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“situated interaction with significant others in the new learning context is a critical

ingredient in the formation of new student identity. As first-year students enter

college, they are “decontextualized” from their previous learning paradigms and

expectations, and this process of reorientation often heightens anxiety and fears

of failure. A student success course provides an opportunity for students to make

the psychological transition to college, while they adapt within a context of safety

and support. As previously noted the social interaction between peers and with

the instructor is a critical component to promoting engagement.

The research of Zeidenberg, Jenkins, and Calgano (2007) and O’Gara,

Karp, and Hughes (2008) point to the efficacy of the student success course

model, even as a stand-alone course. Both of these studies focused on stand-

alone courses designed to improve the success rates of underprepared students

within the community college. Zeidenberg, Jenkins, and Calgano concluded that

students in Florida who participated in the student success curriculum were 8

percent more likely to earn a degree or credential.

Students who were not enrolled in developmental coursework were nine

percent more likely to succeed, while developmental students were five percent

more likely to succeed. The study also indicates positive impact on retention and

persistence. Despite promising indicators, the researchers caution that the study

correlates student success course-taking behavior and increases in completion,

persistence, and transfer. It does not, however, show a direct causal effect

because of the limits created by variables among students in their socioeconomic

status, academic readiness, and high school background.

The researcher aims to know the importance of strand chosen by grade

12 students and to know how strands affect students towards motivation and

self-efficacy. The degree to which people believe in themselves and their own

capabilities is important for their motivation and success. People’s capabilities

are important. Self-efficacy beliefs have been positively related to motivation and

engagement, and they lead to greater task involvement. Of course, having

meaningful goals and plans to pursue one’s goals is likely to result in higher

levels of engagement as well. This thesis will help many students to strive for

their successes.

Statement of the Problem

This study determines the influence of strand chosen by grade 12 student

towards motivation and self-efficacy. It seeks answer to the following questions:

1. What are the profile of the respondents in term of:

a. age;

b. sex; and

c. strand?

2. What are the influence of strand chosen by grade 12 student towards

motivation and self-efficacy?

3. Is there a significant relationship exist between respondents’ profile and the

influence of strand chosen by student towards motivation and self-efficacy?

4. What is the implication of the findings of this study in this institution?

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The researchers chose The Mabini Academy as the locale where they will

be going to conduct their study. The study will be dealing with the influence of

strand chosen by Grade 12 student towards motivation and self-efficacy,

therefore the study will focus on Grade 12 students in The Mabini Academy. The

researchers chose Grade 12 students as their contributor because the

researchers believe that these students have more experience to deal with this

study. Those Grade 11 students and junior high school students were not

involved nor considered in the study.

Significance of the study

The researchers find the research significant to the researchers, to the

future researchers, and the students.

To the Researchers;This study will be aware of the influence of strand

chosen by grade 12 students toward motivation and self-efficacy

To the Future Researchers;The future researchers will have an idea on

studying the influence of strand chosen by the students toward motivation and

self-efficacy. This study may serve as basis for their research projects, what they

can add and what they can explore more thoroughly.

And lastly to the Students;The student will know Influences of their chosen

strand towards their motivation and self-efficacy.

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