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Table of Contents

Chapter No. Name of Topic
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
List Of Abbreviations x
Abstract x
Chapter- 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) 2
1.1.1Comparison of Infrastructure and Ad hoc Networks 3
1.1.2 Characteristics of MANET 4
1.1.3 Merits and Demerits of MANET 4
1.1.4 Applications of MANET 5
1.2 Security Issues in MANETs 5
1.3 Security attacks in MANETs 6
1.3.1 DDoS attack in MANETs 7
1.3.2 Flooding attack in MANETs 10
1.4 Objectives 14
1.5 Motivation Of The Work 14
1.6 Problem Statement 15
1.7 Scope of Thesis 15
Chapter-2 Literature Survey 16
Chapter-3 System Analysis 21
3.1 Feasibility Study 22
3.2 Requirement Specification 22
3.2.1 Hardware Requirements 22
3.4.1 Software Requirements 22
3.3 Analysis of DDoS Attack Detection Techniques 23
3.3.1 The Average Distance Estimation DDoS Detection Technique 23

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3.3.2 IP Attributes Based DDoS Detection Technique 24
3.3.3 Traffic Volume Based DDoS Detection Technique 25
3.4 Analysis of Flooding Attack Detection Techniques 25
3.4.1 Probability Based Technique 25
3.4.2 Counter Based Technique 26
3.4.3 Distance Based Technique 26
3.4.4 Clustering-Based Neighbor Knowledge Technique 27
Chapter-4 Project Planning (Simulation Result) (Add liest of Components) 28
4.1 Purpose of the Document 29
4.2 Dissertation Estimates 29
4.3 Estimated Time 30
4.4 Dissertation Schedule 31
4.4 Gantt Chart 31
Chapter-5 System Design 32
5.1 Class Diagram 33
5.2 Use Case Diagram 34
5.3 Sequence Diagram 35
5.4 Collaboration Diagram 36
5.5 Component Diagram 37
5.6 Deployment Diagram 38
Chapter-6 System Implementation (Hard ware and Software including result) 39
6.1 Proposed Defense Scheme against DDoS Attack in MANET 40
6.1.1The Adaptive Distance Estimation DDoS Detection Technique 40
6.1.2 Adaptive Distance Based DDoS Detection Algorithm 43
6.1.3 DDoS Defense Frameworks 44
6.1.4 Operations of Defense Framework 45
6.1.5 Bandwidth Control Algorithm 46
6.2 Proposed Defense Scheme against Flooding Attack in MANET 48
6.2.1 Dynamic Counter Based Broadcast Technique 48

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6.2.2 Dynamic Counter Based Broadcast Algorithm 49
Chapter-7 Testing (Project Result if GUI is Do) 50
7.1 Introduction 51
7.2 Purpose of the Document 51
7.3 Scope of Testing 51
7.3.1 Features to be tested 51
7.4 Test Strategy 51
7.4.1 Testing Process 51
7.4.2 Types of Testing 52
7.4.3 Test Cases and Test Results 53
Chapter-8 Simulation and Result Analysis 57
8.1 Simulation Implementation and Evaluation for DDoS Attack 58
8.2 Simulation Implementation and Evaluation for Flooding Attack 63
Chapter-9 Conclusion 67
References 69
Journals and Conferences 73

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1.1 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks-MANETs 2
1.2 Comparison between infrastructure and ad hoc network 3
1.3 DDOS attack architecture 7
1.4 Packet drop during DDoS attack 8
5.1 Class Diagram 33
5.2 Use Case Diagram 34
5.3 Sequence Diagram 35
5.4 Collaboration Diagram 36
5.5 Component Diagram 37
5.6 Deployment Diagram 38
6.1 Distributed DDoS Defense Framework 43
6.2 Illustration of distributed DDoS defense operation 44
8.1 Throughput with and without attack traffic versus time 59
8.2 Throughput of legitimate traffic versus time 60
8.3 Packet Drop Rate with and without attack traffic versus time 61
8.4 Impact of End to End Delay versus Number of Nodes 62
8.5 Minimum number of neighbours vs. network size with a
node speed of 2 m/s
8.6 Maximum number of neighbours vs. network size with a
node speed of 2 m/s
8.7 Minimum number of neighbours vs. network size with a
node speed of 20 m/s
8.8 Maximum number of neighbours vs. network size with a
node speed of 20 m/s
8.9 Packet Transfer between Nodes 66

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3.1 Hardware Requirements 22

3.2 Software Requirements 22

4.1 COCOMO model for estimation 29

4.2 Work break-down structure 30

4.3 Gantt chart 31

6.1 Symbols used in algorithm 41

7.1 Test case specification 1 53

7.2 Test case specification 2 54

7.3 Test procedure specification 1 54

7.4 Test procedure specification 2 55

7.5 Test procedure specification 3 56

8.1 Summary of simulation parameters 58

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List Of Abbreviations:
SMS: Short Messaging Service
MMS: Multimedia Messaging Service
W3C: World Wide Web Consortium
OMA: Open Mobile Alliance
PBKDF: Password Based Key Derived Function
HMAC: Hash Based Message Authentication Code
DFD: Data Flow Diagrams
OODLE: Object Oriented Design Language
OORAM: Object Oriented Role Modelling
OODA: Object Oriented Design & Analysis
MIL: Module Interconnection Language
ADL: Architecture Description Language
PERT : Program Evaluation and Review Technique
CPM: Critical Path Method
RMMM: Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, Management
SQA: Software Quality Assurance
SA: Systems Analysis
OOP: Object Oriented Programming

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In this project we propose a lock and wipe system through the SMS push notification to
protect against the private data disclosure when smart phone is lost or stolen. The proposed
system provides the integrity checking mechanism so that the malicious users are unable to
launch denial of service attacks which send the lock or wipe commands to the normal users
purpose. Also it satisfies the SMS length limitation of 80 bytes long without downgrading the
security level.
As enabling all their users to receive benefits and convenience, the smart phone have
been applied in applied in a variety range of fields, and it broadens a range of security threat.
Specially, security threat of the smart phone by loss or stolen may cause the users’ private data
disclosure such as contacts, SMS message, photos, smart car keys, credit cards, login IDs and so
on. To prevent these problems, Network operators should provide a certain method not to use
mobile devices by bad guys and thus need to support the remote lock and wipe services which
delete users’ data as in the state of factory reset

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