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US 2015.

(19) United States
(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0218462 A1
LORD, III et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 6, 2015
(54) REMOVING MERCURY FROM CRUDE OIL Publication Classification
(71) Applicant: ConocoPhillips Company, Houston, TX (51) a'sI/06 (2006.01)
(US) GOIN 33/28 (2006.01)
(72) Inventors: Charles J. LORD, III, Bartlesville, OK (52) U.S. Cl.
(US); Lars T. LAMBERTSSON, Umea CPC ............ CI0G 31/06 (2013.01); colysis
(SE); Erik L. BJORN, Umea (SE):
Wolfgang FRECH, Umea (SE); Sally A. (57) ABSTRACT
THOMAS, Bartlesville, OK (US) Methods, systems and designs are provided for removing
mercury from crudes. Crude oil is heated to a temperature
above 100° C. and held at that temperature for a specified
(73) Assignee: ConocoPhillips Company, Houston, TX period of time to convert all of the forms of mercury in the oil
(US) into the elemental mercury form. The elemental mercury is
then stripped from the crude oil by e.g., flashing the hot oil
and/or contacting it with a gas phase. This process transfers
(21) Appl. No.: 14/173,985 the elemental mercury from the oil phase into the gas phase.
Elemental mercury can then be removed from the gas phase
by methods such as condensation, precipitation, or absorption
(22) Filed: Feb. 6, 2014 either alone or in combination.



Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2015/0218462 A1



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Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2015/0218462 A1


Reduction of Mercuric on to Elemental Mercury

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Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2015/0218462 A1


Process for Removal of Mercury from Crude Oil

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US 2015/0218462 A1 Aug. 6, 2015

REMOVING MERCURY FROM CRUDE OIL 6,806.398 and in an article by Salva (2010). All of these
processes essentially involve reacting the crude oil with a
PRIOR RELATED APPLICATIONS Sulfur compound to precipitate HgS and then separating the
0001. This application claims priority to U.S. Ser. No. HgS particles from the oil by filtration or another technique
61/783,817, filed Mar. 14, 2013, which is expressly incorpo for solids removal. In some cases the process requires an
rated by reference herein in its entirety. additional filtration step prior to contacting the oil with the
Sulfur compound.
FEDERALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH I0010. Such processes require the addition of reagent
STATEMENT chemicals as well as filtration of the crude oil. The filtration
step in particular is problematic because offilter plugging by
0002. Not applicable. other components in the crude oil such as waxes and sedi
ments. The HgS will only comprise a small percentage of the
REFERENCE TO MICROFICHEAPPENDIX total solids removed by filtration. The maintenance of a crude
0003) Not applicable. oil filtration unit can become cost prohibitive in terms of
manpower, filtration media, and disposal.
FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE I0011. The process disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 8,080,156, in
contrast, involves the use of natural gas to strip mercury from
0004. The disclosure generally relates to removing mer the crude oil. However, this process is only effective for the
cury from crude oils. removal of elemental mercury. The efficiency of this process
is thus limited by the ratio of elemental mercury to total
BACKGROUND OF THE DISCLOSURE mercury in the oil, and, in some cases, the efficiency of
0005 Coal is the largest source of human-generated mer mercury removal can be very low.
cury emissions in the United States. Coal-fired power plants 0012. Thus, what are needed in the art are better methods
release about 48 tons of mercury annually, according to EPA of evaluating and removing mercury from crude hydrocar
data. In contrast, the total amount of mercury in crude oil
processed in the U.S. annually is less than five percent of the SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE
amount contained in the U.S. coal produced and consumed
