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Emilio dela Paz vs IAC | Gutierrez, Jr, J postponed the trial of the case to May 31, 1984 and later to July
G.R. No. 71537, September 17, 1987| 5, and 11, 1984
 Trial resumed. The petitioners' counsel, however, asked for still
FACTS another postponement of the cross-examination to give him a
 Loreto de la Paz filed a complaint against the petitioners for a chance to go over the stenographic notes.
judicial declaration of ownership of a 43,830 square meter  During the scheduled trial on September 14, 1984, neither the
parcel of land covered by Original Certificate of Title No. 901 in petitioners, nor their counsel appeared despite due notice.
the name of Ponciano de la Paz Loreto's counsel, therefore, filed a motion that she be allowed
 Loreto alleged that the subject parcel of land was among the to present evidence ex parte before a commissioner.
properties adjudicated to her and her mother as a result of a  Despite this development, the petitioners upon their motion
partition submitted by the heirs of Ponciano de la Paz and were allowed to cross-examine Loreto.
approved by the court in Civil Case No. 1399.  On the scheduled hearing however, the petitioners' counsel
 The subject matter of Civil Case No. 1399 was Ponciano's failed to appear, and the cross-examination of Loreto was
testate estate. deferred for the fourth time.
 In their answer, the petitioners denied that the disputed lot was  Finally, on November 7, 1984, the petitioners' counsel resumed
among the properties adjudicated to Loreto and her mother. his repeatedly postponed cross-examination of Loreto. The
They claimed that the parcel of land was not accounted for in cross-examination was, however, cut short and rescheduled
the probate proceedings but is actually community property of again on motion of the petitioners' counsel.
the parties.  Unfortunately, Loreto died on December 1, 1984. An amended
 The parties, except for petitioner Enrique de la Paz, were complaint was filed for the purpose of substituting the
admittedly compulsory heirs of Ponciano de la Paz who died in respondents as heirs of Loreto
1916  The petitioners moved verbally to strike off the record the
 Loreto was the only legitimate child of Ponciano entire testimony of Loreto. The motion was denied. Thus, they
 As regards petitioner Enrique de la Paz, Loreto denied his claim filed a petition before the IAC, however the same was also
that he is one of the heirs of Ponciano. The petitioners, however, denied.
allege that he is also a compulsory heir of Ponciano, he being  The petitioners contend that the appellate committed grave
the son of Ponciano de la Paz, Jr., the eldest child of the abuse of discretion when it sanctioned the trial court's orders
decedent. which denied the striking out of the testimony of original
 Loreto took the witness stand. She finished her direct testimony plaintiff Loreto de la Paz from the record.
on March 12, 1984.
 On April 25, 1984, the petitioners' counsel began his cross- ISSUES & ARGUMENTS
examination of Loreto. The cross-examination was, however, not  W/N petitioners were deprived of their right to cross
completed. examination when the court denied their motion to strike
 The petitioners' counsel moved in open court for the off the record, the testimony of Loreto
continuance of the cross-examination on the ground that he still
had to conduct a lengthy cross-examination. HOLDING & RATIO DECIDENDI
 On May 18, 1984, Loreto's counsel filed a motion for "correction
of transcript" due to some errors in the transcript of NO.
stenographic notes taken during the direct testimony of Loreto.  Well settled is the rule that the right of a party to confront and
The motion was granted. cross-examine opposing witnesses in a judicial litigation, be it
 This order granting the correction prompted the petitioners'' criminal or civil in nature, or in proceedings before
counsel to manifest that he would not be able to undertake the administrative tribunals with quasi-judicial powers, is a
cross-examination of the witness as scheduled. The trial court fundamental right which is part of due process.
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 The right of a party to cross-examine the witness of his also filed a disbarment proceeding against Atty. Villalon. During the
adversary in invaluable as it is inviolable in civil cases, no less trial of the civil case, Atty. Villalon introduced in evidence some of
than the right of the accused in criminal cases. The express Neval et al’s testimonies in the disbarment proceeding which were
recognition of such right of the accused in the Constitution does allegedly inconsistent with their testimonies in the civil case for the
not render the right thereto of parties in civil cases less purpose of impeaching their testimonies. The trial court granted
constitutionally based, for it is an indispensable part of the due the Motion to Strike filed by Neval et al on the ground that its
process guaranteed by the fundamental law. ... Until such cross- admission would violate the confidentiality of disbarment
examination has been finished, the testimony of the witness proceedings; and that the same cannot be waived.
cannot be considered as complete and may not, therefore, be
allowed to form part of the evidence to be considered by the Issue: WON the attorney subject of a disbarment proceeding may
court in deciding the case. waive his right to its confidentiality and thus present the
 But also, it is ruled that it is not an absolute right which a party inconsistent testimonies therein in a civil case.
can demand at all times.
 The right is a personal one which may be waived expressly or Held: AFFIRMATIVE.
impliedly by conduct amounting to a renunciation of the right of
cross-examination. Thus, where a party has had the opportunity By issuing its Order to strike, the Trial Court deprived petitioners
to cross-examine a witness but failed to avail himself of it, he of their right to impeach the credibility of their adverse parties’
necessarily forfeits the right to cross-examine and the witnesses (granted under Secs. 15 & 16 of R. 132) by proving that
testimony given on direct examination of the witness will be on former occasions they had made statements inconsistent with
received or allowed to remain in the record. the statements made during the trial, despite the fact that such
 In the case at bar, the petitioners' failure to cross-examine statements are material to the issues in the Civil Case. The subject
Loreto was through no fault of the respondents. As can be matter involved in the disbarment proceedings i.e., the alleged
gleaned from the record, Loreto was available for cross- falsification of the deed of absolute sale in petitioners’ favor, is the
examination from the time she finished her direct testimony on same issue raised in the Civil Case wherein the annulment of the
March 12, 1984 said deed of absolute sale is sought.
 The petitioners not only kept on postponing the cross-
examination but at times failed to appear during scheduled While proceedings against attorneys should, indeed, be private and
hearings. confidential except for the final order which shall be made public,
 The postponement of the trial on May 23, 1984 to a later date that confidentiality is a privileged/ right which may be waived by
due to the correction of the stenographic notes of Loreto's the very lawyer in whom and for the protection of whose personal
testimony may be justified, but the same cannot be said for the and professional reputation it is vested, pursuant to the general
subsequent postponements requested by the petitioners. principle that rights may be waived unless the waiver is contrary to
public policy, among others.In fact, the Court also notes that even
 Under these circumstances, we rule that the petitioners had
private respondents’ counsel touched on some matters testified to
waived their right to cross-examine Loreto. Through their own
by NEVAL in the disbarment proceedings and which were the
fault, they lost their right to cross-examine Loreto. Her
subject of cross examination.
testimony stands.

