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Water Health: Field Pollution

Mitigation System

Casey Emler
CJ Stueck
Daniel Lennon
Steven Budzinski

Table of Contents
Needs Assessment……………………………………....………………………..3
External Search………………………………………………………………….5
Internal Search…………………………………………………………………..5
Preliminary Design………………………………………………………………6
Detailed Design………………………………………………………………….7
Manufacturing and Production..............................................................................9


Problem Definition and Purpose

The state of Pennsylvania is one of the largest agricultural producers in the nation. This
has led to an extremely large crop market in Pennsylvania but also to extreme problems. Most
water ways in Pennsylvania run off into the Chesapeake Bay, in Maryland. This bay empowers a
great portion of Maryland’s economy, is the source of the crucial seafood industry in Maryland,
and is home to a tremendous amount of marine animals and sea life.

However, the current filtration and runoff system in place in many Pennsylvania farms,
most of which is known as tile drainage, is very inefficient in filtering the water. The water is
only filtered through a few feet of ground before reaching the runoff pipes. This does not allow
for the Nitrogen and Phosphorous, introduced through pesticide use, to be filtered out. These
chemicals in excess amounts cause eutrophication, a process that creates algae blooms,
preventing sunlight and deoxygenating the water. Thus creating a lack of biodiversity because
many aquatic animals can no longer survive in the contaminated water. 91 percent of corn farms
in Pennsylvania use fertilizer containing nitrogen and 72 percent use fertilizer containing
phosphate. Considering there are 1.45 million acres of corn farms, this is an extremely large
amount of harmful chemicals. Lastly, 92 percent of these farms use herbicide, which is toxic to
many plants and has a significant impact on vegetation downstream.

In addition, the issue is more complex than just adding a simple filter, as it would create
many problems. These issues include: blockages, overflows, and maintaining the filter or system.
If you added a filter to the end of a tile drainage system, the water could easily get backed up in
heavy rainfall due to the small volume of water that can go through the filter compared to the
amount trying to go through. Also, if the filter was underground it would be very difficult to
physically remove blockages and could be very expensive to fix or adjust over time.

Vision- Issue- Method Statements

Vision: We want to design a method of cleaning increased tile drainage runoff and surface runoff
caused by rainstorms that involves the Imerys pre-designed filter.

Issue: The United States is one of the leading producers of agricultural goods, holding 349
million of some of the most productive acres in the world (Wuerthner). However, these
pesticides and fertilizers can often be washed into waterways during heavy rainfall. This runoff
can go directly into larger bodies of water, polluting drinking water, ruining water recreation,
and destroying aquatic habitats.

Method: Through the engineering design process, we plan to design a system in which the clean
runoff water would pass through to larger bodies of water and all harmful pollutants will be
detected and removed through appropriate chemical, physical, or biological means.

Needs Assessment

Customer Identification:

“In 2000, Pennsylvania set an all-time high for agricultural, food, and wood products,
with more than $1 billion in exports due in part to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture's
marketing programs designed to promote and provide agribusinesses the opportunity to foster
business relationships throughout the world.” (Redding) Due to the increase in demand for
agricultural products, now more than ever farmers are struggling to determine more efficient and
easier ways to maintain and run their farms. The typical farm owners of the 7.7 million acres of
land in Pennsylvania contains approximately 54 percent of adults above the age of 55. The
typical Pennsylvania farm also consists about 130 acres. While many of these farmers have taken
steps to reduce their environmental impact on the Chesapeake Bay, there is still a lot more that
needs to be done to ensure cleanliness. However, these same farmers are reporting that it is too
costly and requires too much work to maintain any type of new system and would prefer to stay
with the usual farm default of tile and surface drainage. Our product will be designed in a way
that is convenient to farmers by combining tile and surface drainage into one filtering area, that
utilizes the Imerys filter and our designs.

Customer needs:

1. Cost - The system should minimize input costs for farmers (objective)
a. Measured in dollars
2. Long lasting - System must last for long periods of under variable weather conditions
a. Measured in years per system
3. Maintenance - Systems must be low maintenance and affordable for farmers (objective)
a. Measured in dollars per unit time
4. Water flow rate - The system should maximize the input of water to the point that the
filter can handle (objective)
a. Measure in cubic feet per second
5. Non-harmful material - Design should allow material to be submersed and not allow for
harmful bacterial growth (constraint)
a. Measured in bacterial count