annually. I0013 The disclosure utilizes our discovery that the ther
0006 Mercury concentrations in crude oil have been mal reduction of ionic mercury to elemental mercury can be
reported from as low as <1 ng/g to as high as 50,000 ng/g of carried out at moderate temperatures and within a commer
oil (see e.g., FIG.1). Some of the variability observed in crude cially feasible timeframe in a crude oil matrix.
oil mercury data is due to difficulties encountered in perform I0014) A new method for determining the forms of mercury
ing the analyses. A wide variety of measurement techniques, and their respective concentrations in a crude oil sample is
including neutron activation and many types of sample prepa described. This will allow for the development of a reaction
ration systems coupled with detectors as diverse as mass rate expression for that particular crude oil feed.
spectrometers, ICP/MS, atomic absorption, and atomic fluo 10015 The use of reaction rate expressions specific to the
rescence have been used to perform these analyses. As such, crude oil feed in the process enables us to calculate optimum
it can be very difficult to compare mercury analysis results design specifications such as process temperature, vessel
obtained in different laboratories using different analytical sizes, oil feed rate, oil recycle rate, etc.
techniques. The handling of samples can also significantly I0016 Generally speaking, crude oil is heated to a tempera
affect the measured results. A recent study found that the ture above 100° C. and held at that temperature for a specified
number of times a sample bottle had been opened could period of time to convert all of the forms of mercury in the oil
significantly affect the measured concentration. into the elemental mercury form. The rate of conversion to
0007 Although analytical difficulties are responsible for elemental mercury increases with temperature, and also var
Some of the variability in crude oil mercury data, geological ies with the profile of components in the crude.
factors such as depositional environment and thermal history 10017. The elemental mercury is then stripped from the
are more important influence on the concentrations of mer crude oil by e.g., flashing the hot oil and/or contacting it with
cury that are observed in currently produced oils. The mer a gas phase. This process transfers the elemental mercury
cury concentrations shown in FIG. 1 vary by more than a from the oil phase into the gas phase. Elemental mercury can
factor of 1000, which is largely indicative of the wide variety then be removed from the gas phase by methods such as
of environments from which these oils originate. condensation, precipitation, or absorption either alone or in
0008 Mercury has come under increasing scrutiny in combination.
recent years because its presence in oil creates problems I0018. In addition to crude oil, this process is also appli
throughout the production, transportation, storage and refin cable to hydrocarbon phases such as condensates, naphthas,
ing systems. These problems include environmental con middle distillates, and waxes.
cerns, contamination of refinery products, catalyst poisoning, (0019. In more detail, the disclosure comprises one or more
corrosion of equipment, health risks for personnel, as well as embodiments, described as follows:
expenses for disposal of contaminated tank sludge, cleaning 0020. One embodiment is a method of removing mercury
of contaminated equipment, shipping restrictions, etc. These from crude oil, comprising heating crude oil comprising mer
issues have led companies to search for methods of reducing cury in various forms to at least 100° C. and less than 350° C.
the mercury content of crude oil. until at least 95% of the mercury in various forms is converted
0009. Several processes for removing mercury from crude to elemental mercury; converting the elemental mercury to
oil have been disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,350,372, U.S. Pat. gaseous elemental mercury; and removing the gaseous
No. 6,537,443, U.S. Pat. No. 6,685,824, and U.S. Pat. No. elemental mercury.
US 2015/0218462 A1 Aug. 6, 2015

