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Rydell School

Sports Medicine Policy and Procedure Manual

Last Updated March 2018
Table of Contents
A. Program Operations
a. Goals and Objectives……………………………………………………………… 3
b. Mission and Vision Statement….………………………………………………… 3
c. Organizational Structure…………………………………………………………..… 3
d. Contact Information………………………………………………………………… 4
e. Scope of Practice…………………………………………………………………...….pg. 4
f. Hours of Operation………………………………………………………………… 4
g. Patient Scheduling………………………………………………………………...… 4
h. Facility Cleaning, Sanitation, and Hygiene……………………………………….… 5
i. Equipment Use, Maintenance, and Repair………………………………………… 5
j. Budget and Purchasing……………………………………………………………… 5
B. Medical Forms, Documentation, and Safety Considerations
a. Documentation and Maintenance of Medical Records…………………………....… 6
i. Release of Medical Records……………………………………………...… 6
ii. Incidence Reports…………………………………………………………….pg. 7
b. Preparticipation Physical Examination……………………………………………… 8
c. Waiver of Liability & Permission for Treatment……………………....………… 8
d. Safety and Security Considerations………………………………………………… 8
e. NATA Code of Ethics………………………………………………………..…… 9
C. Emergency Action Plan
a. Fire……………………………………………………………………………… 11
b. Code……………………………………………………………………………..… 11
c. Inclement Weather……………………………………………………………..… 11
D. Human Resources
a. Job Descriptions………………………………………………………………… 12
b. Hiring Practice…………………………………………………………………… 13
c. Employee Evaluations…………………………………………………………… 13
d. Licensure………………………………………………………………………… 13
e. Dress Code……………………………………………………………………...… 14
f. Benefits………………………………………………………………………...…….pg. 14
g. Sexual Harassment………………………………………………………………… 14
h. Termination Policy………………………………………………………………… 14
i. Staff Attendance…………………………………………………………………… 15
E. Appendix
a. Waiver of Liability and Permission for Treatment Form…………………...……….pg. 16
b. Injury Report Form………………………………………………………………… 18
c. Referral Form……………………………………………………………………...…pg. 19
F. References………………………………………………………………………..………..…pg. 21

A. Program operations

Goals and objectives

● The Athletic Training staff of Rydell School provides this manual for the athletic department,
coaches, parents, and student athletes to state the written policies and procedures of the day-to-
day activities of the athletic training staff at the Rydell School. This manual can be referred to for
any rules, regulations, definitions, risk management, and much more. The athletic training staff of
Rydell School prioritizes the provision of quality healthcare and safety to all student-athletes

Mission and Vision Statement

● Will be inserted at a later date

Organizational Structure
● The reporting structure will be as follows in the chart below.

Contact Information
● Kennedy Crocker, Athletic Director
○ 770-533-0279
● Kemi Adeleke, Head Athletic Trainer
○ 404-919-1102

Scope of Practice
● Rydell School’s AT staff abides by Georgia’s State Practice Act seen below:
○ (2) 'Athletic trainer' means a person with specific qualifications, as set forth in Code
Sections 43-5-7 and 43-5-8 who, upon the advice and consent of a physician, carries out
the practice of prevention, recognition, evaluation, management, disposition, treatment,
or rehabilitation of athletic injuries; and, in carrying out these functions, the athletic
trainer is authorized to use physical modalities, such as heat, light, sound, cold,
electricity, or mechanical devices related to prevention, recognition, evaluation,
management, disposition, rehabilitation, and treatment.
■ Section 43-5-1. (Definitions)--As amended by HB1055, July 2008

Hours of Operation
● The athletic training room at Rydell High operates as needed. Students with off periods between
the hours of 10:30 and 12:30 may report for treatment, rehab, or evaluations.
● The AT room will also be available for off-season athletes during 6th period, between the hours
of 2:20 and 3:20.
● In-season athletes with practice immediately following the dismissal bell are allowed treatment
right before and/orl up to one hour following the end of the last scheduled practice.
○ The athletic training staff will not be responsible for tardiness or missing a practice. The
student athlete should allow ample time for all pre-practice and pre-game treatments
● In order for there to be athletic training coverage for away events or extra practices, the athletic
training staff must be notified at least 48 hours prior to the start of the event.