6. Self-monitoring - The design should allow filter system to adjust itself if needed
a. Measured in digit ability and adaptability
7. Non-clogging - Design should prevent or automatically clear blockages caused by debris
and objects in the running water (constraint)
a. Measured in clogs per unit time
8. Non-obstructive - The drainage system cannot interfere with the farmers agricultural
work and business (constraint)
a. Measured in stoppages per unit time
9. Wireless controls - The design should allow farmers to maintain and adjust system
digitally (constraint)
a. Measured in digital accessibility to farmer
10. Energy efficient - The drainage system should not require an external energy source
a. Measured in Watts
11. Digital interface - The drainage system will provide farmers with a thorough analysis of
system operations (constraint)
a. Measured in clear and complete communication to farmer


Due to our project’s inherent sponsorship, we have a number of constraints that must be
met in order to succeed in our goals. We must prevent harmful bacteria, with a self-monitored
and easily controlled manual contraption, we must have a digital connection between our device
and the farmer, and we need to prevent obstructions or easily remove clogs when necessary. In
addition, if we use energy, we must provide a sustainable source for this energy. We kept each of
these necessities in mind when creating our project and added additional features to our design to
meet each need.


Chart 1: AHP Chart Which Weights Objectives

water flow
Objective cost long lasting maintenance rate sum weight
cost 1 1/6 1/5 1/6 1.533 0.049
long lasting 6 1 3 1/2 10.5 0.332
maintenance 5 1/3 1 1/4 6.5833 0.208
water flow 6 2 4 1 13 0.411


Through this AHP chart we saw that the water flow rate was the most important objective
need. This is very plausible because if the water flow rate of the system is too fast the filter
cannot handle the water intake. This would lead to flooding on the farms or uncaptured and
unfiltered surface runoff. We also found that cost was the least important considering there were
things we can implement to reduce the economic impact such as, subsidies or tax breaks for
farmers that use our system of filtration. We took the weights of each customer need into account
when we designed each of our preliminary designs and when finalizing our product.


External Search:

The runoff system currently in place across many American farms is tile drainage. This is
a process that takes the excess surface water of a field and removes it through PVC and other
hard plastics. The pipes are distributed across the field and implanted four to six feet deep. Little
holes are cut into the tubing and the water absorbed into the pipe is run through the pipes to a
man-made stream that leads to larger bodies of water. Although this system benefits the farmers
and crops, the runoff is very harmful to the water it flows into. The water picks up the fluorine
and phosphorus used in the fertilizer and transports it to rivers, lakes, and oceans. These
chemicals lead to eutrophication. These excess chemicals cause algae blooms and oxygenate the
water, slowly destroying the ecosystems. People have attempted to implement filters but when
heavy rains come the intake flow is too fast for the filters to handle. Also, people have tried to fix
the problem at the source by creating new fertilizers and pesticides. Many possible solutions
have already been designed but each has its own flaw.

One possible solution is redesigning the way in which the farmer plants his crops and
methods of fertilizing and watering his crops. New fertilizers have been created that have water
insoluble coatings on them to prevent the nitrogen and phosphorus inside of them from being
dissolved into the water. Fertilizers can also be injected directly into the ground to lessen the
amount of fertilizer that can be runoff during rainfall. However this solution can be taxing to
both a farmer’s finances and time. The farmer can also plant buffer plants around his preexisting
crops. For example a farmer can cheaply plant grass around his main crop to help absorb any
excess fertilizer. Trees, bushes, and other grasses have also been found to have the same effect,
and planting these plants adjacent to waterways can have the same effect while also reducing
erosion. All the while, the farmer can reap the benefits of whatever crop it is that he planted.

An addition already implemented in a few tile drainage systems are water retaining walls
that control the water table. Runoff water flows into an underground compartment before
flowing into the streams. The wall inside the area forces the water to reach a certain level before
dropping over the wall and flowing out. This system would slow the runoff rate and would raise
the ground water table. Raising the groundwater would allow the plant roots to have more time
to absorb the nitrogen and phosphorous in the water.

We immediately had many ideas involving digging so this led to more research. We
wanted to know how far we could dig without impeding on the water tables of Pennsylvania. We
found a list of about 70 water table depths across the state and used a Box and Whisker chart (as
seen below) to organize the data. From this we found that over 75 percent of farms in
Pennsylvania have a water table depth of 10 feet or greater. Due to this, we realized we should
not dig more than 10 feet in any location.

Benchmarking (Considering Existing Solutions)

Internal Search:

Our group primarily used the brainstorming tactic to first come up with preliminary
designs. We then took all of our individual ideas and interpretations of the collective ideas to a
program called Stormboard. Stormboard allowed for each of us to neatly organize our thoughts
while not sacrificing speed as we drew and wrote out whatever ideas we had. After going
through the initial Stormboarding, we matched with other students from other Engineering
Design sections and gave and took feedback on each person's idea chain. During this process, we
were given a fresh perspective on both the problem and potential solutions, while still adding to
our Stormboard. We then regrouped, and had one final spark of ideas added to our Stormboards.