0021 Preferably, the heating occurs for a time sufficient to 0033. The following abbreviations are used herein:
convert at least 95% all mercury forms to elemental mercury.
Preferably 96, 97,98, 99 or nearly 100% of the mercury is
converted. Preferred temperature ranges from 150-300° C. ABBREVIATION TERM
but can be higher if chemical changes to the crude are also ID-ICP-MS isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass
desired. spectrometry
gpm/ft gallons per minute per square foot of cross
0022 Preferably, the converting step is by flashing or gas Sectional Surface area
stripping, but any other method can be used. GC Gas chromatography
Hg Elemental mercury
0023 The removing step can be by any known in the art or
to be developed in the future, and includes condensation,
precipitation, or absorption, adsorption, and combinations BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
0024 Preferred removal methods include removing mer 0034 FIG.1. Literature values of concentrations of mer
cury from said mercury rich gas stream by precipitation as cury in crude oil, from Hollebone 2007.
Hg.S. Another method includes treating said mercury rich gas 0035 FIG. 2. Reduction of mercuric ion to elementalmer
stream with an adsorption agent. Yet another method includes cury with time at seven different temperatures (100-250° C.
removing mercury from said mercury rich gas stream by in 25°C. increments) in a crude oil matrix.
precipitation as HgSeafter contacting said mercury rich gas 0036 FIG. 3. Schematic of a process for removal of mer
stream with a filter containing selenium. cury from crude oil.
0037 FIG. 4. Simplified schematic flow diagram of an
0025. Another embodiment is an improved method of assembly for removing mercury from preheated crude oil,
removing mercury from crude oil, the method comprising according to one embodiment.
contacting a liquid hydrocarbon stream having mercury con 0038 FIG. 5. Simplified schematic flow diagram of
taminants with a gas stream to thereby form a treated liquid another assembly for removing mercury from preheated
stream and a mercury rich gas stream, wherein the improve crude oil, according to another embodiment.
ment comprises first heating liquid hydrocarbon stream hav
ing mercury contaminants at 100-350° C. until most of the DETAILED DESCRIPTION
mercury contaminants are converted to elemental mercury.
0026. Yet another embodiment is an improved method of 0039. The following description is intended to be illustra
removing mercury from crude oil, the method comprising tive only, and not unduly limit the scope of the appended
determining the exact mercury speciation in a crude oil claims. The present invention is exemplified with respect to
sample; calculating the reaction rate expressions for the crude crude oils. However, this is exemplary only, and the invention
oil sample using the previously determined mercury specia can be broadly applied to a variety of hydrocarbons.
tion; heating the crude oil comprising mercury in various 0040 Mercury can exist in many different forms in crude
forms to at least 100° C. and less than 350° C. until at least oil and these compounds can vary widely in their toxicity,
95% of the mercury invarious forms is converted to elemental reactivity, volatility, and solubility. It is therefore essential to
mercury, wherein the reaction rate expression will be used to know which forms of mercury are present in order to design
determine how long the crude oil should be heated; convert systems for mercury removal and pollution control and to
ing the elemental mercury to gaseous elemental mercury; and assess the impact of mercury on important issues such as
removing the gaseous elemental mercury. occupational exposure, mechanical integrity, and refinery/
petrochemical processes.
0027. The use of the word “a” or “an when used in con 0041. A key conclusion from our preliminary work in this
junction with the term “comprising in the claims or the regard was that our knowledge of mercury speciation in oils
specification means one or more than one, unless the context and condensates was inadequate. We knew that the root cause
dictates otherwise. for this knowledge gap was that the analytical methodology
0028. The term “about’ means the stated value plus or needed to properly analyze mercury species did not exist.
minus the margin of error of measurement or plus or minus 0042 Speciation and fractionation are two approaches for
10% if no method of measurement is indicated. characterizing the behavior of an element within a given
system. Elemental speciation refers to the analytical process
0029. The use of the term “or' in the claims is used to of identifying and quantifying the individual chemical forms
mean “and/or unless explicitly indicated to refer to alterna of an element that are present in a material. If direct detection
tives only or if the alternatives are mutually exclusive. of the species is not possible, then a sample preparation step
0030. The terms “comprise”, “have”, “include” and “con Such as a chromatographic separation or a chemical derivati
tain' (and their variants) are open-ended linking verbs and Zation may be required.
allow the addition of other elements when used in a claim. 0043. Elemental fractionation refers to the analytical pro
0031. The phrase “consisting of is closed, and excludes cess of partitioning an element into a series of fractions based
all additional elements.
on differences in properties Such as solubility, boiling point,
particle size, Volatility, and reactivity. This approach typically
0032. The phrase “consisting essentially of excludes does not provide specific chemical identification.
additional material elements, but allows the inclusions of 0044 Speciation provides important information for
non-material elements that do not substantially change the understanding the fate and distribution of mercury through
nature of the invention, such as instructions for use, buffers, out the petroleum system from reservoir rock to consumer
vessels, and the like. products.
US 2015/0218462 A1 Aug. 6, 2015