G.R. No. L-8332 November 13, 1913

Villalon vs. IAC; GR 73751; Sept. 4, ‘86
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee,
Facts: A civil case for annulment of a deed of sale, among others,
was filed by Neval et al against Atty. Villalon. Previously, Neval et al
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CATALINO MERCADO, defendants-appellants. II. The trial court erred in reaching the conclusion that the
crime prosecuted was committed and that the accused are
Eugenio Paguia, for appellants responsible therefor.
Officee of the Solicitor-General Harvey, for appellee.
III. The trial court erred in sentencing the accused.

JOHNSON, J.: IV. The trial court erred in not having the accused testify in
their own behalf, as they offered to do, allowing them to testify in
These defendants were charged with the crime of coaccion in the the same way as he did the sole witness for the defense.
Court of First Instance of the Province of Bulacan. On the 13th of
March, 1912, one Claro Mercado presented a complaint against the With reference to the first assignment of error, we find by referring
defendants in the court of the justice of the peace of Baliuag. The to page 75 of the record, that Mr. Ricardo Gonzalez Lloret, attorney
justice of the peace conducted a preliminary examination and for the private prosecutor, asked the witness for the defense, the
found that there was probable cause for believing that the said Santiago Mercado, who is mentioned in the complaint
defendants were guilty of the crime charged and held them for trial presented in said cause, the following question:
in the Court of First Instance. On the 21st of March, 1912, the
prosecuting attorney of said province presented the complaint, How many times have you been convicted of assault upon other
which alleged: persons?