After hearing from the individuals from other classes, we met once again with our group
and brainstormed. We all simply drew and communicated our ideas and built off of each other’s
thoughts. This helped us create specific and well thought out ideas with as few flaws as possible.
It also allowed other teammates to help eliminate ideas that had significant problems.

After performing these exercises, three recurring themes and ideas become apparent in
our approaches to the ideas. The first theme that was reoccurring was the use of the existing tile
drainage system. The second was the use of an artificial waterway to direct the flow of water to a
desired location. The third was using the gradient of the farm to control the flow of water in a
desired direction.

Preliminary Design
After the conclusion of concept generation, our team was able to discuss the practicality of our
ideas and compare different designs side-by-side. This allowed us to hone in on four designs
that addressed the problem while also being practical with modern day limitations in technology
and resources for Pennsylvania farmers.

Tile Drainage and Troughs Moat and Trees

Tile Drainage and Troughs

Wells Two Reservoir

The first design that our team liked was using the existing tile drainage system to our
advantage. The system the farmer already had implemented would be kept. To capture surface
runoff which contains a high concentration of fertilizers, we decided to install troughs spread

evenly across the field. These troughs would collect all surface runoff and then direct the water
to a common point to be filtered. This solution is effective in collecting both surface and tile
drainage runoff on farms to then go through the filtration process.

The second idea our group decided on was a moat that would surround the field. This
moat would be similar to a medieval castle. No water would be capable to leave the field without
entering the moat first. All tile and surface drainage water would enter the moat and then flow to
a filter. This system is effective in collecting all water on the farm and preventing pollutants from

Our third solution to the problem was a series of wells placed at the lowest elevations on
the farm. All tile drainage on the farm would lead and empty into these wells. The wells would
contain the Imerys Filter and collect the water for future use in the farmers irrigation system.
This system is effective in collecting the water and storing it for future use.

The final design we crafted was a system of two reservoirs. The tile drainage of the farm
would direct water into these two reservoirs. The reservoirs would essential be two holding
tanks which would allow for the water to be filtered. This solution is effective in collecting all
water on the farm quickly to prevent flooding which damages the farmers crops and livelihood.

Having completed the initial designs for each idea, it was time to select our design which
best fit the customer needs. In order to accomplish this, we used a concept scoring chart. These
techniques were used to help filter our final four ideas to find the best design that met all of the
customer needs best.

Water Flow
Customer Need Cost Long Lasting Maintenance Rate Sum
Weight 0.049 0.332 0.208 0.411 1
Moat and Trees 2 4 4 1 2.669
Tile Drainage and
Troughs 3 3 5 4 3.827
Two Reservoir 4 3 3 5 3.871
Wells 1 3 2 4 3.105

Through this concept scoring chart, we found many benefits and problems with each of
our designs. For example, we found that the tile drainage and troughs method was the most
efficient for maintenance purposes. This is an effect of the entirety of the surface runoff being
fully accessible by the farmer. In addition, this method is very efficient in controlling the water
flow rate. However, it is still not as effective as the two-reservoir method.

After reviewing the concept scoring chart, our group decided to combine the two top
scoring ideas into one design that would even better suit the customer needs. The tile drainage
and trough system would be combined with the two reservoir system. This design seemed most
practical while retaining the highest level of effectiveness for our given problem. The final
design built on previous ideas and our customer needs and constraints. The existing tile drainage
system that the farmer already had installed would be kept. This tile drainage system would be
able to handle 480 thousand gallons of water during a ten year occurrence storm. The gradient of
the fields will then be used to create troughs to collect all surface runoff. These troughs would be
able to handle the 128 thousand gallons of water that the tile drainage cannot, during the ten year
storm. All water from the storm, tile and surface drainage, will flow in the same direction and
collect in a single above ground trough. This trough will lead to two concrete reservoirs. These
reservoirs will contain the Imerys filter and filter all precipitation from the 10-year recurrence
rainfall. The clean contaminate-free water will then be discharged to a nearby waterway.

Detailed Design
Our final design implements the tile drainage and trough system as well as a split
reservoir water holding tank. This system captures both tile drainage and surface runoff without
letting any excess water escape. The rain water seeps into the ground and then enters the tile
drainage. In addition, the water that is not capable of absorbing into the ground due to saturation
will be collected by above ground troughs that will run parallel to the tile drainage pipes, hitting
the lowest elevations of the farm relative to the land around that specific area. The water in the
troughs and tile drainage pipes will then merge into one larger trough.

