American Civilization E-Portfolio 2

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The title of the book expresses the authors theme quite well.

I think that the theme is

very cool. He said that usually in the past there were subgroups like the working class
and colored people. That they were usually not talked about, but in this book he feels
that he wrote more about all sides. Trying to express the feelings of those who were
I think that his message was that as history is made, we change our ideas and values
of what we think freedom is. I think that this is a large part of this textbooks character,
because the vision of America is one of freedom and liberty. Having this new idea of
freedom in the new world means to search for what that word actually means. In the
beginning of civilization in the new world and throughout the process of growth of the
civilization the idea of freedom was more like ideas of freedom. Everybody had a
different view on what it meant to be free and to have freedom.
Throughout the textbook it expresses how the views and perspectives on freedom
change. First it starts out with religion and closes with civil rights. I think that, that itself
shows how the textbook threads the theme. The view on freedom changes all the time
and is also a very individualistic and diverse yet broad and group oriented idea.
I do agree with the idea that the view on freedom changes throughout time and
change of the civilization. I agree with him because the values among the common
wealth and the rest of the citizen’s change when new technologies are created and
politics are more discussed and less discussed. I wouldn't know what to add to this
textbook, I am not the expert in this field. That might be my alternative interpretation.
-Thank you john

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