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Audio-programmed zapper

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Overview Edit

The instrument being described here is intended for scientific use, including by the hobby-level individual experimenter
seeking knowledge about the world within and without; to learn a bit more about reality, and usually on subjects
considered potentially beneficial to the researching experimenter, as part of that satisfying of curiosity about the true
nature of reality.

The basis for this experimental instrument is, first, it provides the basic zapper 30 KHz pulsed-DC function, as
discovered by Hulda Clark long ago. It does that with added features of its handhold output signal is fairly independent
on the load in the handhold circuit, and also it has a LED that has a brightness that is proportional to the handholdhold
physiological circuit, so it gives a constant qualitative evaluation of the continuity of the handhold circuit, including the
conductivity of the wet-paper covered handholds connection with the skin. Second, it has another mode, using the same
output features of the basic zapper, which enables the instrument to deliver the electroherbalism frequencies available
on the net, gathered from hobbyiest researchers around the world during the past half century. These signals are often
in large sets, sometiems dozens of frequencies; so this instrument enables the researcher to record those frequencies
as audio recordings, spanning the chosen application time for each - typically three minutes each - and these
recordings can be played back later to exactly repeat the experimental signal set, even if an hour or more long. The
recorded waveform, or directly utilized waveform, is a square wave, whose edges enables the APZ instrument to
reconstruct the exact frequency of the pulses even if far below the normal audio recorder's ability to record or play
back, such as at 10 Hz. So the amateur scientist can see for him/herself what works and does what for themselves or
their pets. And third, this instrument converts those electroherbalism signal frequencies into the zapper waveform,; Dr
Clark said in her TCFAD book, that zapping can be done at any frequency, 10 Hz up to 700 KHz, the range of the
biofrequencies she had measured, If I recall correctly. (For a single frequency zapper, best-average, she chose the
frequency area 20-40 KHz, centered at 30 KHz.) That also includes the generally much lower frequencies that
electroherbalism explores, generally 0.01 Hz to 10,000 Hz. So the Audio-Programmed Zapper combines all these
functions into a low cost, even potentially a build-it-yourself instrument, enabling new kinds of experiments seeking new
ways of wellbeing.

It does not generate radio frequency signals, unlike some of those described on the Rife page on this wiki. This
instrument is for use at pulsed frequencies of 0.01 Hz up to about 20 KHz, in the externally programmable mode; and it
also generates a standard Clark 30 KHz zapper signal frequency in its other stand-alone mode.

The author has found this instrument useful for converting the frequencies such as the balancing-stimulating frequencies
found at and exploring the results in oneself. This technique combines the
zapper monopoarity principle discovered by Hultda Clark, with the signal sets widely available online such as at this url
an similar signal sets, often called "Rife" type signals although they are limited to "audio" frequencies, as are most
commercial "Rife" machines. These signal sets have been found highly effective by this experimenter over the years,
but using hard to get very expensive machines; this instrument one can build oneself and thus the amateur scientist is
not limited by cost or other difficulties in getting equpment to do these experiments.

The need for an inexpensive, potentially individually assembled, broad frequency range zapper would be helpful both for
the casual hobbyiest yet also potentially useful as an alternate approach to dealing with new pathogens on the loose or
defense from some forms of bioterrorism. A research instrument, for experimental purposes; yet like the basic zapper,
the open minded experimenter finds time after time it indeed works to improve health. Thus while using the standard
medical profession's options, one can also explore benefits of the zapper type signals too - often resulting in the
problem going away and not needed extreme medical protocols anymore, with nothing for it to be applied to.

The holotype instrument described here performs the same functions as the Current
Indicating Zapper holotype instrument; and also in addition, has a new feature that
enables the user to generate single polarity pulse zapper signals down to 0.01 Hz
and up to 23 KHz as controlled by either a conventional audio signal generator
software or an mp3 recorded signal made from a series of such frequencies in a
special manner, thus making it easily repeatable thereafter, simply by playing the
control signals on a computer or mp3 handheld player. The recorded version only
goes up to the upper frequency of the player limits, such as 10 KHz, but still goes
down to 0.01 Hz or lower.