That the said accused on December 22, 1911, in the municipality of To this question, the defendant Tomas Mercado objected on the
Baliuag, Province of Bulacan, P. I., did willfully and criminally, ground that the question was impertinent. Mr. Lloret explained the
without legitimate authority therefore, and by means of violence or purpose of his question by saying:
force employed upon the person of Claro Mercado, prevent the
latter from rendering aid to Maria R. Mateo in order that Santiago I wish to demonstrate that he has a pugnacious disposition. I have
Mercado might at his pleasure maltreat the said Maria R. Mateo, in had occasion to defend him in various causes for assault.
a violation of law.
Upon the question and the objection Judge Barretto ruled that "the
After hearing the evidence adduced during the trial of the cause, character of the witness has an intimate relation or may have a
the Honorable Alberto Barretto, judge, found the defendants guilty strong relation with the facts being investigated in the present
of the crime in the complaint, without any aggravating or cause. The objection is overruled."
extenuating circumstances, and sentenced each of them to be
imprisoned for a period of two months and one day of arresto To that ruling of the court the defendant duly accepted. Said
mayor, with the accessory penalties of the law, to pay a fine of 325 exception is assigned here as the first assignment of error. The only
pesetas and in case of insolvency to suffer subsidiary argument which the appellant presents in support of his
imprisonment, allowing to the defendants one-half of the time they assignment of error is that the question had no relation to the
had already suffered in prison, and each to pay one-third part of question which was being discussed by the court and id not tend to
the costs. From that sentence each of the defendants appealed to show that the defendants were either guilty or not guilty of the
this court and made the following assignments of error: crime charged; that questions tending to disclose the character of a
witness are immaterial. In reply to the argument of the appellant,
I. The trial court erred in overruling the objection of the the Attorney-General contends that the question was a proper
accused to the private prosecutor's question referring to the question, because it tended to impugn the credibility of the witness
character of the witness. and that such questions were for that purpose material and
pertinent. It will be remembered that the complaint charged that
on the occasion when the alleged crime was committed Santiago
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Mercado was attempting to and did assault and illtreat one Maria prejudice the rights of the defendants? If there was proof enough
R. Mateo. In answer to said question, the witness admitted that adduced during the trial of the cause, excluding the particular
complaint had been presented against him for the offense of proof brought out by this question to show that the defendants are
assault and battery. guilty of the crime. then the question and answer and the ruling of
the court upon the same did not affect prejudicially the interests of
The prosecution, in order to show the circumstances under which the defendants. Errors committed by the trial court, which are not
the crime charged here was actually committed, showed that this prejudicial to the rights of the parties, should be disregarded by
witness, Santiago Mercado, had assaulted and illtreated Maria R. the court. In our opinion the evidence clearly shows that the
Mateo, under the circumstances described in the complaint. That witness committed the assault to which reference is made in the
was an important fact. If the said assault did not actually take complaint in the present cause. Whether he had committed other
place, then the theory of the prosecution must fail. If there was no assaults or not was a matter of no importance in the present action.
assault or attempted assault, there was no occasion for the alleged The admission or rejection, therefore, of the proof to which such
interference on the part of the said Claro Mercado to prevent it, question related could in no way prejudice the rights of the
and the probability of the guilt of the defendants is greatly defendants.
lessened. If the witness who had committed the alleged assault,
had assaulted other persons and had been prosecuted therefor, The second and third assignments of error relate to the sufficiency
may that fact be considered by the court in weighing the proof and of the proof adduced during the trial of the cause to show that the
in testing the credibility of the witness? It was an important fact to defendants were guilty of the crime charged. A question of fact
prove that Santiago Mercado, at the time and place mentioned in only is raised by these assignments of error. After a careful
the complaint, had assaulted or attempted to assault or illtreat examination of the proof, we are convinced that the same shows,
Maria R. Mateo, in order to show that there was occasion for the beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendants are each guilty in
inference of Claro Mercado.lawph!1.net the manner and form charged in the complaint. We find no reason
for modifying the conclusions of fact reached by the lower court.
Generally speaking, a witness cannot be impeached by the party
against whom he has been called, except by showing (a) that he has With reference to the fourth assignment of error, an examination of
made contradictory statements: or (b) by showing that his general the record shows that but one witness was examined for the
reputation for the truth, honesty, or integrity is bad. (Sec. 342, Act defense: that was the said Santiago Mercado. At the close of the
No. 190.) The question to which the defendant objected neither examination of said witness, we find the following statement by the
attempted to show that the witness had made contradictory accused:
statements nor that his general reputation for truth, honesty, or
integrity was bad. While you cannot impeach the credibility of a The accused state that should they testify they would testify in the
witness, except by showing that he has made contradictory same way as the witness Santiago R. Mercado, with whose
statements or that his general reputation for truth, honesty, or testimony they close their evidence.
integrity is bad, yet, nevertheless, you may show by an examination
of the witness himself or from the record of the judgment, that he Both parties close their evidence.
has been convicted of a high crime. (Sec. 342, Act No. 190.) In the
present case, the other offense to which the question above related Even admitting that the accused, had they testified, would have
was not a high crime, as that term is generally used, and we made the same declarations as those by the only witness, Santiago
assume that the phrase "high crime," as used in section 342, is Mercado, we are of the opinion that such declarations would not
used in its ordinary signification. High crimes are generally defined have been sufficient, inasmuch as they would have added nothing
as such immoral and unlawful acts as are nearly allied and equal in to the record, except an accumulation of proof, to have shown that
guilt to felonies. We believe that the objection to the above the defendants were not guilty of the crime charged. We find no
question was properly interposed and should have been sustained. reason in the fourth assignments of error for modifying the
The question now arises, did the admission of the question conclusions of the lower court.
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disappearance, Dimaponong testified to this effect, and the corpse
After a careful examination of the record, we are persuaded that was found in that part of the river indicated by
the same shows, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendants him.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library
were guilty of the crime charged and that the sentence of the lower
court should be affirmed, with costs. So ordered. Doctor Pablo Hamoy in the post-mortem examination found the
following lesions: The right side of the neck and the right shoulder
G.R. Nos. 32394 and 32395 September 5, 1930 were bruised; the neck was fractured and the right shoulder
dislocated; the right eye was bruised; marked cyanosis and acute
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Plaintiff-Appellee, vs. hemorrhage of both eyes which were somewhat sunken; marked
SANDAL, ARIMAO, LONSING, MAMA, and PAMPANG, Defendants- cyanosis of the lips with the incisors jutting forward and loose
Appellants. cyanosis and hemorrhage of the gums, and hemorrhage of the
nose; cyanosis of the whole face, a wound in the left arm and
Paulino Gullas for appellants. forearm, and a contusion on the breast and
Attorney-General Jaranilla for appellee. abdomen.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

AVANCE�A, C.J.: chanrobles virtual law library The following facts of record explain the motive of the assault:
When Tomas Permites went to Manila to look after certain matters
The Moros Sandal, Arimao, Lonsing, Mama, and Pampang appeal he left Eleno in charge of his interests in Monungan. While
from the judgment of the Court of First Instance of Lanao Permites was in Manila, the appellants caused some injuries to his
convicting them of murder committed on the 18th of February, carabaos, as a result of which Eleno had a dispute with them. Eleno
1929, upon the person of Eleno Lamorena, and sentencing each of sent word of what had happened to Permites in Manila, and when
them to twenty years of cadena temporal, with the accessories of the latter returned to Monungan, he verified the facts and filed a
law, to indemnify the heirs of the deceased jointly and severally in complaint against the appellants. Eleno was to be the principal
the amount of P1,000, and to pay their proportional part of the witness, and the defendants knew it.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
costs.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library chanrobles virtual law library

On the date mentioned, in Abaga, District of Monungan, Province The appellants denied the facts set forth and attempted to prove an
of Lanao, Inambar, a Moro woman, heard the appellant Sandal call alibi.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library
the deceased, and later saw them engaged in conversation. While
the two were talking, appellant Pampang went up to them and with Upon consideration of the evidence for both sides, we agree with
a hammer struck the deceased on the back of the neck, felling him the conclusion of the trial court that the appellants killed Eleno in
to the ground. Sandal and the rest of the appellants, Lonsing, the manner described above. The court below did not err in
Arimao, and Mama, then closed in on the fallen man beating him to weighing the evidence.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles
death.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library virtual law library

