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G.R. No.

L-39013 February 29,1988 Bunag was stricken from the records as he failed to return to court for cross-
FRANCISCO BUNAG, petitioner,
vs. On the other hand, the evidence for the defendant consist of the testimony
COURT OF APPEALS, ESTRUDES BAUTISTA Vda. de BITUIN and BRUNO of defendant Bruno Bautista who testified that he is the owner of the land in
BAUTISTA, respondents. question by virtue of a deed of sale, of January 3, 1941, signed by Apolonio
Bunag with his thumbmark; that Bunag first offered it for sale to his brother
Jose Bautista, but as the latter had no money, he referred the matter to his
CORTES, J.: father; that after he was contacted in Baguio by his father, he sent the
P100.00 as consideration of the sale and so the sale was consummated
The core of the controversy in this case is a thumb-marked. non-notarized between his father and Bunag; that he came down from Baguio and had the
and non-witnessed deed of sale of a parcel of unregistered land, which on house repaired and he stayed there with his family until liberation when
its face cannot but cause a prudent man to doubt its due execution and they left the house and allowed his sister Estrudes Bautista to live therein;
authenticity. that he planted bananas, chicos, trees, calamansi, eggplants, thereon; that
he had been paying the land taxes thereon (Exhs. 5 to 5-M); that the
The facts are briefly summarized in the decision of the Court of Appeals: property is declared in his name (Exh. 6); and he denies that her sister
Estrudes requested Apolonio Bunag to allow her to stay on the property as
The evidence of the plaintiff consisting of the sole testimony of said plaintiff her sister had a house of her own then.
is to the effect that the property in question was originally owned by his
father Apolonio Bunag Aguas as shown by Tax Declaration Nos. 546 for 1941 Brigida Bautista testified that her brother bought the said property from
and 320 for 1960 (Exhs. B & E), located at San Nicolas, Betis, Pampanga; that Apolonio Bunag and that she was present when Bunag affixed Ms
he had been living in their house thereon with his father until 1920 when thumbmark on the document (Exh. 1); that aside from this deed, there were
they transferred their residence to Tarlac; that in 1925 their house thereon other documents supporting the sale as the note (Exh. 2) containing the
was demolished as it was old; that they planted bamboos on the land; that consideration and the parties. Assessor's Field Sheet of the property (Exh. 3)
Jose Bautista Santiago, a nephew-in-law, erected a house on said lot and and the letter of the assessor to Bunag in 1941 informing him of the revision
lived therein for sometime until he became a widower when he transferred of the assessment. (Rollo, pp. 15-18).
to another house; that said Jose Bautista Santiago one day accompanied his
sister Estrudes Bautista to stay in that house; and that Santiago was allowed The trial court decided in favor of petitioner, the dispositive portion of the
by his father to build a house on said lot on condition that he would pay for decision reading as follows:
the land taxes as compensation for the use of the land. He admitted,
however, that be only learned about this agreement from his father. On IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, judgment is rendered in favor of the plaintiff.
September 15,1962, and September 24,1962 he sent written demands to The defendants, Bruno Bautista and Estrudes Bautista vda. de Bituin, are
defendant Bruno Bautista, thru his lawyer, to vacate the lot and remove the hereby ordered to vacate the property herein described and to deliver
houses thereon, (Exhs. A & B). The testimony of the other witness Juan possession thereof to the plaintiff, Francisco Bunag; ordering the said
defendants, jointly and severally, to pay the land taxes of the property up to
and including the year 1968; and to pay the plaintiff the sum of P15.00 per authenticity must be proved before it can be received in evidence (Nolan v.
month as reasonable rentals thereof from the date of this judgment until Sales, 7 Phil. 1 (1906); U.S. v. Evangelists, 29 Phil. 215 (1915); Antillon v.
the property is delivered to the plaintiff; to pay the plaintiff the sum of Barcelon, 37 Phil. 148 (1917)].
P200.00 as expenses of litigation and costs. For lack of merit, the
counterclaim of the defendants are dismiss (Rollo, pp. 14-15) Proof of the due execution and authenticity of private writings is required
under Section 21, Rule 132 of the Revised Rules of Court, to wit:
The Court of Appeals, finding the deed of sale (Exhibit 1) to have been
validly executed and, thus, concluding that "the preponderance of evidence Sec. 21. Private writing, its execution and authenticity, how proved. —
leans heavily in favor of the claim of the ownership of defendant Bruno Before any private writing may be received in evidence, its due execution
Bautista" [Rollo p. 18], set aside the decision of the trial court and dismissed and authenticity must be proved either:
the complaint. The motion for reconsideration was subsequently denied by
(a) By anyone who saw the writing executed;
the Court of Appeals in a minute resolution for lack of merit.
(b) By evidence of the genuineness of the handwriting of the maker; or
Consequently, resolution of the instant petition primarily revolves around
the issue of the due execution authenticity of the deed of sale (Exhibit 1). (c) By a subscribing witness.
The petitioner assigned the following errors:
To support its conclusion as to the due execution and authenticity of the
deed of sale (Exhibit 1), the Court of Appeals relied on the testimony of
Brigida Bautista, a sister of private respondents. She testified as follows:

A My brother Bruno Bautista.
Q. Do you know how your brother, Bruno Bautista, came to own the
same property?
ACCORDANCE WITH THE EVIDENCE ON RECORD. A. Yes, sir. He bought it from Apolonio Bunag.

At the outset, it must be emphasized that the deed of sale (Exhibit 1) was Q. Do you know if there is any document evidencing the purchase of the
not acknowledged before a notary public and neither are there any said property from Apolonio Bunag.?
signatures in the blank spaces for the signatures of attesting witnesses. The
A. Yes, sir.
document is typewritten in English and over the similarly typewritten words
"APOLONIO BUNIAG" is a thumbprint.
Q. Showing to you this document already marked as Exhibit 1, do you
recognize this?
The deed of sale (Exhibit 1) is not notarized and is, therefore, a private
writing (U.S. v. Orera, 11 Phil. 596 (1908)], whose due execution and
A. Yes, sir, this is the document showing the purchase and sale of the lot in actually executed by the person whose name is subscribed thereto. It is not
litigation. sufficient if he states in a general manner that such person made the writing
(Nolan vs. Salas, Bail. More so if the document was merely thumb-marked.
Q. At the bottom portion thereof, appears a thumbmark above the
typewritten name Apolonio Bunag, do you know whose thumbmark this is?
Regretably, this Court can not accept, for failure of proof as to its due
A. That is the thumbmark of Apolonio Bunag, sir, and I know that is his execution and authenticity, the probative value of Exhibit "1". (Record on
because I saw him affixed (sic) his thumbmark. TSN, March 25,1967, pp. 1- Appeal, pp.38-39).
2). The Court sustains and adopts the trial court's findings and its conclusion
that private respondents have failed to prove the due execution and
However, the trial court found proof of the due execution and authenticity authenticity of the deed of sale (Exhibit 1).
of the deed of sale (Exhibit 1) wanting, reasoning that:

The due execution and authenticity of the deed of sale, (Exhibit 1) not
The testimony of this witness (Brigida Bautista) has to be received with
having been satisfactorily proven, such private document should be
caution, coming as it does from a sister of the defendants. The
excluded [Paz v. Santiago, 47 Phil. 334 (1925); Alejandrino v. Reyes, 53 Phil.
circumstances other alleged presence during the "execution" of the deed of
973 (1929); Chapman v. Garcia, 64 Phil. 618 (1937); General Enterprises v.
sale was not related. Neither does she give any light as to whether Apolonio
Lianga Bay Logging Co., G.R. No. L-18487, August 31, 1964, 11 SCRA 733].
Bunag understood the document. It should be noted that (Exhibit "1") was
written in English. Since it appears that said document was merely thumb-
2. Petitioner contends that the Court of Appeals erred in arriving at a
marked, it could reasonably be inferred that Apolonio Bunag, the supposed
conclusion not supported by the record, when it said:
vendor, was illiterate. Under the stances, the minimum proof necessary to
establish due authenticity should, in the least, include evidence that the
The pretension of the plaintiff that the defendant bound himself to pay the
document (Exhibit "1") was duly read, explained and translated to Apolonio
taxes for the use of the land is belied by the fact that the defendant paid the
Bunag. Unfortunately, no such evidence was presented. Another fact which
taxes in his own name and not in the name of Bunag, and the defendant
compels this Court to proceed with caution is the fact that there are no
kept the receipts of payment and did not deliver even one of those receipts
instrumental witnesses in the document. The mischief that lurks behind
to Bunag. (Rollo, p. 19.)
accepting at face value a document that is merely thumb-marked. without
any witnesses to it, and not acknowledged before a notary public could be
Petitioner argues that this finding is grossly erroneous, considering that in
one of the reasons behind the requirement of the rules on evidence that a
the stipulation of facts submitted by both parties before the trial court, it is
private writing must be shown to be duly executed and authenticated. The
expressly provided:
probative value of the testimony of Brigida Bautista, who did not furnish us
with any details surrounding the execution of Exhibit "l," coming as it does
3. That the parties hereto hereby stipulate and agree that the
from a person whose partisanship can not, and should not, be overlook (sic),
defendant, Bruno Bautista, has been paying the land taxes due on the
fags short from (sic) the minimum requirements of credibility. Indeed it has
aforesaid property, personally or thru his wife, Consolacion Capati, for the
been said that the testimony of an eye-witness as to the execution of a
period from 1940 to 1964, as shown by the corresponding official land tax
private document must be positive. He must state that the document was
receipts duly issued by the Municipal Treasurer of Guagua, Pampanga;
however, under the column NAME OF DECLARED OWNER thereof, the name With the exclusion of the deed of sale (Exhibit 1), the conclusiveness of the
Bunag Aguas Apolonio is written. stipulation regarding the payment of realty taxes and the declaration of
Apolonio Bunag Aguas as the owner in the Real Estate Tax Receipts (Exhibits
As this fact was stipulated by the parties, it need not be proven, it cannot be 5-5-M) it becomes apparent that petitioner's father never ceased to own
contradicted by evidence to the contrary, and it is conclusive upon the the disputed property.
parties, unless it is shown that the admission was made through a palpable
mistake [Irlanda v. Pitargue, 22 Phil. 383 (1912); Board of Administrators, At this juncture, it would be opportune to address private respondent's
Philippine Veterans Administration v. Agcaoili, G.R. No. L-38129, July submission that the questions raised in petitioner's petition for review are
23,1974, 58 SCRA 72]. questions of fact and not of law and, therefore, this Court should not disturb
the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals. While the Court agrees with
There being no allegation of a palpable mistake that would relieve private private respondents that, ordinarily, the Supreme Court should not review
respondents from the stipulation of facts, the stipulated fact above-quoted questions of fact in appeals of this nature, the Court finds, however, that an
is conclusive upon the parties. exception obtains in the instant case, for clearly evident is a
misapprehension of facts [De la Cruz v. Sosing, 94 Phil. 26 (1953); Castillo v.
The Court of Appeals cannot arbitrarily disregard the statement of facts Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 1,48290, September 29, 1983, 124 SCRA 808]. As
agreed upon by the parties [Siping v. Cacob, 10 Phil. 717 (1908)]. It is duty summarized by the Court in a recent decision:
bound to render judgment strictly in accordance with the stipulation of facts
[Cabrera v. Lacson, 71 Phil. 182 (1940)]. The jurisdiction of this Court in cases brought to us from the Court of
Appeals (now Intermediate Appellate Court) is limited to the review of
It may also be added that, indeed, in the Real Estate Tax Receipts (Exhibits errors of law, said appellate court's findings of fact being conclusive upon us
5-5-M) covering the years 1947 to 1964 presented by private respondents except (1) when the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on
as their evidence, under the column entitled "NAME OF DECLARED OWNER" speculation, surmises or conjectures; (2) when the inference made is
the name "Bunag Aguas Apolonio" is written. This assumes greater manifestly absurd, mistaken or impossible; (3) when there is grave abuse of
significance considering that the payors in these receipts were either private discretion in the appreciation of facts; (4) when the judgment is premised
respondent Bruno Bautista, his wife Consolacion Capati or Ambrosio on a misapprehension of facts; (5) when the findings of fact are conflicting;
Bautista. and (6) when the Court of Appeals, in making its findings went beyond the
issues of the case and the same is contrary to the admissions of both
Thus, this Court finds merit in petitioner's contention that the Court of appellant and appellee ... [Rizal Cement Co., Inc. v. Villareal, G.R. No. L-
Appeals's conclusion is not supported by the record, for said conclusion is 30272, February 28, 1985, 135 SCRA 151].
contrary to the stipulated fact and the evidence offered by private
respondents, which support petitioner's contention that his father did not WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED, the decision of the Court of
sen the disputed property to private respondents' father, but merely Appeals is set aside and the decision of the trial court is affirmed in toto.
allowed their brother to build a house on the land on the condition that the This Decision is immediately executory.
latter would pay for the realty taxes due.
G.R. No. 104235 November 18, 1993 While in New York, on June 4, 1984, petitioners received notice of the
reconfirmation of their reservations for said flight. On the appointed date,
SPOUSES CESAR & SUTHIRA ZALAMEA and LIANA ZALAMEA, petitioners, however, petitioners checked in at 10:00 a.m., an hour earlier than the
vs. scheduled flight at 11:00 a.m. but were placed on the wait-list because the
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and TRANSWORLD AIRLINES, INC., number of passengers who had checked in before them had already taken
respondents. all the seats available on the flight. Liana Zalamea appeared as the No. 13 on
the wait-list while the two other Zalameas were listed as "No. 34, showing a
Sycip, Salazar, Hernandez, Gatmaitan for petitioners. party of two." Out of the 42 names on the wait list, the first 22 names were
eventually allowed to board the flight to Los Angeles, including petitioner
Quisumbing, Torres & Evangelista for private-respondent. Cesar Zalamea. The two others, on the other hand, at No. 34, being ranked
lower than 22, were not able to fly. As it were, those holding full-fare tickets
were given first priority among the wait-listed passengers. Mr. Zalamea,
NOCON, J.: who was holding the full-fare ticket of his daughter, was allowed to board
the plane; while his wife and daughter, who presented the discounted
Disgruntled over TransWorld Airlines, Inc.'s refusal to accommodate them in tickets were denied boarding. According to Mr. Zalamea, it was only later
TWA Flight 007 departing from New York to Los Angeles on June 6, 1984 when he discovered the he was holding his daughter's full-fare ticket.
despite possession of confirmed tickets, petitioners filed an action for
damages before the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Metro Manila, Branch Even in the next TWA flight to Los Angeles Mrs. Zalamea and her daughter,
145. Advocating petitioner's position, the trial court categorically ruled that could not be accommodated because it was also fully booked. Thus, they
respondent TransWorld Airlines (TWA) breached its contract of carriage were constrained to book in another flight and purchased two tickets from
with petitioners and that said breach was "characterized by bad faith." On American Airlines at a cost of Nine Hundred Eighteen ($918.00) Dollars.
appeal, however, the appellate court found that while there was a breach of
contract on respondent TWA's part, there was neither fraud nor bad faith Upon their arrival in the Philippines, petitioners filed an action for damages
because under the Code of Federal Regulations by the Civil Aeronautics based on breach of contract of air carriage before the Regional Trial Court of
Board of the United States of America it is allowed to overbook flights. Makati, Metro Manila, Branch 145. As aforesaid, the lower court ruled in
favor of petitioners in its decision 1 dated January 9, 1989 the dispositive
The factual backdrop of the case is as follows: portion of which states as follows:

Petitioners-spouses Cesar C. Zalamea and Suthira Zalamea, and their WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered ordering the defendant to pay
daughter, Liana Zalamea, purchased three (3) airline tickets from the Manila plaintiffs the following amounts:
agent of respondent TransWorld Airlines, Inc. for a flight to New York to Los
Angeles on June 6, 1984. The tickets of petitioners-spouses were purchased (1) US $918.00, or its peso equivalent at the time of payment
at a discount of 75% while that of their daughter was a full fare ticket. All representing the price of the tickets bought by Suthira and Liana Zalamea
three tickets represented confirmed reservations. from American Airlines, to enable them to fly to Los Angeles from New York
(2) US $159.49, or its peso equivalent at the time of payment, The dispositive portion of the decision of respondent Court of Appeals3
representing the price of Suthira Zalamea's ticket for TWA Flight 007; dated October 25, 1991 states as follows:

(3) Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-Four Pesos and Fifty Centavos WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the decision under review is
(P8,934.50, Philippine Currency, representing the price of Liana Zalamea's hereby MODIFIED in that the award of moral and exemplary damages to the
ticket for TWA Flight 007, plaintiffs is eliminated, and the defendant-appellant is hereby ordered to
pay the plaintiff the following amounts:
(4) Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (P250,000.00), Philippine
Currency, as moral damages for all the plaintiffs' (1) US$159.49, or its peso equivalent at the time of the payment,
representing the price of Suthira Zalamea's ticket for TWA Flight 007;
(5) One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00), Philippine Currency,
as and for attorney's fees; and (2) US$159.49, or its peso equivalent at the time of the payment,
representing the price of Cesar Zalamea's ticket for TWA Flight 007;
(6) The costs of suit.
(3) P50,000.00 as and for attorney's fees.
(4) The costs of suit.
On appeal, the respondent Court of Appeals held that moral damages are
recoverable in a damage suit predicated upon a breach of contract of SO ORDERED.4
carriage only where there is fraud or bad faith. Since it is a matter of record
that overbooking of flights is a common and accepted practice of airlines in Not satisfied with the decision, petitioners raised the case on petition for
the United States and is specifically allowed under the Code of Federal review on certiorari and alleged the following errors committed by the
Regulations by the Civil Aeronautics Board, no fraud nor bad faith could be respondent Court of Appeals, to wit:
imputed on respondent TransWorld Airlines.
Moreover, while respondent TWA was remiss in not informing petitioners
that the flight was overbooked and that even a person with a confirmed . . . IN HOLDING THAT THERE WAS NO FRAUD OR BAD FAITH ON THE PART
reservation may be denied accommodation on an overbooked flight, OF RESPONDENT TWA BECAUSE IT HAS A RIGHT TO OVERBOOK FLIGHTS.
nevertheless it ruled that such omission or negligence cannot under the
circumstances be considered to be so gross as to amount to bad faith. II.

Finally, it also held that there was no bad faith in placing petitioners in the . . . IN ELIMINATING THE AWARD OF EXEMPLARY DAMAGES.
wait-list along with forty-eight (48) other passengers where full-fare first
class tickets were given priority over discounted tickets. III.
Existing jurisprudence explicitly states that overbooking amounts to bad
. . . IN NOT ORDERING THE REFUND OF LIANA ZALAMEA'S TWA TICKET AND faith, entitling the passengers concerned to an award of moral damages. In
PAYMENT FOR THE AMERICAN AIRLINES Alitalia Airways v. Court of Appeals,9 where passengers with confirmed
TICKETS.5 bookings were refused carriage on the last minute, this Court held that
when an airline issues a ticket to a passenger confirmed on a particular
That there was fraud or bad faith on the part of respondent airline when it flight, on a certain date, a contract of carriage arises, and the passenger has
did not allow petitioners to board their flight for Los Angeles in spite of every right to expect that he would fly on that flight and on that date. If he
confirmed tickets cannot be disputed. The U.S. law or regulation allegedly does not, then the carrier opens itself to a suit for breach of contract of
authorizing overbooking has never been proved. Foreign laws do not prove carriage. Where an airline had deliberately overbooked, it took the risk of
themselves nor can the courts take judicial notice of them. Like any other having to deprive some passengers of their seats in case all of them would
fact, they must be alleged and proved.6 Written law may be evidenced by show up for the check in. For the indignity and inconvenience of being
an official publication thereof or by a copy attested by the officer having the refused a confirmed seat on the last minute, said passenger is entitled to an
legal custody of the record, or by his deputy, and accompanied with a award of moral damages.
certificate that such officer has custody. The certificate may be made by a
secretary of an embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice-consul, or Similarly, in Korean Airlines Co., Ltd. v. Court of Appeals, 10 where private
consular agent or by any officer in the foreign service of the Philippines respondent was not allowed to board the plane because her seat had
stationed in the foreign country in which the record is kept, and already been given to another passenger even before the allowable period
authenticated by the seal of his office.7 for passengers to check in had lapsed despite the fact that she had a
confirmed ticket and she had arrived on time, this Court held that petitioner
Respondent TWA relied solely on the statement of Ms. Gwendolyn Lather, airline acted in bad faith in violating private respondent's rights under their
its customer service agent, in her deposition dated January 27, 1986 that contract of carriage and is therefore liable for the injuries she has sustained
the Code of Federal Regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Board allows as a result.
overbooking. Aside from said statement, no official publication of said code
was presented as evidence. Thus, respondent court's finding that In fact, existing jurisprudence abounds with rulings where the breach of
overbooking is specifically allowed by the US Code of Federal Regulations contract of carriage amounts to bad faith. In Pan American World Airways,
has no basis in fact. Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 11 where a would-be passenger had
the necessary ticket, baggage claim and clearance from immigration all
Even if the claimed U.S. Code of Federal Regulations does exist, the same is clearly and unmistakably showing that she was, in fact, included in the
not applicable to the case at bar in accordance with the principle of lex loci passenger manifest of said flight, and yet was denied accommodation in
contractus which require that the law of the place where the airline ticket said flight, this Court did not hesitate to affirm the lower court's finding
was issued should be applied by the court where the passengers are awarding her damages.
residents and nationals of the forum and the ticket is issued in such State by
the defendant airline.8 Since the tickets were sold and issued in the A contract to transport passengers is quite different in kind and degree from
Philippines, the applicable law in this case would be Philippine law. any other contractual relation. So ruled this Court in Zulueta v. Pan
American World Airways, Inc. 12 This is so, for a contract of carriage
generates a relation attended with public duty — a duty to provide public It is respondent TWA's position that the practice of overbooking and the
service and convenience to its passengers which must be paramount to self- airline system of boarding priorities are reasonable policies, which when
interest or enrichment. Thus, it was also held that the switch of planes from implemented do not amount to bad faith. But the issue raised in this case is
Lockheed 1011 to a smaller Boeing 707 because there were only 138 not the reasonableness of said policies but whether or not said policies were
confirmed economy class passengers who could very well be incorporated or deemed written on petitioners' contracts of carriage.
accommodated in the smaller planes, thereby sacrificing the comfort of its Respondent TWA failed to show that there are provisions to that effect.
first class passengers for the sake of economy, amounts to bad faith. Such Neither did it present any argument of substance to show that petitioners
inattention and lack of care for the interest of its passengers who are were duly apprised of the overbooked condition of the flight or that there is
entitled to its utmost consideration entitles the passenger to an award of a hierarchy of boarding priorities in booking passengers. It is evident that
moral damages. 13 petitioners had the right to rely upon the assurance of respondent TWA,
thru its agent in Manila, then in New York, that their tickets represented
Even on the assumption that overbooking is allowed, respondent TWA is still confirmed seats without any qualification. The failure of respondent TWA to
guilty of bad faith in not informing its passengers beforehand that it could so inform them when it could easily have done so thereby enabling
breach the contract of carriage even if they have confirmed tickets if there respondent to hold on to them as passengers up to the last minute amounts
was overbooking. Respondent TWA should have incorporated stipulations to bad faith. Evidently, respondent TWA placed its self-interest over the
on overbooking on the tickets issued or to properly inform its passengers rights of petitioners under their contracts of carriage. Such conscious
about these policies so that the latter would be prepared for such disregard of petitioners' rights makes respondent TWA liable for moral
eventuality or would have the choice to ride with another airline. damages. To deter breach of contracts by respondent TWA in similar fashion
in the future, we adjudge respondent TWA liable for exemplary damages, as
Respondent TWA contends that Exhibit I, the detached flight coupon upon well.
which were written the name of the passenger and the points of origin and
destination, contained such a notice. An examination of Exhibit I does not Petitioners also assail the respondent court's decision not to require the
bear this out. At any rate, said exhibit was not offered for the purpose of refund of Liana Zalamea's ticket because the ticket was used by her father.
showing the existence of a notice of overbooking but to show that Exhibit I On this score, we uphold the respondent court. Petitioners had not shown
was used for flight 007 in first class of June 11, 1984 from New York to Los with certainty that the act of respondent TWA in allowing Mr. Zalamea to
Angeles. use the ticket of her daughter was due to inadvertence or deliberate act.
Petitioners had also failed to establish that they did not accede to said
Moreover, respondent TWA was also guilty of not informing its passengers agreement. The logical conclusion, therefore, is that both petitioners and
of its alleged policy of giving less priority to discounted tickets. While the respondent TWA agreed, albeit impliedly, to the course of action taken.
petitioners had checked in at the same time, and held confirmed tickets,
yet, only one of them was allowed to board the plane ten minutes before The respondent court erred, however, in not ordering the refund of the
departure time because the full-fare ticket he was holding was given priority American Airlines tickets purchased and used by petitioners Suthira and
over discounted tickets. The other two petitioners were left behind. Liana. The evidence shows that petitioners Suthira and Liana were
constrained to take the American Airlines flight to Los Angeles not because
they "opted not to use their TWA tickets on another TWA flight" but
because respondent TWA could not accommodate them either on the next from American Airlines, to enable them to fly to Los Angeles from New York
TWA flight which was also fully booked. 14 The purchase of the American City;
Airlines tickets by petitioners Suthira and Liana was the consequence of
respondent TWA's unjustifiable breach of its contracts of carriage with (2) P50,000.00 as moral damages;
petitioners. In accordance with Article 2201, New Civil Code, respondent
TWA should, therefore, be responsible for all damages which may be (3) P50,000.00 as exemplary damages;
reasonably attributed to the non-performance of its obligation. In the
previously cited case of Alitalia Airways v. Court of Appeals, 15 this Court (4) P50,000.00 as attorney's fees; and
explicitly held that a passenger is entitled to be reimbursed for the cost of
the tickets he had to buy for a flight to another airline. Thus, instead of (5) Costs of suit.
simply being refunded for the cost of the unused TWA tickets, petitioners
should be awarded the actual cost of their flight from New York to Los SO ORDERED.
Angeles. On this score, we differ from the trial court's ruling which ordered
not only the reimbursement of the American Airlines tickets but also the
refund of the unused TWA tickets. To require both prestations would have
enabled petitioners to fly from New York to Los Angeles without any fare
being paid.

