Hlth-Reflection Paper

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Porter Treanor

Paul Roberts


4 April 2018

A Reflection and My Thoughts

Health has been an interest for me recently, since I started rock climbing and wanting to

be in good shape and feeling good. Before this class I really wasn’t sure about healthy eating and

nutrition about a human’s body. Here are some reasons why I believe that your Health and

Nutrition class helped me become well, healthier.

Before your class I would find things on the internet and Facebook about eating healthy

and what’s good or not good for you. I would believe most of the things being said because the

video or source seemed credible and sensical. I learned that, especially with health, lots of people

make claims and statements that aren’t necessarily true. This class supported in where I would

invest my energy towards looking at health facts and advice. By using the material in class, I try

to apply it in the real world with checking for nutrients in foods and whether something makes

sense, such as something as basic as calorie intake and energy output. It has helped me look

more skeptically at things that are being told to me about health. Not just skeptical but open to

the different ideas that im not sure about and use tools such as the internet and credible sources

to find more information about whatever it is I am being told.

Before I took this class, I was semi invested in my own health and thought that using an

external source of motivation could help push me in the right direction of living and knowing
healthier. I do have some other feedback for the class. Constructively I believe that the if you

were to have some more ways of getting the class to interact during class would be beneficial for

the students to have more investment and interest in the class. Although I know that if someone

doesn’t want to work they most likely will not and that to intrinsically be motivated to ask

questions and to have initiative isn’t always there. It seems more likely than not that most kids

are quiet during classes, and that is a responsibility for both the professor and students. I mean to

be engaged and to show an openness to engagement and the responsibility for that lies on both

the students and professors.

Positively, I also believe that even the basic information that I have gotten from the class

has impacted my diet. It has lead to me making smarter food choices. I think that since I know

just a bit more about basic nutrients I can use this knowledge to one, search for more knowledge

so I can make smarter and more informed choices about my diet and two, to have some sort of

direction on what health is and how I can work towards being healthier. It seems truer now when

people say knowledge is power, but I would probably say that knowledge gives you more power

of making better choices for yourself.

-Thank you for the opportunity and teachings

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