This instrument thus enables the experimenter to explore actual effects, if any, of the
many hundreds of frequencies, including those down to 0.01 Hz, found by Holotype Audio Programmable
researchers worldwide that proved helpful to health of animals and people. Zapper research instrument

The design enables an individual's construction of such an instrument from scratch,

along with programming it oneself. Yet also there is potential for it to be made available by kit manufacturers; and
completed instruments, including American made ones, at much lower cost than existing instruments, that can do this
programmed frequency option of zapper type signals.

The photo to the right shows the output voltage waveform under full handhold load.
This is the basic Zapper output signal at 35% duty cycle at 30KHz; note the lack of
curvature of the waveform due to body current load. The emitter follower output
provides this function.

AudioProgrammedZapper output
voltage under full handhold load

Photo to the right shows the Audio Programmed Zapper's front panel while being
controlled by an external audio range signal and while delivering output to a full
handhold load.

The handhold current (green) LED only responds to actual body current; if the
Audio Programmable Zapper in
handholds are shorted together, the LED goes out.
programmed mode and full load
A point of view about hobby research as an amateur scientist Edit
A researcher seeks to learn something about reality, but the experiment is framed to look for a particular thing. This
brings the observed result field down to a manageable small amount. But it also limits what can be found. So one tends
to find what one is looking for, even if it is to prove something does not work, or does damage instead of help.
Corporate financed research greatly suffers from this, because its necessarily narrow focus is to increase the
company's profits; yet also the individual independent researcher has this problem; other than he/she has far more
options for laterial explorations, such as the permission to go chasing down the why of something that happened that
was not expected - is not necessarily worthless contamination of the experiment, but could instead be a lead on the
path to a new discovery.

Hulda Clark's invention of the zapper is an example of that; if she had been less of a wide-view reality tester, or a less
keen observer of reality, she might have just assumed it was an anomoly to be gotten rid of, poor experiment design,
the pulsed-dc output causing unexpected results in the data. Instead, she noted what the real results of the experiment
were, realizing that it might lead to very useful techniques useful on her road to enabling better health for people, that
was under the control of the individual a lot more than was common then - and generally still now.

So this points out that this research instrument is to be used in the search for better life for oneself and one's pets,
focusing on what experimental results suggest improvement to one's well being now and in the future. The experimental
results can be relatively quick or take longer to become apparent to the researcher; see this description of a
researcher's efforts in this area: Example of an individual Zapper experimenter

Another caution to the hobyiest researcher in this field, is that there is a history of contention about it, especially when
private researchers have found indications of techniques that work much better than techniques utilized by professional
businesses. In other words, treading in their territory. The fate of such independent researchers tends to not go well
due to abuse they thereby suffer from others who do not really know or care about reality, but fear for their reputations
and sustained high income, understandable. So, avoid confrontation. And when positive results are found, beware the
"practicing medicine without a license" law, when having an urge to enable a loved one's similarly be helped by this
non-standard way of doing things. The purpose of this research is to discover possible better ways for our own life and
that of our beloved pets, and to add to the growing body of knowledge in the field, anectdotal as it may be.

Ther are several online data sources for "anecdotal" findings of other researchers in this field, such as the
aforementioned and " Frequencies and Anecdotes" and one's researdh can build
on the work of others, exploring these frequencies that have been found by other amateur scientists to be helpful to
people and animals, in the past.

Construction Edit

Preparation for assembly Edit

Construction of this instrument would be best done from a kit, but such a kit has not been made at this point.

So to build one from scratch, as close to the functionality of the holotype instrument describe here, first one needs to
acquire all the parts to build it. If some parts are at hand and it will take awhile to get the rest, such as mail-order, one
can assemble what one has on hand, keeping track of what has been done.

There are two basic assemblies to be made, then integrated together.