Mercury Speciation in Crude Oil 2 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl) then diluted
0045 Although speciation techniques are well developed with water to a final HCl concentration of 20%. Approxi
for aqueous media, the technology for speciating mercury in mately 0.5 g of stannous chloride SnCl2 is added to the
crude oil is not as mature. The speciation and fractionation of solution, then stirred 4 hours until droplets of metallic Hg
mercury in crude oil is a particularly difficult task because of form. These Hg" droplets are washed three times with con
the low concentrations involved and because of the complex centrated HC1. The acid washing is followed by water, metha
ity of mercury chemistry. nol, and toluene washes. The Hg droplets can be stored at
0046. This complexity is due in part to the fact that many room temperature in a borosilicate glass test tube in approxi
of the mercury species can exist in multiple phases (gas, mately 10 ml of ultrapure heptane to yield a saturated solution
liquid, Solid) simultaneously. For example, elemental mer with approximately 800 ng/g of 'Hg" or 'Hg.
cury can be found in the headspace gas, dissolved in the crude 0060 Preparation of Isotopically Enriched Hg" Stan
oil, adsorbed to particulate matter, and as discrete droplets dard:
Suspended in the oil. 0061 1 mg of mercuric oxide (Oakridge National Labo
0047. The total concentration of mercury will be equal to ratory, USA) enriched in the 198 or 201 isotope is dissolved in
the sum of the contributions from each of the various forms of 1 ml of concentrated HC1. The solution is evaporated under a
mercury as shown below: gentle stream of nitrogen at 90° C. to produce a dry mercuric
Hgoal-Hg'+Hg "comple+Hgadt-Hgother chloride powder. The mercuric chloride powder is dissolved
in 10 g of ultrapure toluene. This solution can be stored at
0048 where: -20°C. in a borosilicate glass test tube. The final concentra
0049. Hg, the sum total of all the species of mercury tion of the 'Hg" or 'Hg" in these standards can be
I0050. Hg'-elemental mercury (can exist in gaseous, liq determined by reverse isotope dilution, using a toluene solu
uid, or solid phases) tion of natural isotopic abundance HgCl, (HgCl, 99.999%,
0051 Hg" organically-complexed ionic mercury Sigma Aldrich).
(mercury-thiols, etc.)
0052 Hg, mercury adsorbed to solid particles or metal 0062 Preparation of Crude Oil Samples:
lic Surfaces 0063 Crude oil samples are prepared for speciation analy
0053. Hg other forms of mercury not listed above sis by accurately weighing approximately 0.1 g of crude oil
0054 Each of these species is characterized by a unique into a 2 ml borosilicate glass GC vial. These vials are sealed
set of properties that define its toxicity, solubility, Volatility, using commercially available GC crimp caps and red rubber/
thermal stability, and reactivity. Further, is very likely that PTFE septa. Approximately 5-8 mg each of the 'Hg" and
mercury speciation will change as the sample ages and this 'HgCl, standard solutions are added to the samples via
must be taken into account when interpreting the results of the injection through the septa using 10 ul gas-tight Syringes.
analytical measurements. Dedicated Syringes are used for each of the isotope standard
0055. In order to study the kinetics of mercury transfor Solutions to prevent cross-contamination.
mation reactions in crude oils, an accurate procedure is 0064. The added masses of the isotope standards are mea
needed for determining the species of mercury that are Sured gravimetrically using a 5-decimal place analytical bal
present. The art is lacking an accurate mercury speciation ance. The isotopic mercury standards are mixed with the
procedure applicable to crude oil matrices did not exist. We crude oil solution by manually swirling the GC vials in a
developed a mercury speciation procedure, described herein, circular motion. The solution is allowed to equilibrate for 30
to fill this technology gap. The forms of mercury that can be minutes before derivatization.
determined using our procedure are Hg" (elemental mercury), 0065 Derivatization:
Hg(CH) (dimethyl mercury), HgCHX (monomethyl mer
cury), and Hg" (ionic mercury). 0066. The crude oil samples with the isotope standards
0056 Briefly, to determine the mercury species present, (isotopically spiked samples) are derivatized using a proce
samples of the crude oil being processed are spiked with dure we have optimized to minimize unwanted Hg species
isotopic mercury standards (e.g. Hg and Hg") before under redistribution reactions. Here, 10 ul of 2M ethylmagnesium
going a derivatization process that will derivatize many forms chloride (EtMgCl) in THF is injected through the GC vial
of mercury and separating the derivatized mercury species septum using a gas-tight Syringe, followed by 0.5-1 ml of
based on their boiling points using a gas chromatograph ultrapure heptane using a 2 ml disposable Syringe fitted with
(GC). As each mercury species exits the GC, its concentration a 20 mm 27 gauge needle. The heptane lowers the solution
is determined using an isotope dilution inductively coupled viscosity to facilitate the derivatization reaction between the
plasma mass spectrometer (ID-ICP-MS). This method is EtMgCl and mercury components in the crude oil. The
described using 'Hg" and 'HgCl, as the isotopic stan samples are then derivatized at 0°C. for 20 minutes before
dards. However, other isotopic mercury standards Such as GC/ICP-MS analysis.
HgO can be used. 0067 By using this mercury speciation method, we have
0057 This chemical derivatization method, described in determined that crude oils contain two basic forms of mer
more detail below, prevents thermal conversion of Hg" dur cury: elemental mercury (Hg) and ionic mercury (Hg).
ing the GC separation of the species by converting Hg" to Ionic mercury is very soluble in crude oils and is a non
diethyl mercury and converting monomethyl mercury into Volatile form of mercury. Elemental mercury, in contrast, is
methylethyl mercury. Hg and dimethyl mercury are not less soluble and more volatile. This has important implica
altered by the derivatization. tions for the design of processes to remove mercury from
0.058 Preparation of Isotopically Enriched Hg Standard: crude oil because it affects the reaction rate expression. Based
0059 20 mg of mercuric oxide (Oakridge National Labo on this knowledge of mercury speciation in crude oil, we have
ratory, USA) enriched in the 199 or 200 isotope is dissolved in developed a process for removing mercury from crude oils.
US 2015/0218462 A1 Aug. 6, 2015

