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1. | addition of calcium in formulation of Gluco amine ulfate plu Chondroitin increa e

it therapeutic indication (depend on urvey, if cour e incharge agreed)
2. New improve packaging, e pecially we are taking package like Canderal Pla tic box,
only need i to pre button and tablet will relea e.
3. Since mo tly con umer of our product are 40 ± 45 and plu age , for older patient thi
pecial packaging improve compliance.
4. We are making buntie type of tablet and mall in ize o that may ea ily wallow, it will
al o improve compliance.
5. We are making tablet ta tele , it will al o improve compliance.
6. Good po itioning trategie and tactic .


1. With the increa e of one therapeutic advantage, one ide effect al o increa e for tho e
who have not ufficient intake of water in a day i.e renal canaculi (depo ition of calcium
a tone in calyxe of kidney, ureter and bladder)
2. If our additional formulation ugge tion i not accepted, than we are late entrant in
market and we need work more on marketing a pect .
3. Gavelox Plu (Hilton) who i already market leader i already trongly inn the market.


1. Improved formulation with additional therapeutic advantage will help u to get good
2. Improved packaging will al o help u to get good profit margin.
3. Improved tablet hape and ize will be another opportunity.


1. ther competitor may al o launch prior to u .

|fter vi iting different doctor including rthopedic, RM , Phy ician , we find out that the
turnover of  teoarthriti pre cription i good, mo tly the old age patient come with thi
problem. Doctor are known with thi molecule of Gluco eamine ulphate and chondroitin
ulphate and they are ati fied with there re ult in o teoarthritic patient .
They have different opinion with price ranging from 200 to 500 R . Per pack. When additional
que tion a ked to them that if we add calcium in ame formulation, there re pon e wa very good
and encouraging pecially about compliance i ue .

| thorough urvey ha been conduct from different location of chemi t to get the information
about our product which we are launching. Chemi t play an important role in getting the
knowledge about the product a they are the intermediary per on in reaching your product to the
end con umer.
From the urvey we have analyze that the product i.e. for o teoarthriti which we are launching
ha a va t market hare in the medicine . Thi i a great potential for u to capture the market by
launching a competitive edge in our product. It ha been taken into account that the product
belong to an expen ive group of medicine . | far a we have urveyed, we have find that any
type of afety and efficacy i ue ha not been find in the o teoarthriti medicine . Therefore the
pharmaceutical companie have a great focu in their efficacy and price i ue . It mean we al o
have to produce the medicine in uch an environment that fulfill the requirement .
| there i a great competition in the o teoarthriti medicine becau e ome national companie
like Getz & Hilton have a huge market hare. We will be giving an edge in our product like
tablet in tablet technology that might give u an opportunity to capture the market frequently.
We have al o find that the end con umer have no i ue about the price in thi category of the
medicine. We can fix our price omewhere in the middle of different brand . | we are not the
market leader o we can¶t charge premium. But with our focu trategy we will capture the
market very oon.

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