One assembly is the circuit board. The other is the chassis with its front panel components mounted, and the control
panel's function label made and applied to the top of the unit.
Bear in mind that if one has some experience with building prototype instruments of moderate complexity, there is a lot
of room for variation in specifically how it is built. Building from the schematic ought to work; there are plans for making
a printed wire board for the instrument, but has not been done yet. So the building of a copy of the holotype instrument
is wat is to be described here.

Components Edit

The components were chosen for their wide availability where possible.

The circuit board chosen was Radio Shack part number 276-168. This is what was used in the holotype and similar
prototype instruments, and is the only exact-brand component utilized in this instrument; as its particular etched
interconnects are assumed to exist, utilized as part of the wiring of the instrument. This circuit board is a bit larger than
necessary; the original layout was uncertain how much room it would take. Additionally, there is envisioned another
circuit function yet to be fully designed and tested, which hopefully will fit into the unused space on this board; whether
it will work or not has yet to be determined, and lots of development is involved before it can be defined here; and may
never happen. So the present instrument is fully functional for what it does, and at this time, does things no other
instrument is known to do, particularly the ability to be controlled by external sourced music-player-sourced audio
streams of particular waveforms, to control specific output zapper-type monopolarity pulse streams.

schematic of audio programmed zapper

Following along with the specific layout and wiring is what is to be described here, provides a way to create an
instrument, but not necessarily the best way, at all; is just a way that has been proven to work. Any changes by the
builder need to be carefully done so as to maintain the schematic's circuit integrity in the resulting instrument.

Schematic Edit
For larger image, just click it. For full-size image, click the "view photo details" icon underneath bottom right of the
image, then the "full resolution" link on the photo details page.

Use of the instrument Edit

General Experimentation Focus Edit

Intended use Edit

This instrument is intended for use by the amateur scientist, the person who chooses to explore the world of nature,
observing and making tests and finding results of those tests. And, as often in such scientific endeavors, occasionally
the instruments and protocols may find more "practical" usage, being handy. And the amateur scientist seeks to interact
with the growning body of knowledge shared among other such amateur scientists, greatly enhanced in the present-day
through the internet and freedom of speech. There have been impressive collections of these anectdotal amateur
scientist findings, available online such as at and and the comments input field
at the end of this page could be a place for people to share findings. The vast amont of data as found by prior
experimenters, suggests a huge number of people worldwide have found teh field of research intersting and useful.
Best of all, the experimenter has at hand the means to actually test to see if a particular signal set works or not: his or
her physical self, or one's cherished pets. There are also shared cautions, analogous to the amateur scientist using a
telescope, being cautioned not to look at the Sun through the telescope, or damage to the eye might result; but that
does not keep the telescope from being useful in observing the Moon at night, or for observing a colorful bird in a tree
in the daytime. And the reflecting telescope's principle could even be used aimed at the Sun, so as to explore the
effects and possible usage of the concentrated solar energies at the focal point, such as for materials high temperature
processing or even cooking food. The Audio Programmed Zapper is an amateur scientist's tool, with a wide range of
potential uses in disovering the nature of reality through hypothesis and efforts to validate the hypothesis. {C}One form
of experimental usage of this instrument, as envisioned currently, is analogous to keeping one's room clean. One can
use a feather duster to go around the room, dusting off the things on shelves and on top of furniture; and one can also
sweep or mop the floor. Most days, the floor sweeping is adequate, but occasionaly the detailed dusting of specific
things is needed first. The basic zapper function is like the floor sweeping; the audio controlled zapping is analogous to
the going around and feather dusting off specific things in the room. The other form of experimental usage is analogous
to going around and sprucing things up in the room. This form of instrument is primarily for individual experimenters to
determine the efficacy of the technology. The instrumentation as shown here is relatively simple, and the practice
material is at hand, the individual experimenter him or her self. Efficacy is what is being evaluated. Some of that
efficacy may well be the observation of some particular increased sense of well-being in the experimenter, being also
the test subject.