Patient Scheduling
● Scheduling for treatment and rehabilitation will be posted on a whiteboard in the office area for
the athletic trainers
● Each sport will be assigned a color marker to write athlete’s names on the whiteboard
○ Color key will be posted on the whiteboard

Facility Cleaning, Sanitation and Hygiene
● All healthcare providers are required to wash hands before and after each interaction with athletes
● Equipment, machines, and table will be cleaned with Whizzer Cleaner and Disinfectant solution
after each use
● No shoes or cleats are permitted on the tables
● Whirlpool
○ Athletes must shower before entering
○ Will be cleaned after each use
● Pillow cases will be changed and washed after each use
● Ice must be removed from ice maker with a scoop
○ No hands or cups will be permitted to remove ice
○ Ice scoop must not be left in the ice machine
● Tens Wipes will be used on electrodes before and after each use
● Moist heat packs are covered in terry cloth covers, the terry cloth covers will be layered with a
○ The towels will be washed after each use
○ The terry cloth covers will be washed once a month

Equipment Use, Maintenance, and Repair

● Equipment and machines are only permitted for use if the Head Athletic Trainer or Assistant
Athletic Trainer instructs use of it
● Any repairs or replacements needed must be documented by the Head Athletic Trainer
○ Report to Athletic Director
■ Athletic Director will be in charge of fixing or replacing the equipment or

Budget and Purchasing

Will be inserted at a later date
● Equipment
● Supplies

B. Medical Forms, Documentation, and Safety Considerations

Documentation and Maintenance of Medical Records

● Athletic training staff must keep a hard copy of documentation for each athlete
● Documentation from the past seven days must be entered into the supplied computer program
every Sunday by 11:59 PM
● Medical Treatment Logs will be posted at various sites in the athletic training room
○ There will be logs for
■ Ice Treatment
■ Heat Treatment
■ Medications
○ Information to be logged for each
■ Date
■ Time
■ Patient
■ What it is for
■ Signature of certified medical professional administering it
Release of Medical Records
● Medical records will be released following HIPPA standards
○ Minors and parents/guardians
■ Parents will always be able to obtain medical knowledge of their child from the
sports medicine staff
○ 18+ athletes and parents/guardians
■ parents/guardians will not be able to obtain medical knowledge of their child
from the sports medicine staff
■ Written permission from the athlete will be required to release medical
○ Physicians
■ Only pertinent information will be released
○ Coaches
■ Will not be permitted to obtain knowledge of medical records

Incidence Reports
● Injury
○ When a student athlete sustains an injury during a Rydell sponsored athletic event or
practice an injury report will be completed by the athletic training staff.
○ See Appendix B for form
● Referral
○ When student athlete need to be referred to a physician, this form will be utilized to
inform the physician of appropriate information
○ See Appendix C for form
● Coaches
○ Coaches reports will be communicated to Coaches by 2:00 pm each day Monday-Friday
through email
○ 3 levels
■ Clear
● Athlete is clear to play and practice with no limitations
■ Limited
● Athlete will be limited in certain activities that will be described within
the report
● Modifications or replacement activities will be provided in the report if
■ Out
● Athlete is unable to play or practice
● Explanation will be provided in the report

Preparticipation Physical Examination (PPE)
● PPE’s will be administered before the beginning of each school year in August. Each student
athlete that wishes to participate in the extracurricular activities provided by the Rydell athletic
department must participate in the PPE. The PPE will be given free of charge to the student
athletes on the specified date each year.
● The head athletic trainer is responsible for communication with the school’s physician to set up a
date and time they will be at the school to host the PPE’s.
● The following components will be included in every PPE
○ Physical Examination
○ Hearing
○ Vision
○ Blood pressure and pulse
○ Baseline concussion testing
■ Must include the updated SCAT
○ Other baseline values determined by the Rydell Sports Medicine staff
■ Including but not limited to
■ Posture
■ Gait
■ Strength
○ Medical Clearance Form
○ Must be filled out and signed off at the end of the PPE by the physician

Waiver of Liability and Permission for Treatment

● This form must be completed prior to the beginning of each school.
● This form is required for participation in extracurricular activities provided by the Rydell athletic
● See Appendix A for form

Safety and Security Considerations

● Access to facility
○ No one is permitted in the Athletic Training room without permission and
supervision of the Athletic Trainers.
○ Only the athletic director and athletic training staff will have keys to access the
athletic training room
○ Only the athletic training staff will have keys to access the medications stored in
the athletic training room
○ Only the athletic training staff will have access to student athletes’ medical
information both written and on the computer
○ Doorways in the athletic training room will be handicap accessible

NATA Code of Ethics
PREAMBLE: The National Athletic Trainers’ Association Code of Ethics states the principles of ethical
behavior that should be followed in the practice of athletic training. It is intended to establish and maintain
high standards and professionalism for the athletic training profession. The principles do not cover every
situation encountered by the practicing athletic trainer, but are representative of the spirit with which athletic
trainers should make decisions. The principles are written generally; the circumstances of a situation will
determine the interpretation and application of a given principle and of the Code as a whole. When a conflict
exists between the Code and the law, the law prevails.


