of summer we will get business tourism professionals agree on
preferring to visit Slovakia on begun thinking up excuses when than a dozen hotels are either “Slovak tourism officials several five-star hotels in Slova- travellers back to the Slovak one thing – little help can be
daytrips from Vienna or Buda- guests ask why the streets are so under construction or on the have always dreamed of attract- kia, including two by the Kem- capital,” says Konstantin Zeuke, expected from politicians, at
pest instead, others further empty. books, which will inevitably cut ing visitors from Germany, pinski chain, promises to attract Kempinski’s boss in Slovakia. home or abroad.
down the hospitality food chain “I tell them Slovaks tend to go room prices and make the city France and other western more affluent visitors across the “They will no longer have to “We don’t want government
are starting to feel the pinch as away on the weekend,” he says. more competitive. countries, but they should border who, until now, have been travel back and forth from support,” says Mr Tkac. “It’s
well. “The reality is that there just “We also have to realise that make sure they have branches lodging in Vienna, only 60km to Vienna to Bratislava during enough if they don’t do anything
Charles Sebesta, a Briton who aren’t enough people visiting.” most tourists come to Slovakia in every Polish regional city the west. the week because they can to hinder us.”

Main challenges are inflation

and competitiveness
euro was a unique
Guest Column experience for both Slovakia
MARTIN BARTO and European authorities.
The country had a floating
exchange rate regime while
The road that led Slovakia rapidly converging with the
to the euro began more rest of the EU, which was a
than five years ago, when unique situation.
the Slovak government Discussions of whether
approved the first important the permanent
document regarding the strengthening of the koruna
adoption of the European was in line with the ERM II
Union’s common currency. requirement of its
On July 16 2003 Ivan movement around the
Miklos, the then finance central parity, how the
minister, and Marian Jusko, trend appreciation of the
national bank governor, koruna influenced the
submitted the strategy for economy and especially the
adopting the euro to the issue of inflation and how
government. the Slovak economy might
This document analysed operate with the fixed
the position of the small exchange rate regime were
open Slovak economy, detailed, extensive and very
described the steps useful.
necessary to fulfil the They also might give a
conditions and contained a view on how similar
joint statement of candidate countries will be
government and central judged in the future. This
bank to make efforts to made Slovakia a pioneer for
adopt the euro by 2008 or central and eastern Europe.
2009. Its pioneer role has not
It is now clear that after Martin Barto: Slovakia will be closely watched ended; the country will be
five-and-a-half years, this closely watched once it
project will be successfully Rate Mechanism II on slower growth, a rising joins the euro zone. The
completed. November 28, 2005. public deficit, high inflation, most interesting questions
The main factors behind The successful and a volatile currency are how it will live without
this achievement are the participation of the koruna leading to stagnation. a monetary policy and how
economic reforms within this mechanism was In March 2007, the central it will tackle inflation
introduced by the also a necessary rate of the koruna in the without currency
government of Mikulas prerequisite for adopting ERM II was revalued by 8.5 appreciation.
Dzurinda between 2002 and the euro, since with that per cent and in May 2008 by The government of Robert
2006, particularly in public step the central bank another 17.65 per cent. This Fico has to continue a
finance, taxation, labour essentially lost its exchange was the first such sustainable and credible
market, social policy, and rate tool. behaviour of a currency fiscal consolidation, even
the pension system. ERM II accession was within the ERM II. beyond a balanced budget.
The reforms triggered earlier than expected, but Labour market flexibility
unprecedented GDP growth that proved crucial when a has to improve, including
due to a strong inflow of crisis developed in February Reforms of health tackling labour mobility
foreign investment and 2006, resulting in early care and education, and high structural
significant increases in elections and a change of unemployment.
productivity. government. especially the Wage growth should not
The positive impact of
reforms peaked in 2006-07,
After a lesson
administered by financial
country’s research outpace labour productivity
growth. This could be a
creating a window of markets in June and July capacities, are problem in some professions
opportunity to fulfil the 2006, the new government and some regions.
most difficult Maastricht of Robert Fico, the prime
needed Liberalisation of the
criteria on inflation and the minister, decided to economy should continue
public finance deficit in a continue with the euro The double revaluation alongside efforts to enhance
sustainable manner. adoption strategy set by its was the result of the competitiveness. To use all
The 2009 entry date was predecessors. exceptional economic and opportunities brought by
set in September 2004 after Mr Fico’s government of labour productivity growth the euro, Slovakia should
it had been decided the left-wing social democrats of the swiftly converging also focus on further
costs of pension reform went on with – what was Slovak economy. reforms in healthcare and
must be included in the for them – a painful In May 2008, the the education system, as
public sector deficit. continued consolidation of European Commission well as developing currently
In July 2005, the public finances and set a concluded that Slovakia met undersized and inadequate
government adopted a plan for a balanced budget all the criteria to join the research capacities.
changeover plan. by 2011. euro and finally the Council
The next important step The alternative scenario gave the green light for Martin Barto is deputy
was when the Slovak of not moving towards the adoption on January 1 2009. governor of the Slovak
koruna joined the Exchange euro would have resulted in The Slovak road to the National Bank.

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