A cautionary note Edit

A cautionary note, however. It is also anologous to uisng one's barbeque in the backyard, in that one needs to pay
attention to what one is doing and to the effects of what one is doing. One needs to prepare the food properly while
also avoiding the hot barbeque oneself. Although no instance is known of harmful effects - although one is not to apply
the handholds on an open wound, nor to the head or genitals - the zapper itself has the standard warning not to be
used by pregnant women nor wearers of pacemakers, although that is said due to lack of adequate testing to declare it
safe for them. And the author of this article is not a medical doctor, and no medical advise is given in this article; see
your doctor if you are sufficiently sick. And the other part of the usual disclaimer is that the user takes full responsibility
for what the user does with this knowledge.

Results may be slow to develop Edit

It may take time for some of such experiments to get the measure of efficacy. For example, one hobby researcher in
the field noted after several years of regular use of the zapper signal on himself, as part of a long term safety test
experiment, that in retrospect he noticed that he had not had to take any sick leave during the previous three winters;
but his co-workers had continued to get sick those winters and be off work at times, as he himself had typically done
prior to the start of experiments using zapper technology on himself. The experiment, in this example, did not set out to
see if one would no longer need to take sick leave off from work, particularly in the winters; but the data was only
found later in noticing the unlikely anomaly in experiences extending over years of time.

Results may be quick to develop Edit

On the other hand, the results may be relatively immediate. In one emergency situation use of a zapper, where there
was no antiseptic or bandages available, nor money to pay for conventional medical care, a major wound on the back
of the hand, subsequently washed out with a garden hose, and a zapper's signal applied between the palms of the
hands for seven minutes, masking tape used to press the ripped-out flesh back into the back of the hand, and
subsequent application of the usual seven-minute zapper applications between the palms of the hands later in the day
when opportunity permitted, produced the astonishing result that when the masking tape was removed from the back of
the hand three days later, the wound was observed to not only be lacking in the usual redness and swelling, but the
flesh had already grown back together and was not exhibiting any sign of stress from the wound at all. And in about a
week after the wound happened, continuing the usual three times seven minute application of the zapper's signals to
the palms of the hands, all but the smallest trace of a scar around the perimeter of the wound remained, and there had
been no swelling, redness, or pain in it all. So that was the data from the experiment. And this example also illustrates
the opportunistic nature of some such experiments, that there needs to be a condition present, in order to observe
efficacy in alleviating the disruption to homeostasis.

Building upon the knowledge provided by others in the field Edit

Amateur researchers build on the works of those who have gone before them in the fields, including originators and
worldwide researchers evident in the results of their works in the growing body of anectodal (as opposed to formal
scientific paper presentation and publishing protocols) knowledge.

Much of the groundwork has been laid by those who have built the knowledge base upon the shoulders of a couple of
innovative out-of-the-box thinkers - Royal Rife and Hulda Clark - people who dared to explore beyond the confines of a
system that had gotten mired in the concerns of business profits and reputation motives, rather than necessarily the
efficacy of the technologies on which their careers and fortunes were based. Both those pioneers in wellness
technology have been much maligned by those whose fame and fortunes are dependent on business-as-usual,
particularly Raymond R. Rife, as exemplified at this wikia Page on Rife. Consequently the researcher is cautioned that
there is more at stake in such experiments than just the efficacy that is found by actually doing the experiments.
Opposition is likely to be encountered. Positive results will likely be proclaimed by oponents as "placebo effect." But the
true scientist will strive to find out what is actually true as determined by one's own experiments.

And it might be also noted here that if results are indeed "placebo effect" - the faith that one will be healed or kept well
- then it might be concluded that this provides an extraordinarily effective placebo effect, and worthy to be done for the
results achieved. What works, works.

The design of one's experiments involving the usage of the Audio Programmed Zapper, or sufficiently similar in function
other instrumentation, is crucial to the validity of one's findings. When exploring the effects of these small electrical
signals on the body, one needs to be aware that the body and the body-mind is an enormously complex system, itself
designed to maintain homeostasis in a large number of interactive systems. The temporary inclusion of the small
energies delivered by this instrument to this complex system, and seeking to observe the results, is the basic form of
the experiment.

One observes the state of the system before the application of the small signals, during the application, and most
importantly, afterwards. The effects may take a significant time to happen, and the openness of the researching
experimenter to a wide range of possible effects, is what determines the range of possible observations of results of
the experiment.