The award to petitioners of attorney's fees is also justified under Article

2208(2) of the Civil Code which allows recovery when the defendant's act or
omission has compelled plaintiff to litigate or to incur expenses to protect
his interest. However, the award for moral damages and exemplary
damages by the trial court is excessive in the light of the fact that only
Suthira and Liana Zalamea were actually "bumped off." An award of
P50,000.00 moral damages and another P50,000.00 exemplary damages
would suffice under the circumstances obtaining in the instant case.

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED and the decision of the

respondent Court of Appeals is hereby MODIFIED to the extent of adjudging
respondent TransWorld Airlines to pay damages to petitioners in the
following amounts, to wit:

(1) US$918.00 or its peso equivalent at the time of payment

representing the price of the tickets bought by Suthira and Liana Zalamea
G.R. No. L-36282 December 10, 1976 the palihug (a sort of bayanihan) at the farm of Tomas Rosello, his brother-
in-law. There, he imbibed copious amounts of tuba, the coconut wine that is
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, a causative factor in the rampancy of criminality or lawlessness in rural
vs. areas.
COSME MONLEON, accused-appellant.
At about seven o'clock in the evening of that day, June 1, Cosme Monleon
Prospero A. Crescini, for appellant. arrived at his house. He was drunk. He inquired from Concordia whether
their carabao had been fed by their ten-year old son, Marciano. She assured
Solicitor General Estelito P. Mendoza, Assistant Solicitor General Conrado T. him that the carabao had been fed. He repaired to the place where the
Limcaoco and Solicitor Pio C. Guerrero for appellee. carabao was tethered to check the veracity of her statement. He discovered
that the carabao had not been adequately fed. He became furious.

AQUINO, J.: When he was about to whip Marciano, Concordia intervened. A violent
quarrel ensued between them. He placed himself astride his wife's chest,
Cosme Monleon appealed from the decision of the Court of First Instance of squezzed her neck, pressed her head against a post, and kicked her in the
Cebu, finding him guilty of parricide, sentencing him to reclusion perpetua, abdomen.
and ordering him to pay the heirs of his deceased wife, Concordia Bongo, an
indemnity of twelve thousand pesos plus moral damages in the sum of two He shouted: "What do I care if there would be someone who would be
thousand pesos (Criminal Case No. BO-121). buried tomorrow. You let your brothers and sisters stand up and I will also
include them." Felicisimo, one of the couple's six children, pulled away his
After that judgment was read to him in open court on January 11, 1973, he father and stopped his assault on Concordia.
asked that the penalty be reduced (156 tsn). The court advised him to
appeal if he was not satisfied with the penalty. The following morning Concordia vomitted blood. She died at eleven o'clock
on that morning of June 2. Death was due to "acute abdomen" (Exh. B), a
The Solicitor General submits that the judgment of conviction should be pathologic condition within the belly, requiring surgical intervention
affirmed but recommends executive clemency because the penalty of (Blakiston's New Gould Medical Dictionary, 2nd Edition, page 2).
reclusion perpetua appears to be excessive, considering the degree of
malice exhibited by Monleon (Art. 5, Revised Penal Code; Sec. 14, Art. IX, Sixteen days after Concordia Bongo's death, or on June 18, Monleon
1973 Constitution). thumbmarked a confession, written in the Cebuano dialect and sworn to
before the town mayor (Exh. C). He admitted in that confession that he
The judgment was based on the following facts: assaulted his wife and that he had repented for the wrong which he had
done to her. He orally admitted to Perfecto Bongo, a lieutenant in the Cebu
Appellant Monleon and his wife, Concordia Bongo, who had been married City police department and a relative of Concordia, that he (Monleon)
for twenty-six years (Exh. A), were residents of Barrio Lunas, Borbon, Cebu. assaulted his wife because he was drunk and she was a nagger (133-134 tsn
On June 1, 1970 Monleon, a forty-five year old illiterate farmer, worked in November 24, 1972).
and kicking her in the abdomen. He did not use any weapon but the acts of
On July 31, 1970 or about two months after Concordia's death, a medico- physical violence which he inflicted on her produced internal complications
legal officer of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) exhumed her which caused her to vomit blood the next day and eventually snuffed out
body. He found bluish-black discolorations on the sphenoid temporal bones her life.
of her skull, on the atlas or cervical vertebra below the skull or at the base
of the neck, and on the first ribs. The discolorations were due to internal The corpus delicti or the fact of the commission of the crime of which
hemorrhage "caused by trauma or external violence" (Exh. D-1; 21-24 tsn). Concordia Bongo was the victim was established by the prosecution
The doctor ventured the opinion that the "acute abdomen" could have been witnesses, Clemencia Bongo-Monleon and Epifania Bongo. Hence,
caused "by external violence" (37 tsn). Monleon's extrajudicial confession (Exh. C) was corroborated by evidence of
the corpus delicti (Sec. 3, Rule 133 and sec. 29, Rule 130, Rules of Court).
Appellant Monleon, by means of his testimony and the testimonies of his
nineteen-year old daughter, Felicisima, and his twelve-year old son, The trial court said that it took pains to observe the demeanor on the
Marciano (a third-grade pupil), denied that he used violence against his witness stand of the mayor Epifania, and Clemencia, who all testified for the
wife. He testified that he and his wife had merely a verbal quarrel and that prosecution, and appellant Monleon himself. It was convinced that the
Clemencia Bongo-Monleon, the sister of Concordia and the wife of his elder confession "was voluntarily executed by the accused."
brother, testified against him because Clemencia and Monleon had a
boundary dispute regarding the lands inherited by Clemencia and Concordia Appellant's counsel de oficio contends that there are discrepancies between
from their father, Victor Bongo. Monleon's confession and the version given by the prosecution witnesses,
Epifania and Clemencia. Those two witnesses testified that Concordia died
Monleon said that Lieutenant Bongo asked him to sign a "recibo" that he at eleven o'clock in the morning while Monleon in his confession declared
would take care of his children (113 tsn). He also said that some persons that his wife died at one o'clock in the afternoon. Another discrepancy is
threatened to kill him if he did not affix his thumbmark to his confession that according to prosecution witnesses Monleon was not present when his
(116 tsn). wife died but according to the confession, he was with her when she
breathed her last. Counsel de oficio also points out that the confession was
As already stated, the trial court convicted Monleon of parricide. In this supposed to have been thumbmarked on June 16, 1970 and then sworn to
appeal, his counsel de oficio the trial court erred in giving credence to before the mayor two days later or on June 18 but, according to Lieutenant
Monleon's confession, the affidavit of his son, Marciano (Exh. E), and the Bongo, he investigated Monleon in the early morning of June 18 and his
testimonies of the prosecution witnesses, Clemencia Bongo-Monleon, confession was executed at that time.
Epifania Bongo, Perfecto Bongo, and the NBI medico-legal officer, Doctor
Ceferino Cunanan; in treating the alleged declarations of Concordia Bongo We are of the opinion that those discrepancies do not destroy the probative
to Clemencia's husband as part of the res gestae and in rejecting the value of the confession nor negate Monleon's admission therein that he
testimonies of Monleon and his two children, Marciano and Felicisima. assaulted his wife. A court may reject portions of the confession by reason
of the improbability of the facts or statements therein or because of their
The crucial fact in this case is that Monleon feloniously assaulted his wife in falsity or untrustworthiness (People vs. Layos, 60 Phil. 760; People vs. Piring,
the evening of June 1, 1970 by choking her, bashing her head against a post 63 Phil. 546; People vs. Villanueva, 115 Phil. 858; 22 C.J.S. 1479).
provides that documents written in an unofficial language shall not be
The mayor and Lieutenant Bongo testified that Monleon was not forced to admitted as evidence, unless accompanied with a translation into English,
affix his thumbmark to the confession. There is no evidence that he was Spanish or the national language "To avoid interruption of proceedings,
tortured or maltreated. Monleon could have complained to the fiscal during parties or their attorneys are directed to have such translation prepared
the preliminary investigation that he was forced to execute his confession. before trial" (See. 34).
He did not do so.
Also meritorious is appellant's contention that the trial court erred in ruling
Attorney Prospero A. Crescini, appellant's counsel de oficio, examined that the alleged declarations of Concordia Bongo to the husband of
meticulously the evidence, conscientiously studied Page 268 the case and Clemencia Bongo Monleon, as to the violent acts inflicted upon her
submitted a good brief. He points out that Clemencia and Epifania did not (Concordia) by appellant Monleon, are part of the res gestae. That ruling
mention that they saw each other when they allegedly witnessed the was made in connection with Clemencia's testimony (not on direct
assault made by Monleon on his wife; that they did not report immediately examination but in answer to the questions of the trial judge) that at eight
to the authorities the alleged incident; that it was strange that Epifania did o'clock in the evening of June 1, 1970, or about an hour after Concordia was
not ask her husband, Gervasio Bongo, the brother of the victim, to stop the assaulted by Monleon, she (Concordia) left her house and went to
assault, and that Clemencia failed to summon her husband, an elder brother Clemencia's house three hundred meters away and recounted to
of Monleon, to pacify the latter. Clemencia's husband (appellant Monleon's brother) how she was beaten by
Monleon (22 tsn).
Those acts and omission of Clemencia and Epifania do not render their
testimonies worthless The two prosecution witnesses are uneducated. The Appellants counsel observed that it was incredible that Concordia, after
fiscal in his direct examination and the defense counsel did not ask them being severely maltreated by Monleon (according to the prosecution's
whether they saw each other in the yard of Monleon's house when they version), would still have the strength to go to Clemencia's house which was
allegedly saw Monleon mauling his wife. Most likely, they assumed that located on a hill.
Monleon was merely chastising his wife, as he had repeatedly done in the
past, and that he did not intend to kill her. They were not cognizant at first Clemencia's testimony reveals that she must have been confused in making
of the grave consequences resulting from Monleon's violent acts. Hence, that assertion, assuming that it was accurately translated and reported. A
they did not see the necessity of the intervention of other persons or of the careful scrutiny of her entire testimony reveals that what she really meant
barrio captain and the police. was that Concordia on the following day, June 2, recounted to her, as
Concordia recounted also to Epifania, how she was maltreated by Monleon.
Appellant's counsel argues that the trial court erred in admitting Marciano In all probability what happened was that Clemencia, on arriving at her
Monleon's affidavit which was written in the Cebuano dialect (Exh. E) and house at around eight o'clock in the evening of June 1, apprised her
which was not accompanied with the corresponding translation. That husband that she witnessed the assault made by Monleon on her sister,
confession is well-taken. Concordia.

The trial court erred in admitting that affidavit over the objection of The trial court's error in regarding as part of the res gestae the statement
appellant's counsel because section 34, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court supposedly made by Concordia to Clemencia's husband immediately after
the incident and its error in admitting Monleon's affidavit are not sufficient bath to their child, who had a cold. In the course of the quarrel, he punched
to exculpate Monleon or engender any reasonable doubt as to his guilt. her in the abdomen. As a result she suffered an attack and died. He was
convicted of parricide and sentenced to reclusion perpetua. The
The testimonies of Epifania and Clemencia, the confession of Monleon, as commutation of the penalty was recommended to the Chief Executive (See
supported by the testimonies of the mayor and Lieutenant Bongo, and the People vs. Formigones, 87 Phil. 658; U.S. vs. Guevara, 10 Phil. 37; People vs.
expert opinion of the NBI medico-legal officer are sufficient to establish the Castañeda, 60 Phil. 604, 609; People vs. Gungab, 64 Phil. 779).
guilt of appellant Monleon.
Therefore, there is sufficient justification for the Solicitor General's
The instant case is covered by article 4 of the Revised Penal Code which recommendation that Monleon's case be brought to the attention of the
provides that criminal liability is incurred by any person committing a felony Chief Executive so that the penalty of reclusion perpetua may be reduced.
although the wrongful act done be different from that which he intended.
The maltreatment inflicted by Monleon on his wife was the proximate cause WHEREFORE, the trial court's judgment is affirmed. Pursuant to article 5 of
of her death. the Revised Penal Code, a certified copy of this decision should be furnished
the Chief Executive through the Secretary of Justice (See sec. 3[1], Art. XVII,
Monleon in his inebriated state had no intent to kill her. He was infuriated 1973 Constitution). Costs against the appellant.
because his son did not feed his carabao. He was provoked to castigate his
wife because she prevented him from whipping his negligent son. He could SO ORDERED.
have easily killed his wife had he really intended to take her life. He did not
kill her outright.

The trial court did not appreciate any mitigating circumstances in favor of
Monleon. The Solicitor General is correct in finding that the extenuating
circumstances of lack of intent to commit so grave a wrong and intoxication,
which was not habitual, are present in this case. Hence, the penalty
imposable on Monleon is reclusion perpetua (Arts. 63[3] and 246, Revised
Penal Code).

But considering that Monleon had no intent to kill his wife and that her
death might have been hastened by lack of appropriate medical attendance
or her weak constitution, the penalty of reclusion perpetua appears to be
excessive. A strict enforcement of the provisions of the Penal Code means
the imposition of a draconian penalty on Monleon.

This case is similar to People vs. Rabao, 67 Phil. 255 where the husband
quarrelled with his wife because he wanted to restrain her from giving a
G.R. No. 115690 February 20, 1996
WHEREFORE, finding the accused Rey Salison guilty beyond reasonable
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, doubt of the crime of MURDER punishable under Article 248 of the Revised
vs. Penal Code, with no modifying circumstance present, the Court has no other
REY SALISON, JR.,* TIRSO ANDIENTE, RUFINO DIGNARAN and LEONILO alternative but to impose the proper penalty of "reclusion perpetua", the
FEDILES, accused. same being the medium period within the range of the penalty imposable
and to pay the cost(s); to indemnify the offended party (in) the amount of
REY SALISON, JR., accused-appellant. P50,000.00 as compensatory damages and P7,270.70 as actual damages. 3
(Corrections in parentheses ours.)
In the present appeal, herein appellant contends that the trial court erred
REGALADO, J.: (1) in finding that there was proof beyond reasonable doubt that the
accused conspired with his co-accused in killing the victim, (2) in not holding
Accused-appellant Rey Salison, Jr., alias "Loloy," appeals from a judgment in that accused is only responsible for the injuries that he actually inflicted on
Criminal Case No. 21805-91 of the Regional Trial Court of Davao City, Branch the victim, and (3) in admitting in evidence the alleged "dying declaration"
16, which imposed upon him the penalty of relusion perpetua for the of the victim, as well as the "agreement" between the parents of the
murder of one Rolando Valmoria. accused and the victim.4

The information filed against appellant and the co-accused Tirso Andiente, During the trial, the prosecution presented seven witnesses, a picture of the
alias "Sano"; Rufino Dignaran, alias "Jongjong"; and Leonilo Fediles, alias pieces of wood5 used by the accused in killing the victim, receipts of
"Ondoy," alleges: expenses incurred in the hospital for the treatment of said victim,6 a written
declaration of the victim after the incident,7 and a written agreement
That on November 30, 1990 in the City of Davao, Philippines, and within the between the parents of appellant and the victim.8
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-mentioned accused,
confederating and mutually helping one another, with abuse of superior The evidence of record reveals that at around 8:00 o'clock in the evening of
strength and with intent to kill, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously mauled November 30, 1990, witness Maria Magdalena Ayola saw appellant Salison
and pummeled with hard wood one Rolando Valmoria. Serious and fatal approach the victim, Rolando Valmoria, who was then watching television in
injuries were inflicted which subsequently caused the death of Rolando a store at Cory Village, Agdao, Davao City. Salison placed his arm around
Valmoria on December 4, 1990.1 Valmoria's shoulder and brought him behind a neighbor's house where
there was a mango tree. There, appellant Salison boxed Valmoria in the
Upon arraignment, appellant Rey Salison, Jr., assisted by counsel de officio, abdomen.9
entered a plea of "not guilty."2 Trial then proceeded only against him,
because his three other co-accused were and, still are, at large. On During the fistfight between Salison and Valmoria, the three other accused
November 26, 1993, the trial court rendered a decision with the following Andiente, Dignaran and Fediles suddenly appeared and joined the fight and
decretal portion: simultaneously attacked Valmoria. It was then when witness Emilia
Fernandez approached them that the three co-accused disappeared, leaving A At Gory Village.
Salison and Valmoria behind. Fernandez was able to separate Salison from
Valmoria. However, the three co-accused returned and started to maul xxx xxx xxx
Valmoria again, with Salison rejoining the three in assaulting the victim. 10
Q After you heard that there was trouble in Cory Village, what happened
When Valmoria fought back, accused Salison, Fediles and Andiente picked next, if any?
up pieces of wood and started to hit Valmoria at the back on his nape, and
on the rear part of his head, Valmoria fell to the ground and, upon finding a A I noticed that the mother and father of Rolando Valmoria helped
chance to do so, he stood up and ran towards his house which was a few Rolando Valmoria in walking towards my house.
meters away. The assailants followed Valmoria but failed to further hit the
victim because Valmoria was able to hide inside his house. All of the accused Q When they arrived (at) your house, what happened next?
shouted for Valmoria to come out but the latter refused, causing his four
assailants to hit the walls and windows of the Valmoria residence. During A When they arrived (at) the house, the father requested that his son be
this time, the victim remained seated inside the house. Shortly thereafter, allowed to sit on our chair.
Valmoria started to complain of dizziness and pain in his head which was
bleeding at that time. 11 Q And what happened next after that?

Consequently, at the request of Valmoria, his parents accompanied him to A At that time Rolando Valmoria was sitting on the chair and he was so
the house of witness Patricia Alcoseba, the purok leader. The victim asked weak and his neck and head slumped on the chair and the Valmorias
Alcoseba to write down his declaration regarding the incident explaining requested me that he has something to say and requested it to be written
that if he should die and no witness would testify, his written declaration and he stuttered in talking.
could be utilized as evidence.
Q What did you do after the victim requested you?
At the trial of the case, Alcoseba presented the written and signed
declaration of Valmoria and she affirmed what was written in the A I obeyed. I obeyed the request and I got a ballpen and paper.
declaration, testifying as follows:
Q Then what happened next?
A He related to me as to who started the trouble as to who struck him
Q Mrs. Alcose(b)a, on November 30, 1990, where were you? first, the second and the third.

A I was in our house. Q Now Mrs. Alcose(b)a, while the victim was narrating to you, what did
you observe about his condition?
Q Where?
A I observed that he was so weak and he was in pain and I believed at A Yes, sir.
that time he was dying.
Q After the victim signed that document what happened next?
Q Did the victim utter the words to that effect that he was dying?
A They left and they went to the detachment.
A Yes, sir. He told me by saying "I believe that I will die".
xxx xxx xxx
Q What else?
Q What happened to this piece of paper after the victim signed this?
A Because he said that he felt a terrible pain on his head.
A I gave it to the mother.
Q Did he tell you the reason why he requested you to make a declaration
in writing? Q So you did not keep that piece of paper?

A He told me that if anybody will testify regarding my death this A No, sir. I gave it to them so they will be able to use it.
declaration of mine could be utilized as evidence.
Q Before they left your house you gave that piece of paper to the
xxx xxx xxx mother?

Q Showing to you this statement, what a relation is this one (sic) to the A At that time I did not give that declaration first to the mother because
one you said which is the statement of the victim? they were attending to their son.

A Yes, this is the one. Q When did you give that document to the mother?

xxx xxx xxx A When Rolando Valmoria died.

Q There is a printed name . . . a signature over the printed name Rolando xxx xxx xxx
Valmoria, "ang guibunalan/pasyente'', whose signature is this?
Q At the time you were taking this statement, from the victim did he tell
A That is the signature of Rolando Valmoria. you the persons who were responsible for his injuries?

COURT: A Yes, sir.

Q When the victim signed that document, was he sitting? Q Who?

A Rufino Dignaran, Jr. alias Jongjong and the second is Loloy Salison and engaged in a fistfight. He was trying to stop the group from fighting when
the third one is name(d) Tirso and the fourth, I cannot remember the name witness Fernandez came and told him not to interfere.
of the fourth person who hit the victim . . . yes, now I remember, it's Leonilo
Fideles. He then left and while he was on his way home, he heard somebody shout
"agay," so he went back and saw Andiente holding a piece of wood while
Q You wrote that statement (o)n a piece of paper? Valmoria was running towards his house. He had just grabbed the piece of
wood from Andiente when two CAFGU's arrived and arrested him,
A Yes, sir. 12 (Corrections and emphasis supplied.) Andiente, Dignaran and Fideles. All of them were subsequently released
after the investigation. 15
After making that declaration in the house of witness Alcoseba, Valmoria
and his parents proceeded to the hospital where he was X-rayed and The errors imputed to the trial court may be consolidated and narrowed
treated for his head injuries. Subsequently, the victim was allowed to go down to the question of credibility of the prosecution witnesses, the
home. However, at 4:00 o'clock the following morning, he started to existence of conspiracy in the commission of the crime, and the evidentiary
convulse and was rushed to the hospital. After three days there, Valmoria weight of the dying declaration, as well as of the written agreement of the
died. 13 parents of the victim and the accused.