Moro Dimaponong testified that early in the morning of that day, he Another assignment of error alleged by the appellants in this
saw Eleno, the deceased, in Tomas Permites' warehouse, while the instance deals with the trial court's refusal to admit a certain
appellants were nearby constructing a house. When witness witness presented by the defense. The court took this stand for the
returned to the warehouse, he saw neither the deceased nor the reason that this witness had been present during the hearing
defendants where he had seen them before. On that night as he notwithstanding the court's order that all witnesses leave the court
was going home, witness saw appellants near a sawmill, carrying room. Under such circumstances it lies within the court's discretion
the corpse of Eleno, which they threw into the river. During the to admit or reject the testimony of the witness. And although we
inquiry made by the Constabulary lieutenant into Eleno's are of opinion that the court below should have admitted the
testimony of this witness, especially when he stated that he did not
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hear what the other witnesses testified, yet there is nothing to which they threw into the river. The corpse was found in that part of the river
show that this error has affected the appellants' defense. There is indicated by Dimaponong. Doctor Pablo Hamoy in the post-mortem examination
nothing to show what this witness would have testified if admitted, found the following lesions: The right side of the neck and the right shoulder were
and so it cannot be held that his failure to testify has materially bruised; the neck was fractured and the right shoulder dislocated; the right eyes was
affected the appellants' defense.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary bruised; marked cyanosis and acute hemorrhage of both eyes which were somewhat
chanrobles virtual law library sunken; marked cyanosis of the lips with the incisors jutting forward and loose
cyanosis and hemorrhage of the gums, and hemorrhage of the nose; cyanosis of the
The appellants also assign as an error the fact that the trial court whole face, a wound in the left arm and forearm, and a contusion on the breast and
failed to require the fiscal to exhibit the testimony given by the abdomen. Sandal, et. al. were charged for the crime of murder before the Court of
witnesses during the preliminary investigation conducted by the
First Instance of Lanao. Sandal, et. al. denied the facts set forth and attempted to
justice of the peace. But the only effect of this failure was to entitle
prove an alibi. The trial court convicted Sandal, Arimao, Lonsing, Mama, and
the defense to adduce secondary evidence touching the testimony
Pampang of murder, and sentenced each of them to 20 years of cadena temporal,
of said witnesses, for the purpose of attacking their veracity, should
they have been presented as witnesses during the with the accessories of law, to indemnify the heirs of the deceased jointly and
trial.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library severally in the amount of P1,000, and

to pay their proportional part of the costs. Sandal, et. al. appealed. Sandal, et.al.
Neither did the trial court commit an error in refusing the defense
an extension of time to present Doctor Feliciano, for this is a matter assigned as an error the fact that the trial court failed to require the fiscal to exhibit
wholly within the court's discretion, the abuse whereof has not the testimony given by the witnesses during the preliminary investigation conducted
been shown, especially in view of the fact that it was not informed by the justice of the peace. Issue: Whether the witnesses during the preliminary
of the nature of this witness's testimony.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary investigation should be presented as witnesses during trial. Held: Sandal, et.al.
chanrobles virtual law library assigned as an error the fact that the trial court failed to require the fiscal to exhibit
the testimony given by the witnesses during the preliminary investigation conducted
Wherefore, the judgment appealed from is affirmed, with costs by the justice of the peace. But the only effect of this failure was to entitle the
against the appellants. So ordered. defense to adduce secondary evidence touching the testimony of said witnesses, for
the purpose of attacking their veracity, should they have been presented as
People vs Sandal witnesses during the trial.

Facts: When Tomas Permites went to Manila to look after certain matters he left ANCIENT DOCUMENT RULE
Eleno Lamorena in charge of his interests in Monungan. While Permites was in HEIRS OF LACSA v. CA
Manila, Sandal, Lonsing, Arimao, Mama and Pampang caused some injuries to his
carabaos, as a result of which Eleno had a dispute with them. Eleno sent word of FACTS:
what happened to Permites in Manila, and when the latter returned to Monungan, this is consolidation of two civil cases in order to recover a parcel of land.
The first case:
he verified the facts and filed a complaint against Sandal, et. al.. Eleno was to be the  an action for recovery of possession with damages and preliminary injunction filed by
principal witness. On 18 February 1929, in Abaga, District of Monungan, Province of petitioner heirs against Aurelio Songco and John Doe.
Lanao, Inambar, a Moro woman, heard Sandal call Eleno Lamorena, and later saw  they alleged that they are the heirs of the original owner of the said parcel of land, Demetria
them engaged in conversation. While the two were talking, Pampang went up to Lacsa.
 they claimed that Lacsa owned the said land which consisted partly of a fishpond and
them and with a hammer struck Lamorena (the deceased) on the back of the neck, uncultivated open lands.
felling him to the ground. Sandal, Lonsing, Arimao, and Mama, then closed in on the  they claimed that the principal respondent was able to occupy and claim possession of the said
fallen man beating him to death. On that night Moro Dimaponong was going home, land through stealth and fraud and caused the said land to be cleared for expanded occupancy thereof.
he saw Sandal, et. al. near a sawmill, carrying the corpse of Eleno, which they threw
The second case:
into the river. Upon the the inquiry made by the Constabulary lieutenant into Eleno's  petitioners call for the cancellation of title, ownership with damages and preliminary injunction
disappearance, Dimaponong testified that Sandal, et.al. carried the corpse of Eleno
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 they also allege that they are the heirs of the original owner of the parcel of land Demetria  the lack of signatures, absent any alterations or circumstances of suspicion cannot be held to
Lacsa. detract from the fact that the documents in question, which were CERTIFIED as copied of the originals in
 in this case, they also allege that respondents later abandoned the land in dispute after the first the file with the Register of Deeds are genuine and free from any blemish or circumstances of suspicion.
case was filed but they merely transferred to the adjoining fishpond owned by respondents.
 also, that the documents which respondents rely for their title are spurious and were probably HELD: Petition denied.
fakes (Exhibits 3 and 7)
Respondents denied these material allegations.

