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Statement showing the expenditure and probable expenditure on various On-going works

I. Construction of Boys Hostel : Rs 2268 Lakhs/ Rs 1996 Lakhs

a. Expenditure as on today : Rs 1337 Lakhs
b. Payment to be made in RA 7 : Rs 73 Lakhs
c. Additional amount needed to complete the : Rs 586 Lakhs
Balance works i.e. block 2
d. Total amount required : Rs 659 Lakhs

Cost of supplement works : Rs 330 Lakhs

a. Roads and drains : Rs 83.70 Lakhs

b. DEWATS : Rs 73.42 Lakhs
c. UG Sump : Rs 34.36 Lakhs
d. External water supply and drainage : Rs 92.73 Lakhs
e. Kalzip : Rs 46.00 Lakhs
f. Expenditure as on today on supplement works : Rs 100 Lakhs
g. Balance amount required to complete the works : Rs 230 Lakhs

Total amount required to complete 1 and 2 : Rs 889 Lakhs

II. Construction of Central Library : Rs 532 Lakhs

a. Expenditure as on today : Rs 572 Lakhs
b. Additional amount needed to complete the : Rs 100 Lakhs
Balance works
Cost of supplement works : Rs 193 Lakhs
1. Electrification : Rs 116 Lakhs
2. water supply and plumbing : Rs 77 Lakhs
Total amount required to complete the work : Rs 293 Lakhs

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