The prosecution likewise presented Dr. Edmundo Visitacion, Jr. who had In the instant case, the lower court held that:
conducted the necropsy which established the cause of death of Valmoria
indicated in the post mortem certificate. He explained that the head injury The testimony of the prosecution's witnesses were clear, strong and
sustained by the victim caused by a blunt external trauma probably made by convincing to deserve full faith and credence. As against the pure denial of
a solid object and this trauma caused the subdular hemorrhage. 14 the accused of his direct participation as a conspirator, the positive, clear
and straightforward declaration of the prosecution's witnesses, must
On December 12, 1990, the parents of the victim and those of the accused prevail. No motive or reason has been shown, why they would falsely
Salison and Dignaran entered into a written agreement for the refund of impute to the accused the commission of such a grave crime. The accused
hospital expenses of Valmoria. However, no reinbursement was actually Rey Salison has no quarrel or bickering with the prosecution's witnesses. In
made. fact, two of the prosecution's witnesses are friends of the mother of Rey
Salison. These prosecution's witnesses declared that they saw (that) the
On the other hand, the lone defense witness was appellant Salison himself accused Rey Salison together with the other accused participated in boxing
who merely denied having killed the victim. He testified that on that day, and mauling Rolando Valmoria with pieces of wood. 16
together with his friends Andiente, Dignaran, Fideles and a certain Andy, he
was visiting his girlfriend, a certain Neneng Edpalina, when he heard We agree with the findings of the trial court giving full faith and credit to the
Valmoria and Andiente shouting at each other. He tried to pacify the two witnesses for the People. The uncorroborated testimony of appellant can
but the victim told him not to interfere because he had nothing to do with not prevail over the positive declaration of the prosecution's witnesses. In
them. Then he saw Valmoria, Andiente, Dignaran, Fideles and a certain Andy fact, there were three eyewitnesses, with no ill motives whatsoever, who
testified against appellant and confirmed Salison's direct participation in the Q In other words aside from accused Salison alias Loloy who first boxed
commission of the crime. Rolando Valmoria, other three persons joined Salison and also boxed
Rolando Valmoria?
The defense did not present any evidence to support the denials of
appellant. The putative girlfriend of Salison, who was allegedly with him on A Yes, sir.
that day, was not presented to confirm that fact and thereby prove that he
did not participate in the fight between his co-accused Andiente and the xxx xxx xxx
victim. His testimony pinpointing Andiente as the killer was only a
convenient way to avoid liability since Andiente remained at large and could COURT:
not refute Salison's testimony imputing the crime to him.
Q Did you see the 3 come from the bushes?
Moreover, denial is a self-serving negative evidence that can not be given
greater weight than the declaration of credible witnesses who testified on A Yes, sir.
affirmative matters. 17 Definitely, therefore, the case of the Government
has outweighed and overwhelmed the evidential ramparts of the defense. Q Where were you during the time when these three appeared from the
Appellant's assertion that conspiracy has not been established is belied by
the eyewitness accounts submitted by the prosecution. The manner by A I was nearby because we were watching them.
which the killing was executed clearly indicated a confederacy of purpose
and concerted action on the part of the accused. Prosecution witness Q Were you alone watching them or you had a companion?
Magdalena Ayola, who saw the entire incident, testified on this point, thus:
A I had some neighbors with me.
Q During that time were they alone? The two of them?
xxx xxx xxx
A When Salison brought Valmoria under the mango tree, they were only
2 but later, alias Sano, Fideles and alias Ondoy and alias Jong-jong boxed Q After alias Sano, alias Jong-jong and alias Ondoy joined Salison in
Valmoria. boxing Rolando Valmoria, what else did he do against the person of Rolando
xxx xxx xxx
A Valmoria fought back and there was exchange of fist(icuffs) and Loloy
PROSECUTOR MANDALUPE: Salison, alias Ondoy and alias Sano picked up some wooden pieces of wood
Q After these three persons you mentioned picked up wood, what did It is equally a well-accepted corollary rule that where a conspiracy has been
they do after picking up the wood? established, evidence as to who among the accused rendered the fatal blow
is not necessary. All the conspirators are liable as co-principals regardless of
A They struck Valmoria with the piece of wood. the intent and the character of their participation, because the act of one is
the act of all. 23
xxx xxx xxx
What further strengthens the case of the prosecution was the declaration of
Q You said that you saw these 4 persons struck Rolando Valmoria many Valmoria, made and signed by him right after the incident, as to who were
times while still under the mango tree. Can you tell the Honorable Court responsible for the injuries he sustained. Appellant, however, maintains that
what part of the body of Rolando Valmoria was hit by the striking of wood said written statement, which was reduced into writing by witness Patricia
by the 4 accused, if you can recall? Alcoseba and purporting to be a dying declaration, is inadmissible as
evidence since it was in the Cebuano regional language and was not
A He was hit at his back and at the back of his head. 18 accompanied with a translation in English or Pilipino.

xxx xxx xxx However, as correctly observed by the Solicitor General:

From the aforesaid testimony, these simultaneous attacks on the victim The records do not disclose that the defense offered any objection to the
proved the common intent of the accused to inflict fatal blows upon the admission of the declaration. Thus, the defense waived whatever infirmity
victim. the document had at the time of its submission as evidence. The declaration
can be translated into English or Pilipino as it is already admitted in evidence
Direct proof is not essential to prove conspiracy. 19 A conspiracy may be and forms part of the record. 24
inferred without need of showing that the parties actually came together
and agreed in express terms to enter into and pursue a common design. 20 Also, while such statement was given, as in the nature of things they are
For collective responsibility among the accused to be established, it is generally in oral form, they are not thereby rendered inadmissible as they
sufficient that at the time of the aggression all of them acted in concert each may even be communicated by means of signs. If the declarations have
doing his part to fulfill their common purpose to kill the victim. 21 thereafter been reduced to writing and signed by the declarant, the writing
is generally held to be the best evidence, and it must be produced. 25
Even if there is no direct evidence showing that all of the accused had a
prior agreement on how to kill Valmoria, the doctrine is well settled that More than once, this Court has taken into consideration documents written
conspiracy need not be proved by direct evidence of prior agreement to in a Philippine dialect, unaccompanied by the required translation but which
commit the crime, Very seldom would such prior agreement be had been admitted in evidence without objection by the accused.26 In
demonstrable since, in the nature of things, criminal undertakings are only those instances, the Court merely ordered official translations to be made. It
rarely documented by agreements in writing.22 is true that Section 33, Rule 132 of the revised Rules of Court now prohibits
the admission of such document in an unofficial language but we believe
that in the interest of justice, such injunction should not be taken literally
here, especially since no objection thereto was interposed by appellant, bludgeoned his back and head with big pieces of wood. The number of
aside from the fact that appellant, the concerned parties and the judicial assailants and the nature of the weapons used against the hapless victim
authorities or personnel concerned appeared to be familiar with or show a notorious inequality of force between the latter and the aggressors,
knowledgeable of Cebuano in which the document was written. There was, assuring a superiority of strength advantageous to Salison and his co-
therefore, no prejudice caused to appellant and no reversible error was accused in the commission of the crime. The accused purposely used
committed by that lapse of the trial court. excessive force out of proportion to the means of defense available to the
person attacked. 28
Also, the written declaration was duly presented during the trial and the
person who reduced the victim's declaration into writing was thoroughly Since no aggravating or mitigating circumstance was present in the case at
questioned by the court and the prosecutor, and cross-examined by the bar, the trial court correctly imposed the penalty of reclusion perpetua, the
defense counsel. The witness was able to explain and discuss what was same being the medium period in the range of the imposable penalty.
written in the declaration and how she came to prepare the same.
Significantly, everything written in that declaration of the victim was PREMISES CONSIDERED, the assailed judgment of the court a quo is hereby
confirmed by the Government's eyewitnesses. Appellant's argument AFFIRMED in toto, with costs against accused-appellant Rey Salison, Jr.
regarding the inadmissibility of the declaration on a mere technicality would
mean the loss of a vital piece of evidence that could yield the true facts and SO ORDERED.
give retributive justice in the murder of Valmoria.

Appellant likewise argues that the declaration made by the victim before
the purok leader can not be considered as a dying declaration because it
was not made by the deceased "under the consciousness of an impending
death." As earlier narrated, at the time the deceased made the declaration
he was in great pain. He expressed a belief on his imminent death and the
hope that his declaration could be used as evidence regarding the
circumstances thereof. A person would not say so if he believes he would
recover and be able to testify against his assailants. At all events, assuming
that declaration is not admissible as a dying declaration, it is still admissible
as part of the res gestae, 27 since it was made shortly after the startling
incident and, under the circumstances, the victim had no opportunity to

We are in conformity with the verdict of the lower court finding appellant
guilty of murder since the killing was qualified by the circumstance of the
accused having taken advantage of their superior strength. The victim was
unarmed and defenseless at the time when all of the accused mercilessly
G.R. No. 112090 October 26, 1999 To prove its case, the prosecution presented four (4) witnesses, namely: Pfc.
Edilberto Puncia, Sgt. Alejandro Bonnet, Cpl. Jose Manzanero, and Major
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, Jose A. Tuazon.
APOLINAR LAZARO y SERVANIA, accused-appellant. The facts as shown by the evidence of the prosecution reveal that on 05
May 1990, at around 3:30 p.m., Police Sergeant Alejandro Bonnet was on
GONZAGA-REYES, J.: board a Mobile Patrol conducting an inspection of traffic policemen. While
cruising along Panganiban Drive in Naga City, his attention was called by
This is an appeal from the decision 1 dated 1 March 1993 of the Regional bystanders who were shouting that there was a bloodied man beside the
Trial Court of Naga City, Branch 24, finding accused-appellant Apolinar driver of a Toyota type jeep that was traveling south. This prompted P/Sgt.
Lazaro y Servania guilty of the crime of illegal possession of firearms and Bonnet to go after the said vehicle. 4
ammunition under Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 1866 and sentencing
him to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and to pay the costs. When the Toyota jeep stopped along Gen. Luna Street, Bonnet was able to
see a man with blood all over him beside the driver. P/Sgt. Bonnet then
The information 2 dated 6 May 1991, docketed as Criminal Case No. 91- instructed the driver to follow the mobile patrol to the Bicol Regional
3483, filed against accused-appellant alleged: Hospital. 5 When they arrived at the Bicol Regional Hospital, he saw that his
station commander, Police Major Jose A. Tuazon, was waiting for them.
That on or about May 5, 1991, in the City of Naga, Philippines, and within
the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, did, It appears that earlier Police Major Tuazon received a telephone call at
then and there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously have in his possession, around 4:00 a.m. informing him that a shooting incident had occurred at
custody and control one (1) handgun, Cal. 38 Revolver TM-Squires Bingham, Queborac, Naga City 6. Major Tuazon then immediately dispatched Capt.
SN-1029315 with 6 empty shells on (sic) the chamber, said accused not Guisic and Pat. Barbosa to the crime scene in order to investigate the
having any license and/or permit to possess and carry the same from the report.1âwphi1.nêt
authorities charged with the issuance thereof. That the aforesaid firearm
has been used in shooting two persons one of whom died and the other has Moments later, Major Tuazon received another telephone call, this time
(sic) serious condition at the Mother Seton Hospital. from the Naga City Hospital informing him that a wounded man, on board a
yellow colored Toyota Tamaraw jeep driven by a person armed with a
It appears that a separate case for homicide, docketed as Criminal Case No. handgun, was brought for treatment at the hospital 7. Thereafter, Major
91-3487, was filed against the accused 3 but was tried separately before the Tuazon, together with Pfc. Edilberto Puncia proceeded to the Naga City
same judge. Hospital. Upon their arrival, they were informed that the Toyota jeep had
already left with the injured person and was on its way to the Bicol Regional
Upon arraignment in Criminal Case No. 91-3483 (the illegal possession case), Hospital. The police officers immediately proceeded to the said hospital.
accused-appellant entered a plea of not guilty and thereafter, trial on the They took a shorter route and were able to arrive ahead of the Toyota jeep.
merits ensued.
After a short wait, they saw the Naga City Police Mobile Patrol arrive at the urinate and while he was alighting therefrom, accused-appellant saw
hospital escorting a Toyota Tamaraw jeep. 8 Ronquillo draw a gun and point it at him (accused-appellant). Allegedly in
self-defense, accused-appellant grappled for the possession of the gun and
The injured person was brought inside for treatment. As he was previously as a result, he and Ronquillo fell to the
informed that the driver of the jeep was armed with a handgun, Major ground. 19 As they continued grappling for the gun, accused-appellant
Tuazon ordered the said driver to step out of his jeep. He then saw the heard several shots go off. Immediately after the shots were fired and while
driver with a handgun tucked in his waist, pull out the handgun 9 from its still grappling for possession of the gun, he heard somebody shout that he
holster 10 and drop it at the back of the driver's seat 11. Upon seeing the was hit. He realized that it was his nephew, Manolo Lazaro, who was shot
gun, Major Tuazon pulled the driver out of the vehicle, got hold of the gun and who was telling accused-appellant to bring him to the hospital. As he
which turned out to be a .38 caliber revolver bearing Serial Number was still grappling with Ronquillo, he could not immediately do anything
1029315 12. The gun contained six empty shells. 13 about his nephew's cries for help. After a while, accused-appellant felt
Ronquillo weakening and stop moving. He then drove Manolo Lazaro to the
Major Tuazon then confronted the driver and asked him why he was hospital as he was shouting for help. Accused-appellant claimed that he did
carrying a gun and whether he had a license to possess said firearm. The not know what had happened to Ronquillo after he left him at the scene of
driver did not respond to his question 14. the incident. He also could not recall where he had placed the gun. 20

Maj. Tuazon brought the driver to the police headquarters and turned over Accused-appellant declared that he drove the Tamaraw jeepney to the Naga
the firearm to the duty investigator, Cpl. Jose Manzanero. 15 At the police City Hospital but they were not accepted as the hospital had no facilities for
station, he learned that the name of the driver was Apolinar Lazaro, herein emergencies. 21 While driving to another hospital, he noticed a police car
accused-appellant. trailing them. He then gave a signal to the police car to escort them to a
hospital. One of the policemen then alighted from the car and inspected the
A certification dated August 20, 1991, issued by Supt. Antonio T. Sierra, jeepney. The policeman did not take anything from the jeepney. The
Chief of the Firearms and Explosives Office (FEO) at Camp Crame was policeman then signaled accused-appellant to follow the patrol car to the
presented in court by the public prosecutor. The certification stated that Bicol Regional Hospital. 22 When they reached the hospital, accused-
accused-appellant is not a licensed or registered firearm holder of any kind appellant went down from the Tamaraw jeepney and assisted in bringing
or caliber. 16 down his nephew, Manolo Lazaro. Accused-appellant was then told by the
policemen to ride in the police mobile car. As they were about to leave the
For his part, accused-appellant recounted the circumstances which led to his hospital, he saw several persons searching the jeepney. The policemen then
capture at the Bicol Regional Hospital. He Testified that on 5 May 1991, at brought him to the City Jail where he remembered being asked why he was
around 9:00 a.m., he, together with his nephew Manolo Lazaro and Ricardo carrying a gun. 23 When the gun was shown to him, accused-appellant
Ronquillo went to Marupit, Camaligan, Camarines Sur for a drinking spree. stated that he was not sure whether it was the same gun he was grappling
17 While drinking, accused-appellant and Ricardo Ronquillo allegedly had a with Ronquillo for, as the incident happened quite fast. He also cannot
little discussion about a fishing net. They left the place at around 3:00 p.m. remember Major Tuazon's account that accused-appellant pulled the gun
onboard a Toyota Tamaraw jeepney being driven by his nephew, Manolo and holster from his waist. What he remembers is that after alighting from
Lazaro. 18 On the way back, Manolo Lazaro stopped the jeep in order to
the jeepney, he went around the jeepney and assisted Manalo because the accused who owned or possessed it does not have the corresponding
latter was then leaning on the side of the jeepney. 24 license or permit to possess the same. 31

In rebuttal, the prosecution presented Dr. Joel Jurado who testified that he In the case at bench, the first element is beyond dispute as the subject
conducted the autopsy on Ricardo Ronquillo. He found that the cause of firearm and six empty shells were recovered from the accused-appellant
death was due to loss of blood from his gunshot wounds. 25 The victim died while he was alighting from the Tamaraw jeepney. Thus, Major Tuazon
instantaneously. In his opinion, the injuries were not inflicted accidentally as testified:
more than one shot was inflicted on the victim. 26
Q: What did you actually do when the car stopped?
In sur-rebuttal, accused-appellant testified anew and stated that both he
and Ronquillo fell from the jeepney while grappling for the gun. He testified A: Being aware that the driver was then armed, I was ready to get hold
that during the struggle, there were times when the gun was in his of him, and when I saw the gun tacked on his waist, he pulled it and
possession and there were also times when it was in the possession of dropped it at his back.
Ronquillo. 27 He cannot recall who was holding the gun when it was fired.
Q: You said he pulled a handgun from his waist, will you please indicate
After trial, the lower court rendered a decision dated 1 March 1993 28 on what particular place was it placed?
finding accused-appellant guilty as charged, the dispositive portion of which
reads: A: It was near, it was more in front of his waist. (The witness is pointing
to the rightside middle portion of his waistline).
WHEREFORE, for all the foregoing, the Court finds accused Apolinar "Poly"
Lazaro guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Illegal Possession of Q: And, in relation to the driver, where were you then when you saw
Firearms and Ammunition under Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 1866 him pulled (sic) that gun?
and hereby sentences said accused to suffer the penalty of reclusion
perpetua, and to pay the costs. The handgun (Exh. A) and the spent shells A: I was very near because I wanted to get hold of him.
(Exhs. B, B-1 to B-5) are confiscated and ordered forfeited in favor of the
government. Q: And, where did he dropped (sic) the said handgun, as you said?

Hence, this appeal where accused-appellant raises the sole assignment of A: Right at his back, at the back of the driver's seat.
error that the trial court erred in finding the accused guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of the crime of illegal possession of firearms and Q: So, he just dropped it on the seat behind the driver's seat?
ammunition qualified by homicide. 29
A: Yes, sir.
In cases involving illegal possession of firearms under P.D. 1866 30, as
amended, the prosecution has the burden of proving the elements thereof, Q: And, that gun has a holster?
viz.: (a) the existence of the subject firearm; and (b) the fact that the
A: Yes, Sir. Inside a holster bag tacked on his waist. The records of the case show that the prosecution merely presented in
court the certification from the Firearms and Explosive Office before
Q: When he pulled that gun — did he pull that gun alone? formally offering its documentary evidence. Thus:

A: He pulled it together with the holster. PROS. ESTELA:

Q: And he placed the gun inside the holster right behind the driver's I am, Your Honor, please, formally submitting the certification issued at
seat? Camp Crame on August 20, 1991 of the firearms and explosives office,
issued by the firearms and explosive office, issued by A.T. Sierra, Service
A: He pulled the gun together with the holster and dropped the same Sup. MNSA, PNB Chief . . . firearms and explosive office to the effect which
at his back. reads — this is to certify that Apolinar Lazaro is not a licensed or registered
firearms holder of any kind or caliber . . . (the fiscal is reading)
Q: By the way, what kind of gun was that? A revolver?
I would like to request that it be marked as Exhibit "D," for the purpose of
A: Yes, Sir. this is to show to the Honorable Court that this accused is not a registered
licensed holder of the subject firearm, and your Honor, may I please be
Q: And, what did you do upon seeing that the gun together with the allowed to rest my case.
holster was dropped by the accused at his back?
With the formal offer of evidence for the prosecution, with the testimonies
A: I pulled the driver out, and immediately got hold of the gun. 32 of Pfc. Ed. Puncia, Sgt. Alejandro Bonet, Cpl. Jose Manzanero, and Maj. Jose
Tuazon, and the following (documentary) exhibits —
The subject firearm, its holster and the six empty shells were identified and
offered in evidence during the trial. xxx xxx xxx

As to the second element, accused-appellant contends that the prosecution Exhibit "D" is the certification of the firearms explosive office to the effect
failed to prove the absence of a license to carry a firearm as the prosecution that herein accused is not a licensed or registered holder of any firearm.
merely marked in evidence a certification from the Firearms and Explosive This is dated August 20, 1991.
Section in Camp Crame without presenting the person who issued the
certification himself, a certain Antonio Sierra. Over the objection of accused- Exhibit "D-1" which I request to be marked as such — the signature of
appellant's counsel, the lower court admitted the exhibit on the ground that Antonio A. Sierra, the issuing officer of the firearms and explosives office.
the same is an official public record and because the fiscal stated that he The signature was affixed in my presence when I personally procured this
himself saw the signatory sign the document. certification from the Camp Crame.

With all of these evidence, testimonial, physical and documentary evidence,

we close the presentation of evidence for the prosecution.
There is no merit in the above argument.
On several occasions, the Court has ruled that either the testimony of a
xxx xxx xxx representative of, or a certification from, the PNP Firearms and Explosive
Office attesting that a person is not a licensee of any firearm would suffice
We have no objection to its submarkings. We are, however, objecting to to prove beyond reasonable doubt the second element of possession of
Exhibits "D" and "D-1" being self-serving as the author of said certification illegal firearms. 33 Moreover, the rule on hearsay evidence admits of
was not presented for cross-examination. several exceptions.

xxx xxx xxx One such exception is that provided for under Rule 130, Section 44 of the
Rules of Court which states as follows:
Rule 130, Section 44. Entries in official records. — Entries in official
xxx xxx xxx records made in the performance of his duty by a public officer of the
Philippines, or by a person in the performance of a duty specifically enjoined
And, as to Exhibit "D" and Exhibit "D-1", this is an official document which is by law, are prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated.
an exception to the hearsay rule. This is an official public document.
Relative to this provision, Rule 132, Section 28 of the same Rules allows the
COURT: admission of the said document. Thus:

No other objections? Rule 132, Sec, 28. Proof of lack of record. — A written statement
signed by an officer having custody of an official record or by his deputy that
xxx xxx xxx after diligent search no record or entry of a specified tenor is found to exist
in the records of his office, accompanied by a certificate as above provided,
Exhibit "D" is a public document, which was procured in line of duty, and is admissible as evidence that the records of his office contains no such
considering that according to the Fiscal he himself was a witness to the record or entry.
signatory of the same.
In the case at bench, the Certification issued by the Commanding Officer of
All the exhibits are admitted. the PNP-Firearm and Explosives Office, which is the repository of all records
regarding firearms in the Philippines, is competent and admissible evidence
Accused-appellant contends that the trial court erred in admitting and to prove that accused-appellant is not a licensed holder or possessor of a
relying upon the said certification considering that the person who made firearm of any kind or caliber. Indeed, the certificate of a custodian that he
the document was not presented in court to testify. Thus, accused-appellant has diligently searched for a document or an entry of a specified tenor and
argues, the certification should have been excluded for being hearsay. has been unable to find it ought to be as satisfactory an evidence of its non-
existence in his office as his testimony on the stand to this effect would be. temporal in its maximum period to reclusion perpetua shall be imposed
34 upon any person who shall unlawfully manufacture, deal in, acquire, dispose
or possess any firearm, part of firearm, ammunition, or machinery, tool or
Accused-appellant finally argues that assuming that he is guilty, he should instrument used or intended to be used in the manufacture of any firearm
only be convicted of the crime of simple illegal possession not qualified by or ammunition.
homicide. He offers two propositions in support of this argument.
If homicide or murder is committed with the use of an unlicensed firearm,
First, accused-appellant argues that the information filed against him in the penalty of death shall be imposed. (Emphasis supplied)
Criminal Case No. 91-3483 did not clearly allege the crime of homicide.
Instead, he argues, it was the separate information for homicide filed in Under the ruling in People vs. Quijada, 35 violation of P.D. 1866 is an
Criminal Case No. 91-3487 which alleged all the elements of homicide. He offense distinct from murder or homicide and the accused is culpable for
states further that the case for homicide, for which he was likewise two separate offenses.
convicted, is now the subject of an appeal with the Court of Appeals.
Republic Act No. 8294 has since amended P.D. No. 1866 by reducing the
Second, accused-appellant argues that assuming that the information in penalties for simple and aggravated forms of illegal possession and
Criminal Case No. 91-3483 sufficiently alleged the said qualifying considering the use of an unlicensed firearm simply as an aggravating
circumstance, he still could not be convicted of the crime of illegal circumstance in murder or homicide. The law now provides:
possession of firearms and ammunition qualified by homicide as the
prosecution failed to prove the fact of homicide during the trial of Criminal Sec. 1. Unlawful Manufacture, Sale, Acquisition, Disposition or Possession
Case No. 91-3483. The prosecution, he contends, did not produce any of Firearms or Ammunition or Instruments Used or Intended to be Used in
eyewitness to the homicide. Instead, the alleged eyewitness to the the Manufacture of Firearms or Ammunition. — The penalty of prision
homicide, Manolo Lazaro, was only presented in Criminal Case No. 91-3487, correccional in its maximum period and a fine of not less than Fifteen
the homicide case, which was being tried separately. thousand pesos (P15,000.00) shall be imposed upon any person who shall
unlawfully manufacture, deal in, acquire, dispose, or possess any low
We do not find it necessary to consider accused-appellant's arguments. The powered firearm such as rimfire handgun, .380 or .32 and other firearm of
enactment of Republic Act No. 8294, which amended the provisions of P.D. similar firepower, ammunition, or machinery, tool or instrument used in the
1866, has rendered said arguments moot and academic. manufacture of any firearm or ammunition: Provided, That no other crime
was committed.
Accused-appellant was convicted of illegal possession of firearms under
Section 1 of P.D. No. 1866 which was the governing law at the time the The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period and a fine of Thirty
crime was committed in 1991. Section 1 of P.D. 1866 provides: thousand pesos (P30,000.00) shall be imposed if the firearm is classified as
high powered firearm which includes those with bores bigger than .38
Sec. 1. Unlawful Manufacture, Sale, Acquisition, Disposition or Possession caliber and 9 millimeter such as caliber .40, .41, .45 and also lesser caliber
of Firearms, Ammunition or Instruments Used or Intended to be Used in the firearms but considered powerful such as caliber .357 and caliber .22
Manufacture of Firearms or Ammunition. — The penalty of reclusion center-fire magnum and other firearms with firing capability of full
automatic and by burst of two or three: Provided, however, That no other
crime was committed by the person arrested. Senator Santiago. Mr. President.