It is perhaps analogous to one taking an aspirin tablet. the prior state of the system is observed, say, as to the
presence or lack of a headache. The aspirin is input to the system via ingestion into the stomach through the mouth. Did
anything happen immediately, is a first observation. As time goes on, one would seek to observe effects on the
headache intensity. And one might also seek to observe any lateral effects, such as effects on the stomach lining, how
does the stomach feel. The level of the headache intensity after some time delay, is the measure of the efficacy of that
experiment for that experimenter at that time and place, data achieved.

Similarly, the experimenter can input the small electrical signals into the body, and observe for sought effects as well as
possible lateral effects, and the findings are the data as to the efficacy of the experiment.

Theory of Operation Edit

This instrument includes three circuitry sections:

an internal signal generator creating a 30 KHz frequency

an internal waveform processor that takes external audio format input signals and converts them to reconstructed
digital format
and an output signal handhold circuit driver

These functions are integrated in some instances, where specific components are participating in multiple functions.

The internal signal generator creating a 30 KHz frequency Edit

The first section is a circuit common to zappers originally devised by Hulda Clark, PhD, a cellular biology researcher,
and Geoff Clark, an electronics engineer, which generated a 30 KHz single polarity output signal of around nine volts
peak. It consists of the common 555 integrated circuit, although of the more advanced CMOS type than the version
used in the original Clark designed device. CMOS integrated circuits typically use less power to operate - important in
battery operated devices such as this one - and have higher input impedances, enabling a true square wave output
oscillator type, although in this instrument it has been designed for controlled duty cycle output of 35% or 65%, switch
selectable. Feedback from the output of the integrated circuit, is applied to its input through a timing rsistor and
capacitor which delay the feedback signal; the input is compared with two voltages, one is a third of the applied
voltage, and the other threshold is two-thirds of the applied voltage. So when the fedback delayed signal is copared to
these two threshold voltages, the integrated circuit changes the output state so as to reverse the outputvoltage state.
thus the circuit is ever traversing the voltage path between one-third and two-thirds the applied voltage. And the time it
takes to do that is what sets the "period" which is inverse to the output frequency from the circuit. The timing resistor
and timing capacitor are what set the output frequency of the zapper.

The timing resistor, in this instrument, as also in the Handhold Current Indicating_Zapper instrument, includes a pair of
extra resistors and diodes, to provide a different timing path for the on-state of the pulse generator, thus accurately
defining the duty cycle of the oscillator, 35% or 65% in this case. Current from the output state of the 555 integrated
circuit chip flows through this resistor-diode combination to charge up the voltage on the timing capacitor; and the
voltage across the timing capacitor is what is compared with the aforementioned two threshold voltages in tthe 555
chip, to toggle its output state back and forth.

The output voltage state of the 555 chip, first contributes current to the "Power + signal" red LED on the front panel;
and also drives the base of the emitter-follower transistor whose emitter drives the handhold output connector on the
front panel. There is a current limiting resistor in that transistor's emitter circuit.

This 555 chip and emitter follower transistor circuit are used both in this internal 30 KHz oscillator function, to drive the
handholds, but also are used to supply signal drive from the waveform generator that is controlled through the 3.5 mm
audio connector and its cable. However, the remaining toggle switch, labeled "Ext - signal - Int" when in the downwrd,
or external position, alter the nature of teh 555's input, disconnecting the 30 KHz timing circuit from control of the 555's
threshold comparison input, and connecting that 555's input instead to the output of the external signal's waveform
conditioner circuit.

- more -

The internal waveform processor that takes external audio format input signals and converts them to
reconstructed digital format Edit

This circuit utilizes a balance differntial input operational amplifier to derive the input audio, from an electrially floating
device, relative to the ground of the handhold output circuit. This differential input would usually be inserted to the
earphone output of ones computer or mp3 player.