They claim that the documents on which petitioners would base their claim are spurious such that the
Original Certificate of Title in favor of Demetria Lacsa was merely a RECONSTITUTED COPY; also such OCT
was later on cancelled in favor of Guevarra and Limpin, who were Lacsa's daughter and son in law
respectively. Said couple had in their favor a TCT which respondents claimed was later on superseded by a
TCT in favor of Inocencio Songco, the father of private respondents by virtue of a sale in favor of the latter.
The lower court held in favor of the respondents stating that Guevarra and Limpin did sell the said parcel
of land to the respondents.
G.R. No. 76792 March 12, 1990
CA affirmed the decision. RESURRECCION BARTOLOME, ET AL., petitioners,
WON the documents which repondents based their claim (Exhibit 3 and 7) can be considered as "ancient BARTOLOME and URSULA CID, respondents.
documents" under Section 22 Rule 132. YES.
Arguments: Respondents based their claim on two documents: Lot 11165 is a vast tract of land owned by different individuals. Records show that 725 square
a. Exhibit 3 - "Traduccion Al Castellano de la Esceritura de Particion Extrajudicial" meter portion of it was owned by Epitsacio Batara and his wife, Maria Gonzales. Before he left to settle in
 it is in this document where the fishpond in question was adjudicated in favor of Demetria's Isabela, Epitacio entrusted the lot to his cousin Doroteo Bartolome. When spouses Epitacio and Maria
daughter Alberta. died, their grandchildren constructed a bamboo fence over the land own by the spouses.
b. Exhibit 7 - "Escritura de Venta Absoluta" wherein Alberta Guevarra and Limpin sold the said
fishpond in favor of Inocencio Songco. Petitioners claim that in order for these two documents to be On 1933, the Director of Lands instituted a cadastral proceeding, respondent Cid filed an
within the ancient document rule, exempting them from proof of due execution and authenticity, not only answer claiming ownership over Lot No. 11165 with an area of 1660 square meters. The land was
must they be more than 30 years old, they must also be free from alteration and suspicions. allegedly acquired by Ursula Cid through inheritance from Doroteo Bartolome, the father of Ursula's
 they assert that since the first pages of the documents were not signed by the alleged parties deceased husband, Bernabe. Her sister-in-law, Maria Bartolome filed a motion to intervene alleging that
thereto this fact constitutes an indelible blemish that can beget alterations. she is a co-owner of the property and she was excluded in Cid’s petition. Thereafter, Cid filed a motion to
amend petition, alleging that the lands were acquire not through inheritance, but by purchase. Exhibit 4
RATIO: was presented which is a document of sale between Maria Gonzales (petitioner’s grandmother) and
1. for a document to fall under the ancient document rule several requirements must be met: Ursula Cid of the portion of land in dispute. RTC ruled that petitioner Resureccion et. al were the owners
a. more than thirty years old – the documents in question fulfill this requirement since they were of the 772 square meter portion, the remaining are owned by the heirs of Doroteo Bartolome. But the CA
executed at 1923 (Exhibit 3 – extrajudicial partition) and 1924 (Exhibit 7 – absolute sale). (The case was ruled that the entire Lot No. 11165 was owned by the respondent relying on the Exhibit 4 because it is an
decided in 1991) ancient document.
b. it is produced from a custody in which it would naturally be found if genuine – both copies of
the said documents were certified as exact copies of the original on file with the Register of Deeds by the Issue: WON Exhibit 4 is an ancient document, thus no other evidence of its execution and authenticity
Deputy Register of Deeds. need to be given.
 there is also further certification with regards to the Pampango translation of Exhibit 3.
 being certified, these documents can also be considered as found in the proper custody. The Supreme Court ruled in negative because the third requirement of “no alteration” was not present.
c. the document must appear on its face to be genuine – petitioners in this case, did not present Based on the testimony of Dominador, son of Ursula, it was originally a 4 pages document But because of
conclusive evidence to support their allegation of falsification of documents. the Japanese occupation, the 4th pages was lost. Supposedly, that page contains the signature of Maria
 they merely alluded to the fact that the signatures in the first pages of the documents were Gonzales.
lacking therefor could have easily led to their substitution.
 Court cannot uphold the surmise absent any proof whatsoever; a contract apparently honest According to the Court, the missing page had affected the documents authenticity, it contains vital proof
and lawful on its face must be treated as such and one who assails it must present conclusive evidence of of the voluntary transmission of rights over the subject of the sale. Without that signature, the document
falsification. is incomplete. Verily, an incomplete document is akin to if not worse than a document with altered
 moreover, the last requirement refers to the EXTRINSIC quality of the document itself. contents.