Converting Mercury Forms to Elemental Mercury 0077 Kinetic data for the mercury reduction reaction are
0068. In crude oil, the elemental mercury redox equilib obtained by spiking the oil with an enriched stable isotope of
rium, Hg'e Hg"+2e, is shifted towards the oxidized state ionic mercury (e.g. 198Hg" or 'Hg). To accomplish this,
(Hg"+2e) at temperatures below 100°C. The equilibrium an enriched isotope, in the form of HgCl, or HgC) for
begins to shift towards the reduced State at temperatures example, is dissolved in the oil and the rate of conversion of
above 100° C. Although the Hg" reduction rate is too small this ionic mercury standard to elemental mercury is moni
at 100° C. to be commercially useful, the conversion to Hg" tored as a function of time and temperature. The use of an
will be complete in a petroleum reservoir at that temperature enriched isotope allows the reduction reaction to be moni
tored accurately even though naturally-occurring mercury
because of the geologic timescale that applies to that environ may also be present in the oil.
ment (>10 million years). As such, the mercury concentration 0078 Rapid, time-resolved sampling is essential for build
and speciation in wellhead crude oil is a function of reservoir ing the accurate kinetic models that are needed for designing
geology and temperature. mercury removal processes. The kinetic data shown in FIG.2
0069. Additionally, mercury speciation undergoes pre was produced using a stirred high-pressure batch reactor that
dictable changes as the physical and chemical conditions allows rapid sampling of the crude oil during a reduction
change during oil production and transport. In crude oil res experiment.
ervoirs at temperatures above 100° C. mercury is present I0079. The conversion of Hg" to Hg was monitored using
only as Hg". After the crude is extracted from the reservoir enriched isotopic tracers and the mercury speciation proce
and its temperature falls below 100° C., the spontaneous dure that was described above.
oxidation of Hg" to Hg" will occur. 0080. The results of the kinetic measurements can be used
I0070 Hg" is very soluble in crude oils and is a non to define a reaction rate expression for a specific oil that might
volatile form of mercury, making its removal more difficult. have a form Such as:
Thus, preheating oils to at least 100° C. will convert Hg" to
Hg, and simplify extraction because processes to remove
elemental mercury already exist. i-Ae Eat RT
(0071. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,962,276 and U.S. Pat.
No. 8,080,156 disclose processes that employ gas stripping to where: kapparent first-order rate constant; t-time; Hg"
remove mercury from condensates and crude oils. These pro concentration of ionic mercury at time Zero; Hg
cesses, however, only work if the mercury is in the gas strip concentration of ionic mercury at time t; Ae' is the
pable elemental form. As noted above, a significant portion of Arrhenius equation used to calculate the effect oftemperature
the mercury in a crude oil can be present in the non-volatile (T) on the reaction rate constant.
ionic form. The non-volatile ionic mercury cannot be I0081. The solid lines in FIG. 2 represent the kinetic behav
removed from a crude oil by gas stripping. Each of these ior predicted using the Arrhenius parameters of the above
methods can be used however, if proceeded by the preheat equations for the specific crude oil that was used in the experi
stage described herein, which converts various forms of mer mentS.
cury to elemental mercury. I0082. The kinetics, fluid flow and heat transfer of a process
0072 U.S. Pat. No. 5,384,040 discloses a catalytic process are most important when upscaling for large-scale designs. To
for transforming mercury compounds contained in a gas con retain the same reaction rate, the other variables in the process
densate liquid into elemental mercury. Although not the pre design must be decreased or increased as necessary. For
ferred embodiment, a non-catalytic heat treatment process in instance, increasing vessel sizes could decrease the rate. Such
the absence of hydrogen is also disclosed. The elemental that the temperature of the conversion must be increased to
mercury formed by the catalytic process is removed from the return the rate to its original value. Alternatively, increasing
gas condensate liquid using a solid phase sorbent. temperature increases the amount and rate of mercury con
0073. In this disclosure, a process is described for convert version, See FIG. 2. However, a balance must be struck to
ing the various forms of mercury in a crude oil to the elemen prevent thermal degradation of other components in the crude
tal form so that the mercury can be subsequently removed oil or destruction of processing equipment. Thus, the above
from the oil by gas stripping. reaction rate expression and the Arrhenius equation are used
0074. In such process, crude oil is heated to a temperature to calculate process design specifications such as process
above 100° C. and held at that temperature for a specified temperature, vessel sizes, oil feed rate, oil recycle rate, etc.
period of time to convert all of the forms of mercury in the oil I0083. The process temperature for the ionic mercury
into the elemental mercury form. As shown in FIG. 2, the rate reduction step should be in the range of 100-350° C. More
of conversion to elemental mercury increases with tempera preferably the process temperature should be in the range of
ture, and the temperature should not be lower than 100° C. 100-300° C. Most preferably the process temperature should
0075. The amount of mercury removed from the oil can be be in the range of 150-300° C. This temperature range is
controlled by adjusting the temperature and/or the length of compatible with standard crude oil processing equipment,
time that the oil is held at a specified temperature per FIG. 2. such as the stabilization units that are used in NGL extraction.
However, the temperature preferably does not exceed the The optimum process temperature will vary based on the
decomposition temperature of the hydrocarbon. composition of the oil and the desired reaction rate.
0076. The rate at which mercury is thermally reduced to I0084. Following the ionic mercury reduction step, the
elemental mercury is also strongly influenced by the compo crude oil is flashed and/or stripped with gas to transfer the
sition of the crude oil. Therefore, for process design purposes, elemental mercury from the oil phase into the gas phase.
it is important to experimentally determine the kinetics of the I0085 Elemental mercury can then be removed from the
mercury reduction reaction for the specific oil feed to the mercury enriched gas phase by methods such as condensa
process. tion, precipitation, amalgamation, adsorption, or absorption
US 2015/0218462 A1 Aug. 6, 2015