After the audio signal is amplified and level shifted to center around half the battery supply voltage, it is compared with
that supply voltage half-voltage point and if enough over or under that voltage to light up one of the yellow LEDs, it will
do so. This establishes the proper input audio level settin gfor one's audio layer, to light both LEDs but not as brightly
as possible.

The resulting signal amplitude is enough to toggle the 555's thresholds on and off, creating the output pulse that is
needed by the zapper mode of signal.

The output signal handhold circuit driver and handhold current-indicating LED Edit

- more -

Operation of the Audio Programmed Zapper instrument Edit

There are three switches and four indicator LEDs on the front panel, and a handhold-output connector (RCA female
connector) and a length of audio cable with a 3.5 mm stero audio male connector at its end. There is a set of labels on
the top of the instrument, identifying all of these.

Power on-of sw : when this toggle switch is in the downward position the instrument is powered off; when in the
upward position, the instrument is powered up. Normally the red LED to the right of the power on-off switch will
be brightly lit when power is on.
Power + signal : a red LED, which both shows, by its intensity, the state of power being on, and the high-low
state of the output signal. The intenstiy is also a rough measure of the condition of the internal nine volt battery
which powers the unit.
35% pulse 65% : this small toggle switch controls the duty cycle, that is the relative pulse width of the high-state
of the output pulse signal train, when the instrument is in the internal signal control mode. Wen the toggle switch is
in the downward postition, the duty cycle is 35%; when in the upward position, the duty cycle is 65%.
Ext - signal - Int : this switches the signal source to the handhold signal generator, between teh internal 30 KHz
source, to the output of the audio processing circuit, which has its input from the 3.5 mm cable connector. This
external signal could come from any low level audio source, such as a computer's earphone output or an iPod's
earphone output. Teh iTouch has a nice app called iFunGen which generates test signals that work nicely, for
example. Normally the user will make a recording of a long string of frequencies recorded as square waves, for
playback into the apz to handholds to see what effects happen, if any.
Handhold current : a green LED that indicates the handhold current through the body. The light actually comes
from teh discharge of every pulse that the zapper has previously put into the body, and when the pulse went
away, the current dishcarges through the green LED. Thus it is a handy measure of the quality of the ongoing
signal's energy in the body. Lower frequency pulses, being fewer per second, do not provide as much light as do
higher repetition rate pulses, of course. So the intensity is a function of both the repetition rate of the pulses in the
experiment, times the condud=ctivity of the physiological load. Shorting the two handholds together turns the
green LED out because there is no physiological current happening.
Handholds output : this is a RCA phono socket, to which the cable to the handholds is connected.
External ctl sid in : this is a short cable with a 3.5 mm male connector on its end, which plugs into the earphone
jack of the audio signal source, such as an iPod's earphone output socket.

Inputs and outputs; sources and loads Edit

Generally, the input is from an audio signal generator or a music player, such as on one's computer or mp3 player. The
output generally is to handholds through a pair of wires; the wires are generally marked as to which one is the positive
voltage relative to the other wire. Handholds are typically short sections of copper pipe, typically 3/4" diamter and 4 or
5" long, and are covered with soaking wet paper towel material of one layer during use.

Signal sources again typically are computer software sourced frequency genertors that range below 0.01 Hz to 25
KHz, such as AudioToolbox for the Mac; and iFunGen on the iPhone or iTouch iPod. Recorded series of such audio
signals, generally three minutes long each and in aggregate may reach an hour's length, can be played back by music
players, such as mp3 players or the player on one's computer; they could be stored on CD or thumb-drive, too, for
playback through an appropriate music player. This enables repeat of exact same signal series, to observe subsequent
results in comparison to original results observed.

The output handhold loads are typically one held in the palm of each of the experimenter's hands (again the caution not
to directly contact any breaks in the skin) holding the wet paper covered copper pipe sections, which applies the highly
capacitive load resulting, to the output of the instrument, which strives to maintain about a nine volt peak output
between the handholds. Yet the DC component of the output signal is of critical importance, as found by Hulda Clark's
discovery of the zapper principle in her original zapper instrument, and that output voltage is not to cross the zero volts
line, which is accomplished by this instrument. Some experimenters instead place the soles of the feet on the
handholds, found especially useful when contaminating oils have made the palms of the hands impervious to the
zapper's signals. The now-illegal oily substance PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) is particularly disruptive to zapper
experimentation, but apparently is still used as part of some things, such as some non-fully-hardening glues. Normally,
such things are not a problem; but keeping track of the handhold current indicating LED on the instrument's panel, may
provide a clue that there is a problem, if the intensity is weaker than normal for that frequency.

