Role Play Script

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Members of group, namely :

1. College Student : Rina
2. College Student : Putri
3. Nurse : Susi
4. Nurse : Sena

(In the living room at radjak group hospital)

Susi : Allright! in accordance with the program contract, today every student is asked to report the
results of the assessment to the patient . Are you ready guys?
All College Student : Yes, I am.
Susi : Shena, do you want to be the first to explain your nursing care report?

Shena : Yes, I do. My client with a medical diagnosis of fracture intertrochanteric. My client also
has a long history of osteoporosis in the femur, tibia and fibula.
Susi : Ok, where is the femur, tibia, and fibula?
Rina : I know it (show the position in question).
Susi : Good. Now I will ask who can review the musculoskeletal system?
Putri : I want to try to answer
Susi : Yes, please.
Putri : The muscular system consists of: Muscle, fascia, tendon

And then, there are three type of muscle tissue, namely:

Next, the skeletal system is formed by 206 bones, which are divided into 2 major parts:
Axial and appendicular. Among others are :
Susi : Great. So, what is the function of the musculoskeletal system?
Rina : Muscle function is an active means of movement, storing food reserves, giving shape to the
outside of the body. Bone function in general, namely:

1. Skeletal formation (determines body shape and size)

2. Formation of joints (movers)
3. Muscle adhesion
4. Support weight
5. Protection (forming cavities protecting soft and soft organs, such as the brain, heart and
6. Haemopoesis (red marrow formation)
7. Immunology function: RES bone marrow forms B lymphocytes and macrophages
8. Mineral storage (calcium & phosphate) and lipids (yellow marrow).
Susi : Don't forget the lesson first. Okay, who is the next case to report?
Putri : I am.
Susi : Ok, please.

Referensi :
Pearce, Evelyn C. Anatomi dan Fisiologis Untuk Para Medis, Cetakan kedua puluh Sembilan.
Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2006.

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