alone or in combination. If desired, some or all of the strip 1,000 ft/m/ft. If condensate is treated, the pressure within
ping gas can be recycled back into the process. the stripper is between about 0-1,000 psi, and preferably
I0086 A block flow diagram of the disclosed process is 0-500 psi.
shown in FIG. 3. The crude oil is introduced into a heater to 0099. The stripping operation is conducted at a tempera
quickly and efficiently preheat the crude oil to at least 100° C. ture of at least 200° F. Higher temperature ranges may be
The heated oil is then moved into a thermal soak vessel that is preferred, such as 300-500°F., if light hydrocarbons are also
heated to a pre-determined temperature above 100° C. The removed. Upon mercury removal, the vapor can be condensed
crude remains in the heated soak vessel while the mercury to recover the light hydrocarbons. Less stripping gas is
species are being converted into elemental mercury. After required at higher operating temperatures.
conversion, the crude oil flows into a gas stripping vessel with 0100. The stripping gas utilized in the process may be any
an optional packing therein to facilitate contact between a of a number of gases including, for example, air, N. CO. H.
stripping gas and crude oil. As shown in FIG. 3, the Stripping or natural gas. Natural gas is preferred for the removal of
gas flows from the bottom of the vessel through the oil. Any mercury from hydrocarbon condensate because of its avail
gas. Such as nitrogen, methane, ethane, propane, butane, or ability and due to the fact that it may be recovered as the
natural gas, can be used. product Subsequent to purification.
0087 As the stripping gas contacts the crude oil, the 0101. A mercury adsorber or a scrubber is used to treat the
elemental mercury is removed in the form of mercury gas. stripping gas after it exits the stripper. The adsorber may
The stripping gas plus mercury vapor is drawn from the top of include a fixed bed of active solid adsorbents such as sulfur/
the vessel and passed through a mercury removal unit, carbon, Ag/carbon, Ag/Al2O, CuS/Al2O, CuS/carbon, FeS/
wherein the mercury can be removed from the stripping gas Al-O, FeS/carbon or Bi/Al2O, and the like. The adsorber
using an adsorption method (filter or scrubber). Alternative, should be sufficiently large to remove ninety percent of the
mercury can be removed from the stripping gas via precipi mercury from the Stripping gas. Typical Superficial gas Veloc
tation with a filter containing selenium or a gas containing ity through the bed should be between 0.1-50 ft/s and prefer
hydrogen Sulfide. ably one half to ten feet per second. Depending upon the
0088. The mercury-free stripping gas can then be nature and activity of the adsorbent, the temperature should
recycled. The stripped crude oil will be discharged for further be maintained at 50-400°F.
processing. 0102) A polysulfide scrubbing system may alternatively
0089 Any gas stripping technique known in the art, such be used to remove mercury from the stripping gas. The mer
as those described below, can be used to separate the elemen cury-containing stripping gas is passed through a scrubbing
tal mercury from the liquid/solid crude as long as the opera tower where it is scrubbed with a dilute alkali solution of
tion temperatures are at least 200° C. NaS. The tower is preferably packed with structural pack
0090 U.S. Pat. No. 4,962,276 describes a method for ing, although a bubble cap or sieve tray could also be
removing mercury from hydrocarbon condensate compris employed.
1ng: 0103). Other known processes may be used to adsorb mer
0091 providing a stripper having a top, a bottom, and a cury vapor from the stripping gas. U.S. Pat. No. 3,194.629
packing therein; discloses one Such process.
0092 forming said hydrocarbon condensate into a 0104 U.S. Pat. No. 8,080,156 describes a preferred pro
Spray: cess for removing elemental mercury by transferring elemen
0093 introducing said spray into said stripper and into tal mercury from a liquid hydrocarbon stream to a natural gas
contact with said packing; stream. The transferring occurs by contacting the liquid
0094 flowing a gas stream through said stripper, hydrocarbon stream with the natural gas stream to thereby
thereby stripping mercury from said hydrocarbon con form a treated liquid stream and a mercury rich gas stream. In
addition, the method includes removing mercury from the
mercury rich gas stream.
0.095 removing said stripped hydrocarbon condensate 0105 For one embodiment in U.S. Pat. No. 8,080,156, a
from the bottom of said stripper; and process includes separating a crude oil stream into a gaseous
0096 removing said gas, including said stripped mer hydrocarbon Stream and a liquid hydrocarbon stream, remov
cury, from the top of said stripper. ing mercury from the gaseous hydrocarbon stream to provide
0097. In the U.S. Pat. No. 4,962,276 patent, mercury-con a treated gas stream, and introducing the treated gas stream
taminated liquid is introduced near the top of a stripper in the into contact with the liquid hydrocarbon stream to transfer
form of a spray or mist. A stripping gas is introduced near the mercury from the liquid hydrocarbon stream to the treated gas
bottom of the stripper. The stripper includes a first outlet at or stream and thereby form a treated liquid stream and a mercury
near the bottom thereof and a second outlet at or near the top. rich gas stream. Separating the treated gas stream to remove
A packing made from structural packing material or the like propane and butane from the treated gas stream occurs prior
is provided to increase the exposure of the liquid to the strip to contacting the treated gas stream with the liquid hydrocar
ping gas. bon stream. Introducing a pentane-plus vapor stream sepa
0098. The stripping gas flows through the stripper and rated from the treated gas stream into contact with the treated
removes mercury as mercury vapor from the condensate or liquid stream enables absorbing the pentane-plus vapor
water. Cleaned product is drawn from the bottom outlet, while stream into the treated liquid stream. Removing mercury
the mercury-containing gas exits through the top outlet. The from the mercury rich gas stream provides recycled gas that
residence time of the water or condensate within the stripper provides part of the treated gas stream.
is up to about thirty minutes, with one to ten minutes being the 0106 FIG. 4 (adapted from U.S. Pat. No. 8,080,156) illus
preferred range. The liquid flux rate is 1-200 gpm/ft or 5-50 trates a system in which 100-350° C. preheated crude oil
gpm/ft. Gas flux rate is between 50-5,000 ft/m/ft or 300 (150) is sent by line 100 and is passed to a separator 102 for
US 2015/0218462 A1 Aug. 6, 2015

