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Daily Lesson Plan


Lesson: Week: Day : Date:

14 Monday
Time : 7.30a.m.-8.30a.m. Class :1 USAHA Subject : English language

Topic :Unit 1: At School Theme: World of Self, Family & Friends

Pen , rubber , pencil , book , bag , desk , ruler notebook , pencil case
Language Focus
What’s this? It’s a (ruler) / Is it a (ruler)? Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.
Skills Main: Reading Complementary:
Content Standard 3.1-Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge
of sounds
letters language form and style for a
Learning standard 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC) 4.3.2 Spell familiar high frequency words accurately
1) By the end of the lesson all pupils will be able to: read at least 3
classroom object correctly.
2) By the end of the lesson all pupils will be able to: write 3 simple
sentences with guidance .
Success Criteria/ 1) Pupils can tell the name of classroom objects
Can do statements 2) Pupils can show their stationaries
Teaching aids coloured pencils / papers / scissors / glue

CCE : Language HOTS: Analysis

Differentiation Strategies: Task 21 CL : Gallery Walk

Pre Lesson 1. Say what’s Missing ?’

1. Pupils sit or stand in a large circle. Arrange the objects from the pre-lesson
task on a table or on the floor in the middle of the circle. Give each pupil a
word card. Ask them to try to read it silently.
2. Sound out the words (e.g. p-e-n-s-l, b-u-k) on the word cards. As pupils hear
their word, they should put the card by the object in the circle.
3. Feedback by showing the word card for each item and ask pupils to read and
sound out the words together.
4. If pupils need more practice in this area, you could play a game where they
Lesson sound out the word on the card and pass it to their neighbour, who sounds it
Development out and passes it to theirs, and so on around the circle.
5. Pupils sit back in their places. Show pupils your completed wordsearch
example and elicit what it is (if you think pupils are familiar with
wordsearches). If not, work through an example wordsearch with the whole
6. Pupils now create their own wordsearches on the computer in pairs. They use
words from the unit so far. Allow pupils to check the spelling of the words in
the textbook.
7. Pairs print and exchange wordsearches to complete each other’s.
Post Lesson 1. What About You?’

Assessment Task

Reflection: Main Skill

Attendance The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
/ Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.

Complementary Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.

The lesson was carried out successfully.

The lesson was postponed due to meeting/ briefing/CRK/public holidays/school programme.

PBD PBD___________is conducted/not conducted

Daily Lesson Plan

Lesson: Week: Day : Date:

12 Monday
Time : 12.00 p.m.-1.00p.m. Class :2 GIGIH Subject : English language

Topic : UNIT 5 FREE TIME Theme:

Word of Self, Family and Friends

Language Focus
Recycled language: imperatives
Skills Main: Listening Complementary:

Content Standard 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning standard 1.2.3 Understand with a high degree of support very short simple
1.2.4 narratives
Understand short basic supported classroom instructions

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:-

Objectives Listen and do actions to demonstrate meaning in 3 words correctly and 2 simple
sentences with guidance .
Success Criteria/ 3) Pupils can guess the days of the week.
Can do statements 4) Pupils can state the activities shown.
Teaching aids Student book / Workbook / radio

CCE : Language HOTS: Application

Differentiation Strategies: Task 21 CL : I-Think

Pre Lesson 1. Review instructions .

2. Pre-teach start and cover .
3. Play the recording and act out the story to the class .
Lesson 4. Play the recording again and pupils act out the story with teacher .
Development 5. Pupils look at the pictures in their SB and try to sequence them .
6. Play the recording a third time for pupils to sequence the pictures .
7. They compare the order in pairs . Check with the class .
1. Pupils work in groups of 4 . They adapt the story and changing the
Post Lesson instrument, activity or some instructions .
2. Groups mime and then read their stories .
Assessment Observation

Main Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Reflection: Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Complementary Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :

Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.

The lesson was carried out successfully.

The lesson was postponed due to meeting/ briefing/CRK/public holidays/school programme.

