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Stormi Dodd  ● I have been married to my high 

Who Am I?  ●
school sweetheart for 8 years.  
My husband is a Navy Veteran, and 
now full-time student. He graduates 
with his Bachelor of Science in 
Professionally  Kinesiology this summer! 
● I am currently an Autism Teacher- I  ● We have no children… yet! Praying to 
start a family soon. 
teach Kindergarten Autism at a  ○ For now, our 6 dogs are our 
public elementary school.  fur babies! 
● I have 2 best friends that I have 
● I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree  known since preschool and 
in Communication from UC San  kindergarten! 
Diego in 2010, and I obtained my 
Master of Arts degree in Teaching 
with an specialization in Applied 
Behavior Analysis from National 
University in 2013. 
● I am attending APU for a second 
Master’s degree and I also 
completed my Moderate/Severe 
Special Ed teaching credential at 
APU in November 2017. 
● Before teaching I worked in the field 
of Applied Behavior Analysis for 7 
● Ultimately I want to be a Board 
Certified Behavior Analyst
I am definitely a beginner with technology! I 
hope to learn much more through this 
Master’s program!  


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