If homicide or murder is committed with the use of unlicensed firearm, such The president. With the permission of the two gentlemen, Senator Santiago
use of an unlicensed firearm shall be considered as an aggravating is recognized.
circumstance. (emphasis supplied)
Senator Santiago. Will the principal author allow me as co-author to take
In view of these amendments introduced by R.A. 8294, this Court has the [f]loor to explain, for the information of our colleagues, the stand taken
recently in the case of People vs. Molina, 36 and reiterated in People vs. by the Supreme Court on the question of whether aggravated illegal
Feloteo, 37 that there can be no separate conviction of the crime of illegal possession is a complex or a compound offense. May I have the [f]loor?
possession of firearms under P.D. 1866. Thus in People vs. Molina, it was
held: Senator Revilla. Yes, Mr. President.

Fortunately for appellants, however, RA 8294 has now amended the said Senator Santiago. Thank you.
decree and considers the use of an unlicensed firearm simply as an
aggravating circumstance in murder or homicide, and not as separate In 1995, the Supreme Court held that when the crime of killing another
offense. The intent of Congress to treat as a single offense the illegal person is committed with the use of an unlicensed firearm, the ruling in the
possession of firearm and the commission of murder or homicide with the case of People vs. Barros was that the crime should only be illegal
use of such unlicensed firearm is clear from the following deliberations of possession of firearm in its aggravated form. But in the later case, in May
the Senate during the process of amending Senate Bill No. 1148: 1996, in the case of People vs. Evangelista, the court apparently took
another position and ruled that when a person is killed with the use of an
Senator Drilon. On line 18, we propose to retain the original provision of law unlicensed firearm, it is possible to file two separate information(s) — one
which says, "If homicide or murder is committed with the use of unlicensed for murder and one for illegal possession of firearms.
firearm." And in order that we can shorten the paragraph, we would suggest
and move that the use of the unlicensed firearm be considered as an In other words, in two successive years, the Supreme Court issued two
aggravating circumstance rather than imposing another period which may different ways of treating the problem. The first is to treat it as one crime
not be in consonance with the Revised Penal Code. alone in the aggravated form, and the second is to treat is as two separate
So that if I may read the paragraph in order that it can be understood, may I
propose an amendment to lines 18 to 22 to read as follows: "If homicide or So at this point, the Senate has a choice on whether we shall follow the
murder is committed with the use of the unlicensed firearm, SUCH USE OF 1995 or the 1996 ruling. The proposal of the gentleman, as a proposed
AN UNLICENSED FIREARM SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN AGGRAVATING amendment is to use the 1995 ruling and to consider the offense as only
CIRCUMSTANCE." one offense but an aggravated form. That could be acceptable also to this
xxx xxx xxx
The Presiding Officer [Sen. Flavier] So, do I take it that the amendment is Criminal Case No. 91-3483 (for illegal possession of firearm) were not tried
accepted? jointly, although filed in the same trial court. Criminal Case No. 91-3487 was
appealed to the Court of
Senator Revilla. Yes, it is accepted, Mr. President. Appeals. 42

The Presiding Officer [Sen. Flavier.] Thank you. Is there any objection to the In view of the amendments introduced by Republic Act 8294 to Presidential
amendment? [Silence] There being none, the amendment is approved. Decree 1866, separate prosecutions for homicide and illegal possession are
no longer in order. Instead, illegal possession of firearms is merely to be
Although the explanation of the legal implication of the Drilon amendment taken as an aggravating circumstance in the homicide case.
may not have been very precise, such modification, as approved and carried
in the final version enacted as RA 8294, is unequivocal in language and R.A. 8294 took effect on July 6, 1997. The crime involved in the case at
meaning. The use of an unlicensed firearm in a killing is now merely an bench was committed on May 5, 1991. As a general rule, penal laws will
aggravating circumstance in the crime of murder or homicide. This is clear generally have prospective application except where the new law will be
from the very wordings of the third paragraph of Section 1 of RA 8294, advantageous to the accused. In this case R.A. 8294 will spare accused-
which reads: appellant from a separate conviction for the crime of illegal possession of
firearm. Accordingly, said law should be given retroactive application.
If homicide or murder is committed with the use of an unlicensed firearm,
such use of an unlicensed firearm shall be considered as an aggravating In People vs. Valdez, 43 this Court stated:
Republic Act No. 8294 took effect on July 6, 1997, fifteen days after its
Furthermore, the preceding paragraphs, also in Section 1, state that the publication on June 21, 1997. The crimes involved in the case at bar were
penalties for illegal possession of firearms shall be imposed "provided that committed on September 17, 1995. As in the case of any penal law, the
no other crime is committed." In other words, where murder or homicide provisions of Republic Act No. 8294 will generally have prospective
was committed, the separate penalty for illegal possession shall no longer application. In cases, however, where the new law will be advantageous to
be meted out since it becomes merely a special aggravating circumstance. the accused, the law may be given retroactive application (Article 22,
38 Revised Penal Code). Insofar as it will spare accused-appellant in the case at
bar from a separate conviction for the crime of illegal possession of
In the case at bench, it is not disputed that accused-appellant was charged, firearms, Republic Act No. 8294 may be given retroactive application in
tried and convicted for two separate crimes of illegal possession and Criminal Case No. U-8749 (for Illegal Possession of Firearm) subject of this
homicide. Accused-appellant, in his brief, refers to the homicide case in present review.
arguing that his conviction in the illegal possession case was not proper. 39
Similarly, the Solicitor-General, in his Brief, mentioned the homicide case in As a word of caution, however, the dismissal of the present case for illegal
justifying the sentence handed down by the trial court. 40 Finally, the possession of firearm should not be misinterpreted as meaning that there
records themselves show that trial in the two cases proceeded separately. can no longer be any prosecution for the crime of illegal possession of
41 The two separate cases, Criminal Case No. 91-3487 (for homicide) and firearm. In general, all pending cases involving illegal possession of firearm
should continue to be prosecuted and tried if no other crimes expressly G.R. No. 92739 August 2, 1991
indicated in Republic Act No. 8294 are involved (murder or homicide under
Section 1, and rebellion, insurrection, sedition or attempted coup d 'etat PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner,
under Section 3). vs.
HON. JOSE BURGOS, as Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu,
However, the use of an unlicensed firearm in the case at bar cannot be Branch 17, SIEGFRED DEDURO y DELFIN alias "Raul Delfin y Zerrudo, Tomas
considered as a special aggravating circumstance in Criminal Case No. U- Magtanggol, Vic, Mar". EDWIN LOPEZ DE OCAMPO alias "Gerardo Santos",
8747 (for Complex Crime of Multiple Murder), also under review herein, ABUNDIO AMANTE alias "Ilyong, Milyo", CYNTHIA AGUIRRE y DEDURO alias
because it will unduly raise the penalty for the four counts of murder from "Myra, Mara, Myla, Mareth, Budec, Lina", FEDERICO GUANZON alias "Alvin,
four reclusion perpetua to that of four-fold death. Insofar as this particular Al, Ben", THELMA DIANALA GUANZON alias "Alma Arro, Maya", CATALINA
provision of Republic Act No. 8294 is not beneficial to accused-appellant PERAS alias "Liling", FR. LEONARDO SISON y DARUNDAY alias "Rey Martin"
because it unduly aggravates the crime, this new law will not be given and AUXILIUM TOLING OLAYER alias "Ma. Consuelo Valente y Itchon,
retroactive application, lest it might acquire the character of an ex-post Maring", respondents.
focto law.
Accordingly, and in line with the above ruling, the accused-appellant should
be spared from a separate conviction for the crime of Illegal Possession of FELICIANO, J.:
Firearms, which is the subject of the present review.1âwphi1.nêt
On 2 September 1989, an information for violation of Republic Act No. 1700,
IN VIEW WHEREOF, we REVERSE and SET ASIDE the decision finding as amended,1 was filed against the nine (9) private respondents by the
accused-appellant guilty for violation of P.D. 1866. Accused-appellant is Office of the City Prosecutor of Cebu. The information recommended no bail
hereby acquitted of the said crime. Criminal Case No. 91-3483 is DISMISSED. on the ground that the offense charged in said information was non-
bailable, the respondents allegedly being leaders of the Communist Party of
SO ORDERED. the Philippines.

After arraignment, private respondents filed petitions for their temporary

liberty on bail pending trial of the criminal case. There being no opposition
from the prosecution to the petition for bail of private respondent Catalina
Peras, who was then in her eighth month of pregnancy, respondent Judge
fixed bail for her at P10,000.00. In respect of the other private respondents,
their petitions for bail were opposed by the prosecution.

While the prosecution was still presenting its evidence in support of its
opposition to the petitions for bail, respondent Judge issued an Order dated
5 April 1990 fixing bail at P30,000.00 each for the temporary liberty of five
(5) of the remaining eight (8) private respondents, namely: Cynthia Aguirre, The question presented before us is, whether the prosecution was deprived
Thelma Guanzon, Edwin Lopez, Abundio Amante and Fr. Leonardo Sison. of procedural due process. The answer is in the affirmative. We are of the
The applications for bail of the three (3) other private respondents (Siegfred considered opinion that whether the motion for bail of a defendant who is
Deduro, Auxilium Toling Olayer and Federico Guanzon) were denied on the in custody for a capital offense be resolved in a summary proceeding or in
ground that insofar as these particular respondents were concerned, the the course of a regular trial, the prosecution must be given an opportunity
evidence of guilt was strong. to present, within a reasonable time, all the evidence that it may desire to
introduce before the court should resolve the motion for bail. If as in the
The prosecution opposed the 5 April 1990 Order upon the ground that criminal case involved in the instant special civil action, the prosecution
issuance thereof was premature, considering that the prosecution was then should be denied such an opportunity, there would be a violation of
still in the process of presenting its evidence in support of its opposition to procedural due process, and the order of the court granting bail should be
the applications for bail. Respondent Judge, rather than ruling outright on considered void on that ground. ... (Emphasis supplied).
petitioner's opposition, ordered it to file a motion for reconsideration in
writing. In the same proceeding, respondent Judge disallowed petitioner's Moreover, the Order of 5 April 1990 failed to comply with the following
request for its witness, Eulogio Llego, a computer programmer, to print out requirement set forth in the above-cited case:
in open court the material encoded in certain diskettes seized from private
respondents by virtue of a search warrant. The court's discretion to grant bail in capital offenses must be exercised in
the light of a summary of the evidence for the prosecution; otherwise, it
Instead of filing a written motion for reconsideration, petitioner filed the would be uncontrolled and might be capricious or whimsical. Hence, the
present Petition for Certiorari questioning: (1) the Order dated 5 April 1990 court's order granting or refusing bail must contain a summary of the
granting bail; and (2) the oral order of respondent Judge given in open court evidence for the prosecution followed by its conclusion whether or not the
during the hearing on the same date preventing the prosecution from evidence of guilt is strong. The orders of October 7, 9 and 12, 1968, granting
holding an actual demonstration in court by printing out data from the bail to the five defendants are defective in form and substance because they
seized diskettes. do not contain a summary of the evidence presented by the prosecution.
They only contain the court's conclusion that the evidence of guilt is not
Deliberating on the instant Petition for Certiorari, the Court considers that strong. Being thus defective in form and substance, the orders complained
respondent Judge has committed grave abuse of discretion in issuing his of cannot, also on this ground, be allowed to stand. (Emphasis supplied)
Order dated 5 April 1990.
In the present case, the Order dated 5 April 1990 only sets out a conclusion
It was grave abuse on the part of respondent Judge to issue the 5 April 1990 that the evidence of guilt is strong but does not contain a summary of the
Order. That order, which was issued while the prosecution was still in the evidence presented and considered. The Order states:
process of presenting other evidence, was clearly premature and deprived
the People of its right to present its evidence relating to the applications for After due consideration of the testimonial and documentary evidence
bail. In People v. Dacudao,2 this Court, citing People v. San Diego,3 held: presented by the prosecution thru its witnesses ... , this Court finds
reasonable ground to believe that so far, strong evidence exists as against
the three accused Siegfred Deduro alias 'Vic,' alias 'Tomas Magtanggol', alias
'Raul Delfin,' Auxilium Toling Olayer, alias 'Maria' Consuelo Valente alias prosecution to let this witness have an actual demonstration before the
'Choy,' alias 'Choline' and Federico Guanzon. court on the computer is denied.

IN VIEW THEREOF, the petitions for bail are DENIED with respect to the In his Comment, respondent Judge reiterated that he did not allow the
above-named accused. The rest of the accused are granted bail which is printing out of the contents of the seized diskettes because they could be
hereby fixed at P30,000.00 each for their provisional release ... . "manipulated" which would be prejudicial to the rights of the accused.

Being prematurely issued and having failed to include a summary of the Respondent Judge's insinuation or speculation that the prosecution,
evidence presented at the hearing on the motion for bail, the 5 April 1990 considering the fact that it had the diskettes in its possession prior to the
Order must be set aside. hearing, may have tampered with them appears absolutely baseless and
quite unfair to the prosecution. Such statement had in fact no basis in the
Petitioners also question the order also dated 5 April 1990 given in open evidence before the respondent Judge. There was neither testimonial
court by respondent Judge. Said order disallowed a prosecution witness evidence nor any physical evidence on the diskettes themselves which
from holding an actual demonstration in court by printing out the contents might indicate they had actually been tampered or their contents altered in
of the seized diskettes using the very same computer seized from the order to secure the conviction of the accused. Respondent Judge was in
accused on the ground that they could be "manipulated." The Order stated: effect charging the prosecution with fabricating evidence against the private
respondents, which constitutes serious misconduct and quite possibly a
COURT: criminal offense.

It has been a common knowledge of both prosecution and defense that The mere fact that the diskettes had been in the possession of the
these diskettes have been in possession of the prosecution since the start prosecution does not necessarily imply that it had altered or tampered with
and anything may happen while they are in their possession, so much so the evidence to suit its prosecutorial objectives. Indeed, the presumption
that the witness admitted that the diskettes can be manipulated or altered. that official duty has been regularly performed prevails, in the absence of
any evidence to the contrary.
We, therefore hold that the printing out of data (if any) encoded in the
Since they are the exhibits for the prosecution, naturally they are in our diskettes should be allowed. Respondent Judge's asserted apprehension
possession, just like the exhibits for the defense. They are in their that the witness brought in by the prosecution to undertake the printing out
possession. of the diskettes' contents could himself "manipulate" said diskettes during
the actual printing out in court may very easily relieved by designating a
COURT: competent person agreeable to both parties, and especially to respondent
Judge, who can perform the task of printing out the contents of the
To let this witness operate the computer is very dangerous, because the diskettes. Respondent Judge's ostensible lack of confidence in the
witness said that these diskettes can be manipulated. So the motion of the prosecution witness should not in any way affect the integrity of the
diskettes themselves or the right of the prosecution to show the contents of also ORDERED to cause the re-arrest of the five (5) private respondents
the diskettes subject, of course, to applicable rights of the accused. previously ordered released in the 5 April 1990 Order.

Moreover, contrary to private respondents' contention that the diskettes

themselves should be deemed inadmissible in evidence because they were
not included in the things mentioned in the search warrant, we find that
these diskettes had been sufficiently described in the search warrant. The
search warrant states:

You are, therefore, hereby commanded to make immediate search at any

time of the day or night of Rm. 31 of the third floor of said building where
the persons or suspects above-named are presently occupying and to seize
and to take possession of the following properties used or intended to be
used as the means of committing violation of RA 1700 and/or Art. 142 of the
Revised Penal Code:

Incendiary or subversive documents, pamphlets; books, computer print-outs

and subversive materials, and computer machine used imprinting seditious
or subversive literature. (Emphasis supplied)

The phrase "computer machine used in printing seditious or subversive

literature" is appropriately regarded as necessarily including diskettes into
which data is encoded and stored, such as those seized in the present case
on the same occasion the computer itself was seized, for indeed a computer
system cannot store and print out any data without diskettes. Technically
and realistically speaking, diskettes are deemed integral parts of a computer
system, the diskettes constituting one of the "input-output devices" or
"peripherals," in the same manner that the keyboard is an "input-output
device" and the monitor, keyboard and printer are "peripherals" in relation
to the memory or central processing unit (CPU) of a computer system.4