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Facts: According to Dominador Bartolome, he first saw Exhibit 4 in the possession of his mother, Ursula Cid,
The record shows that a 725-square meter portion of said Lot No. 11165 first declared as his property by when he was just eleven years old. He noticed that the document had a fourth page containing the
Epitacio Batara under tax declaration No. 5708 dated May 23, 1906. signature of Maria Gonzales and that all four pages were sewn together. He stated that his mother told
him that the fourth page was lost during the Japanese occupation while they were evacuating from Davao
Epitacio Batara and his wife, Maria Gonzales, had two children: Catalina and Pedro. The latter died a City.
bachelor and without issue. Catalina, who married someone surnamed Bartolome, bore five children We hold, however, that the missing page has nonetheless affected its authenticity. Indeed, its importance
named Isabela, Tarcila, Calixto, Resurreccion and Ruperta. In 1912, before he left Laoag to settle in cannot be overemphasized. It allegedly bears the signature of the vendor of the portion of Lot No. 11165
Culalabo, Gamo (Burgos), Isabela, Epitacio entrusted the lot to his cousin, Doroteo Bartolome, who owned in question and therefore, it contains vital proof of the voluntary transmission of rights over the subject of
the lot bounding Epitacio's property on the south. the sale. Without that signature, the document is incomplete. Verily, an incomplete document is akin to if
not worse than a document with altered contents.
On October 23, 1933, Ursula Cid, the widow of the son of Doroteo Bartolome, Bernabe, who died in 1928,
filed an answer in Cadastral Case No. 53, claiming ownership over Lot No. 11165 with an area of 1660 Moreover, Ursula only claimed purchase as a mode of acquisition of Lot No. 11165 after her sister-in-law,
square meters. The land was allegedly acquired by Ursula Cid through inheritance from Doroteo Maria J. Bartolome and the other descendants of Doroteo Bartolome sought intervention in the case and
Bartolome, the father of Ursula's deceased husband, Bernabe. demanded their rightful shares over the property. All these negate the appellate court's conclusion that
Exhibit 4 is an ancient document.
In 1969, Maria J. Bartolome filed in Cadastral Case No. 53 a "motion to admit answer in intervention,"
alleging that she is one of the children of Doroteo Bartolome and that she and her co-heirs had been
excluded in Ursula Cid's answer to the petition. [G.R. No. 117221. April 13, 1999]
No hearing was conducted in the case until 1974. To buttress her claim that she and her husband COMMISSION and ANGEL D. ISRAEL, respondents.
purchased Lot No. 11165, Ursula Cid presented at the trial three deeds of sale: [a] one dated March 1,
1917 showing that Bernabe Bartolome and Ursula Cid bought a 374-square meter lot for fifteen pesos FACTS:
from the spouses Domingo Agustin and Josefa Manrique; [b] another document dated February 18, 1913 Petitioner IBM Philippines, Inc. (IBM) is a domestic corporation engaged in the business of selling
executed by Ignacia Manrique in favor of Bernabe Bartolome evidencing the sale of another lot also for computers and computer services. Petitioners Virgilio L. Pea and Victor V. Reyes were ranking officers of
fifteen pesos; 24 and [c] still another deed executed by Maria Gonzales y Paguyo on February 9, 1917 in IBM during the period pertinent to this case.
favor of Bernabe Bartolome and Ursula Cid ceding to the latter 772 square meters of land for P103.75. On April 1, 1975, private respondent Angel D. Israel commenced employment with IBM as Office Products
The last-mentioned piece of land is the one being claimed by Resurreccion Bartolome. Customer Engineer.For the next sixteen (16) years, he occupied two other positions in the company,[2]
received numerous awards,[3] and represented the company in various seminars and conferences in and
The Regional Trial Court of Ilocos Norte rendered a decision adjudicating the eastern portion to the heirs out of the country.[4]
of the late Epitacio Batara (Resurreccion) and the remaining portion to the heirs of Doroteo Bartolome On February 1, 1990, private respondent was assigned to the team supervised by petitioner Reyes.
(Ursula). On June 27, 1991, petitioner Reyes handed a letter to private respondent informing the latter that his
employment in the company was to be terminated effective July 31, 1991 on the ground of habitual
On Appeal, the Intermediate Appellate Court rendered a decision "adjudicating the whole Lot No. 11165 tardiness and absenteeism.
in favor of" Bernabe Bartolome and Ursula Cid, thereby reversing the decision of the Regional Trial Court Alleging that his dismissal was without just cause and due process, private respondent filed a complaint
of Ilocos Norte, Branch XII at Laoag City. The decision was based on the findings of the court that the with the Arbitration Branch of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) on July 18, 1991.
document (Exhibit 4) presented by the respondent is an ancient document. In his position paper filed on September 6, 1991, he claimed that he was not given the opportunity to be
heard and that he was summarily dismissed from employment based on charges which had not been duly
Issue: proven.
WON the deed of sale presented (Exhibit 4) is an ancient document, thus no other evidence of its Petitioners denied private respondents claims. It was alleged that several conferences were held by the
execution and authenticity need to be given. management with private respondent because of the latters unsatisfactory performance in the company
and he was given sufficient warning and opportunity to reform and improve his attitude toward
Held: attendance, but to their regret, he never did. It was alleged that private respondent was constantly told of
No. The Exhibit 4 was not an ancient document. Rule 132 of the Rules of Court provides: his poor attendance record and inefficiency through the companys internal electronic mail (e-mail) system.
According to petitioners, this system allows paperless or telematic communication among IBM personnel
Sec. 22. Evidence of execution not necessary. — Where a private writing is more than thirty years old, is in the company offices here and abroad.
produced from a custody in which it would naturally be found if genuine, and is unblemished by any
alterations or circumstances of suspicion, no other evidence of its execution and authenticity need be ISSUES:
The Supreme Court ruled that the first two elements are present. But the Court of Appeals failed to PROCESS OBSERVED IN THE DISMISSAL OF THE PRIVATE RESPONDENT BECAUSE THE COMPUTER
consider and discuss the third requirement; that no alterations or circumstances of suspicion are present. PRINTOUTS WHICH PROVE JUST CAUSE AND DUE PROCESS ARE NOT ADMISSIBLE IN EVIDENCE.

