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Weekly Blog | Week 5


Activities we did this week:

This week I managed to get the rest of my responses from my survey

that I sent out last week. This Survey allowed me to finish my target audience section
on my research page, and also allowed me to gain some feedback to allow me
and Jordan to make some switches and changes in our final idea to better fit what
our target audience wants. Some of the feedback given by our target audience
range from: The characters Otto and Noah need more development; making every
action sequence unique and different; make sure that Maria is properly introduced
and set up. These are things that Jordan and I have decided are things that we
should try and work on and when coming to writing the script, these are the big
changes we should try and make. With this in mind also finished off my Narrative
structure. Also this week Jordan and I created character profiles and then also
linking Jordan and I’s character to two different character from two separate
productions that are similar to our own. I linked our character Arthur to another
character called John Wick. They share several characteristics and journeys. They
both have loved one that they have lost of which leaves them in a place of
loneliness. These characters are both angry and very dangerous with an advanced
fighting and firearms training. I also linked Arthur to Alec from Broadchurch of who is
a down and out detective and is not very well, with substance abuse being one of
his main problems. Then lastly I linked Noah’s character to Samwise Gamgee from
The Lord of The Rings as they both play this moral compass and anchor for the main
characters of their stories and I found this to be the best link for Noah’s character.

Problems I had to deal with:

One of the problems that I faced this week was trying to confirm the bar
location at “The Queen Vic”. I called the pub several times to no response. This is
becoming a raising issue and I believe that this pub may be closed to the public
now. I have tried other ways to try and contact them to no avail and there website
takes me to a very simple page that has one number and a link to call the number. I
found this number to be the same phone number that I had tried before, with no
response. I tried this number one last time, with still no success. As this being an issue
that had to be resolved I decided to try and confirm another pub location. At that
moment I had several options that I could try and get in contact with. The Anchor in
Henley and The Herschel Arms in Slough.
Next Week

Next week I will be in Paris for a couple days. However when I am back Jordan
and I will begin script writing and storyboards. I also want to try and get some
location confirmed.

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