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Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder:

 Social Impairments

 Cognitive Impairments

 Communication Difficulties

 Repetitive behaviors

Cognitive & Neurological characteristics:

 Learning difficulties

 Difficulty sleeping

 Self Injurious Behavior

 Speech and language challenges

 Hyper/hypo sensitivity to sensory issues

 Proprioceptive concerns

 Seizures

Behavioral and Sensory characteristics:

 Obsesses over one object, or idea

 Difficulty attending to some tasks

 Struggles with time awareness

 Resistance or inability to follow directions

 Expresses frustration in unusual manner

 Verbal and physical outbursts

 Weaker fine motor skills as compared to typical peers

 Weaker gross motor skills as compared to typical peers

 Aggression

 Lack of patience when having to wait to speak or for their turn

Communication & Language:

 Speech abilities interrupted with no known etiology

 May have high vocabulary

 Echolalia
 Abnormal use of pitch and intonation when speaking

 May use short incomplete sentences

 Robotic speech

 Inability to recognize sarcasm or joking

Social Characteristics:

 Becomes overwhelmed with too much auditory input

 Emotions may pass suddenly or be drawn out for a longer period

 Has a hard time with loud or sudden noises

 May prefer to be alone over with a crowd

 May need external stimulation to calm or be soothed

 Irregular sleep pattern causing pervasive mood

 Struggles with proprioception

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