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2. THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION The factual findings of the DAR is entitled to great weight. Factual findings of agencies exercising quasi-
TANTAMOUNT TO LACK OR EXCESS OF ITS JURISDICTION IN HOLDING THAT EVEN IF THE COMPUTER judicial functions are accorded not only respect but even finality, aside from the consideration that this
PRINTOUTS WERE ADMISSIBLE, PETITIONER FAILED TO SATISFY DUE PROCESS. Court is not a trier of facts. Considering that there was no factual finding that the tenant farmers had
RULING: actual knowledge of the sales between Hidalgo and his heirs, then, our pronouncement in the case of
The petition has no merits. Petitioners argue that the computer print-outs submitted by them need not be Antonio v. Estrella where there was a finding of fact that there was prior knowledge, is inapplicable.
identified or authenticated according to the rules of procedure in regular courts in order for the same to The factual findings of the DAR, which were not disputed nor opposed by the Court of Appeals, that the
be admissible in evidence. They contend that technical rules of evidence do not apply to tenant farmers had no prior knowledge of the transfer of ownership before the effectivity of PD No. 27
administrative/labor cases and because of a relaxation of the rules of evidence, private respondent was in shall not be disturbed.
fact allowed by the labor arbiter to adduce additional evidence even after a decision had been rendered. The Department of Agrarian Reform through its Secretary is hereby empowered to promulgate rules and
It is true that administrative and quasi-judicial bodies like the NLRC are not bound by the technical rules of regulations for the implementation of this Decree. Culled from the above expositions, it is our conclusion
procedure in the adjudication of cases. However, this procedural rule should not be construed as a license that the parcels of land subject of the instant case are not exempt from the coverage of the OLT program
to disregard certain fundamental evidentiary rules. While the rules of evidence prevailing in the courts of of the government.
law or equity are not controlling in proceedings before the NLRC, the evidence presented before it must at WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 22 July 1998 and its
least have a modicum of admissibility for it to be given some probative value. The Statement of Profit and Resolution dated 20 October 1998 are hereby AFFIRMED. Costs against the petitioners.
Losses submitted by Crispa, Inc. to prove its alleged losses, without the accompanying signature of a
certified public accountant or audited by an independent auditor, are nothing but self-serving documents PHILIPPINE AMERICAN GENERAL INSURANCE CO. AND TAGUM V. SWEET LINES
which ought to be treated as a mere scrap of paper devoid of any probative value. WHEREFORE, the
petition is DISMISSED and the decision of the NLRC, dated April 15, 1994, is hereby AFFIRMED. DOCTRINES:
[G.R. No. 136211. March 31, 2005] • Issues may accordingly be taken cognizance of by the court even if not inceptively raised as a defense so
HEIRS OF VICENTE HIDALGO, SR., petitioners, vs. DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM, respondent. long as its existence is plainly apparent on the face of relevant pleadings.
FACTS: • Actionable documents must be properly pleaded either as causes of action or defenses, and the
PD No. 27 took effect on 21 October 1972. Pursuant to this law, several parcels of land with an aggregate genuineness of which are deemed admitted unless specifically denied under oath by the adverse party.
area of 26.2987 hectares, more or less, owned by the late Vicente F. Hidalgo, Sr., located in Milaor, • Failure to specifically deny the existence of actionable documents amounts to an admission. Judicial
Camarines Sur, were placed under the OLT program of the government. The petitioners herein protested admissions are conclusive, no evidence being required to prove the same.
the inclusion of these parcels of land to the OLT program because, according to them, the same had • Before an action can properly be commenced all the essential elements of the cause of action must be in
already been sold to them before their father’s death on 17 April 1979. In view of the protest, the DAR existence.
Municipal Agrarian Reform Office conducted an investigation on the matter. The investigation found out • The right of action does not arise until the performance of all conditions precedent to the action and
that the sales made by Vicente Hidalgo, Sr., to his daughters Angela Hidalgo Palacio and Dominica Hidalgo may be taken away by the running of the statute of limitations, through estoppel, or by other
in the year 1972 were not registered with the Register of Deeds. The protest was denied by the DAR circumstances which do not affect the cause of action.
Regional Director for Region V in his Order dated 20 January 1992. According to the Regional Director, a • Performance or fulfilment of all conditions precedent upon which a right of action depends must be
sale prior to the effectivity of PD No. 27, if not registered, does not bind the DAR or any third party. It was sufficiently alleged, considering that the burden of proof to show that a party has a right of action is upon
also mentioned that the third sale executed in 1974 in favor of Josefina Hidalgo Bergantin was an illegal the person initiating the suit.
transaction which was designed to circumvent the law.
A motion for the reconsideration of the order was filed by Dominica Hidalgo in the form of a letter. It was EMERGENCY RECIT
denied by the DAR Regional Office for Region V in an order dated 15 June 1994. Petitioner Tagum Plastics (TAGUM), from Davao, imported polyethylene [basic plastic material] from F. E.
An appeal was made to the DAR, alleging among other things, that the tenant farmers had knowledge of Zuellig in America. Co-petitioner Philippine American General Insurance (PHILAMGEN) is its insurer. The
the sale to the heirs of Vicente Hidalgo, Sr. This, according to the petitioners, was already equivalent to shipment has to first arrive in Manila before it can be interisland shipped to Davao. Respondent Sweet
registration. Lines was hired to ferry said shipment to Davao. Upon arrival at Davao, it was found that some of the
imported plastics were undelivered or damaged. Petitioners filed suit on the basis of the bills of lading.
Unfortunately, said bills of lading contain prescriptive periods of sixty (60) days to file for claims of
ISSUES: loss/damages. It also required notice to respondent carrier before judicial claims may be had. The bills of
The solitary issue that should be resolved in this case is whether or not there was a valid transfer of lading, however, were not formally presented as evidence during trial. The RTC ruled in favor of importer-
ownership of the subject parcels of land to the heirs of Vicente Hidalgo, Sr., thereby exempting the same petitioner, but the CA reversed on the basis of prescription. The SC upheld the CA, saying that even though
from the coverage of the OLT Program of the government pursuant to PD No. 27. the bills of lading were not formally presented as evidence, the same were sufficiently referred to in the
RULING: pleadings of both parties. Hence, it was deemed judicially admitted and no evidence was required to
This factual finding of the DAR is entitled to great weight. Factual findings of agencies exercising quasi- prove its existence.
judicial functions are accorded not only respect but even finality, aside from the consideration that this
Court is not a trier of facts. The petitioners submit that the knowledge of the tenant farmers of the sales FACTS:
between Vicente Hidalgo, Sr., and his heirs over the parcels of land was already equivalent to registration. • Petitioners Philippine American General Insurance Co. (PHILAMGEN) and Tagum Plastics (TAGUM) were
The respondents contented that it is the act of registration that gives validity to the transfer or creates a the insurers and importers, respectively, of an order of polyethylene (the basic material for your common
lien upon the land which is titled under the Torrens System. plastics).

