Final Eval Spring 19

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5/1/2019 Georgia College Mail - Fw: Form submission from: KINS 4112: Preceptor Evaluation of Student

Submitted by anonymous user: []

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Please fill out the evaluation below. The survey will be emailed to the email address you provided on the survey.
Please printout the email. Both the student and preceptor need to sign and date the last page of the printout.

Student Name
Kemi Adeleki

Preceptor Name
Clayton and Morgan

Preceptor Email

Clinical Setting/Experience
Junior College Football

April 29, 2019

Final Evaluation


Please evaluate the athletic training student objectively. Please select the appropriate response for each item in
the categories below. Select NA if you are not able to assess the student. NA = Not Able to Assess 5 =
Outstanding 4 = Good 3 = Satisfactory 2 = Improvement Needed 1 = Unacceptable

Athletic Training Knowledge

NA 5 4 3 2 1

1. Demonstrates knowledge of policies and procedures of clinical experience setting. X

2. Demonstrates knowledge in injury prevention. X

3. Demonstrates skill in selecting and interpreting fitness/testing procedures to minimize X

risk of injury/illness.… 2/6
5/1/2019 Georgia College Mail - Fw: Form submission from: KINS 4112: Preceptor Evaluation of Student

NA 5 4 3 2 1

4. Demonstrates skill in developing and implementing prevention strategies to minimize X

risk of injury/illness.

5. Demonstrates knowledge in taping/bracing techniques. X

6. Demonstrates skill in applying taping/bracing techniques. X

7. Demonstrates knowledge in injury evaluation and diagnosis. X

8. Demonstrates knowledge in providing treatment to patients/athletes. X

Interpersonal Skills

NA 5 4 3 2 1

1. Demonstrates effective written communication with preceptor. X

2. Demonstrates effective oral communication with preceptor. X

3. Demonstrates effective communication with patients/athletes. X

4. Demonstrates effective communication with other staff/personnel. X

5. Demonstrates effective critical-thinking skills. X

6. Demonstrates effective clinical decision-making skills. X

7. Demonstrates a positive attitude in interactions with preceptor, patients, etc. X

8. Demonstrates confidence in abilities as an athletic training student. X

Professional Responsibility

NA 5 4 3 2 1

1. Demonstrates punctuality. X

2. Demonstrates professionalism (i.e., attitude, actions, dress/appearance). X

3. Demonstrates initiative. X

4. Demonstrates a willingness to learn. X

5. Demonstrates an awareness of limitations. X

6. Maintains confidentiality. X

5/1/2019 Georgia College Mail - Fw: Form submission from: KINS 4112: Preceptor Evaluation of Student

Please evaluate the athletic training student objectively. Please select the appropriate response for each item in
the categories below. Select NA if you are not able to assess the student. NA = Not Able to Assess 5 =
Outstanding 4 = Good 3 = Satisfactory 2 = Improvement Needed 1 = Unacceptable

Administrative Tasks

NA 5 4 3 2 1

1. Demonstrates an ability to multi-task efficiently and effectively. X

2. Maintains an accurate inventory of supplies. X

3. Maintains accurate documentation of injuries/illnesses and treatments provided. X

4. Documents injuries/illnesses and treatments accurately. X

5. Utilizes accurate and appropriate medical terminology. X

Technical Standards

NA 5 4 3 2 1

1. Demonstrates the mental capacity to assimilate, analyze, synthesize, integrate X

concepts and problem solve to formulate assessment and therapeutic judgments.

2. Demonstrates sufficient postural and neuromuscular control, sensory function, and X

coordination to perform appropriate physical examinations using accepted techniques.

3. Demonstrates the ability to tolerate physically taxing work loads. X

4. Demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively and sensitively with patients and X
colleagues, including individuals from different cultural and social backgrounds.

5. Demonstrates the ability to record the physical examination results and a treatment X
plan clearly and accurately.

6. Demonstrates the capacity to maintain composure and continue to function well X

during periods of high stress.

7. Demonstrates the perseverance, diligence and commitment to complete the athletic X

training program as outlined and sequenced.

8. Demonstrates flexibility and the ability to adjust to changing situations and uncertainty X
in clinical situations.

9. Demonstrate affective skills and appropriate demeanor and rapport that relate to X
professional education and quality patient care.… 4/6
5/1/2019 Georgia College Mail - Fw: Form submission from: KINS 4112: Preceptor Evaluation of Student

Please evaluate the athletic training student objectively. Please select the appropriate response for each item in
the categories below. Select NA if you are not able to assess the student. NA = Not Able to Assess 5 =
Outstanding 4 = Good 3 = Satisfactory 2 = Improvement Needed 1 = Unacceptable

Athletic Training Practice Skills

NA 5 4 3 2 1

1. Demonstrates appropriate knowledge and skill in injury/illness prevention and X

wellness protection.

2. Demonstrates appropriate knowledge and skill in clinical evaluation of injuries/illness. X

3. Demonstrates appropriate knowledge and skill in immediate and emergency care of X


4. Demonstrates appropriate knowledge and skill in therapeutic interventions (e.g. X

modalities, rehabilitation, pharmacology).

5. Demonstrates appropriate knowledge and skill in organization and professional health. X


In the space below, please assess the athletic training in each of the following areas:

Willingness to accept role as a health care provider

Kemi has begun budding with her role as a health care provider, but she hasn't fully blossomed yet. After all, the
Showers of injuries in April will only help her become a flower in May.

Utilization of evidence-based medicine techniques in patient care

Kemi has used EBP in her practice and asked a few questions of Clayton and I as it pertains to Ultrasound
specifically. Clayton and I have the most drastic opinions on Ultrasound.

Strengths of the athletic training student

Kemi is trustworthy and we know things will get done when she's apart of making things happen. Her rehab has
improved tremendously to the point where we feel comfortable giving her a patient and having her due their rehab
the day before returning them to the field. I tell the guys, "if you can do Kemi's rehab you can go in shells

Areas for the athletic training student to improve… 5/6
5/1/2019 Georgia College Mail - Fw: Form submission from: KINS 4112: Preceptor Evaluation of Student

We feel that Kemi is a do-er and is willing to do anything that needs to be done, but she needs to feel
comfortable. Athletic training will put her in uncomfortable situations and she needs to thrive in awkward and
uncomfortable situations. This will in-turn increase her confidence, which all young professionals can always
improve upon.

Additional comments
Sometimes she can be a little too aggressive with her driving, she just needs to be more aware of the height of
her vehicle. We only have so many tents, we don't need anymore broken ones.

Do you feel students under your supervision engage in a sufficient number of real-time clinical evaluations?
Why or Why Not?
Our students see all real-time evaluations, the number they see is based on the initiative they take.

__________________________________________ Student Signature / Date

The results of this submission may be viewed at:

Adekemi Adeleke <> Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 2:17 PM

To: Clayton Faircloth <>

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

[Quoted text hidden]… 6/6

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