separation into a gaseous hydrocarbon stream comprising, stream, which is removed from the contactor 214 by line 220.
consisting of, or consisting essentially of hydrocarbons, The mercury rich gas stream is passed to the second separator
elemental mercury and water, which is removed from the 207 along with the gaseous hydrocarbon stream by the lines
separator 102 by line 104, and into a liquid hydrocarbon 218 and 204. In addition, water is separated from the liquid
stream: 1) comprising, consisting of, or consisting essentially hydrocarbon Stream (and from the recycle gas stream, if water
of hydrocarbons and elemental mercury, or 2) comprising, is present in such) and removed from the contactor 214 by line
consisting of, or consisting essentially of hydrocarbons, 222. For some embodiments, a third separator is included in
elemental mercury and water, which is removed from the between the first separator 202 and the contactor 214 to sepa
separator 102 by line 106. A mercury-containing gas feed, rate water from the liquid hydrocarbon stream 206. In some
including in part at least a portion of the gaseous hydrocarbon embodiments, a heat exchanger is included after the first
stream, is charged to a mercury removal unit (MRU) 108 by separator 202 to increase temperature of the liquid hydrocar
line 110 for removal of mercury from the mercury-containing bon stream and achieve adequate separation of water from the
gas feed, thereby forming a treated gas stream, which is liquid hydrocarbon stream 206.
removed from the MRU 108 by line 112. A recycle gas stream 0109 The following references are incorporated by refer
comprising a portion of the treated gas stream from the line ence in their entirety.
112 is charged to a contactor 114 by line 116 for contact with 0110 Salváetal (2010) SPE 138333.
at least a portion of the liquid hydrocarbon stream charged to 0111 Hollebone, B. P. and C.X. Yang, “Mercury in Crude
the contactor 114 by the line 106. Through such contacting, at Oil Refined in Canada’, Environment Canada, Ottawa,
least a portion of the elemental mercury contained in the ON, 2007.
liquid hydrocarbon stream is transferred to the recycle gas
stream, thereby forming a mercury rich gas stream, which is O112 U.S. Pat. No. 3,194,629
removed from the contactor 114 by line 118, and a treated 0113 U.S. Pat. No. 4,962.276
liquid hydrocarbon stream, which is removed from the con 0114 U.S. Pat. No. 5,384,040
tactor 114 by line 120. The mercury rich gas stream is passed 0115 U.S. Pat. No. 6,350,372
to the MRU 108 as a portion of the mercury-containing gas 0116 U.S. Pat. No. 6,537,443
feed by the lines 118 and 110. 0117 U.S. Pat. No. 6,685,824
0107 For some embodiments, the contactor 114 includes 0118 U.S. Pat. No. 6,806,398
multiple (e.g., 2, 4, 6 or more) theoretical stages 122 (depicted 0119 U.S. Pat. No. 8,080,156
by “X” within the contactor 114) of separation between vapor
and liquid phases. Either trays or packing material in a flow 1. A method of removing mercury from crude oil, compris
path of fluids described herein passing through the contactor ing
114 may form the theoretical stages 122. For example, the a) heating crude oil comprising mercury in various forms to
packing material disposed inside of the contactor 114 to at least 100° C. and less than 350° C. until at least 95%
define the stages 122 may include random oriented objects or of the mercury invarious forms is converted to elemental
a shaped structure and may be made of metallic or ceramic mercury;
Solid material. In some embodiments, amount of the packing b) converting the elemental mercury to gaseous elemental
material utilized depends on a desired number of the stages mercury; and
122 provided by the packing material.
c) removing the gaseous elemental mercury.
0108 FIG. 5 (adapted from U.S. Pat. No. 8,080,156) 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said heating is at 100°
shows a system in which preheated crude oil 250 is passed by C-300° C.
line 200 to a first separator 202 for separation into a gaseous
hydrocarbon stream comprising, consisting of, or consisting 3. The method of claim 1, wherein said heating is at 150°
essentially of hydrocarbons, mercury and water, which is C-300° C.
removed from the first separator 202 by line 204, and into a 4. The method of claim 1, where said converting step is by
liquid hydrocarbon stream comprising, consisting of, or con flashing.
sisting essentially of hydrocarbons, elemental mercury and 5. The method of claim 1, where said converting step is by
water, which is removed from the separator 202 by line 206. gas stripping.
Along with a mercury rich gas stream described later, the 6. The method of claim 1, where said removing step is by
gaseous hydrocarbon stream is charged to a second separator condensation, precipitation, or absorption, adsorption, or
207 wherein water is removed and exits the second separator combinations thereof.
207 by line 208. Overhead gases leaving the second separator 7. An improved method of removing mercury from crude
207 by line 209 are charged to a mercury removal unit (MRU) oil, the method comprising contacting a liquid hydrocarbon
210 as a mercury-containing gas feed for removal of mercury stream having mercury contaminants with a gas stream to
from the mercury-containing gas feed, thereby forming a thereby form a treated liquid stream and a mercury rich gas
treated gas stream, which is removed from the MRU 210 by stream, wherein the improvement comprises first heating liq
line 212. A recycle gas stream comprising a portion of the uid hydrocarbon stream having mercury contaminants at 100
treated gas stream from line 212 is charged to a contactor 214 350° C. until 95% of said mercury contaminants are con
by line 216 for contact with at least a portion of the liquid verted to elemental mercury.
hydrocarbon stream charged to the contactor 214 by the line
206. Through Such contacting, at least a portion of the 8. The improved method of claim 7, wherein said gas
elemental mercury contained in the liquid hydrocarbon stream is nitrogen, methane, ethane, propane, butane, or natu
stream is transferred to the recycle gas stream, thereby form ral gas.
ing a mercury rich gas stream, which is removed from the 9. The improved method of claim 7, wherein said gas
contactor 214 by line 218, and a treated liquid hydrocarbon stream is a natural gas stream.
US 2015/0218462 A1 Aug. 6, 2015