The handhold current-indicating LED Edit

This LED, green colored in the holotype instrument - but it could be red instead, in one's own built instrument, would be
the LED adjacent to the output connector in either case - is powered by the current dumped by the load's capacitance
when discharging afte the end of each applied pulse on teh output. This means the body's capacitance is discharging its
charge through the LED, after each input pulse. Thus the visual impression is stronger both as a result of more pulses
per second - higher frequency of the signal - and better conductivity between the handholds and the hands through the
body load. This similarly means that when the frequency explored is very low, such as 15 Hz, this handhold current LED
glows very dimly, there being so few pulses per second to be discharged throguh the LED. Gaining familiarity with the
intensity of the glow from this LED will provide the experimenter with comparison data, as the research progresses.

Creation of recorded control signal series Edit

One of the major abilities of the Audio Programmed Zapper instrument is that of being able to take an ordinary
recorded audio file, recorded in a special way, to thereafter generate the identical series of zapper frequency-
dependent signals for one's research into efficacy for various items of interest. The researcher then plays back the
audio-type file from a computer headphone output or an iPod or other mp3 player's output, into the audio input jack
cable of the APZ instrument.

One way this recording can be done, if the researcher has a Macintosh computer, is to use the AudioToolbox software.
This software has an input field of up to 12 frequencies, precision down to 0.01 Hz, apparently. One can enter the
frequenciies of some experimental signal set, set the type of waveform for each - nominally the square wave option,
which enables generation of zapper signals even below 0.01 Hz; although at or above 10,000 the sine wave option
might produce slightly better results. Then with the computer's headphone output driving the APZ audio input jack cable,
and holding the handholds, with the "ext-signal-Int" switch in the downward "Ext" position, check the first frequency to
be "on" in AudioToolbox, set the computer output audio level for both yellow LEDs to be lit, then turn on the "record to
file" option of AudioToolbox, set the timer for the desired time interval - usually three minutes each - thus beginning the
recording of teh up-to-12 different signals, while also experiencing the signals through the handholds at the same time
as recording. Thus when the recording is done, one has also done simultaneous experiment with that set of
frequencies. Then in the AudioToolbox recording, when last frequency has finished it's time span, one clicks on "end
recording" then finds the time-stamped WAV file, and either use it as a WAV file, or first compress it to mp3 or m4a file
format for use on an mp3 player.

A recording of an hour or more can be made this way, for easy effortless playback at some other time. With some
ingenuity, one can record signal series of a couple dozen frequencies, as shown in some online electroherbalism lists,
to explore effects of that long signal series.

Thereafter to repeat that same experiment, one merely plays back the resulting audio file into the APZ, initially resetting
the audio level to get the yellow LEDs glowing a bit. One can see if subsequent repeats have increasing or diminishing
perceivable effect on oneself.

This usage of the Audio Programmed Zapper thus enables easy and automatic precise repeats of specific experiments
in electroherbalism research by the hobby amateur scientist.

Database for experiments utilizing the Audio Programmed Zapper Edit

A wikia has been created in which actual experiments utilizing the APZ instrument can be recorded. Here is an example
experiment's data record, showing format:

Disclaimer Edit

Although no instance is known of harmful effects - although one is not to apply the handholds on an open wound, nor to
the head or genitals - the zapper itself has the standard warning not to be used by pregnant women nor wearers of
pacemakers, although that is said due to lack of adequate testing to declare it safe for them. And the author of this
article is not a medical doctor, and no medical advise is given in this article; see your doctor if you are sufficiently sick.
And the other part of the usual disclaimer is that the user takes full responsibility for what the user does with this

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