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1. Kindly re - route faculty users to home instead of class list page upon logging in to prevent seeing this error in
case a Period is not yet created.

Should show this page instead of the previous one 

2. The following instruction was not yet resolved. This was note was sent the same day we ask for a new copy of
the system.

3. Just noticed that when we set the School Year Date such as in the example below, we can’t register new
students since today’s date is only April 10, 2019. But, in some scenarios, though the start of school day is June,
students might enroll as early as April. But in the system, we cannot do Register students since it is disabled. I
remember, we asks you to disable it before. But we ask it only if there is no new Period sets.

See below screenshot where we can click Register button if the School Year Start Date is set the same month as
We can now access Register Page here

However, that is not the real scenario here. For more information and/or inquiry about this, don’t hesitate to
contact me or Ms. Joyce.
4. Under the Register Page, we noticed that if we decided to edit the student’s information, we cannot change
his/her course/program into another one. Which is in some cases, there are students who sometimes
change/shift courses, like for example, from BSIT into BSBA. We ask you to put an option in the Edit Page where
we can change/update the student’s course.
5. We were testing the student registration form and inputting incomplete information to test its validation and
this happened after I clicked the Submit button.

We don’t want our user to see this kind of page. Also when I checked the database’s content, for the table
students, I find out that it still successfully added as a new information. This should not happen. Please check your
6. I also noticed that you still not updating the Add Student Page. As far as I remember, we requested you to make
changes on it. But, in fairness, you made changes in the Edit Student Page. Please do the same in the Add Student
7. You also not yet change the label for the Requirements. Please see screenshot below for reference.

This is intended
for Transferee
and not for New

8. We can’t enroll student though we already added subjects/courses. See screenshot below.
It’s shown here that there is
no Subjects for the First
Semester for BSIT program.

But we already added subjects in the Subjects Page. See Screenshot on the next page as your reference.

NOTE: We can’t go through with the testing for the REGISTRAR ACCOUNT since we can’t enroll students. This is
also the same with all accounts. Please finish the REGISTER PAGE so we can proceed with the testing.

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