ACCORDINGLY, the Court Resolved to GRANT the Petition for certiorari and
to SET ASIDE and ANNUL the Order dated 5 April 1990. Respondent Judge is
hereby ORDERED forthwith to continue hearing the motions for bail and to
allow the prosecution to finish presenting its evidence. Respondent Judge is
UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee, EPA account (UW Fund Account Number 144-Q386) and agreed with the
v. EPA to disburse those funds only for expenses incurred during the course of
William A. CROFT, Defendant-Appellant. the two-year EPA research project. The EPA designated Croft as the
"principal investigator," or coordinator of the project, responsible for
supervising and contributing expert research, as well as submitting semi-
The defendant-appellant, William Croft, appeals his conviction for one count annual progress reports to the EPA. See, e.g., 40 C.F.R. Sec. 30.135-19.
of knowingly and unlawfully converting, to his own use, a "thing of value" of Following the University's receipt of the EPA funds, Croft immediately began
the Environmental Protection Agency (the services of Laurel Johnson), in his search for a project specialist to assist him in the EPA study.
violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641 (1982). We affirm.
2 Some five months later, in January 1981, Croft became involved in a
* The record reveals that in June 1980, the defendant, William Croft, was separate and completely independent asbestos research project. While
employed as an assistant professor in the Department of Veterinary visiting his hometown of Crivitz, Wisconsin, Croft learned that town officials
Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. As a result of his extensive in nearby Weston, Wisconsin were concerned about a possible asbestos
research in the area of urinary bladder cancer in animals, Croft had problem in the Weston water system. The town's Department of Public
developed an interest in the carcinogenic (cancer causing) effects of Works had evidence that the underground water pipe, made of cement and
asbestos. On June 30, 1980, Croft submitted a grant proposal to the asbestos, was corroding and releasing asbestos fibers into Weston's water
Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") outlining a research project "to supply. Croft arranged a meeting with the Weston attorney and the director
examine mesothelioma in dairy calves as a potential monitor for asbestos of Public Works to discuss the twenty-three miles of concrete pipe that
and as an index of the extent of environmental hazard from exposure to carried water to the residents of Weston. At the meeting, Croft informed
asbestos." Mesothelioma is a cancerous tumor that often develops in the the Weston representatives of his experience in asbestos-related research
abdominal and chest areas of humans and animals after exposure to and his ability to perform the highly technical and scientific experiments
asbestos. Historically, the incidence of mesothelioma in dairy calves is rare, needed to ascertain the asbestos content in the town's water supply.
however, according to Croft's EPA proposal there were seven cases of the
disease reported between January 1, 1977 and December 31, 1978, at a 5
meat packing plant in Edgar, Wisconsin. In light of this evidence, Croft In that same month, January 1981, Croft completed his search for a project
planned to obtain cancerous cattle tissue from area meat packers and test specialist on the EPA-funded study, hiring Nijole Caplenas, a recent graduate
that tissue for mesothelioma. If the test proved positive, the cattle would be from the University of Wisconsin with a Masters degree in microbiology
traced to their farm of origin where the water supply and cattle feed would medicine, to aid him in collecting and analyzing data for the two-year
be analyzed for asbestos content. project. Caplenas' duties initially consisted of performing water chemistries
(including tests for the pH factor, alkalinity, hardness, and aggressiveness
3 index) and learning the proper method of analyzing water samples to
In September 1980, the EPA approved Croft's proposal and forwarded determine their asbestos count.1 The detailed, time-consuming process of
$130,991 in grant funds to the Office of Research Administration at the counting asbestos fibers involves the filtering of a water sample through
University of Wisconsin-Madison. The University held the funds in a special alcohol soaked filtration paper, carbon coating the paper onto a slide,
ashing the slide (burning away unwanted residue), placing the slide under the services of James Williams to also assist in the EPA study. Croft assigned
an electron microscope, and counting the number of asbestos particles Williams, a journalism student who had been working for Croft on an
appearing upon the slide. Between January and March of 1981, Caplenas unrelated research project that was nearing completion, to review scientific
performed water chemistries and analyzed various water samples for their periodicals for asbestos studies and articles.
asbestos count, including some preliminary water samples that Croft
obtained from the town of Weston. In addition, Caplenas visited numerous In June 1981, Laurel Johnson, an undergraduate student in the animal
meat packing facilities throughout Wisconsin, obtaining samples of sciences program at the University of Illinois-Champaign who was living in
cancerous cattle tissue and testing them for mesothelioma. Madison, Wisconsin for the summer, contacted Croft concerning her
interest in obtaining research-related summer employment. According to
6 Johnson, Croft explained that he had an opening for a research assistant to
In March 1981, Croft again traveled to Weston, Wisconsin; this time to meet perform water chemistries and analyze water samples taken from Weston,
with the town board and discuss his proposal for measuring the level of Wisconsin. Johnson accepted Croft's offer and was employed from June to
asbestos in the town's water supply. Croft assured the board that he was mid-August of 1981, during which time she performed water chemistries on
well-trained in asbestos research and capable of performing the highly the Weston water samples, analyzed the asbestos count of those samples,
technical process of counting asbestos particles. Croft further informed the and recorded the results in a laboratory log book. In early August 1981,
board that he had received permission from his superiors at the University Croft asked Johnson if she would remain in Madison for the upcoming fall
of Wisconsin-Madison to conduct the Weston research project and to use semester in order that she might complete her research on the Weston
the University's advanced research facilities, on the condition that he water samples. Johnson declined the offer and returned to the University of
reimburse the school for their expenses. The following month, in April 1981, Illinois-Champaign. Following Johnson's return to Illinois, Croft directed
the town board hired Croft at a fee of $75.00 an hour, to complete a James Williams to educate himself in the scientific procedures and
thorough test of the asbestos content in the Weston water supply by techniques required to perform water chemistries and asbestos counts.
September 1, 1981. The town's attorney requested that Croft personally According to the University of Wisconsin payroll records, Johnson received
perform all of the research and scientific procedures because in the event of $1,988.45 from the special EPA account for her summer research assistance
a lawsuit against the concrete pipe manufacturer, Johns-Manville Corp., on the Weston asbestos research project.
Croft would have to substantiate his expert data and account for the water
samples' chain of custody at trial. 9
Throughout the summer of 1981, the Weston officials pressured Croft for
7 the results of his asbestos tests, as the residents of Weston were aware and
Following the meeting in April with the Weston town board, Croft returned fearful of the possible carcinogenic problem in the town's water supply. See,
to the University of Wisconsin-Madison and informed Caplenas, the EPA e.g., The Daily Herald, Wausau-Merrill, Wis., February 11, 1982, at 19. Croft
project specialist, that additional water samples would be arriving from explained that his test results were delayed because he had to personally
Weston for her to analyze. Caplenas responded that she was busy perform the time-consuming water filtration and asbestos count for each
examining cancerous cattle tissue for the EPA project and did not have the water sample. Croft failed to complete the Weston project by the
time to perform either the water chemistries or the asbestos counts for the September 1, 1981 deadline, and during the following months of September
Weston project. During this same time period, in April 1981, Croft employed and October the town attorney repeatedly requested that Croft provide the
town board with progress reports. Finally, on October 29, 1981, Croft superseding three-count indictment alleging that Croft knowingly and
submitted water chemistries of 134 water samples, asbestos counts for unlawfully converted the services of Williams, Johnson, and Caplenas to his
twenty-three of those samples, and other pertinent data, to the town own use in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641. On August 8, 1983, the
board.2 Included in the data submitted by Croft were five pages of water Government filed a bill of particulars to clarify the indictment and notify
chemistry calculations that Laurel Johnson had performed on Weston water Croft that the relevant time frame included the period during which
samples during her summer employment.3 Williams, Johnson, and Caplenas "worked under the direction of the
defendant [Croft], and during which time the defendant converted [their]
10 services...." The case proceeded to trial and Croft claimed, as a defense, that
The following month, in November 1981, James Williams was forced to the water chemistries and asbestos counts performed by the three research
withdraw from his research position, due to a recurring physical illness. As a assistants on the Weston water samples were simply training procedures
result of his employment with Croft, Williams earned $13,685.00 during that allowed the students to refine the techniques required for the
1981 and according to the University of Wisconsin payroll records, a successful completion of the EPA project. Croft claimed that none of the
substantial amount of that payment was made from the special EPA research assistants' calculations nor work products were forwarded to the
account. Sometime during the fall of 1981, Croft telephoned Laurel Johnson Weston town board. However, upon cross-examination, Croft was unable to
at the University of Illinois, asking "if [she] had been contacted by anyone explain the presence of Johnson's calculations in the data submitted to the
from the University [of Wisconsin] ... [r]egarding the summer work ...." town board.
Johnson responded that she had informed an auditor from the University of
Wisconsin that she "had been doing work for the summer for Dr. Croft." In 12
February 1982, Nijole Caplenas resigned from her position as the project Based upon the evidence presented at trial, the jury found Croft guilty on
specialist for the EPA study in order that she might pursue new career one of the three counts of the indictment; converting, to his own use, the
objectives. According to the University of Wisconsin payroll records, services performed by Laurel Johnson and paid for with EPA funds. On
Caplenas received $14,176.85 during 1981 and a substantial portion of that November 25, 1983, Croft was sentenced to one year imprisonment, fined
sum was drawn from the special EPA account. $5,000, and ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $2,955.13 to the
United States Government. On appeal, Croft initially contends that the
11 services of Laurel Johnson are not a "thing of value" as that phrase is used in
Once the EPA officials became aware of Croft's private asbestos project for 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641. In the alternative, Croft claims that the indictment was
the town of Weston, they commenced an investigation into whether or not insufficient because it failed to allege the element of specific intent that is
EPA funds were disbursed in payment for research on that project. The required for prosecution under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641. Finally, Croft contends
evidence obtained during that investigation was presented to a Federal that the district court erred in admitting evidence of the payroll account
Grand Jury, and on March 2, 1983, the Grand Jury returned a three-count records, in failing to properly instruct the jury on Croft's defense and the
indictment against Croft for knowingly converting, to his own use, the elements of a section 641 offense, and in failing to provide the jury with the
services performed by James Williams, Laurel Johnson, and Nijole Caplenas transcripts of requested testimony.
on the Weston research project and paid for with EPA funds, in violation of
18 U.S.C. Sec. 641. Croft pled not guilty to all three counts of the indictment. II
Some two months later, on April 27, 1983, the Grand Jury filed a
13 his own use, discarded simulated bombs he found while hunting on United
A. "THING OF VALUE" UNDER 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641 States Air Force property. The issue before the Supreme Court was whether
the Government was required to prove the defendant's intent to convert
14 such property to his own use. According to the Court, Congress' purpose in
Croft initially contends that his actions do not fall within the purview of 18 enacting 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641 was "to collect from scattered sources crimes so
U.S.C. Sec. 641, which provides in pertinent part: kindred as to belong in one category. Not one of these [crimes] had been
interpreted to be a crime without intention and no purpose to differentiate
15 between them in the matter of intent is disclosed." Id. at 266-67, 72 S.Ct. at
"Whoever ... knowingly converts to his own use ... any ... thing of value of 251-52. Thus, the Court concluded that Congress did not seek "to eliminate
the United States ... [s]hall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned intent from any offense," enumerated in section 641, including knowing
not more than ten years, or both; but if the value of such property does not conversion. Id. at 273, 72 S.Ct. at 255. Following a thorough review of the
exceed the sum of $100, he shall be fined not more than $1,000 or legislative history of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641, the Court added that, "[t]he history
imprisoned not more than one year, or both." of Sec. 641 demonstrates that it was to apply to acts which constituted
larceny or embezzlement at common law and also acts which shade into
16 those crimes but which, most strictly considered, might not be found to fit
According to Croft, the services of Laurel Johnson do not constitute a "thing their fixed definitions." Id. at 269 n. 28, 72 S.Ct. at 253 n. 28 (emphasis
of value" as that phrase is used in 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641. To support this added). In line with the Supreme Court's reasoning in Morissette, this court
position, Croft relies upon the reasoning of the Ninth Circuit in Chappell v. has determined that "the purpose of Sec. 641 ... is to provide a sanction for
United States, 270 F.2d 274 (9th Cir.1959) ("Chappell " ), where a sergeant intentional conduct by which a person either misappropriates or obtains a
in the United States Air Force was prosecuted under section 641 for wrongful advantage from government property." United States v. Bailey,
ordering an airman to paint apartments, owned by the sergeant, during the 734 F.2d 296, 304 (7th Cir.1984) (emphasis added) (citing Morissette, 342
airman's normal duty hours. The court in Chappell stated that the purpose U.S. at 271, 72 S.Ct. at 254) ("Bailey " ).
of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641 was to place crimes such as "stealing, larceny, and its
variants and equivalents" into one category and "[s]uch offenses were never 18
thought to be committed by one man making use of the services of The broad scope of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641 as analyzed by the Supreme Court in
another's servant without reimbursing the master." Id. at 276. The court Morissette and this court in Bailey has been interpreted by the Federal
thus held that "[i]t is plain that there is no warrant in the language of [18 circuits to include the knowing conversion of intangible "things of value."
U.S.C. Sec. 641] to sustain the Government's attempt to treat the services For example, in United States v. May, 625 F.2d 186 (8th Cir.1980) ("May " ),
and labor of [the airman] as a thing of value." Id. at 276. a former Adjutant General of the National Guard used National Guard
aircrafts, fuel, and personnel for "his own convenience rather than that of
17 the National Guard." Id. at 188-89. The general was convicted for knowing
Our analysis of Croft's claim under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641 begins with the conversion of United States property in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641, and
Supreme Court's seminal decision in Morissette v. United States, 342 U.S. argued on appeal that under Chappell "any evidence as to the value of
246, 72 S.Ct. 240, 96 L.Ed. 288 (1952) ("Morissette " ). In that case, a civilian intangibles, specifically the salaries of servicemen, was impermissible." May,
deer hunter was prosecuted under section 641 for knowingly converting, to 625 F.2d at 191. The Eighth Circuit rejected this argument, holding that "
'valuables ' not ordinarily subject to tort conversion may nevertheless be misappropriation of information falls within Sec. 641's sanction." Id. at 977.
subject to criminal conversion under section 641." Id. (emphasis added). The The Third Circuit held that because the defendant's actions constituted an
court reasoned that "the statutory words 'thing of value,' broaden the scope actual larceny of the records, there was no need to reach the issue of
of section 641 beyond the subject matter of the common law torts which whether a conversion of the information contained on those records had, in
are its foundation." Id. Thus, the court adhered to the language in fact, occurred. The court added, however, that:
Morissette that section 641 applies to acts of "larceny or embezzlement at
common law and also acts which shade into those crimes but which, most 21
strictly considered, might not be found to fit their fixed definitions." Id. "We do not, by resting upon the narrower ground that a technical larceny
(quoting Morissette, 342 U.S. at 269 n. 28, 72 S.Ct. at 253 n. 28). has been proved, intend to imply a rejection of the government's broader
interpretation of Sec. 641 .... Much can be said in favor of the government's
19 argument that Chappell v. United States, supra, is inconsistent with the
In United States v. Girard, 601 F.2d 69 (2d Cir.1979), cert. denied, 444 U.S. interpretation of 641 by the Supreme Court in Morissette ...."
871, 100 S.Ct. 148, 62 L.Ed.2d 96 (1980) ("Girard "), a DEA undercover agent
retrieved information from a DEA computer file and sold it to members of a 22
narcotics ring. The agent was convicted for knowing conversion of United Id. at 978 (emphasis added). The Third Circuit relied upon the same
States property in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641, and argued on appeal that language quoted by the Eighth Circuit in May, that 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641 applies
the statute only applied to tangible property; not intangible information to acts of "larceny or embezzlement at common law and also acts which
from a computer disk. The Second Circuit reviewed the legislative history of shade into those crimes but which, most strictly considered, might not be
section 641 and stated that "we are impressed by Congress' repeated use of found to fit their fixed definitions." DiGilio, 538 F.2d at 978 (quoting
the phrase 'thing of value' in section 641 and its predecessors.... The word Morissette, 342 U.S. at 269 n. 28, 72 S.Ct. at 253 n. 28). See also United
'thing' notwithstanding, the phrase is generally construed to cover States v. Truong Dinh Hung, 629 F.2d 908, 924 (4th Cir.1980).
intangibles as well as tangibles." Id. at 71. The court thus concluded that
"[a]lthough the content of a writing is an intangible, it is nonetheless a thing 23
of value.... [T]he Government has a property interest in certain of its private In the present case, Croft improperly converted to his own use a "thing of
records which it may protect by statute as a thing of value. It has done this value," specifically the services of Laurel Johnson. The record clearly reveals
by the enactment of section 641." Id. that Johnson, under Croft's supervision and direction, performed water
chemistries on the Weston water samples, analyzed the asbestos count of
20 those samples, compiled detailed calculations, and recorded the data that
Similarly, in United States v. DiGilio, 538 F.2d 972 (3d Cir.1976), cert. denied, was later transmitted to the Weston town board. According to the
429 U.S. 1038, 97 S.Ct. 733, 50 L.Ed.2d 749 (1977) ("DiGilio "), the defendant testimony of Weston's attorney, the town board paid Croft "between
was convicted of procuring unauthorized copies of FBI file documents in $40,000 and $50,000" to conduct the Weston research project. At trial,
violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641. On appeal, the defendant argued that the Croft did not attempt to establish that he paid Laurel Johnson for her
unauthorized copies of records were not themselves "records," and thus he services with the funds received from the Weston town board. Rather, the
could not be convicted under section 641 for converting, to his own use, uncontradicted testimony and evidence reveal that the services performed
records of the United States. The Government responded that "the by Johnson in testing the Weston water samples and recording the results in
a laboratory log book were paid in full by the EPA.4 As a result of the EPA's
payment for the services performed by Johnson on the Weston research 26
project, the EPA has a financial interest in those services that it is entitled to Croft next claims that even if his actions fall within the purview of 18 U.S.C.
protect as a "thing of value" under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641. Sec. 641, the indictment was insufficient because it only charged Croft with
"knowingly and unlawfully" converting the services of Laurel Johnson to his
24 own use. As we have previously noted, the Supreme Court in Morissette
According to this court's analysis in Bailey, "the purpose of Sec. 641 ... is to interpreted the language of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641 to include an element of
provide a sanction for intentional conduct by which a person either intent. Croft contends that the phrase "knowingly and unlawfully" does not
misappropriates or obtains a wrongful advantage from government sufficiently and clearly set forth this element of intent as it has been
property." 734 F.2d at 304. It is evident that Croft obtained a wrongful construed for purposes of section 641. Thus, Croft reasons that the
advantage by converting and misappropriating the services of Laurel insufficient indictment renders the conviction based thereon fatally
Johnson for his personal research project while allowing those services to be defective. See, e.g., United States v. Denmon, 483 F.2d 1093, 1095 (8th
paid for by the EPA. Croft's conversion of Johnson's services for his own use, Cir.1973).
just as the conversion of intangible services in May and the conversion of
intangible information in Girard, is one of those acts referred to by the 27
Supreme Court that shades into the crimes of larceny or embezzlement "but In United States v. Watkins, 709 F.2d 475 (7th Cir.1983) ("Watkins "), this
which, most strictly considered, might not be found to fit their fixed court acknowledged that an indictment under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641 is
definitions." Morissette, 342 U.S. at 269 n. 28, 72 S.Ct. at 253 n. 28. We "sufficient if it, first, alleges the elements of the offense charged and fairly
disagree with the Ninth Circuit's limited, narrow, and unrealistic informs a defendant of the charge against him or her, and, second, enables
interpretation in Chappell that intangible services do not constitute a "thing the defendant to plead an acquittal or conviction in bar of future
of value" as that phrase is used in section 641. Rather, we adopt the logical prosecutions." 709 F.2d at 478 (citing Hamling v. United States, 418 U.S. 87,
construction of section 641 mandated by the Supreme Court in Morissette 117, 94 S.Ct. 2887, 2907, 41 L.Ed.2d 590 (1973)). According to the Eighth
and this court in Bailey, and hold that the services rendered by Laurel Circuit in May, "specific intent is a necessary element that must be alleged
Johnson on the Weston research project do constitute a "thing of value" in the indictment" under section 641, but no "particular verbal formula" is
under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641.5 Accord Burnette v. United States, 222 F.2d 426, required. 625 F.2d at 190. See also Watkins, 709 F.2d at 478 ("no particular
427 (6th Cir.1955) (per curiam) (United States Army officer convicted under words or phrases must be used" in an indictment under section 641). The
18 U.S.C. Sec. 641 for "convert[ing] to his own use the services and labor of relevant case law demonstrates that no particular verbal formula or
two employees of the United States"). Indeed, as Justice Holmes has so talismanic combination of words is required to properly allege the element
aptly reasoned, "[w]e agree to all the generalities about not supplying of specific intent in an indictment under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641. In Morissette,
criminal laws with what they omit, but there is no canon against using the Supreme Court approved a section 641 indictment charging, inter alia,
common sense in construing laws as saying what they obviously mean." that the defendant "did unlawfully, wilfully and knowingly ... convert to his
Roschen v. Ward, 279 U.S. 337, 339, 49 S.Ct. 336, 73 L.Ed. 722 (1929). own use." 342 U.S. at 270, 72 S.Ct. at 253. On the other hand, a number of
Federal circuit courts have held that the phrase "wilfully and knowingly" is
25 sufficient to allege the specific intent element of section 641 and apprise
B. "KNOWING CONVERSION" UNDER 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641 the defendant of the crime charged. See United States v. Baker, 693 F.2d
183, 186 (D.C.Cir.1982); May, 625 F.2d at 189; O'Malley v. United States, particulars clarifying and particularizing that the relevant time frame of the
378 F.2d 401, 404 (1st Cir.1967), cert. denied, 389 U.S. 1008, 88 S.Ct. 571, indictment was the period that Williams, Johnson, and Caplenas "worked
19 L.Ed.2d 606 (1968). Neither our research nor the parties' briefs reveal under the direction of the defendant [Croft], and during which time the
any Federal circuit law construing the phrase "knowingly and unlawfully" as defendant converted [their] services." The Government further explained
used in the section 641 indictment presently before this court for review. that the services consisted of Johnson's "laboratory work on the defendant's
personal project with the Town of Weston" and the "research and
28 laboratory time" spent by Williams and Caplenas "on the defendant's
Our examination of the sufficiency of the indictment in this case is guided by personal project with the Town of Weston." The detailed information
the Supreme Court's analysis in Morissette that "knowing conversion provided within the Government's bill of particulars clearly informed Croft
requires more than knowledge that defendant was taking the property into of the type of services converted to his own use, and thus we hold that the
his possession. He must have had knowledge of the facts, though not indictment, as amended, was more than sufficient to charge Croft with a
necessarily the law, that made the taking a conversion." 342 U.S. at 270-71, violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641. Accord Watkins, 709 F.2d at 478.
72 S.Ct. at 253-54. According to the Court, the section 641 indictment must
charge the defendant with "criminal intent to ... knowingly convert, that is, C. ALLEGED TRIAL ERRORS
wrongfully to deprive another of possession of property." Id. at 276, 72 S.Ct.
at 256 (emphasis original). See also United States v. Wilson, 636 F.2d 225, 30
226 (8th Cir.1980). In the original indictment of March 2, 1983, the Grand Croft next contends that the district court erred in admitting computer
Jury charged Croft with knowingly converting, to his own use, the services printouts, containing the University of Wisconsin's payroll records, into
performed by Williams, Johnson, and Caplenas and paid for by the EPA. In evidence and in denying Croft access to the computer program. At trial, the
the superseding indictment of April 27, 1983, the Grand Jury charged Croft Government elicited testimony from Richard Laufenburg, Director of Payroll
with knowingly and unlawfully converting those same services. The phrase and Benefits Services at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, that the
"knowingly and unlawfully" charges Croft with more than knowingly taking computer printouts in question were "individual income tax detail summary
the services of Williams, Johnson, and Caplenas; it charges him with for the ... calendar year 1981 which reflects the individual payment made to
knowingly taking those services in violation of the law. In sum, the phrase all individuals through the payroll system." According to Laufenburg, these
"knowingly and unlawfully" properly charges Croft with wrongfully depriving computer-generated compilations of the 1981 payroll records were kept in
the EPA of its services. Thus, we hold that the indictment in this case the regular course of business of the University of Wisconsin-Madison
sufficiently alleges the specific intent element of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641, as payroll office. The computer printouts were made contemporaneously with
defined by the court in Morissette, and accurately informs Croft of the crime or near the time that the payments were made and the payroll data became
charged. available. Laufenburg added that the printouts accurately reflected the
payroll data and were maintained under his direction and supervision.
29 Moreover, Laufenburg testified that his staff reviewed and audited the
Croft further contends that the indictment is insufficient because it failed to payroll data contained on the computer printouts for accuracy, on a regular
inform him of the "services" that were converted. A review of the record basis throughout the year. Based upon this adequate foundation evidence,
reveals that this claim is likewise without merit. The Government, in the district court properly admitted the computer printouts as business
response to Croft's pre-trial motion to dismiss the indictment, filed a bill of records that satisfied the hearsay exception of Fed.R.Evid. 803(6).6 Croft
contends that the district court erred in admitting the computer printouts Laufenburg. According to Laufenburg, the printouts were made
because the Government failed to prove that the information entered into contemporaneously with or near the time that the payroll data became
the computer was accurate and reliable. According to Croft, this court's available, the printouts were kept in the regular course of business, and it
decision in United States v. Weatherspoon, 581 F.2d 595 (7th Cir.1978) was the regular practice of the University of Wisconsin-Madison to make
("Weatherspoon"), requires that the Government establish the accuracy of such printouts. Moreover, with regard to the reliability and trustworthiness
the input procedures before the computer printout can be introduced into of the payroll data information entered into the computer and compiled in
evidence. the printouts, Laufenburg testified that members of his staff performed
"various reviews and audits ... throughout the year." Laufenburg further
31 asserted that if errors occur in the input of payroll information, these
It is well-settled that computer data compilations may constitute business reviews "should pick it up." Finally, Laufenburg stressed the importance of
records for purposes of Fed.R.Evid. 803(6) and may be admitted at trial if a the precautions taken by his staff to ensure the accuracy of these printouts,
proper foundation is established. United States v. Young Bros., Inc., 728 F.2d which are relied upon by the University of Wisconsin to complete the more
682, 694 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, --- U.S. ----, 105 S.Ct. 246, 83 L.Ed.2d 184 than 60,000 W-2 employee payroll forms annually processed by the
(1984); Rosenburg v. Collins, 624 F.2d 659, 665 (5th Cir.1980); United States institution for the Internal Revenue Service.
v. Scholle, 553 F.2d 1109, 1124-25 (8th Cir.1977), cert. denied, 434 U.S. 940,
98 S.Ct. 432, 54 L.Ed.2d 300 (1978); Annot., 7 A.L.R.4th 8, 15 (1981). 33
According to this court in United States v. Chappell, 698 F.2d 308 (7th Cir.), The record reveals that defense counsel thoroughly cross-examined
cert. denied, 461 U.S. 931, 103 S.Ct. 2095, 77 L.Ed.2d 304 (1983), business Laufenberg concerning the accuracy of the computer and the input
records are admissible "if they are kept in the course of a regularly procedures. According to the uncontroverted evidence, the computer
conducted business activity, and if it was the regular practice of that printouts were reviewed and audited for accuracy on a regular basis
business activity to make the records, as shown by the testimony of the throughout the year and also relied upon by the University of Wisconsin-
custodian or other qualified witness." 698 F.2d at 311. It is important to Madison to complete tax forms for the Internal Revenue Service. This
note, however, that the business records are inadmissible "if the source of evidence, when combined with the fact that the audits performed by
information or the method or circumstances of preparation indicate a lack Laufenburg's staff should have "picked up" any errors in the input of payroll
of trustworthiness." Id. For purposes of review, we are guided by the clearly information, sufficiently establishes the reliability and trustworthiness of the
established rule of law that the "trial court has broad discretion in computer printouts. Thus, in view of the totality of the circumstances we
ascertaining the admissibility of business records, and its ruling should be hold that the district court did not abuse its discretion in admitting the
disturbed only when that discretion is abused." United States v. Young Bros., printouts into evidence under the hearsay exception of Fed.R.Evid. 803(6).7
Inc., 728 F.2d at 694 (quoting Rosenberg v. Collins, 624 F.2d at 665); United We further note that the printouts in the present case were simply
States v. Vela, 673 F.2d 86, 90 (5th Cir.1982). computer compilations of payroll data information for 1981. The printouts
contained no calculations or studies that relied upon a complex and
32 intricate computer program. Instead, the relevant payroll evidence was
In the present case, the evidence establishes that the computer printouts in simply transferred from payroll data sheets to a computer disk for
question were maintained and supervised by the Director of the Payroll and convenient storage in the computer and easy retrieval on computer
Benefits Services at the University of Wisconsin-Madison--one Richard printouts. In light of the fact that the actual computer program was of little
if any importance in the present case, we hold that no error was committed In the instant case, Croft admits that he directed Williams, Johnson, and
when the district court failed to allow Croft access to the program. Caplenas to analyze the Weston water samples. Croft simply claims as a
defense that he acted in good faith, believing that his actions were proper
34 and did not constitute a violation of the law. In short, Croft's defense
Croft next claims that the jury instructions concerning his theory of defense consists of his belief that he lacked the specific intent required to be
were incomplete and thus improper. The district court instructed the jury: convicted of converting, to his own use, "a thing of value" of the EPA, in
violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641. According to the rule of law in this circuit,
35 "[i]n determining the propriety of instructions they are to be viewed as a
"It is the defendant's theory of this case that he intended that the work whole, and as long as the instructions treat the issues fairly and accurately
performed upon the Weston water samples by James Williams, Laurel they will not be interfered with on appeal." United States v. Ray, 683 F.2d
Johnson and Nijole Caplenas was for the purpose of instructing them in the 1116, 1127 (7th Cir.), cert. denied, 459 U.S. 1091, 103 S.Ct. 578, 74 L.Ed.2d
technique of filtering water samples, preparing them for fiber analysis and 938 (1982) (citing United States v. Patrick, 542 F.2d 381, 389 (7th Cir.1976),
counting asbestos fibers. The defendant's additional theory of this case is cert. denied, 430 U.S. 931, 97 S.Ct. 1551, 51 L.Ed.2d 775 (1977)). The district
that the Environmental Protection Agency did not lose the services of James court's theory of defense instruction clearly and fairly informed the jury of
Williams, Laurel Johnson and Nijole Caplenas. Croft's belief that he acted in good faith when he directed his EPA research
assistants to analyze the Weston water samples. Thus, upon review of the
36 jury instructions as a whole, including the Government's burden of proving
Now, the defendant has no burden to prove these theories. The the specific intent element of section 641 and Croft's belief that he did not
government has the burden of proving guilt of the defendant beyond a violate the law, we hold that the theory of defense instruction, as recited by
reasonable doubt...." the district court, was proper.