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• The polyethylenes are to be shipped from F. E. Zuellig in the United States through an Indian ship, SS SPECIFICALLY DENY THE EXISTENCE OR PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE. This is petitioners’ reply to
Vishva Yash, and are to be received at Manila. After which, the subject matter is to be shipped to Davao, respondent’s answer:
TAGUM’s place of business. o “In connection with Pars. 14 and 15 of defendant Sweet Lines, Inc.'s Answer, plaintiffs state that such
• When the Indian vessel arrived at Manila, it sought the services of respondent Sweet Lines, Inc. for the agreements are what the Supreme Court considers as contracts of adhesion and, consequently, the
inter-island shipment to Davao. provisions therein which are contrary to law and public policy cannot be availed of by answering
• However, when the M/V Sweet Love, owned and operated by Sweet Lines, arrived at Davao, petitioners defendant as valid defenses.”
found that the some of the imported polyethylene were undelivered or damaged. • Petitioners failed to touch on the matter of the non-presentation of the bills of lading. Hence it is too late
• For this reason, petitioners filed suit against respondent Sweet Lines and the Davao Veterans Arrastre in the day to now allow the litigation to be overturned on that score, for to do so would mean an over-
which handled the cargoes at the Davao port. indulgence in technicalities. Petitioners' feigned ignorance of the provisions of the bills of lading does not
o The basis for such suit are the bills of lading, which serves as the contract between parties that the deserve serious attention.
goods indicated therein are to be delivered complete in number and in the condition specified.
o Militating against the petitioners, however, is the prescriptive period included in the bills of lading. It 2. NO, because contracts of adhesion, while frowned upon, are not absolutely illegal.
states that any action arising from shortage or damages must be brought within sixty (60) days from Are the prescriptive periods void for being contracts of adhesion?
accrual of right of action. • Petitioners posit that the alleged shorter prescriptive period which is in the nature of a limitation on
o Also, notice of claims for loss or damages is required to be given to the carrier before the institution of petitioners' right of recovery is unreasonable and that SLI has the burden of proving otherwise, citing the
judicial claims. earlier case of Southern Lines, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et al.
• The bills of lading were not formally offered as evidence; hence it was not shown that a contractual • BUT the validity of a contractual limitation of time for filing the suit has generally been upheld as such
prescriptive period was indicated therein. stipulation merely affects the plaintiff's remedy and does not affect the liability of the defendant.
• The Trial Court ruled in favor of petitioners PHILAMGEN and TAGUM, but the CA reversed on the basis of • In the absence of any statutory limitation and subject only to the requirement on the reasonableness of
prescription. Hence, this petition for review on certiorari. the stipulated limitation period, the parties to a contract of carriage may fix by agreement a shorter time
for the bringing of suit on a claim for the loss of or damage to the shipment than that provided by the
ISSUES: statute of limitations.
1. Whether or not the CA correctly ruled on the basis of prescription even without formal evidence of its • Such limitation is not contrary to public policy for it does not in any way defeat the right to recover, but
existence. merely requires the assertion of that right by action at an earlier period than would be necessary to defeat
2. Assuming arguendo that a prescriptive period exists in the contract, on not finding such as null and void it through the operation of the ordinary statute of limitations.
for being contrary to public policy as contracts of adhesion. • The fundamental reason or purpose of such a stipulation is not to relieve the carrier from just liability,
3. Assuming further that such is valid and legal, in not finding that petitioners substantially complied but reasonably to inform it that the shipment has been damaged and that it is charged with liability
therewith. therefor.

HELD/RATIO: 3. NO, because petitioners have not substantially complied with the conditions precedent to their right of
1. YES, because such was sufficiently raised in the pleadings. Ruling on Prescription EVEN without formal action.
evidence of its existence. Is there substantial compliance by petitioner with regard to the prescriptive period?
• The litigation obviously revolves on such bills of lading which are practically the documents or contracts • Before an action can properly be commenced all the essential elements of the cause of action must be in
sued upon, hence, they are inevitably involved and their provisions cannot be disregarded in the existence, that is, the cause of action must be complete. All valid conditions precedent to the institution of
determination of the relative rights of the parties thereto. the particular action, whether prescribed by statute, fixed by agreement of the parties or implied by law
• Respondent court correctly passed upon the matter of prescription, since that defense was so must be performed or complied with before commencing the action, unless the conduct of the adverse
considered and controverted by the parties. party has been such as to prevent or waive performance or excuse non-performance of the condition
• Since petitioners are suing on the basis of contractual obligations indicated in the bills of lading, such • Stipulations in bills of lading requiring notice of claim for loss or damage is a condition precedent. The
bills can be categorized as actionable documents which under the Rules of Court must be properly carrier is not liable if notice is not given in accordance with the stipulation.
pleaded either as causes of action or defenses, and the genuineness and due execution of which are • The bills of lading, are reasonable conditions precedent, they are not limitations of action. Being
deemed admitted unless specifically denied under oath by the adverse party. conditions precedent, their performance must precede a suit for enforcement and the vesting of the right
• Failure to specifically deny the existence of the instruments in question amounts to an admission. to file suit does not take place until the happening of these conditions.
• Judicial admissions, verbal or written, made by the parties in the pleadings or in the course of the trial or
other proceedings in the same case are conclusive, no evidence being required to prove the same, and
cannot be contradicted unless shown to have been made through palpable mistake or that no such
admission was made.
• In the case at bar, prescription as an affirmative defense was seasonably raised by respondent Sweet
Lines in its answer, except that the bills of lading embodying the same were not formally offered in
• Petitioner specifically replied to such defense in respondent’s answer, but it failed to controvert the
existence of the bills of lading. It is thus in the nature of a negative pregnant. Consequently, they impliedly
admitted the same when they merely assailed the validity of subject stipulations. Petitioners MUST

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