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Newly added doctor login, most of the data shown as null

2. Even if there is not data the search result displays “Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries”
3. Doctor login got changed automatically from Mallanna to C.S.Patil when I login as the one of
the staff of DR. Mallanna in the same browser.

4. Application launch error most probably seen on the application timeouts / wrong end point
5. Firefox for all screen access non-support message is displayed, it can be displayed only
during the login. It is better to support Firefox as well (Is it framework problem)

6. Common to all platforms, ID’s will not start with “1” on creation of any entities.

7. Edit Patient: When we open the edit patient record, some of the data entered during the
patient on boarding is disappeared.
8. When a doctor/staff of a doctor on boards the patient by marking the Reference doctor, the
same is not visible Referrals section.
9. Platform can still be used by the doctors who’s subscription is over (What is the business
scope, I would prefer, login should be allowed, but should not be able to use the features)
10. If no doctors are in network, if doctor tries to refer a patient to any other doctor, proper
message to the doctor is not displayed. We should display like, please add or connect to the
doctor to refer.
11. Not able to search doctors, by doctor name, filters such as speciality and City, below error
message is displayed. Pagination is also not working. -- Intermittent

12. When notification for the Doctor request is clicked, it should directly go to the Add requests
screen. Few suggestions here.
“My Requests” should be renamed as “Requests Sent”

“Add Requests” should be renamed as “Requests Received”

13. While accepting the doctors request, if doctors selects the Doctor Detail option, there is
requested button on the bottom of the page selecting which will redirect to “ 404 page not

In the doctors details screen as well, Accept and Reject button should be provided.

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