PBD PBD___________is conducted/not conducted


Tarikh 1/4/2019
Kelas 5 Gemilang
Masa 10.30a.m.-11.00a.m.
Modul Membaca dan Menulis Notasi Muzik
Tajuk Simbol dan Istilah Muzik
Standard Kandungan 4.1
Standard Pembelajaran 4.1.1
Di akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran murid dapat:
Objektif Pembelajaran 1.mengenali symbol dan istilah muzik.
2. mengenalpasti symbol yang terdapat pada skor 1 dan skor 2
1. Murid diperkenalkan symbol dan istilah muzik serta
maknanya kepada murid.
2. Murid mendengar lagu Jojo Varisi smbil mengenalpasti
symbol yang terdapat pada skor 1 dan skor 2.
3. Perbincangan.
4. Murid menjalankan aktiviti mengimlak setelah symbol dan
istilah muzik dikuasai/\.
5. Rumusan
EMK Analisis
BBM Buku Teks, Marker, White Board, Audio
Penilaian P&P Pemerhatian
Pada akhir pengajaran;

Refleksi ______ murid dapat mencapai objektif yang ditetapkan dan ______ murid
yang tidak mencapai objektif akan diberi bimbingan khas dalam sesi
akan datang.

PdP ditunda kerana…………………………………………...................................


Tarikh 1/4/2019
Masa 8.30a.m.-9.30a.m.
Kelas 4 Cemerlang
Bidang Menggambar
Tema Gaya Hidup Sihat
Tajuk Hidup Sihat Tanpa Dadah
Aktiviti Poster

Standard 1.1 Persepsi Estetik 1.2 Aplikasi Seni 1.3 Ekspresi Kreatif 1.4 Apresiasi Seni
Pembelajaran 1.1.1 Unsur Seni 1.2.1 Media 1.3.1 1.4.1,,, 1.3.2 1.4.2 1.3.3 1.4.3
1.2.2 Teknik dan
1.1.2 Prinsip Proses
Rekaan montaj atau,, kolaj atau lukisan atau
catan gabungan mana- mana teknik

Objektif Pada akhir pembelajaran, murid dapat;

Pembelajaran 1. mengenal, memahami dan menyatakan bahasa seni visual yang ada pada poster.
2. mengaplikasikan pengetahuan bahasa seni visual, media, serta proses dan teknik
dalam penghasilan poster
3. mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kefahaman bahasa seni visual, media serta
proses dan teknik untuk menghasilkan poster secara kreatif.
4. membuat apresiasi terhadap karya sendiri dan rakan dengan menumpukan pada
aspek bahasa seni visual.
Aktiviti PdP Persepsi Estetik
1. Guru menunjukkan contoh-contoh poster.
2. Guru menyatakan definisi poster.
3. Guru meminta murid mengenal pasti dan menyatakan bahasa seni visual yang ada
pada poster.
Aplikasi Seni
1. Guru menyatakan media yang digunakan.
2. Guru menunjuk cara memilih dan menyusun atur muka taip (huruf).
3. Guru meminta murid meneroka media untuk menghasilkan poster.
Ekspresi Kreatif
1. Murid menggunting dan menyusun atur muka taip secara kreatif.
2. Murid menghasilkan poster mengikut kreativiti masing - masing.
Apresiasi Seni
1. Murid mempamerkan karya yang dihasilkan.
2. Murid menceritakan pengalaman sendiri dalam proses penghasilan poster.
3. Murid menghargai dan menceritakan karya sendiri dan rakan secara lisan.
EMK Keusahawan, Kreativiti dan Inovasi
Penilaian PdP 1. Proses penghasilan karya sepanjang aktiviti membuat poster berdasarkan empat
standard kandungan.
Bahan Bantu 1. Alat : berus lukisan, palet, gunting dan pembaris
Belajar 2. Bahan : kertas lukisan, kertas warna, majalah, gam, an cat poster atau oil pastel
3. Contoh poster
Refleksi Pada akhir pengajaran;

______ murid dapat mencapai objektif yang ditetapkan dan ______ murid yang tidak
mencapai objektif akan diberi bimbingan khas dalam sesi pembentangan akan datang.

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