37 39
Croft contends that the district court should have further informed the jury Croft next contends that the district court erred in instructing the jury on
of the consequences of an acquittal, that Croft believed training was the issue of the EPA's ownership of the services performed by Williams,
permitted under the EPA grant, and that Croft believed he did not submit Johnson, and Caplenas. Croft erroneously asserts that the district court
the calculations and work product of his research assistants to the Weston failed to allow the jury to determine the ownership issue as a question of
town board. fact. The district court instructed the jury that for purposes of 18 U.S.C. Sec.
641, the Government was required to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt:
The law is well-settled in this circuit that "[a] defendant is entitled to have 40
the jury instructed on his theory of the defense if the defense is supported "1. That the defendant converted a thing of value worth in excess of $100,
by the law and the evidence." United States v. Martin-Trigona, 684 F.2d 485, an employee's services, to his own use;
493 (7th Cir.1982) (citing United States v. Grimes, 413 F.2d 1376, 1378 (7th
Cir.1969)). See also United States v. Moore, 627 F.2d 830, 832-33 (7th 41
Cir.1980), cert. denied, 450 U.S. 916, 101 S.Ct. 1360, 67 L.Ed.2d 342 (1981).
2. That the services involved belonged to the United States Government by lance court reporters who attended the trial, and order them to transcribe
virtue of the employee having been paid with federal money. the testimony as soon as possible. The court reconvened some ten hours
later, at 10:45 a.m., and at that time the trial judge informed the parties
42 that the free-lance reporters who were to transcribe the forty-five minutes
3. That the conversion was done knowingly and unlawfully." of Johnson's testimony and the three hours of Croft's testimony were
unavailable. In light of this dilemma, the trial judge reasoned that:
The court added that on the issue of "services belonging to the Federal 45
Government, ... when the University of Wisconsin draws funds to pay an "I think to sequester a jury for several days in this matter is inappropriate. I
employee in a manner that debits a Federal grant for the amount of funds also believe that because of the publicity that there may very well be, that
drawn, the University is acting as an agent of the United States and the we certainly wouldn't want them or I think it would not be wise to have
funds so drawn are funds of the United States." This latter instruction them outside of sequestration for five or six or three or four or how many
properly informed the jury that, as a matter of law, the funds drawn from days it might take to round up the transcripts ...."
the special EPA account belonged to the EPA, an executive agency of the
United States Government. According to the detailed regulations of 40 46
C.F.R. Sec. 30.100 et seq., the EPA exercises substantial supervision and Accordingly the trial judge informed the jury that the free-lance reporters
control over grant funds, such as those held by the University of Wisconsin- were unavailable and "that it would not be in order nor appropriate to await
Madison, and thus the funds do, as a matter of law, belong to the EPA. See the preparation of these transcripts." The judge added that, "[a]s jurors, you
United States v. Mitchell, 625 F.2d 158, 160-61 (7th Cir.1980), cert. denied, are requested to render your verdict based upon your recollection of all the
449 U.S. 984, 101 S.Ct. 402, 66 L.Ed.2d 247 (1981); United States v. Maxwell, testimony which has been given and all the exhibits which have been
588 F.2d 568, 571-74 (7th Cir.1978), cert. denied, 444 U.S. 877, 100 S.Ct. provided."
163, 62 L.Ed.2d 106 (1979). The jury, guided by this legal principle, was
properly required to decide the factual issue of whether the services of 47
Williams, Johnson, and Caplenas belonged to the EPA. Thus, we hold that The law is well-established in this circuit that "it is within the discretion of
the district court did not err in instructing the jury as to the Government's the trial court whether to read portions of the trial transcript back to the
ownership of the EPA funds. jury at its request." United States v. Kuta, 518 F.2d 947, 954 (7th Cir.1975),
cert. denied, 423 U.S. 1014, 96 S.Ct. 446, 46 L.Ed.2d 385 (1976). See also
44 United States v. McCoy, 517 F.2d 41, 44 (7th Cir.), cert. denied, 423 U.S. 895,
Croft finally claims that the district court erred in failing to grant the jury's 96 S.Ct. 195, 46 L.Ed.2d 127 (1975). In the instant case, the trial court judge
request to "hear the complete testimony of Laurel Johnson; and the solicited suggestions from the parties and properly weighed the interest of
testimony of Mr. Croft regarding Laurel Johnson's employment." The record maintaining a sequestered jury to reach a verdict against the interest of
reveals that the jury requested the testimony at 12:52 a.m., some five hours providing the jury with transcripts of the requested testimony. Based upon
after it began deliberations. The court informed the jury that the testimony the factors involved, including the inability to contact the free-lance court
was not available at that time and that arrangements would be made to reporters, the logistical problems of sequestering the jury for an extended
sequester the jury. The parties and the court agreed to contact the free- period of time, and the very real likelihood of exposing the jurors to adverse
publicity if the order of sequestration were lifted, we hold that the district violation of Sec. 641, because services are not property, at least since the
court's decision does not rise to an abuse of discretion.8 13th amendment abolished slavery.

III 52
As noted in Contractor Utility Sales Co., Inc. v. Certain-Teed Corporation,
48 (7th Cir.) 748 F.2d 1151, the interpretation favorable to the Government in
We affirm the conviction of William Croft for knowingly and unlawfully the case at bar
converting, to his own use, a "thing of value" of the EPA, in violation of 18
U.S.C. Sec. 641. 53
would seem to be a novel form of the now discredited dogma of "liberty of
49 contract" as a property right. Roscoe Pound, Jurisprudence (1959) I, 95-96,
DUMBAULD, Senior District Judge, concurring. 425. As Justice Holmes remarked on this subject: "By calling a business
'property' you make it seem like land ... An established business no doubt
50 may have pecuniary value and commonly is protected by law against various
I concur solely on the basis of stare decisis. In my judgment 18 U.S.C. Sec. unjustified injuries. But you cannot give it definiteness of contour by calling
641 has been interpreted in this Circuit as covering "intentional conduct by it a thing. It is a course of conduct...." Truax v. Corrigan, 257 U.S. 312, 342,
which a person either misappropriates or obtains a wrongful advantage 42 S.Ct. 124, 133, 66 L.Ed. 254 (1921).
from government property." U.S. v. Bailey, 734 F.2d 296, 304 (7th Cir.1984).
If the quoted words were in the statute I should have no trouble at all. But 54
as res integra I strongly doubt that they have the same meaning as the Similarly, conversion of services may constitute misconduct, wrongful
words used by Congress in 18 U.S.C. Sec. 641: "Whoever embezzles, steals, activity, or breach of obligation, but not property. You cannot make it
purloins, or knowingly converts to his use ... any record, voucher, money or property "by calling it a thing."
thing of value of the United States" is guilty of a crime. (Italics supplied). On
the interpretation of this provision generally see Morissette v. U.S., 342 U.S. 55
246, 272, 72 S.Ct. 240, 254, 96 L.Ed. 288 (1952). So substantial an extension The offense charged, therefore, is not covered by the proscriptions of Sec.
of the conduct condemned as criminal ought ordinarily to be made only by 641. Under that construction of the statute, defendant's conviction cannot
the Congress, rather than by judicial construction. stand, for it is elementary that a defendant cannot be convicted for an
offense not charged in the indictment. Stirone v. United States, 361 U.S.
51 212, 217, 80 S.Ct. 270, 273, 4 L.Ed.2d 252 (1960).
The indictment charges defendant with wrongful and unlawful conversion of
services, to wit the labor performed for defendant's financial advantage 56
(testing water samples) by persons paid by government funds to work on a However, this course of reasoning is foreclosed by the previously quoted
different project (testing cattle tissues). Defendant thus obtained a wrongful language from Bailey, and I conform to the precedent previously established
advantage, indirectly, from government property, to wit the funds used to in this Circuit.
pay defendant's helpers. But I doubt whether conversion of services is a
* Weston research project do constitute a 'thing of value' under 18 U.S.C. Sec.
The Honorable Edward Dumbauld, Senior District Judge of the Western 641."
District of Pennsylvania, is sitting by designation
1 Fed.R.Evid. 803(6) provides, in pertinent part:
The aggressiveness index is used to calculate the rate at which water will
corrode concrete pipes consisting of cement and asbestos, thereby causing "The following are not excluded by the hearsay rule, even though the
the release of asbestos fibers into the water system declarant is available as a witness:

2 (6) Records of regularly conducted activity.

At trial, Croft claimed that on October 29, 1981, he submitted the results of
sixty-six asbestos tests to the Weston town board A memorandum, report, record, or data compilation, in any form, of acts,
events, conditions, opinions, or diagnoses, made at or near the time by, or
3 from information transmitted by, a person with knowledge, if kept in the
At trial, the Government asked Croft whether he, in fact, submitted course of a regularly conducted business activity, and if it was the regular
Johnson's calculations to the Weston town board. Croft replied, "I do not practice of that business activity to make the memorandum, report, record,
know how it got there." or data compilation, all as shown by the testimony of the custodian or other
qualified witness, unless the source of information or the method or
4 circumstances of preparation indicate lack of trustworthiness."
The record reveals that Laurel Johnson's services were paid for out of the
special EPA account established by the University of Wisconsin. According to 7
the conditions set forth in the EPA agreement and the regulations In Weatherspoon, this court held that computer printouts were properly
enumerated in 40 C.F.R. Sec. 30.100 et seq., the EPA, an executive agency of admitted into evidence following the Government's proof of "what the
the United States Government, maintains substantial supervision and input procedures were, ... that the input procedures and printouts were
control over the funds in that account. Thus, for purposes of our analysis, accurate within two percent, ... that the computer was tested for internal
the EPA paid for Johnson's services. See United States v. Mitchell, 625 F.2d programming errors on a monthly basis, and ... that the printouts were
158, 160-61 (7th Cir.1980), cert. denied, 449 U.S. 984, 101 S.Ct. 402, 66 made, maintained and relied on ... in the ordinary course of ... business
L.Ed.2d 247 (1981); United States v. Maxwell, 588 F.2d 568, 570-74 (7th activities." 581 F.2d at 598. Although the evidence of computer input
Cir.1978), cert. denied, 444 U.S. 877, 100 S.Ct. 163, 62 L.Ed.2d 106 (1979) procedures in the present case is not as thorough and all-encompassing as
that in Weatherspoon; the evidence, nonetheless, "lays a foundation
5 sufficient to warrant a finding that such information is trustworthy and the
The concurring opinion appears to misconstrue our holding with its opposing party is given [an] ... opportunity to inquire into the accuracy of
emphatic statement that "services are not property, at least since the 13th the computer and its input procedures ...." United States v. Liebert, 519 F.2d
Amendment abolished slavery." As we state in the text of the opinion, our 542, 547 (3d Cir.), cert. denied, 423 U.S. 985, 96 S.Ct. 392, 46 L.Ed.2d 301
narrow holding is that "the services rendered by Laurel Johnson on the (1975) (citing United States v. De Georgia, 420 F.2d 889, 893 n. 11 (9th
Cir.1969)). See also United States v. Fendley, 522 F.2d 181, 187 (5th defraud cannot be prosecuted for engaging in a "pattern" of racketeering
Cir.1975); United States v. Russo, 480 F.2d 1228, 1241 (6th Cir.1973), cert. activity within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1962(c), and (7) that the district
denied, 414 U.S. 1157, 94 S.Ct. 915, 39 L.Ed.2d 109 (1974) court improperly amended the indictment by deleting a portion thereof.

8 I.
The record reveals that this trial was of public importance and had been the Weatherspoon owned and operated Arnetta's Beauty College in Chicago,
subject of a front-page, headline article in the Capitol Times, a local where she offered courses in cosmetology and beauty culture to tuition
Madison, Wisconsin newspaper paying students. In January of 1970, Weatherspoon received approval to
accept veterans as students from the Department of Veterans Affairs of the
State of Illinois, a contractual agent of the Veterans Administration of the
United States. She was authorized to enroll no more than 42 veteran
United States students out of a total student body of 50. The veteran students thereby
v. became eligible to receive veterans' educational benefits from the VA for
Weatherspoon attending Weatherspoon's vocational school.

To obtain benefits, the veteran made formal application to the VA, which
BAUER, Circuit Judge. issued an eligibility certificate. The VA would refer eligible veterans to
Following a jury trial, Arnetta Weatherspoon was convicted of sixteen Arnetta's, and an enrollment certificate for each student would be
counts of violating the racketeering, mail fraud and false statements completed by an authorized official at the school. Upon receipt of the
statutes, 18 U.S.C. § 1001, 1341, 1961-63. The evidence presented at trial enrollment certificate, the VA would issue a check covering educational
showed that Weatherspoon, who operated a beauty college approved for expenses and tuition along with an attendance card. A full-time student was
veterans' vocational training by the Veterans Administration, knowingly required to attend class thirty hours per week in fulfillment of his course
caused false student enrollment cards and attendance certificates to be requirements in order to obtain the maximum monthly benefit payment,
mailed to the Veterans Administration in furtherance of a scheme to which ranged from $220 to $500 per student. Both the student and
defraud that agency. On appeal, Weatherspoon raises numerous Weatherspoon were required to certify attendance.
contentions in support of her claim that her convictions should be reversed.
She argues: (1) that the Government failed to lay a proper foundation for The indictment charged that Weatherspoon engaged in a scheme to defraud
admission of certain computer printouts into evidence, (2) that the by enrolling students in excess of her authorized limit and by falsely
Government breached a discovery agreement with her counsel, (3) that she certifying the attendance of her students. The evidence did in fact show
could not be prosecuted under the mail fraud statute for conduct subject to those charges to be true, and Weatherspoon does not challenge the
the reach of the false statements statute, (4) that the mail fraud counts sufficiency of the evidence as such, but rather raises the other issues noted
failed to charge use of the mails, (5) that the certifications she falsely made above.
were too ambiguous to support a false statements prosecution, (6) that one
who causes several mailings to be made in furtherance of a single scheme to II.
Weatherspoon first assigns error in the trial court's admission of a series of to preclude the government witnesses not mentioned in the indictment
computer printouts, which established that she had enrolled over six times itself from testifying. We disagree.
as many veterans as students than she had been authorized to do. In
essence, Weatherspoon contends that the Government failed to lay a We recognize, of course, that the court is empowered to impose sanctions
proper foundation for admission of the printouts, which were simply a on the Government for intentional noncompliance with pretrial discovery
computerized compilation of information taken from the enrollment orders or agreements. E. g., United States v. Jackson, 508 F.2d 1001, 1005-
certification forms submitted by Weatherspoon and keypunched onto a 1008 (7th Cir. 1975). We cannot agree, however, that exercise of our
tape fed into the computer. We disagree that an insufficient foundation was supervisory power is warranted in the circumstances of this case. The list of
laid. potential government witnesses in this case was virtually inexhaustible, and
the task of interviewing potential witnesses and determining whom the
Pursuant to the testimony of a VA supervisory employee who was familiar Government would call at trial was an arduous one. Inasmuch as the
with the preparation and use of the printouts, the Government showed to Government turned over its witness list as soon as such witnesses had been
the satisfaction of the trial court (1) what the input procedures were, (2) selected, the Government cannot be charged with bad faith or intentional
that the input procedures and printouts were accurate within two percent, noncompliance with its informal discovery agreement. Moreover, we
(3) that the computer was tested for internal programming errors on a cannot see how the defense was prejudiced by the inevitable delay in the
monthly basis, and (4) that the printouts were made, maintained and relied production of the witness list. Almost all the witnesses who appeared at
on by the VA in the ordinary course of its business activities. Moreover, all trial were known to the defendant, as most were former students of
the enrollment certificate forms submitted by Weatherspoon, which formed Arnetta's whose testimony could have easily been anticipated by
the data base fed into the computer, were made available to defense Weatherspoon. Inasmuch as defense counsel did not even find it necessary
counsel for inspection. Defense counsel also had adequate opportunity to to ask for a continuance in order to prepare to meet the witnesses'
inquire into the accuracy of the input procedures and programming used. testimony, we must assume that the two-week notice of its witnesses given
Under the circumstances, we believe that a sufficient showing of the by the Government was a "reasonable" time within which to prepare
reliability of the printouts was made to warrant their admission into Weatherspoon's defense to their testimony. In any event, we do not believe
evidence under the standards set out in United States v. Liebert, 519 F.2d prejudice resulted from any delay in turning over the witness list.
542, 547 (3rd Cir. 1975), and United States v. Russo, 480 F.2d 1228 (6th Cir.
1973), cert. denied, 414 U.S. 1157, 94 S.Ct. 915, 39 L.Ed.2d 109 (1974). IV.
Weatherspoon next contends that she could not properly be charged under
III. the mail fraud statute for the same acts which supported her convictions
Weatherspoon next complains that the Government breached a discovery under the false statements statute. According to Weatherspoon, because
agreement made with her counsel to provide her with a list of government the false statements statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1001, criminalized her submission
witnesses a "reasonable time" prior to trial so that she would have a of false enrollment certificates to the VA, she could not simultaneously be
sufficient opportunity to prepare to meet their testimony. According to charged with violating the mail fraud statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1341, simply
Weatherspoon, because the Government did not provide the witness list because she used the mails to submit the false enrollment certificates. We
until two weeks before trial, the trial court should have granted her motion again disagree.
In support of her argument, Weatherspoon relies on United States v. punished under another federal statute. Finally, we note that
Henderson, 386 F. Supp. 1048 (S.D.N.Y. 1974), wherein the court held that Weatherspoon received concurrent sentences under the mail fraud and
the defendant was not subject to prosecution and punishment under the false statements counts, and thus has little to gain as a practical matter even
mail fraud statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1341, for mailing income tax returns whose if we were to adopt her novel view that she could not be prosecuted under
falsity formed the basis for the defendant's simultaneous prosecution under the mail fraud statute if her conduct could be reached, in whole or part,
various criminal provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. § 7202- under another federal criminal statute. We hold that, by using the mails to
07. In the course of so holding, the court reasoned that the mail fraud submit false statements to a government agency, Weatherspoon subjected
statute was designed to serve as a stopgap device to deal on a temporary herself to separate prosecution and punishment under both the mail fraud
basis with new forms of fraud until particularized legislation could be and false statements statutes.
devised to deal directly with the villainous activity. Id. at 1053, citing United
States v. Maze, 414 U.S. 395, 405-06, 94 S.Ct. 645, 38 L.Ed.2d 603 (1974) Henderson has been expressly repudiated by the Ninth Circuit, which
(Burger, J., dissenting). The court found in Congress's subsequent enactment permitted simultaneous use of the mail fraud and tax fraud statutes in
of the criminal antifraud provisions of the Internal Revenue Code a latent United States v. Miller, 545 F.2d 1204, 1216 n. 17 (1976).
intent to preempt the field of sanctions available for tax fraud violations, an
intent that would be undermined if the Government were allowed to obtain V.
"multiple sentences reaching staggering, if not utterly unrealistic, years of Weatherspoon next argues that her convictions for mail fraud must be
imprisonment" by prosecuting violators simultaneously under the mail fraud reversed because the indictment underlying her convictions failed to charge
statute and the Code. Id. at 1053-54. an offense under 18 U.S.C. § 1341 in that it failed to allege use of the mails.
Her argument is apparently premised on the misguided assumption that the
Although Henderson lends an aura of plausibility to Weatherspoon's mail fraud counts must parrot the precise language of the statute, which
argument, we find it of no help to her here. Even if we were to agree that speaks of
Henderson is good law, it would not apply here, for there is nothing in either
the language or the legislative history of the false statements statute, 18 "plac[ing] in any post office or authorized depository for mail matter, any
U.S.C. § 1001, reflecting any Congressional intent to create a hierarchy of matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by the Postal Service, . . .
sanctions that would preempt the application of the mail fraud statute, 18 or knowingly caus[ing] to be delivered by mail according to the directions
U.S.C. § 1341, to the submission of false statements to a government thereon . . any such matter or thing." 18 U.S.C. § 1341.
agency through the use of the mails. We note that the mail fraud statute In contrast to the precise language of the statute, the mail fraud counts at
has long been used in concert with statutes proscribing the making of false issue here alleged that the defendant, in furtherance of a scheme to
statements to a government agency, and no question has heretofore been defraud, "did knowingly and wilfully cause to be delivered an envelope . . .,
raised as to the propriety of doing so as far as we know. E. g., Hartwell v. and thereafter said envelope was delivered, according to the directions
United States, 107 F.2d 359 (5th Cir. 1939). After all, the mail fraud statute thereon, by the United States Postal Service . . .."
proscribes different conduct and requires proof of different elements than
the false statements statute, and Congress has the right to authorize Weatherspoon's argument appears to be that, because the mail fraud
additional sanctions for abuse of the mails in connection with a scheme to counts alleged only that she caused an envelope to be delivered, rather
defraud the Government even though the fraud may be separately
than alleging that she caused an envelope to be delivered by mail, that the We have no problem, of course, with the vagueness doctrine of Lanzetta
counts were fatally deficient. We disagree. and its progeny. The doctrine is not, however, applicable here, for the
enrollment certification made by Weatherspoon was perfectly clear on its
There is no requirement that an indictment track the exact language of the face. It reads:
proscribing statute if the indictment otherwise sufficiently charges each of
the essential elements of the crime. United States v. Constant, 501 F.2d "Enrollment of this student does not exceed any limit established by the
1284, 1287 (5th Cir. 1974). Moreover, in determining whether an essential State Approving Agency for enrollment in this course."
element of the crime has been omitted from the charge, courts will not We find nothing vague about the above certification. Moreover, even if we
insist that any particular word or phrase, such as "mail" here, be used. agreed with Weatherspoon that the language is not a model of clarity, we
United States v. Camp, 541 F.2d 737, 740 (8th Cir. 1976). The element may note that the "vagueness" argument was open to Weatherspoon at trial, for
be alleged "in any form" which substantially states it. Hagner v. United the Government was required under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 to establish not only
States, 285 U.S. 427, 433, 52 S.Ct. 417, 76 L.Ed. 861 (1932). that the certification was false, but also that Weatherspoon had made the
certification knowing it to be false. The jury, obviously, was not impressed
Here, Weatherspoon contends that the indictment fails to allege that she with Weatherspoon's argument that she had made an understandable
used the mails. However, when the mail fraud counts are given the mistake in interpreting a vague government form. Neither are we.
commonsense reading to which they are entitled. United States v. Particularly in view of the intent element of 18 U.S.C. § 1001, which
Anderson, 532 F.2d 1218, 1222 (9th Cir. 1976), they clearly allege that precludes a conviction for an honest misinterpretation of a government
Weatherspoon caused an envelope to be delivered by the United States form, we hold that the certification falsely made by Weatherspoon here was
Postal Service. This necessarily constitutes an allegation that she caused the not so vague on its face as to violate the due process clause as a matter of
envelope to be delivered by mail, for 18 U.S.C. § 1341 itself defines "mail law.
matter" as "any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by the
Postal Service." We hold that the mail fraud counts sufficiently alleged an VII.
offense under 18 U.S.C. § 1341. Weatherspoon's next contention is that she did not engage in a "pattern of
racketeering activity" within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1961(5), 1962(c)
VI. because she did not commit two separate "acts" of racketeering activity
Weatherspoon's next argument is that her convictions under the false within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)(B). In essence, Weatherspoon
statements statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1001, must be reversed because the argues that, because all of the mail fraud counts arose out of a single
allegedly false certifications she made were so vaguely worded and scheme to defraud, there was only one "act" of racketeering activity even
ambiguous that they cannot support the imposition of penal sanctions. In though she caused several mailings in furtherance of the single scheme.
support of her argument, Weatherspoon relies on Lanzetta v. New Jersey,
306 U.S. 451, 453, 59 S.Ct. 618, 83 L.Ed. 888 (1939), wherein the Court held Weatherspoon's argument is premised on a unique (and rather imaginative,
that a criminal statute that was no vague and uncertain on its face that we might add) construction of 18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)(B), which defines
persons of ordinary intelligence must necessarily guess as to its meaning "racketeering activity." It provides in relevant part that
offended the due process clause.
"`racketeering activity' means . . . (B) any act which is indictable under any two indictable acts be connected by a common scheme, plan or motive. E.
of the following provisions of title 18, United States Code: . . . section 1341 g., United States v. Stofsky, 409 F. Supp. 609, 614 (S.D.N.Y. 1973); United
(relating to mail fraud) . . .." States v. White, 386 F. Supp. 882, 883-84 (E.D.Wis. 1974). Contra, United
Weatherspoon's theory is that, as applied to "acts" indictable under the mail States v. Elliott, 571 F.2d 880, 899 n. 23 (5th Cir. 1978). In contrast,
fraud statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)(B) refers to schemes to defraud rather Weatherspoon would require a showing of separate and unrelated schemes,
than any mailings in furtherance of the schemes. Thus, according to as a precondition for finding two indictable "acts" under 18 U.S.C. § 1341
Weatherspoon, there was only one "act" of racketeering activity because all that would constitute a "pattern of racketeering activity" under 18 U.S.C. §
of the mailings which formed the basis for the mail fraud counts were in 1961(1)(B), (5), 1962(c).
furtherance of a single scheme to defraud. We cannot agree.
We are not cited to anything in the legislative history of the Organized Weatherspoon last argues that the district court committed reversible error
Crime Control Act of 1970 supportive of Weatherspoon's novel argument, in granting the Government's motion to strike a nonessential portion of
and we believe that the plain language of the statute itself refutes it. As 18 count one of the indictment, which stated that the assets of Arnetta's
U.S.C. § 1961(1)(B) makes plain, racketeering activity is any act indictable Beauty College were owned by Weatherspoon and subject to forfeiture
under the mail fraud statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1341. A "scheme to defraud" is not under 18 U.S.C. § 1963.
an "act" indictable under the mail fraud statute, for though the offense of
mail fraud "has its genesis in the scheme to defraud, the very gist of [the We find no error in the district court's action. The language omitted was not
crime] is the use of the mails in executing the scheme." United States v. essential to the charge specified in count one, and the Government had not
Crummer, 151 F.2d 958, 962 (10th Cir. 1946). It is for this reason that each offered any evidence to show that Weatherspoon owned all the assets of
mailing in furtherance of a scheme to defraud is a separate offense under the beauty college, which therefore would have subjected the assets to
18 U.S.C. § 1341 even if there is but one scheme involved. United States v. forfeiture under 18 U.S.C. § 1963. The indictment was thus not improperly
Joyce, 499 F.2d 9, 19 (7th Cir.), cert. denied, 419 U.S. 1031, 95 S.Ct. 512, 42 amended. See United States v. Sir Kue Chin, 534 F.2d 1032 (2d Cir. 1976);
L.Ed.2d 306 (1974). Accordingly, as it is clear that the only "acts" indictable United States v. Dawson, 516 F.2d 796, 799-804 (9th Cir.), cert. denied, 423
under 18 U.S.C. § 1341 are mailings in furtherance of a scheme to defraud, it U.S. 855, 96 S.Ct. 104, 46 L.Ed.2d 80 (1975).
follows that Weatherspoon has engaged in five acts of "racketeering
activity" as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)(B) by virtue of the fact that she The district court's judgment is Affirmed.
committed five separate acts of mail fraud. As a consequence, she engaged
in a "pattern of racketeering activity" within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. §
1961(5), 1962(c) because she committed two or more acts of "racketeering

Indeed, if we were to adopt Weatherspoon's position, a serious question

would arise as to the constitutionality of the RICO statute. To save the
statute from "void for vagueness" attacks, at least two district courts have
construed a "pattern of racketeering activity" to require a showing that the
G.R. No. 73876 September 26, 1988 likewise to the damage and prejudice of said Melencio Talisic y Meller in the
aforementioned amount of P8,000.00, and in such other amount as may be
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, awarded them under the provisions of our existing laws.
LAURO CARIÑO y GUILLERMO, VIRGILIO DIAZ and JOHN DOE alias Contrary to law. (p. 4, Rollo)
"BALINGIT" (At Large), accused- appellants.
Upon arraignment, both Cariño and Diaz pleaded "not guilty" to the crime
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee. charged.