10. The improved method of claim 7, further comprising d) converting the elemental mercury to gaseous elemental
removing mercury from said mercury rich gas stream. mercury; and
11. The improved method of claim 7, further comprising e) removing the gaseous elemental mercury.
removing mercury from said mercury rich gas stream by 16. The method of claim 15, wherein determining said
precipitation as HgS, wherein said gas stream contains hydro mercury speciation comprises spiking a crude oil sample with
gen sulfide. enriched isotopic mercury standards; derivatizing said spiked
12. The improved method of claim 7, further comprising crude oil sample with 10 ul of 2Methylmagnesium chloride
removing mercury from said mercury rich gas stream by (EtMgCl) in THF and 0.5-1 ml of ultrapure heptane at 0°C.
precipitation as HgC). for 20 minutes; and analyzing derivatized mercury species in
said spiked crude oil using GC/ICP-MS.
13. The improved method of claim 11, further comprising 17. A method of determining mercury speciation in crude
treating said mercury rich gas stream with an adsorption oil, comprising:
agent. a) adding isotopic mercury standards to a crude oil sample:
14. The improved method of claim 7, further comprising b) derivatizing all forms of mercury in said crude oil
removing mercury from said mercury rich gas stream by sample, wherein 10 ul of 2Methylmagnesium chloride
precipitate as HgSe after contacting said mercury rich gas (EtMgCl) in THF and 0.5-1 ml of ultrapure heptane are
stream with a filter containing selenium. added to crude oil sample and allowed to react at 0°C.
15. A method of removing mercury from crude oil, com for 20 minutes;
prising c) separating derivatized mercury forms based on boiling
a) determining the mercury speciation in said crude oil; points in a GC, and
b) calculating a reaction rate expression, wherein said reac d) determining concentration of derivatized mercury forms
tion rate expresses the conversion of ionic mercury into based on relative concentration to isotopic mercury stan
elemental mercury; dards using ICP-MS.
c) heating crude oil comprising mercury in various forms to 18. The method of claim 17, wherein the forms of mercury
at least 100° C. and less than 350° C. until at least 95% include Hg" (elemental mercury), Hg (CH), (dimethylmer
of the mercury invarious forms is converted to elemental cury), HgCHX (monomethyl mercury), and Hg" (ionic
mercury, wherein said 95% conversion is calculated mercury).
using said reaction rate expression;

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