1.1 Members shall render quality patient care regardless of the patient’s race, religion, age, sex, ethnic or
national origin, disability, health status, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

1.2. Member’s duty to the patient is the first concern, and therefore members are obligated to place the welfare
and long-term well-being of their patient above other groups and their own self-interest, to provide competent
care in all decisions, and advocate for the best medical interest and safety of their patient at all times as
delineated by professional statements and best practices.

1.3. Members shall preserve the confidentiality of privileged information and shall not release or otherwise
publish in any form, including social media, such information to a third party not involved in the patient’s care
without a release unless required by law.

2.1. Members shall comply with applicable local, state, federal laws, and any state athletic training practice

2.2. Members shall understand and uphold all NATA Standards and the Code of Ethics.

2.3. Members shall refrain from, and report illegal or unethical practices related to athletic training.

2.4. Members shall cooperate in ethics investigations by the NATA, state professional licensing/regulatory
boards, or other professional agencies governing the athletic training profession. Failure to fully cooperate in
an ethics investigation is an ethical violation.

2.5. Members must not file, or encourage others to file, a frivolous ethics complaint with any organization or
entity governing the athletic training profession such that the complaint is unfounded or willfully ignore facts
that would disprove the allegation(s) in the complaint.

2.6. Members shall refrain from substance and alcohol abuse. For any member involved in an ethics
proceeding with NATA and who, as part of that proceeding is seeking rehabilitation for substance or alcohol
dependency, documentation of the completion of rehabilitation must be provided to the NATA Committee on
Professional Ethics as a requisite to complete a NATA membership reinstatement or suspension process.



3.1. Members shall not misrepresent, either directly or indirectly, their skills, training, professional credentials,
identity, or services.

3.2. Members shall provide only those services for which they are qualified through education or experience
and which are allowed by the applicable state athletic training practice acts and other applicable regulations for
athletic trainers.

3.3. Members shall provide services, make referrals, and seek compensation only for those services that are
necessary and are in the best interest of the patient as delineated by professional statements and best practices.

3.4. Members shall recognize the need for continuing education and participate in educational activities that
enhance their skills and knowledge and shall complete such educational requirements necessary to continue to
qualify as athletic trainers under the applicable state athletic training practice acts.

3.5. Members shall educate those whom they supervise in the practice of athletic training about the Code of
Ethics and stress the importance of adherence.

3.6. Members who are researchers or educators must maintain and promote ethical conduct in research and
educational activities.


4.1. Members should conduct themselves personally and professionally in a manner that does not compromise
their professional responsibilities or the practice of athletic training.

4.2. All NATA members, whether current or past, shall not use the NATA logo in the endorsement of products
or services, or exploit their affiliation with the NATA in a manner that reflects badly upon the profession.

4.3. Members shall not place financial gain above the patient’s welfare and shall not participate in any
arrangement that exploits the patient.

4.4. Members shall not, through direct or indirect means, use information obtained in the course of the practice
of athletic training to try and influence the score or outcome of an athletic event, or attempt to induce financial
gain through gambling.

4.5. Members shall not provide or publish false or misleading information, photography, or any other
communications in any media format, including on any social media platform, related to athletic training that
negatively reflects the profession, other members of the NATA, NATA officers, and the NATA office.

National Athletic Trainer’s Association. NATA code of ethics. National Athletic Trainer’s Association. Published September
28, 2005. Revised 2016.

C. Emergency Action Plan
Will be modified/inserted at a later date
● Fire
● Code (cardiac arrest)
○ Activate EAP
○ 911 will be called first
○ Send someone if available to retrieve AED if within 3 minutes away
■ A map will be placed in Athletic Training room depicting locations of all AEDs
on campus
○ Begin CPR
○ Continue CPR until EMS arrives
● Inclement weather
○ Lightening
○ Tornado

