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Complete these sentences with true information.

1. I’m supposed to next week.

2. We aren’t supposed to in class.
3. My friend wasn’t supposed to
4. According to the weather forecast, it’s supposed to tomorrow.



Use the cues to complete this journal entry.

Thursday, July 3

I was supposed to go to the beach tomorrow, but they

say it might rain. I don’t know what I’ll do. I may go
shopping at the mall, instead. It’s a holiday weekend, is
there could be same good sales. Maybe I’ll call Julie. She
might want to go with me. On second thought, she may
not be home. She often goes away on holiday’s
weekends, I don’t know. Shopping might not be such a
good idea. The stores will probably be really crowded. I
could go to a movie. There’s a Spanish movie at Cinema
8. I’m not sure. I’m afraid I might not understand enough
of it. My Spanish really isn’t that good. Maybe I’ll call Ed
and ask him if he wants to take a drive to see Aunt Marla
and Uncle Phil.
He might not want to go. He doesn’t like driving in the
rain. Oh well, I could stay home and read a good book.


Read these conversations. Complete the summary sentences with be going to or might and
the verbs in the box.

1. Linda: Hello, Julie? This is Linda. Do you want to go to the mail with me?
Julie: I don’t know. I’m thinking about going to my parents’. I’m not sure. Can I call you
Julie might visit her parents.
2. Julie: What are you looking for at the mall?
Linda: I need to get a new suit for work. I hope I can find one.
Linda might buy a suit.
3. Linda: Do you think we’ll get some rain?
Carl: Definitely. Look at those clouds.
Carl thinks it is going to rain.
4. Linda: What are you doing today?
Carl: I have tickets for a play.
Carl is going to see a play.
5. Linda: What are you doing this weekend?
Sue: I’m not sure. I’m thinking about taking a drive to the country. It depends on the
Sue might go for a ride.
6. Linda: Say, Ed. Do you want to see Aunt Marla and Uncle Phil tomorrow?
Ed: I can’t. I have to go into the office this weekend.
Ed is going to work this weekend.
7. Linda: How about dinner Saturday night?
Ed: That’s an idea. Can I call and let you know tomorrow?
Linda and Ed might have dinner together.
8. Linda: Hi, Aunt Marla. How are you?
Marla: Linda! How are you? It’s good to hear your voice. Listen, we just started dinner.
Can I call you back?
Linda: Sure.
Marla: OK. I’ll speak to you know.
Marla is going to call Linda.
9. Marla: This a Aunt Marla. Sorry about before. What are you doing home on a holiday
Linda: I’m tired. I just want to stay home with a good book.
Linda is going to read a book.
10. Marla: Do you have any other plans?
Linda: Maybe. I’ll catch up on some of my correspondence.
Linda might write some letters.


Read Linda’s letter. There are four mistakes. Find and correct them.
Dear Roberta,

How are you? It’s the Fourth of July, and it’s raining really hard. They say it could
clear up later. Then again, it may not. You never know with the weather.
Do you remember my brother, Ed? He says hi. He might have dinner with me on
Saturdays night. We may go to a mew Mexican restaurant that opened in the mall.
I definitely am going to take some vacation next month.
Perhaps we could do something together. It might be fun to do some traveling.
What do you think? Let me know.


Make a short To Do list for next weekend. Put a question mark (?) next to the things you
aren’t sure you’ll do.


Do you have any others plans on Saturdays?

How about lunch Sunday afternoon?

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