Batman Paper

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Jake Pieplow

Mr. Anderson

English 1

4 February 2016

Batman’s Gadgets Through the Ages

Imagine someone who lives in darkness trying to be a light.

He strikes fear into the hearts of some, and hope into the

hearts of others. This is exactly the kind of imagination it

took to create Batman. In 1939 DC Comics launched the gadget

filled, crime-fighting superhero who donned the title of The

Batman. However, the materials and gadgets the Dark Knight uses

have significantly evolved since their conception.

According to the official DC Comics website, Batman made

his comic book debut in May of 1939. He was created by Bob Kane.

The first time the Caped Crusader used his utility belt was in

July of the same year. He first used a glass pellet filled with

deadly gas. The famous Batarang premiered two months later along

with the Batplane. These have served as continuous gadgets that

reappear in all variations of the series(DCE Editorial). Since

then he has expanded his arsenal, but yet always keeps a few of

the classic gadgets around.

Along with these classics is none other than the Batarang.

This gadget is a symbol of the hero himself, and is almost as

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iconic as Batman is. The Batarang is a collapsible, boomerang

like weapon cut into the shape of a bat. They’re razor sharp and

can be extremely useful (“Batman’s Utility Belt”). Throughout

the multiple variations and spin-offs of Batman, there are

always a set of Batarangs. In 1946 Batman even created a

Batarang gun in order to fire them long distances (“Batman’s

Weapons and Gadgets”). Throughout time, dealing with new

villains has even caused the Dark Knight to invent different

variations of the weapon.

Some of these variations are used only briefly in their

existence, while others are all around weapons. The explosive

Batarang explodes when it is thrown at a target. The electric

Batarang electrifies its target, and can be useful in shorting

out technology (“Batman’s Utility Belt”). The heated Batarang,

developed for Mr. Freeze, sticks to its target and produces

massive amounts of heat. The magnetic Batarang can be used for

adversaries with metallic armour, this can attach to one enemy,

then pull the rest of them to that position. The remote control

Batarang can be fully controlled by Batman via remote control.

This Batarang has a built in camera that allows the controller

full view of where it’s at. Believe it or not, this is just the

tip of the iceberg when it comes to how many gadgets the

Protector of Gotham keeps handy (“50 Coolest”).

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Batman has seen his fair share of villains in his time, and

each of his villains bears witness to his massive arsenal of

gadgets. Since the early days of his existence, the Dark Knight

has always had the right tools for the job. In fact, In the

1950-1960’s Batman came out with a gliding and climbing line of

gadgets (“Batman’s Weapons and Gadgets”). They were used to help

him climb up tall buildings and glide off them inconspicuously.

The original concepts behind these are still being used today.

These are just one of the many waves of gadgets that Batman has

come out with to help him protect Gotham City.

The Dark Knight uses many other devices throughout his

career to thwart the evils of the world. At his disposal are

many assets that he acquired through his League of Shadows

training. Such as bolas, smoke pellets, gas pellets, and even

the gauntlets on the sides of his arms(“Batman’s Utility

Belt”;”50 Coolest”). The bolas were added to Batman’s arsenal as

early as 1980. These weighted balls with a rope between them can

be thrown at an adversaries feet in order to trip them

(“Batman’s Utility Belt”). Smoke pellets are a useful tool in

keeping out of sight. Gas pellets can help neutralize enemies

before violence can occur (“50 Coolest”). Batman doesn’t only

have lethal weapons, he also incorporates his other strengths

into his gadgets. The detective skills he is so famously known

for have now become essential to his character.

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Since his creation, Batman has been equally as famous for

his detective work as he is for his crime fighting. The original

Batman comic issues were in fact named, “Detective Comics” (DCE

Editorial). Also, with new forensic science technology and

innovations, comes new detective gadgets for the Caped Crusader.

Batman has many different tools that aid him in his detective

work dealing with metahumans, criminals and even

extraterrestrial beings. His cryptographic sequencer enables him

to decode almost any encryption he comes across while searching

for evidence. This is a relatively new piece of equipment. His

bat-tracers, along with the launcher he uses to fire them, are

an important part in following and tracking down criminals.

Also, a handy lock pick always resides in the utility belt

(Batman’s Utility Belt). Batman has a crime scene kit that he

can use to investigate the various crime scenes he encounters.

The kit consists of a high definition camera, fingerprinting

accessories, evidence bags, and forensics software (Batman’s

Weapons and Gadgets). Batman also has his Batcomputer for

further analysis.

Batman’s Batcomputer has been one of his greatest gadgets

throughout history. In its early days it looked like most older

computers did, big and bulky. Early variations and depictions of

the console show many different knobs and switches. These did

many different things such as jam frequencies or track the Dark

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Knight’s whereabouts. However, most recent depictions of the

device are sleek and sophisticated. Such models can be seen in

the 2012 Batman volume The Court of Owls as well as the newer

variations of Batman comics and TV shows.

Batman has been around for over 75 years. Throughout the

ages, he’s adapted to the times. When fighting the dark hearted

criminals of Gotham City, the Dark Knight needs the right tools

for the job. However a question usually arises when people refer

to him. Why make a hero so dark? Why put him in the shadows and

full of fear? The answer is simple. Batman teaches us not to be

afraid of the dark. Because in all that darkness and despair,

there is always a light shining through.

Works Cited

“50 Coolest Batman Gadgets”. Complex. 7 Jan. 2016. Complex. 7

Jan. 2016. <


DCE Editorial.“Batman at 75: Highlights in the Life of the Caped

Crusader”. 22 Jul. 2014. DC Comics. 7 Jan. 2016.

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“Batman’s Utility Belt”. Wikipedia. 2 Feb. 2016. Wikipedia. 2



“Batman’s Weapons and Gadgets.”SuperHeroMultiverse.7 Jan. 2016.

SuperHeroMultiverse 7 Jan. 2016.



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