This trough will then lead into a large reservoir, 100ft x 150ft x 8ft, which could easily
hold over 600,000 gallons, the amount of rainfall that occurs in 15 minutes in a “once every ten
year” storm. This water holding facility will contain a filter at the bottom of each half of the tank.
As water comes in, it is also being filtered and released in a runoff tube with the absence of any
harmful chemicals. The runoff will then make its way to a stream or lake and into a larger body
of water. For this reason, the reservoirs must be created close to the edge of the property,
preferably in a corner. This will allow for the run off to flow directly off the farmer’s property as
well as limiting the impact the troughs and holding tank will have.

Our reservoir idea is also equipped with two sides and adjustable water flow. As seen in
the CAD model below, the farmer would be able to manually control the direction in which the
water flows. This would be extremely useful for maintenance purposes. For example, if there
was a clog of leaves in the right half, he could close that side down, pushing all water to the left,
and use a portable ladder to go into the right side to remove the clog. To change the tank which
is being filled the farmer would simply pull the holding pin seen in the diagram, lift or lower the
disc, and put the pin back in. This pin fits perfectly inside the tube that spits the water into two
directions, blocking one side entirely.

In addition to the water flow control system, the filter will be equipped with a sensor to
create a digital interface with the farmer. This sensor will monitor the rate of water flow through
the filter. When the rate of flow is different than what it is expected to be according ti the amount
of precipitation, the farmer will receive an alert on his phone showing him the data recorded by
the sensor and notify him to shut that half of the reservoir. He or she will then go shut that side of
the tank, let it drain, and find and solve the problem. This sensor feature will allow for the farmer
to not have to maintain constant watch over the tank. If a problem was to arise, the sensor would
notify the farmer.

Production and Manufacturing
To optimize land and capacity, we will dig a reservoir of dimensions 150 by 100 by 8.
This will be placed where it will least affect the farmers daily routine and crop output and close
enough to the edge of his property so the filtered water can be released into a nearby stream.
Once dug, cement will line the hole to provide a stable holding facility that will not release any
harmful material into the environment. We will also utilize galvanized steel for the split pipe
system to prevent rust and prepare for weathering. The split pipe system will be constructed
using a series of different techniques including joining, fastening, and welding.

Cost Rundown
• Hole and Concrete = $20,000
• Field trough system = $5,000
• Split pipe system = $10
• Filter = Imerys' Price
• Total = $25,100 Maximum
• Cleaner Environment = PRICELESS

We hope to create incentive for the farmers as well. Currently, their direct benefit is just
the reduction of puddles on their land. To convince them to use our system on their farm we
hope to get government subsidies or tax breaks for doing their share in reducing pollution in our

We will do three tests to make sure our product is fully operational:
1. We will simulate a “storm of the century” to make sure that the drains filter properly and
the water basins do not overflow or clog. We will do this by adding water to the system
during a preexisting rain storm.

2. We will clog one of the drains/filters on purpose to see how quickly the farmer is
notified., and how easy the cleanup system works.
3. We will close off one of the pipes to make sure that the system correctly operates with
one filter and does not allow water to leak into the other basin.

After testing our designs maximum potential, the system will be ready to be implemented
and supplied. We also plan to construct our system in 10 farms in order to monitor the reservoirs
over the course of a year to see what we can do to optimize the size of the tanks. If we could
make the tanks smaller to increase the usable land space that would be beneficial and create more
incentive for the farmer to implement our system.

Works Cited:

[1] The Truth About Land Use in the United States. Accessed December 02, 2018.

[2] USGS 02054500 ROANOKE RIVER AT LAFAYETTE, VA. Accessed December 02, 2018.

[3] Blumberg, Betsie. An Introduction to Soils of Pennsylvania. Report no. 4. College of

Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. Vol. 23.

[4] Boosey, Edward. Backwater-intercepting Tile-drain Sump. US Patent US1708465A, filed

April 14, 1928, and issued April 09, 1929.

[5] "Connecting Land Owners & Farmers." Pennsylvania Farm Link. Accessed December 02,

[6] "Connecting Land Owners & Farmers." Pennsylvania Farm Link. Accessed December 02,

[7] "Corn - Pesticides, Fertilizers, Pest Management Practices." 2003. Accessed November 9,

[8] Persson, Mats. Method and Device for Controlling a Flow of Fluid. US Patent US5462075A,
filed December 07, 1992, and issued October 31, 1995.

[9] Schafer, Charlie, Leo Beebout, and William Littler. Drainage Tile Flow Regulator. US Patent
CA2403456C, filed September 16, 2002, and issued April 01, 2005.

[10] "Survey Finds Pa. Farmers Have Done Much to Protect Chesapeake Bay Water Quality."
Penn State University. Accessed December 02, 2018.

[11] "The Sources and Solutions: Agriculture." EPA. March 10, 2017. Accessed December 02,


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