Wenceslao C. Barcelona for accused-appellant. During trial, the lower court considered the two conflicting versions of the
statement of facts summarized hereinbelow:

PARAS, J.: The prosecution's evidence tends to prove: On September 29, 1980, at
about 4:30 p.m., while Lolito Talisic was tending their store at 1312 Muñoz
Accused-appellants Lauro Cariño, Virgilio Diaz and a certain Balingit who Avenue, Tandang Sora, Quezon City, accused Cariño and Diaz and one
remains at large were charged with the crime of Robbery with Homicide and Balingit (at large), who were armed with knives, stoned the store and
Frustrated Homicide in an information reading as follows: attacked Lolito Talisic. Rosalia Talisic, who was cooking at the time near the
store, upon seeing what happened, called for her husband, Melencio Talisic,
That on or about the 29th day of September, 1980, in Quezon City, to help Lolito. Melencio rushed to the scene and tried to pacify the
Philippines, the above-named accused, conspiring together, without any protagonists. While he placed his arms on the shoulders of Diaz, Balingit
justifiable cause and with intent to kill, did, then and there, willfully, suddenly stabbed Melencio at the back with a knife, thereby wounding
unlawfully and feloniously, attack, assault and employ personal violence Melencio. After being stabbed, Melencio got a bolo from the kitchen of his
upon the persons of Lolito Talisic y Meller and Melencio Talisic y Meller, by house, but Diaz grabbed it from him, and he (Melencio) ran to a room in his
then and there stabbing and hacking them with a kitchen knife and a bolo, store. Diaz then entered the room and, upon seeing Melencio, he hacked
thereby inflicting serious and mortal injuries upon the said Lolito Talisic y him 4 times on the head, wounding Melencio and causing him to fall to the
Meller which caused his untimely death, and further caused serious and floor, bleeding Lolito tried to run away from the store, but he was met
mortal injuries to Melencio Talisic y Meller, which could have caused the (intercepted)on the way by Cariño, who stabbed him on the chest, causing
crime of homicide but, nevertheless, did not produce it by reason of the him to fall to the ground, dead. Diaz then hacked (destroyed) the showcase
timely intervention of medical treatment; that on the occasion of said killing of Melencio's watches and took away 50 pieces of watches worth P3,000.00
and infliction of physical injuries, said accused, conspiring together, with and P5,000.00 of cash money from a drawer in the store. While he was
intent of gain and by means of force upon things, stole, robbed and carried doing this, his companions and co-conspirators Cariño and Balingit waited
away cash money in different denominations amounting to P5,000.00, and for him outside the store. After wrapping the watches with his T-shirt, Diaz
assorted used wristwatches, valued at P3,000.00, or a total of P8,000.00, and his companions Cariño and Balingit hurriedly fled from the crime scene.
Philippine Currency, belonging to Melencio Talisic y Meller to the damage
and prejudice of the heirs of deceased victim Lolito Talisic y Meller, and
Melencio's wife (Rosalia), eyewitness to the incident, called for help and a Heart chambers almost empty. Stomach-full with partly digested rice and
barangay tanod came and helped her bring Melencio to the Quezon City other food particles.
General Hospital where he was treated and confined for about a week.
and declared that the cause of death was "stab wound on the chest." (Exh.
Lolito, who was killed, was buried and about P2,000.00 was spent for his B-5). He also prepared an anatomical sketch (Exh. C) of the victim, showing
burial expenses. the location of the wounds of said victim. Dr. Munoz also issued a
"Toxicology Report" (Exh- D), which yielded negative results re presence of
Rosalinda Inisa, Ricardo Sibay, and Rosalia Talisic (wife of Melencio Talisic), alcohol in the victim's blood (Exh. D-1). He declared that the stab wound on
eyewitness to the incident, corroborated the testimony of Melencio Talisic the anterior chest wall "penetrated the heart," causing "massive
(victim) in its material points. hemmorhage," and it must have been inflicted by a sharp-pointed, single-
bladed weapon like a knife or balisong, frontally.
Dr. Bienvenido Munoz, of the NBI, who autopsied the cadaver of Lolito
Talisic at Rey Memorial Homes, on September 30,1980, issued an 'Autopsy Dr. Tito Sambilayan, of the Quezon City General Hospital, who attended to
Report' (Exh. B), with these 'Postmortem Findings': and treated Melencio Talisic, issued a 'Medico-Legal Certificate (Exh. A),
which reads:
Pallor, conjunctivae and integument, marked and generalized.
Contused abrasions: molar region, right, 2.0 x 3.0 cms. shoulder, right,
posterior. April 14, 1981

Wound, lacerated, scalp, occipital region, left, 3.5 cms. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:

Wound, stab, curvilineat convexity upward, edges cleancut, one extremity This is to certify that Melencio E. Talisic, 48 years old and presently residing
sharp, the other extremity blunt, located at the chest, anterior aspect, level at 1313 D. Muñoz Ave., Q.C. has been/was confined/treated in this hospital
of 5th intercostal space left, 10.5 cms. from anterior median line directed under my medical care, from/on 9-29-80 to 10-6-80 with the following
backward, upward and medially, penetrating the left thoracic cavity thru the injuries:
5th intercostal space, perforating the pericardial sac and then the apex of
the heart with an approximate depth of 14.0 cms. Findings: Stab wound, back (L), lacerated wound, 4 cm. parietal area.

Hemopericardium — 250 cc. The injuries will incapacitates or requires medical attendance for thirty (30)
days under normal conditions barring complications and deeper
Hemothorax, left — 1,000 cc. involvement.

Brain and other visceral organs, markedly pale. Disposition: Admitted

This certificate is issued upon the request of patient to be used for —
purpose. Accused Virgilio Diaz, on the other hand, stated that on September 29,
1980, at about 4:00 p.m., he was taking a snack at the store of Melencio
(SGD.) ILLEGIBLE MD Talisic. After taking his snack, he went in front of the store waiting for a ride.
While there, he saw Melencio attack Balingit. Melencio told him (Diaz) not
Attending Physician to intervene. When he told Melencio 'that's enough,' Melencio stabbed him,
but he was not hit, although he fell to the ground while trying to parry the
(Medico-Legal Officer) blow. Then he saw Balingit stoning Melencio's store. He kept quiet and after
Melencio and Balingit had left, he fled from the scene and went home. He
He declared that he treated Melencio for a lacerated wound at the right denied having stabbed and killed Lolito Talisic. (pp. 26-29, Rollo)
vascular area and a stab wound at the back (left), for about a week. He
performed a clausteracostomy (insertion of a chest tube into the chest) on After due trial, the Court rendered judgment 1 with the following dispositive
Melencio, in order to alleviate difficulty of breathing, as his lung was injured. portion:
The wounds or injuries sustained by the victim must have been caused by a
sharp and pointed instrument (knife). Without treatment, it would have WHEREFORE, the Court finds both accused Lauro Cariño y Guillermo and
taken about a month for the wounds to heal. Virgilio Diaz, guilty of the crimes of robbery with homicide (killing) of Lolito
Talisic and frustrated homicide (frustrated killing of Melencio Talisic) and
Prior to the incident, Melencio Talisic was earning about P80.00 a day, but pursuant to Art. 294(l) of the Revised Penal Code hereby sentences each of
due to his injuries he was unable to earn the same, as he always felt dizzy. them to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua, to indemnify the heirs of
He spent more than P7,000.00 for his hospitalization and medical expenses. the deceased Lolito Talisic in the sum of P12,000.00 and the victim Melencio
Talisic in the sum of P14,000.00 (for hospitalization) and loss of income for I
The defense evidence, on the other hand, tends to prove: Accused Lauro year, and to pay the costs, without subsidiary imprisonment in case of
Cariño, declared that on September 29, 1980, at about 3:00 p.m., he went insolvency, less the period of the preventive imprisonment of accused
to the office of DM Transit, with his wife and child, to collect the payment Virgilio Diaz (detained pending trial).
for his sick leave, as a mechanic in said company. As they failed to get the
money, they went home at about 4:30 p.m. On the way, he met a person Let this case be archived as against accused Balingit (at large), subject to
who was walking in zigzag manner, who fell in front of him. When he was reinstatement upon his arrest and upon motion of the prosecution.
about to look at the face of said person, he was suddenly stabbed by
Ricardo Sibay. When he saw blood oozing from the left side of his body, he SO ORDERED. (pp. 30-31, Rollo)
went to the Mt. Banaue Hospital, in Quezon City, where he was treated. He
then went to Police Precinct I, Quezon City, to report the incident. He knows From said judgment, accused Virgilio Diaz's assigns the following errors:
Melencio Talisic, as he frequently eats at his canteen, near DM Transit. At
the police station, the police informed him he was a suspect in the killing of I. THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN NOT ACQUITTING THE ACCUSED UPON
Lolito Talisic and wounding of Melencio Talisic, and he was detained since REASONABLE DOUBT AS TO THEIR GUILT.
then. He denied having hacked Melencio Talisic on the head.
II. THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN FINDING THAT THE ACCUSED the crime, mutually helping one another in the killing of Lolito Talisic and in
COMMITTED THE CRIMES OF ROBBERY WITH HOMICIDE AND FRUSTRATED the stabbing of Melencio Talisic and in the robbing of the store and by their
HOMICIDE; (p. 4, Brief for Appellant Virgilio Diaz) simultaneous flight from the scene of the crime.

while accused Lauro Carifio assigns the following errors: In further support of his argument, appellant Cariño cited the case of People
vs. Marco (83 SCRA 338). Such claim holds no water. There is no parallelism
I between the case at bar and the Marco case because in the latter, We ruled
out the presence of conspiracy in view of the fact that the assault was
ROBBERY; Appellant Lauro Cariño also averred that the trial court committed grave
error in not giving weight to the statement of co-accused Diaz confirming
II the absence of the accused Cariño at the time when the incident started.
Again, We cannot sustain such argument. A cursory reading of the
THAT ROBBERY WITH HOMICIDE AND FRUSTRATED HOMICIDE WAS testimony reveals that Diaz did not actually and categorically state that
ESTABLISHED BY PROOF BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT; AND Lauro Cariño was not at the scene of the crime. Witness was merely silent
on this point. Such silence did not negate Cariño's presence at the scene of
III the crime especially when the latter was positively Identified as the
malefactor by prosecution witness and the victim himself, Melencio Talisic.
Cariño) Appellant Virgilio Diaz contends that the lower court's findings of facts are
so riddled with inconsistencies that his guilt has not been proved beyond
The interrelated errors assigned by both accused will be considered jointly. reasonable doubt. The inconsistencies pointed out, such as who stabbed
whom first and the sequence of events narrated by them, are matters which
It is the contention of accused-appellant Cariño that conspiracy has not are trivial and need not impair the credibility of the prosecution's witnesses
been established in the case at bar. Appellant made reference to the failure especially when such testimonies were corroborated on material points in
of the trial court to consider the sworn statements of Jenny Arceo, Ricardo establishing that a crime was committed by the appellants.
Sibay and victim Melencio Talisic which contradicted the finding of
conspiracy. We find such argument meritless. A perusal of the entire records Finally, appellant contends that the lower court erred in holding that the
of the case shows that the defense did not formally offer in evidence such offense committed by them was the special complex crime of Robbery with
sworn statements and evidence not formally offered cannot be considered Homicide and Frustrated Homicide. The crime designated as Robbery with
by the court. The trial court only considered what was formally offered to it. Homicide is defined under Art. 294 par. (1) of the Revised Penal Code. In
From the testimonies of the prosecution's witnesses, the trial court order to sustain a conviction for the crime of robbery with homicide, it is
established that the three accused acted in concert and with a common necessary that the robbery itself be proven as conclusively as any other
design and purpose as shown by their simultaneous arrival at the scene of essential element of a crime (People vs. Pacala, 58 SCRA 370) and that the
homicide shall have been committed by reason or on occasion of the G.R. No. 86062 June 6, 1990
robbery. There is robbery with homicide when there is a direct relation, an
intimate connection between the robbery and the killing, whether the killing INTERPACIFIC TRANSIT, INC., petitioner,
be prior or subsequent to the robbery or whether both crimes be vs.
committed at the same time (People vs. Hernandez, 46 Phil. 48). In the case RUFO AVILES and JOSEPHINE AVILES, respondents.
at bar, the series of overt acts executed by the accused, in their totality,
show that the intent of the accused was not only vengeance but also Balane, Barican, Cruz, Alampay Law Office for petitioner.
robbery. After failing to get credit from Lolito Talisic, whom they stabbed
out of anger, they turned their ire on Melencio Talisic whom they had no Francisco G. Mendoza private respondents.
grievance against. Melencio had already retreated into the store when the
second set of injuries (back wounds) he sustained were inflicted by
appellant Virgilio Diaz. The accused could have, if their sole intent was to CRUZ, J.:
appease their grievance against Lolito, escaped after fatally stabbing the
latter and wounding Melencio outside the store. This case hinges on the proper interpretation and application of the rules on
the admissibility of documentary evidence and the viability. of a civil action
We find, however, as correctly observed by the prosecution, that the lower for damages arising from the same acts imputed to the defendant in a
court erred in designating the crime as Robbery with Homicide and criminal action where he has been acquitted.
Frustrated Homicide. There is no crime of Robbery with Frustrated
Homicide. The term "Homicide" in paragraph 1, Art. 294 is to be understood In the information filed against Rufo and Josephine Aviles, the private
in its generic sense. It includes murder and slight physical injuries respondents herein, it was alleged that being then sub-agents of Interpacific
committed during the occasion of the robbery which crimes are merged in Transit, Inc. and as such enjoying its trust and confidence, they collected
the crime of robbery with homicide as defined in paragraph 1 of Article 294 from its various clients payments for airway bills in the amount of
of the Revised Penal Code (People vs. Saquing, 30 SCRA 834). P204,030.66 which, instead of remitting it to their principal, they unlawfully
converted to their own personal use and benefit. 1
WHEREFORE, premises considered the judgment appealed from is hereby
AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION as to the civil hability for the death of the At the trial, the prosecution introduced photocopies of the airway bills
victim Lolito Talisic which should be increased to Thirty Thousand Pesos supposedly received by the accused for which they had not rendered proper
(P30,000.00). accounting. This was done in, the course of the direct examination of one of
the prosecution witnesses. 2 The defense objected to their presentation,
SO ORDERED. invoking the best evidence rule. The prosecution said it would submit the
original airway bills in due time. Upon such undertaking, the trial court
allowed the marking of the said documents a s Exhibits "B" to "OO." The e
prosecution n did submit the original airway bills nor did it prove their loss
to justify their substitution with secondary evidence. Nevertheless, when
the certified photocopies of the said bills formally were offered, 3 in
evidence, the defense interposed no objection. Since no evidence of civil liability was presented, no necessity existed on the
part of the private respondents to present evidence of payment of an
In acquitting the accused, Judge Herminio I. Benito of the Regional Trial obligation which was not shown to exist.
Court of Makati rejected the agency theory of the prosecution and held that
the relationship between the petitioner and Rufo Aviles was that of creditor The petitioner now asks this Court to annul that judgment as contrary to law
and debtor only. "Under such relationship,' it declared, "the outstanding and the facts established at the As in the courts below, it is insisting on the
account, if any, of the accused in favor of ITI would be in the nature of an admissibility of its evidence to prove the civil liability of the private
indebtedness, the non- payment of which does not Constitute estafa." 4 respondents.

The court' also held that the certified photocopies of the airway by were not We agree with the petitioner. The certified photocopies of the airway bills
admissible under the rule that "there can be no evidence of a writing the should have been considered.
content of which is the subject of inquiry other' than the writing itself." Loss
of the originals had not been proved to justify the exception to the rule as In assessing this evidence, the lower courts confined themselves to the best
one of the prosecution witness had testified that they were still in the ITI evidence rule and the nature of the documents being presented, which they
bodega. Neither had it been shown that the originals had been "recorded in held did not come under any of the exceptions to the rule. There is no
an existing record a certified copy of which is made evidence by law." question that the photocopies were secondary evidence and as such were
not admissible unless there was ample proof of the loss of the originals; and
In its order denying the motion for reconsideration, the trial court declared neither were the other exceptions allowed by the Rules applicable. The
that it "had resolved the issue of whether the accused has civil obligation to trouble is that in rejecting these copies under Rule 130, Section 2, the
ITI on the basis of the admissibility in evidence of the xerox copies of the respondent court disregarded an equally important principle long observed
airway bills." 5 in our trial courts and amply supported by jurisprudence.

Right or wrong, the acquittal on the merits of the accused can no longer be This is the rule that objection to documentary evidence must be made at
the subject of an appeal under the double jeopardy rule. However, the the time it is formally offered. as an exhibit and not before. Objection prior
petitioner seeks to press the civil liability of the private respondents, on the to that time is premature.
ground that the dismissal of the criminal action did not abate the civil claim
for the recovery of the amount. More to the point, ITI argues that the It is instructive at this paint to make a distinction between Identification of
evidence of the airways bills should not have been rejected and that it had documentary evidence and its formal offer as an exhibit. The first is done in
sufficiently established the indebtedness of the private respondents to it. the course of the trial and is accompanied by the marking of the evidence an
an exhibit. The second is done only when the party rests its case and not
The Court of Appeals 6 affirmed, the decision of the trial court in toto, before. The mere fact that a particular document is Identified and marked
adding that the existing record spoken of in Section 2 (e) and (d) of Rule 130 as an exhibit does not mean it will be or has been offered as part of the
of the Rules of Court must be in the custody, of a public officer only. It also evidence of the party. The party may decide to formally offer it if it believes
declared that: this will advance its cause, and then again it may decide not to do so at all.
In the latter event, the trial court is, under Rule 132, Section 35, not The time for objecting the evidence is when the same is offered. (Emphasis
authorized to consider it. supplied).

Objection to the documentary evidence must be made at the time it is The objection of the defense to the photocopies of the airway bins while
formally offered, not earlier. The Identification of the document before it is they were being Identified and marked as exhibits did not constitute the
marked as an exhibit does not constitute the formal offer of the document objection it should have made when the exhibits were formally offered in
as evidence for the party presenting it. Objection to the Identification and evidence by the prosecution. No valid and timely objection was made at
marking of the document is not equivalent to objection to the document that time. And it is no argument to say that the earlier objection should be
when it is formally offered in evidence. What really matters is the objection considered a continuing objection under Sec. 37 of Rule 132, for that
to the document at the time it is formally offered as an exhibit. provision obviously refers to a single objection to a class of evidence
(testimonial or documentary) which when first offered is considered to
In the case at bar, the photocopies of the airway bills were objected to by encompass the rest of the evidence. The presumption is, of course, that
the private respondents as secondary evidence only when they, were being there was an offer and a seasonable objection thereto. But, to repeat, no
Identified for marking by the prosecution. They were nevertheless marked objection was really made in the case before us because it was not made at
as exhibits upon the promise that the original airway bills would be the proper time.
submitted later. it is true that the originals were never produced. Yet,
notwithstanding this omission, the defense did not object when the exhibits It would have been so simple for the defense to reiterate its former
as previously marked were formally offered in evidence. And these were objection, this time seasonably, when the formal offer of exhibits was made.
subsequently admitted by the trial court. 7 It is curious that it did not, especially so since the objections to the formal
offer of exhibits was made in writing. In fact, the defense filed no objection
In People v. Teodoro, 8 a document being Identified by a prosecution at all not only to the photocopies but to all the other exhibits of the
witness was objected to as merely secondary, whereupon the trial judge prosecution.
ordered the testimony stricken out. This Court, in holding the objection to
be premature, said: The effect of such omission is obvious. The rule is that evidence not
objected to is deemed admitted and may be validly considered by the court
It must be noted that the Fiscal was only Identifying the official records of in arriving at its judgment. 9 This is true even if by its nature the evidence is
service of the defendant preparatory to introducing them as evidence. ... inadmissible and would have surely been rejected if it had been challenged
The time for the presentation of the records had not yet come; presentation at the proper time.
was to be made after their Identification. For what purpose and to what end
the Fiscal would introduce them as evidence was not yet stated or disclosed. The records certainly would have been the, beet proof of such former
... The objection of counsel for the defendant was, therefore, premature, conviction. The certificate was not the best proof. There seems to be no
especially as the Fiscal had not yet stated for what purpose he would justification for the presentation of proof of a character. ... Under an
introduce the said records. ... objection upon the ground that the said certificate was not the best proof, it
should have been rejected. Once admitted, however, without objection,
even though not admissible under an objection, we are not inclined now to
reject it. If the defendant had opportunely presented an objection to the are self-serving. The prosecution correctly stressed in its motion for
admissibility of said certificate, no doubt the prosecution would have reconsideration that the accused could have easily secured a certification
presented the best proof upon the questions to which said certificate from the bank that the checks allegedly issued to ITI had been honored. No
relates. 10 such certification was presented. In short, the private respondents failed to
(It) is universally accepted that when secondary or incompetent evidence is establish their allegation that payment for the airway bills delivered to them
presented and accepted without any objection on the part of the other had been duly remitted to ITI.
party, the latter is bound thereby and the court is obliged to grant it the
probatory value it deserves. 11 In Padilla v. Court of Appeals, 12 we held:
There appear to be no sound reasons to require a separate civil action to
We hold therefore that it was erroneous for the lower courts to reject the still be filed considering that the facts to be proved in the civil case have
photocopies of the airway bills to prove the liability of the private already been established in the criminal proceedings where the accused was
respondents to the petitioner. While we may agree that there was really no acquitted. He was, in fact, exonerated of the charge. The constitutional
criminal liability that could attach to them because they had no fiduciary presumption of innocence called for more vigilant efforts on the part of
relationship with ITI, the rejected evidence sufficiently established their prosecuting attorneys and defense counsel, a keener awareness by all
indebtedness to the petitioner. Hence, we must reverse the ruling below witnesses of the serious implications of perjury, and a more studied
that "on account of the inadmissibility of the prosecution's Exhibits 'B' and consideration by the judge of the entire records and of applicable statutes
'OO', coupled with the denial made by the accused, there appears to be no and precedents. To require a separate civil action simply because the
concrete proof of such accountability." accused was I acquitted would mean needless clogging of court dockets and
unnecessary duplication of litigation with all its attendant loss of time,
Accoording to Rule 120, Section 2, of the Rules of Court: effort, and money on the part of all concerned.