D. Human Resources

Job Descriptions
● Athletic Trainer
○ Supervises and coordinates use of athletic facilities
○ Ensure athletes to proper conditions and athletic training services
○ Ensures compliance with GHSA regulations
○ Arrange for athletic events
○ Attends all athletic home competitions/events and acts as the game administrator
● Head Athletic Trainer
○ Cover all home sporting events
○ Cover playoff and championship sporting events
○ Provide preventative and rehabilitative treatment for all athletes
○ Educate coaches on proper return to play protocols, proper sport specific techniques,
noticing signs of severe physical and neurological condition
○ Assemble emergency rescue team and train them
○ Conduct yearly PPE before sports activities begin
○ Educate athletes on proper injury care
○ Communication with parents, coaches, and physicians
● Assistant Athletic Trainer
○ Assist in covering all home sporting events
○ Assist in covering playoff and championship sporting events
○ May cover away sporting events and travel with teams
○ Assist in providing preventative and rehabilitative treatment for all athletes
○ Assist in educating coaches on proper return to play protocols, proper sport specific
techniques, noticing signs of severe physical and neurological condition
○ Assist in conducting yearly PPE before sports activities begin
○ Assist in educating athletes on proper injury care
○ Assist in communication with parents, coaches, and physician

Hiring Practice
● The hiring process follows an 11 step procedure that must be completed in full in order to hire a
new employee.
1. Needs analysis
2. Request Athletic Director for position
3. Position request approval by Athletic Director
4. Position vacancy notice
5. Application collection
6. Telephone interview
7. Reference checks
8. On-site interview
9. Recommendation and approval from Athletic Director for hiring
10. Offer of contract (Athletic Director included)
11. Hiring

Employee Evaluations
● Overall progress of both the head and assistant AT will be evaluated bi-annually: once at the
close of the fall semester and once again near the close of the spring semester. Feedback will be
received from coaching staff, students, parents, and the athletic director (AD), all of which will be
collected by the headmaster. The headmaster will also conduct a check-up of his own. Upon
completion of the above mentioned, the headmaster and AD will then meet with both the head
and assistant AT to discuss any issues that may have come up in the process. Further termination
will be at the discretion of the headmaster and AD.

● Athletic training staff must be BOC certified with licensure for Georgia

Dress Code
● Always wearing a polo or t-shirt that represents Rydell High school
● Khaki or dress pants
● Athletic pants and shorts (rule with leggings/yoga pants?)
● Shoes
○ Must be able to move efficiently in shoes
● Shorts
○ Female
■ Must be 5 inch inseam or longer
○ Male
■ Must reach top of knee
● Can dress to specific spirit days as announced by administration
● Athletic Events
○ Must wear Rydell High School Polo with dress pants, khaki pants, or shorts
○ Must wear closed toe shoes
● Tattoos
○ Must not have any visible tattoos
○ If tattoo(s) is in a visible location, must be able to cover up

● The Athletic Training staff receive medical insurance, dental insurance and a retirement plan.

Sexual Harassment
● “Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct, based on sex or on
gender stereotypes, that is implicitly or explicitly a term or condition of employment or status in a
course, program, or activity; is a basis for employment or educational decisions; or is sufficiently
severe, persistent, or pervasive to interfere with one’s work or educational performance creating
an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or learning environment, or interfering with or limiting
one’s ability to participate in or to benefit from an institutional program or activity.”

Termination Policy
● If, at any time in the duration of the contract, the employee of the Rydell School: (a) has failed to
provide the degree of services required under the contract; (b) has failed to satisfy services
required in accordance with schedules agreed upon; (c) has become incompetent; (d) disregards
and/or abandons obligations under the contract; (e) or fails to comply with any other term or
condition contained in the contract, the Rydell School has the right to terminate the contract upon
two weeks’ notice to the employee.

Staff Attendance
● All athletic trainers are required to be present for all assigned athletic coverage. If an athletic
trainer must be absent from his or her assigned coverage, they must ensure coverage of athletic
● All athletic trainers are required to be present and available to student athletes Monday-Friday
from 10:30-12:30, 2:20- one hour after the end of all scheduled practices and games during the
school calendar year.

E. Appendix
a. Waiver of Liability and Permission For Treatment Form
Waiver of Liability and Permission for Treatment
Name of Child Participant (please print)___________________________________
Address_____________________________ City ____________________ State________ Zip _______
If the participant is a child, print the names of parent(s) and/or legal
Age of Child ____________Birth Date _________________
Academic Grade for upcoming school year_________