In case of acquittal, unless there is a clear showing that the act from which By the same token, we find that remand of this case to, the trial court for
the civil liability might arise did not exist, the judgment shall make a finding further hearings would be a needless waste of time and effort to the
on the civil liability of the accused in favor of the offended party. prejudice of the speedy administration of justice. Applying the above ruling,
we hereby declare therefore, on the basis of the evidence submitted at the
With the admission of such exhibits pursuant to the ruling above made, we trial as reflected in the records before us, that the private respondents are
find that there is concrete proof of the defendant's accountability. More liable to the petitioner in the sum of P204,030.66, representing the cost of
than this, we also disbelieve the evidence of the private respondents that the airway bills.
the said airway bills had been paid for. The evidence consists only of check
stubs corresponding to payments allegedly made by the accused to the ITI, WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The challenged decision of the Court
and we find this insufficient. of Appeals is SET ASIDE and a new one is rendered ORDERING the private
respondents to. pay to the petitioner the sum of P204,030.66, with 6%
As it is Aviles who has alleged payment, it is for him to prove that allegation. interest from November 16, 1981, plus the costs of this suit.
He did not produce any receipt of such payment. He said that the cancelled
payment checks had been lost and relied merely on the check stubs, which SO ORDERED.
G.R. No. 74768 August 11, 1989 The petitioner's letter 3 is reproduced as follows:

and NATIVIDAD P. YLAGAN, respondents.
Manghinao, Bauan Batangas
Raul A. Mora for petitioner.
April , 1978
Pelagia Abreu Suyo for respondents.
The Provincial Sheriff

CRUZ, J.: Province of Batangas

The petitioner obtained a loan in the amount of P3,000.00 from the Rural Capitol Site, Batangas City
Bank of Bauan and secured the payment thereof with a real estate
mortgage on a piece of land belonging to her. For her failure to pay the Dear Sir:
debt, the mortgage was extrajudicially foreclosed and the land was sold at
public auction to the private respondents for P4,925.00 on April 29, 1976. 1 I hereby tender to your good office the redemption price of FOUR
The certificate of sale was registered with the Register of Deeds of Batangas THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE (P4,925.00) PESOS, plus the
on May 4,1977. 2 interest of 1 % per month for the said principal amount for the land your
Office allegedly sold at auction sale on April 29, 1976 at Bauan, Batangas.
On August 26, 1977, the private respondents filed a complaint with the The land subject of said sale is more particularly described as follows:
Court of First Instance of Batangas asking the petitioner to vacate the
property and remove her improvements thereon. The petitioner countered A residential and horticultural land under Tax Declaration No. 20729 in the
that the auction sale was irregular and void and asked that the complaint be names of plaintiffs, located at Manghinao, Bauan, Batangas with a total area
dismissed. of 1,608 square meters, more or less and a total assessed value of P
3,640.00 bounded on the North by Manghinao Bridge, on the East by
While this case was pending, the petitioner wrote a letter dated April , 1978, Manghinao River, on the South by Basilia de los Reyes and on the West by
to the Provincial Sheriff of Batangas tendering the amount of P4,925.00 plus Provincial Road.
interest as the redemption price for the subject land. In a reply dated April
26, 1978, the said officer refused to accept the tender on the ground that I wish to inform your good office that while the alleged sale of afore-
the period of redemption had already expired. He added, though, that the described property was made on April 29, 1976, the registration of the sale
petitioner's request was "being seriously considered." was made on May 4, 1977.
Please acknowledge receipt hereof. Provincial Sheriff

Truly yours, On May 9, 1978, the trial court issued the following order: 5

(Sgd.) JUANA DE LOS REYES It appearing from the pleadings that the question involved here is whether
the redemption period, as alleged in the complaint, begins from the date of
The reply 4 of the Provincial Sheriff ran thus: the extrajudicial sale of the property in question on April 29, 1976, and not
on May 4, 1977, the date on which the sale was registered with the Register
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES of Deeds as contended by the defendant, and that the defendant is ready to
pay the redemption price but which was refused by the plaintiffs; that, in
OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF fact, the defendant tendered payment to the Provincial Sheriff of Batangas
on April 25, 1978, which tender is still under consideration by said officer;
Wherefore, the defendant is hereby allowed to deposit the amount for the
April 26, 1978 redemption of the property with this Court.

Mrs. Juana de los Reyes SO ORDERED.

Manghinao, Bauan, Batangas On February 8, 1982, the trial court, after holding that there was no genuine
issue on the material facts and that the only question of law to be resolved
Madam: was the timeliness of the redemption, rendered a summary judgment in
favor of the private respondents. 6 The petitioner appealed. Judge Romeo R.
Replying your letter dated April 1978, much to our desire to accommodate Silva's decision was affirmed in toto 7 by the respondent court, which is now
your request, we regret to inform you that we could not for the meantime sought to be reversed in this petition for review.
accept the redemption amount you are tendering to this Office for as per
Certificate of Sale dated April 29, 1976, the period of redemption of the This petition was originally denied by the Court in a resolution dated
property described in your said letter had already expired. Nevertheless, October 6, 1986, for lack of merit. Thereafter, the petitioner filed a motion
your request is being seriously considered by this office. for reconsideration in which he complained that his reply to the private
respondents' comment had not been taken into account when the said
resolution was issued.

Very truly yours, Filing of a reply is not a matter of right and may be done only if required or
allowed by the Court; otherwise, it need not be considered at all (especially
(Sgd.) EUSTACIO C. CUEVAS if, as in this case, it was hardly legible).lâwphî1.ñèt Even so, in view of the
serious issues raised in the said motion, the Court resolved to direct the
private respondents to comment thereon (to which a reply was submitted,
followed by a rejoinder and then a sur-rejoinder all without being required Second, on the sufficiency of the amount tendered, Section 30 clearly states
or permitted by the Court). Finally, in our resolution dated September 22, that it should be equivalent to the amount of the purchase price plus one
1987, we decided to give due course to this petition and to require the per cent monthly interest up to the time of the redemption. In the
parties to submit simultaneous memoranda. petitioner's letter to the provincial sheriff, she tendered the amount of
P4,925.00 with interest. This was refused by the said officer on the ground
We find that several of the issue raised in this litigation can be resolved at that the redemption period had expired. The trial and respondent courts,
the outset as they pose no serious controversy. for their part, later considered the tender insufficient.

First, the private respondents argue that the tender of payment made by It must be recalled that pursuant to the order of the trial judge on May 9,
the petitioner was inefficacious because it was made to the sheriff and not 1978, the petitioner deposited on that date the amount of P6,107.00. This
the purchaser as required by Rule 39, Section 30, of the Rules of Court. was exactly equivalent to the purchase price plus the accrued 1% monthly
However, while it is admittedly stated therein that the judgment debtor or interest thereon as of that date.
redemptioner "may redeem the property from the purchaser," it is also
provided in Section 31 of the same rule that: Finally, there is the question of the starting point of the redemption period
which, the petitioner argues, started on May 4, 1977, and ended on May 4,
... The payments mentioned in this and the last preceding sections may be 1978. This means that the tender she made to the Provincial Sheriff on April
made to the purchaser or redemptioner, or for him to the officer who made 26,1978, was within the one-year period prescribed by the Rules of Court.
the sale.
While agreeing that the period did end on May 4, 1978, the trial and
And as observed by Chief Justice Moran in his definitive work on the Rules respondent courts held nevertheless that this was exceeded by the
of Court: petitioner because the original amount tendered on April 26, 1978 was
insufficient. As the discrepancy was corrected only on May 9, 1978, the
... It is expressly provided that the tender of the redemption money may be redemption was in their view made four days late.
made either to the purchaser or redemptioner, or to the sheriff who made
the sale, and, in the last instance, it is the duty of the sheriff to accept the We have already observed that the amount tendered on April 26, 1978, was
tender and execute the certificate of redemption. 8 not insufficient as the petitioner offered the sum of P 4,925.00 "plus the
interest of 1% per month for the said principal amount." In fact, the deposit
xxx made on May 9, 1978, was merely an affirmation of the earlier offer and
was not even necessary at all. According to Chief Justice Moran again:
The sheriff to whom payment may be made, is not necessarily the same
sheriff who conducted the sale, if the latter is no longer in office, in which Where the judgment debtor or a redemptioner validly tenders the
case payment may be made to his successor. And when the sale was made necessary payment for the redemption and the tender is refused, it is not
by a deputy sheriff, the redemption money may be paid to the provincial necessary that it be followed by the deposit of the money in court or
sheriff. 9
elsewhere, and no interest after such tender is demandable on the While the above-cited provision must be strictly interpreted in ordinary
redemption money. 10 trials, such a policy is hardly applicable in summary proceedings where no
full-blown trial is held in the interest of a speedy administration of justice. It
The basic question in this case is whether or not the petitioner's letter is noted that when the two letters were presented at the hearing on May 9,
tendering the redemption price to the sheriff and the latter's reply thereto 1978, the private respondents did not object to their admission. They did so
may be taken into account in determining the timeliness of the redemption. only when the case was already on appeal. Furthermore, the rule on
summary judgments is that the judge must base his decision on the
The private respondents question the admissibility of these documents, pleadings, depositions, admissions affidavits and documents on file with the
stressing that they have not at any time been formally offered. The court. This is what the trial judge did, presumably after examining the
petitioner contends otherwise. She maintains that they were part of the authenticity and credibility of the evidence before him.
record of the case and that the trial judge had a right and duty to consider
them in arriving at his summary judgment. We hold therefore that the lower court did not err when it took into
account Exhibits A and A-1, without objection from the private respondents,
The private respondents insist that the two letters had never been offered as evidence of the petitioner's timely offer of redemption and its erroneous
in evidence as required by Section 35, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court. This rejection by the sheriff.
provides that:
At this point, it is well to recall the following pronouncements from this
Offer of evidence. — The court shall consider no evidence which has not Court:
been formally offered. The purpose for which the evidence is offered must
be specified. Finally, the appellant bank objects to the redemption on the ground that the
amount tendered is inadequate to meet the redemption price. Considering,
We find, however, that the letters were formally submitted during the however, that the sum tendered was the amount of the purchase price paid
hearing of the petitioner's motion to dismiss on May 9,1978, at which at the auction sale and that the tender was timely made and in good faith,
counsel for both parties were present. 11 Judge Benjamin Relova took we believe that the ends of justice would be better served by affording the
cognizance of the correspondence and even noted in his order of the same appellees the opportunity to redeem the property by paying the bank the
date that "the defendant tendered payment to the Provincial Sheriff of auction purchase price plus 1% interest per month thereon up to the time of
Batangas on April 25, 1978, which tender is still under consideration by said redemption. 14
officer. 12 The same posture was taken by the respondent court, which
observed from the petitioner's letter that "what was tendered to the sheriff xxx
was only the amount of the bid, P4, 925, 13 and held this to be insufficient.
Considering that appellee tendered payment only of the sum of P317.44,
In other words, both courts found as established facts the tender made by whereas the three parcels of land she was seeking to redeem were sold for
the petitioner and the rejection thereof by the sheriff as manifested in their the sums of Pl,240.00, P21,000.00, and P30,000.00, respectively, the
respective letters. aforementioned amount of P 317.44 is insufficient to effectively release the
properties. However, the tender of payment was timely made and in good
faith; in the interest of justice we incline to give the appellee opportunity to
complete the redemption purchase of the three parcels, as provided in G.R. No. L-9181 November 28, 1955
Section 26, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, within fifteen (15) days from the
time this decision becomes final and executory. In this wise, justice is done THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner,
to the appellee who had been made to pay more than her share in the vs.
judgment, without doing all injustice to the purchaser who shall get the THE HON. NICASIO YATCO, Judge of the Court of First Instance of Rizal,
corresponding interest of 1 % per month on the amount of as purchase up Quezon City Branch, and JUAN CONSUNJI and ALFONSO PANGANIBAN,
to the time of redemption. 15 respondents.

The rule on redemption is liberally interpreted in favor of the original owner Office of the Solicitor General Ambrosio Padilla, Solicitor Meliton G.
of the property. The fact alone that he is allowed the right to redeem clearly Soliman, City Attorney Pedro R. Revilla and Assistant City Attorney Julian E.
demonstrates the tenderness of the law toward him in giving him another Lustre for petitioner.
opportunity, should his fortunes improve, to recover his lost property. This Estanislao A. Fernandez, Augusto Ilagan, Claro T. Almeda and Rufino
benign motivation would be frustrated by a too literal reading that would Navarro for respondents.
subordinate the warm spirit of the rule to its cold language.
REYES, J.B.L., J.:
WHEREFORE, the decision of the trial court dated February 8, 1982, is SET
ASIDE. The decision of the respondent court dated April 3,1986, is also In an amended information filed by the City Attorney of Quezon City on
REVERSED insofar as it denies the petitioner the right of redemption. The March 22, 1955, Juan Consunji, Alfonso Panganiban, and another whose
private respondents are hereby directed to allow the petitioner to redeem identity is still unknown, were charged with having conspired together in
the disputed property for the amount of P6,107.00, now on deposit with the the murder of one Jose Ramos (Criminal Case No. Q-1637 of the Court of
Regional Trial Court of Batangas. It is so ordered. First Instance of Quezon City). Trial of the case started on May 3, 1955, and
in several hearings the prosecution had been presenting its evidence. During
the progress of the trial on May 18, 1955, while the prosecution was
questioning one of its witnesses, Atty. Arturo Xavier of the National Bureau
of Investigation, in connection with the making of a certain extra-judicial
confession (allegedly made before him) by defendant Juan Consunji to the
witness, counsel for the other defendant Alfonso Panganiban interposed a
general objection to any evidence on such confession on the ground that it
was hearsay and therefore incompetent as against the other accused
Panganiban. The Court below ordered the exclusion of the evidence
objected to, but on an altogether different ground: that the prosecution
could not be permitted to introduce the confessions of defendants Juan
Consunji and Alfonso Panganiban to prove conspiracy between them,
without prior proof of such conspiracy by a number of definite acts,
conditions, and circumstances. Thereafter, according to the transcript, the Under the rule of multiple admissibility of evidence, even if Consunji's
following remarks were made: confession may not be competent as against his co-accused Panganiban,
being hearsay as to the latter, or to prove conspiracy between them without
FISCAL LUSTRE: the conspiracy being established by other evidence, the confession of
Consunji was, nevertheless, admissible as evidence of the declarant's own
May we know from counsel if he is also objecting to the admissibility of the guilt (U. S. vs. Vega, 43 Phil. 41; People vs. Bande, 50 Phil. 37; People vs.
confession of Consunji as against the accused Consunji himself? Buan, 64 Phil. 296), and should have been admitted as such.

COURT: The rule cited by the Court below in support of its exclusion of the proffered
evidence is Sec. 12 of Rule 123, providing that:
That would be premature because there is already a ruling of the Court that
you cannot prove a confession unless you prove first conspiracy thru a The act or declaration of a conspirator relating to the conspiracy and during
number of indefinite acts, conditions and circumstances as required by law. its existence may be given in evidence against the co-conspirator after the
Annex "B" of the petition, p. 9 conspiracy is shown by evidence other than such act or declaration.

The prosecution then moved in writing for a reconsideration of the order of Manifestly, the rule refers to statements made by one conspirator during
exclusion, but again the motion was denied. Wherefore, this petition for the pendency of the unlawful enterprises ("during its existence") and in
certiorari was brought before this Court by the Solicitor General, for the furtherance of its object, and not to a confession made, as in this case, long
review and annulment of the lower Court's order completely excluding any after the conspiracy had been brought to an end (U. S. vs. Empeinado, 9
evidence on the extrajudicial confessions of the accused Juan Consunji and Phil., 613; U. S. vs. Raymundo, 14 Phil., 416; People vs. Badilla, 48 Phil., 718;
Alfonso Panganiban without prior proof of conspiracy. People vs. Nakpil, 52 Phil., 985).

We believe that the lower Court committed a grave abuse of discretion in Besides, the prosecution had not yet offered the confessions to prove
ordering the complete exclusion of the prosecution's evidence on the conspiracy between the two accused, nor as evidence against both of them.
alleged confessions of the accused Juan Consunji at the stage of the trial In fact, the alleged confessions (both in writing and in tape recordings) had
when the ruling was made. not yet even been identified (the presentation of Atty. Xavier was precisely
for the purpose of identifying the confessions), much less formally offered in
Section 14, Rule 123, Rules of Court, is specific as to the admissibility of the evidence. For all we know, the prosecution might still be able to adduce
extrajudicial confession of an accused, freely and voluntarily made, as other proof of conspiracy between Consunji and Panganiban before their
evidence against him. confessions are formally offered in evidence. Assuming, therefore, that
section 12 of Rule 123 also applies to the confessions in question, it was
SEC. 14. Confession. — The declaration of an accused expressly premature for the respondent Court to exclude them completely on the
acknowledging the truth of his guilt as to the offense charged, may be given ground that there was no prior proof of conspiracy.
in evidence against him.
It is particularly noteworthy that the exclusion of the proferred confessions objections to the admission of proof are received with least favor. The
was not made on the basis of the objection interposed by Panganiban's practice of excluding evidence on doubtful objections to its materiality or
counsel, but upon an altogether different ground, which the Court issued technical objections to the form of the questions should be avoided. In a
motu proprio. Panganiban's counsel objected to Consunji's confession as case of any intricacy it is impossible for a judge of first instance, in the early
evidence of the guilt of the other accused Panganiban, on the ground that it stages of the development of the proof, to know with any certainty whether
was hearsay as to the latter. But the Court, instead of ruling on this testimony is relevant or not; and where there is no indication of bad faith on
objection, put up its own objection to the confessions — that it could not be the part of the Attorney offering the evidence, the court may as a rule safely
admitted to prove conspiracy between Consunji and Panganiban without accept the testimony upon the statement of the attorney that the proof
prior evidence of such conspiracy by a number of indefinite acts, conditions, offered will be connected later. Moreover, it must be remembered that in
circumstances, etc. and completely excluded the confessions on that the heat of the battle over which the presides, a judge of first instance may
ground. By so doing, the Court overlooked that the right to object is a mere possibly fall into error in judging of the relevancy of proof where a fair and
privilege which the parties may waive; and if the ground for objection is logical connection is in fact shown. When such a mistake is made and the
known and not reasonably made, the objection is deemed waived and the proof is erroneously ruled out, the Supreme Court, upon appeal, often finds
Court has no power, on its own motion, to disregard the evidence (Marcella itself embarrassed and possibly unable to correct the effects of the error
vs. Reyes, 12 Phil., 1). without returning the case for a new trial, — a step which this Court is
always very loath to take. On the other hand, the admission of proof in a
We see no need for the present to discuss the question of the admissibility court of first instance, even if the question as to its form, materiality, or
of the individual extrajudicial confessions of two or more accused for the relevancy is doubtful, can never result in much harm to either litigant,
purpose of establishing conspiracy between them through the identity of because the trial judge is supposed to know the law; and it is duty, upon
the confessions in essential details. After all, the confessions are not before final consideration of the case, to distinguish the relevant and material from
us and have not even been formally offered in evidence for any purpose. the irrelevant and immaterial. If this course is followed and the cause is
Suffice it to say that the lower Court should have allowed such confessions prosecuted to the Supreme Court upon appeal, this Court then has all the
to be given in evidence at least as against the parties who made them, and material before it necessary to make a correct judgment.
admit the same conditionally to establish conspiracy, in order to give the
prosecution a chance to get into the record all the relevant evidence at its There is greater reason to adhere to such policy in criminal cases where
disposal to prove the charges. At any rate, in the final determination and questions arise as to admissibility of evidence for the prosecution, for the
consideration of the case, the trial Court should be able to distinguish the unjustified exclusion of evidence may lead to the erroneous acquittal of the
admissible from the inadmissible, and reject what, under the rules of accused or the dismissal of the charges, from which the People can no
evidence, should be excluded. longer appeal.

Once more, attention should be called to the ruling of this Court in the case Wherefore, the order excluding the confessions of the accused Juan
of Prats & Co. vs. Phoenix Insurance Co., 52 Phil., 807, 816-817: Consunji and Alfonso Panganiban is annulled and set aside and the Court
below is directed to proceed with the trial in accordance with law and this
In the course of long experience we have observed that justice is most opinion. Costs against respondents Juan Consunji and Alfonso Panganiban.
effectively and expeditiously administered in the courts where trial So ordered.
G.R. No. 105813 September 12, 1994
On 4 November 1991 petitioner elevated her case to the Court of Appeals
CONCEPCION M. CATUIRA, petitioner, through a petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus. In a similar
vs. move, the appellate court rejected her petition and sustained the trial court
COURT OF APPEALS and PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents. in its denial of the motion to dismiss. Hence, this recourse seeking to annul
the decision of the Court of Appeals rendered on 27 February 1992 as well
Arnold V. Guerrero & Associates for petitioner. as its resolution of 1 June 1992. 4

Petitioner claims that the Court of Appeals erred when it accepted the
BELLOSILLO, J.: testimony of private respondent despite the undisputed fact that it was not
offered at the time she was called to testify; her testimony should have
Is the testimony of a witness inadmissible in evidence if not formally offered been stricken off the record pursuant to Sec. 34, Rule 132, which prohibits
at the time the witness is called to testify, as required in Sec. 35, in relation the court from considering evidence which has not been formally offered;
to Sec. 34, Rule 132, of the Revised Rules on Evidence? 1 and, it was error for respondent appellate court to declare that petitioner's
objection was not done at the proper time since under Sec. 36, Rule 132, 5
On 8 June 1990, two (2) Informations for estafa were filed against petitioner objection to evidence offered orally must be made immediately after the
Concepcion M. Catuira with the Regional Trial Court of Calamba, Laguna, for offer is made. Evidently, petitioner could not have waived her right to object
having issued two (2) checks in payment of her obligation to private to the admissibility of the testimony of private respondent since the rule
complainant Maxima Ocampo when petitioner had no sufficient funds to requires that it must be done only at the time such testimony is presented
cover the same, which checks upon presentment for payment were and the records plainly show that the opportunity for petitioner to object
dishonored by the drawee bank. 2 only came when the prosecution attempted, albeit belatedly, to offer the
testimony after it has rested its case. 6
After the prosecution had presented its evidence, petitioner Concepcion M.
Catuira filed a Motion to Dismiss (by way of Demurrer to Evidence) under The petition is devoid of merit. The reason for requiring that evidence be
Sec. 15, Rule 119, of the 1985 Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure. 3 formally introduced is to enable the court to rule intelligently upon the
Petitioner contended that the testimony of private respondent Ocampo was objection to the questions which have been asked. 7 As a general rule, the
inadmissible in evidence since it was not properly introduced when she was proponent must show its relevancy, materiality and competency. Where the
called to testify as mandated in Sec. 35, Rule 132, of the Revised Rules on proponent offers evidence deemed by counsel of the adverse party to be
Evidence. Petitioner also argued that even if the testimony of private inadmissible for any reason, the latter has the right to object. But such right
respondent was considered, the evidence of the prosecution still failed to is a mere privilege which can be waived. Necessarily, the objection must be
prove that the checks were issued in payment of an obligation. made at the earliest opportunity, lest silence when there is opportunity to
speak may operate as a waiver of objections. 8
On 26 July 1991, the trial court denied the motion to dismiss for lack of
merit. On 18 October 1991, it likewise denied the motion to reconsider its Thus, while it is true that the prosecution failed to offer the questioned
denial of the motion to dismiss. testimony when private respondent was called to the witness stand,
petitioner waived this procedural error by failing to object at the exist wherein an offended party's testimony is immaterial in a criminal
appropriate time, i.e., when the ground for objection became reasonably proceeding. Consequently, even if the offer was belatedly made by the
apparent the moment private respondent was called to testify without any prosecution, there is no reason for the testimony to be expunged from the
prior offer having been made by the proponent. Most apt is the observation record. On the contrary, the unoffered oral evidence must be admitted if
of the appellate court: only to satisfy the court's sense of justice and fairness and to stress that
substantial justice may not be denied merely on the ground of technicality.
While it is true that the prosecution failed to offer in evidence the testimony 12
of the complaining witness upon calling her to testify and that it was only
after her testimony and after the petitioner moved that it be stricken that WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals sustaining the order of
the offer was made, the respondent Court did not gravely err in not the Regional Trial Court of Calamba, Laguna, Br. 35, denying petitioner's
dismissing the case against the petitioner on the ground invoked. For, she motion to dismiss (by way of demurrer to evidence) is AFFIRMED. Costs
should have objected to the testimony of the complaining witness when it against petitioner.
was not first offered upon calling her and should not have waited in ambush
after she had already finished testifying. By so doing she did not save the SO ORDERED.
time of the Court in hearing the testimony of the witness that after all
according to her was inadmissible. And for her failure to make known her
objection at the proper time, the procedural error or defect was
waived. 9

Indeed, the rationale behind Sec. 34, Rule 132, is manifest in the minutes of
the Revision of Rules Committee. 10 Thus —

The new rule would require the testimony of a witness to offer it at the time
the witness is called to testify. This is the best time to offer the testimony so
that the court's time will not be wasted. Since it can right away rule on
whether the testimony is not necessary because it is irrelevant or

If petitioner was genuinely concerned with the ends of justice being served,
her actuations should have been otherwise. Instead, she attempted to
capitalize on a mere technicality to have the estafa case against her
dismissed. 11 But even assuming that petitioner's objection was timely, it
was at best pointless and superfluous. For there is no debating the fact that
the testimony of complaining witness is relevant and material in the criminal
prosecution of petitioner for estafa. It is inconceivable that a situation could

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