Release of Liability
By signing this Permission/Waiver Form, I expressly warrant that the child named above or I (if I am a participant) am
capable of withstanding both the physical and mental demands of the physical activity. I also expressly assume all risks of
the child or me participating in the activities, whether such risks are known or unknown to me at this time. I further
release THE RYDELL SCHOOL and its coaches, athletic training staff, and attending physician from any claim that my
child may have or that I may have against them as a result of injury or illness incurred during the course of participation
in the activities. This release of liability shall include (without limitation) any claims of negligence or breach of warranty.
This release of liability is also intended to cover all claims that members of the child’s or my family or estate, heirs,
representatives, or assigns may have against THE RYDELL SCHOOL or its coaches, athletic training staff, and attending
I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless THE RYDELL SCHOOL and its coaches, athletic training staff, and
attending physician from any and all claims arising from my participation in its activities and programs, or as a result of
injury or illness of my child during such activities.
First Aid and Emergency Medical Treatment
I recognize that there may be occasions where the child named above, or I, if I am a participant, may be in need of first
aid or emergency medical treatment as a result of an accident, illness, or other health condition or injury. I do hereby give
permission for agents of THE RYDELL SCHOOL to seek and secure any needed medical attention or treatment for the
child name above, or me, if I am a participant, including hospitalization, if in the agent’s opinion such need arises. In
doing so I agree to pay all fees and costs arising from this action to obtain medical treatment.
I give permission for attending physician(s) and other medical personnel to administer any needed medical
treatment, including surgery and, again, I agree to pay for the medical treatment. Furthermore, unless stated
otherwise in the area of Medical History, I give the adult leaders permission to dispense over-the-counter
medications (i.e. ibuprofen, acetaminophen, antacids, topical ointments, etc.) to my child if needed.
Medical History
Special medical needs or concerns (allergies, conditions, dietary needs, medications, etc.):

Date of last Tetanus shot ________________

(continued on page 2)

Health Insurance

Health insurance information: Insurance Company
Policy Number: ________________________ Phone Number
Medical Doctor: ________________________ Phone Number

Emergency Contacts
Name of persons and telephone numbers to call in case of emergency:
Parent/Guardian ________________________ Home ______________ Work
Parent/Guardian ________________________ Home ______________ Work
Other ______________ Relationship ___________ Home ______________ Work

Other Information
Other information leaders should know about the child or adult participant:

For Use only if the Participant is a Minor: I represent that I am the parent/guardian of
______________________________________, who is under 18 years of age. I have read the above
Permission/Waiver Form and am fully familiar with the contents thereof. I give permission for the child
named above to participate in the activities of THE RYDELL SCHOOL, including any special
events/activities described above. In consideration for allowing the participation of the child in the
activities of THE RYDELL SCHOOL, I hereby consent to the Permission/Waiver Form, including the
Release of Liability above, on behalf of the child and agree that this Permission/Waiver Form shall be
binding upon me, my family, heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns.

__________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Date

Print Name of Parent or Legal Guardian

B. Injury Report
Athletic Injury/Illness Report

Name ________________________________________ Date ___________

Gender _________ Sport/Activity _____________ Date of Injury __________

Nature of Injury:___ Acute___ Chronic ___ Complication ___ Frequent

Occasion: ___ Practice___ Game/Event ___Previous to Event ___ Home

Body Part: _______________________________________________________

Side: ___ Left ___ Right ___ Does not apply

Type of Injury: ___________________________________________________

Vitals: _______mm/Hg BP _______bpm HR ________ml/d Blood Glucose

Allergies or Other Special Considerations (e.g., Asthma): _____________________


Physical/Evaluation Findings

Athletic Training Diagnosis


Cleared for Practice/Competition: ____ YES ____ NO

Referral: ________________________________________________________
Athletic Training Student: __________________________________________
Certified Athletic Trainer: __________________________________________

C. Referral Form

I, the undersigned athlete, give permission to the physician, athletic trainer and other members of the
medical teams to discuss any aspect of my condition and care with each other. I further allow the medical
team caring for me to discuss my case with the coaches whom I play for. I understand I can revoke this
permission at any time.
Athlete:___________________________________ Date Signed:__________________

Rydell School Sports Medicine

Outside Referral Form

Name:_________________________________________________ Sport:__________________

Date:______________ Medical Practitioner:__________________________________________


ATC Requesting Visit:______________________________________________


General Instructions:_____________________________________________________________

Medication Prescribed:___________________________________________________________

Status: (circle) Full participation No participation No contact Limited Activity

Recheck Appointment:_____________________


Prescription for Athletic Training Services
Referred to Muskingum University Sports Medicine, New Concord, Ohio 43762

Patient:____________________________________ Date:_______________________


□ Evaluate and Treat □ ROM, Joint Mobilization

□ Electrical Stimulation □ Whirlpool
□ Ultrasound □ Isokinetic Test
□ Therapeutic Exercise □ Protective Bracing, Padding
□ Post-surgical Rehabilitation □ Rehab per Protocol
□ Other:______________________

F. References
NATA Code of Ethics

GATA Scope of Practice

Permission/Waiver form for C.L.A.Y.

Injury Report Form

Referral Form


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