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All rights reserved
Discipleship Manual
Copyright © 2013
The Church of Pentecost

Printed in Ghana by
Pentecost Press Ltd


1. Foreword
2. Introduction and Acknowledgement
3. Guide for the Discipler
4. Guide for the New Convert Class (Discipleship Class)
5. Guide for the New Convert (Disciple)
6. Weekly Guide for the Discipleship Class
7. Lesson 1-Assurance of Salvation
8. Lesson 2-The Ordinance of Water Baptism
9. Lesson 3-Prayer (Communicating with God)
10. Lesson 4-The Bible (God’s Word to you)
11. Lesson 5-Establishing an Effective Quiet Time
12. Lesson 6-Witness (Sharing your Faith)
13. Lesson 7-The Ordinance of Lord’s Supper
14. Lesson 8-The Church
15. Lesson 9-The Church of Pentecost in Focus
(History & Tenets)
16. Lesson 10-The Church of Pentecost in Focus
(Rules of Conduct & Core Values)
17. Lesson 11-The Personality of the Holy Spirit
18. Lesson 12-The Holy Spirit Baptism
19. Lesson 13-Walking in the Spirit
20. Lesson 14-Questionnaire for New Converts
21. Photo Glossary


C onversion is like the birth of a child. A convert is a born-

again person, one who is born of the Holy Spirit from
above (John 3:3–6). The first weeks of a newborn baby’s life
are crucial. It is the period where the newborn babies need
constant watch to make sure that their little bodies function
normally and that they learn to take nourishment and begin
to gain weight and grow. Some babies are born strong and
healthy; they immediately start feeding and growing. Others
may have problems that require special attention. When
these problems are taken care of, babies grow.
Spiritually newborn babies need to be watched over
lovingly to help them gain a good hold on the spiritual life.
Some may be filled with joy immediately. Others may need
extra counseling to gain assurance of their salvation. New
converts need the nourishment from the Word of God (1
Peter 2:2), protection from falling away through deceit
from Satan, peer pressure and false doctrine (1 Peter 5:8)
and training in developing effective Christians habits. When
these needs are provided at the right time, they are likely
to grow and conform to the image of Jesus Christ (Romans
It is for this important need that this Discipleship Manual
has been developed to help us disciple the new believers
the Lord brings to us. As a Church, the Lord gives us plenty
converts; through rallies, crusades, personal evangelism and
even sometimes He bring them to us in our Churches. Our
responsibility is to ensure that none of these ones will be
lost to the world. This Discipleship Manual is to help achieve
this purpose.
This manual basically consist of ten (10) lessons; assurance
of salvation, understanding water baptism and the Lord’s

Supper, praying, reading the Bible and sharing your faith
among others. These lessons are designed to biblically
guide the new believer to understand who he has become
in Christ and then to living the Christian life in a way that
would be pleasing to the Lord. Importantly, some lessons on
the peculiarity of the Church of Pentecost have been added.
These additional lessons are to help the new convert become
familiar with the tenets, brief history, core values,rules
and conducts of the Church the Lord has brought him to.
Indeed, it is very terrible to abandon a new born baby, yet
equally disturbing is the neglect of a new convert. Paul wrote
to his converts at Corinth, “I became your father through
the gospel” (1 Cor. 4:15), to the Thessalonian Converts, he
did not just share the gospel but also shared his life with
them (1 Thess. 2:8). Like the parent of a new baby, mature
believers have both the joy and the responsibility of seeing
that new converts receive the help they should have. The
effectiveness of this Discipleship Ministry is dependent
on the Minister and the Leaders at the various levels of
the Church. I therefore request that Leaders will read the
Discipler’s Guide very well and understand the responsibility
that is required of them.
I gladly recommend these lessons for the use of the
Church. I humbly request that whether you are a leader
(who will teach these lessons to others) or a new
convert (who will study them for your growth), you
will make a diligent commitment to study them and
apply them to every aspect of your life. God bless you.

Aps. Dr. Opoku Onyinah

Chairman, The Church of Pentecost.
October 2013.


O ne of the imageries Jesus used for soul winning is

fishing. He told his disciples, “Come, follow me, and I
will show you how to fish for people!” (Matthew 4:19). As
soon as you catch fish, there must be intentional effort at
preserving the fish from spoiling and wasting. This may
involve scaling, removing the intestines, cutting off the
fins, salting, drying etc. This is to ensure that the fish is
preserved so as to be used as necessary. The moment a
soul is converted, it is the beginning of his life’s journey
with the Lord Jesus. That soul begins to pass through a
process of being made by the Lord into what He wants
him to be. It is God’s divine intention to make every new
convert to be like Jesus-(Romans 8:29). But a new convert
like a new baby cannot be what God wants him to be if
left on his own. He has to be nursed and gradually taught
how to follow the Lord step by step into God’s purpose
for his life. The new convert must be integrated into
the fellowship of the saints, be taught the fundamental
teachings of the Christian faith and be encouraged to
develop his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is for this reason that the Executive Council mandated
the National Bible Study & Cell Committee to produce this
Discipleship Manual. The manual is to help us “ground”
converts who come to the Lord, by systematically teaching
them topics like assurance of salvation, water baptism,
Prayer, Bible Study, the Lord’s Supper and Witnessing.
Another purpose of this manual is to guide the convert
to be properly introduced to the Church of Pentecost
through the scripts on the brief history of the Church,
tenets, rules of conduct, core values and government of
the Church.
It is expected that the District Minister (Coordinator) will
meet with the Discipleship Teachers/Disciplers and help
them know their duties by taking them through the Guides
for the Discipler, the Discipleship Class and then the New
Converts Lessons. He is also to meet them and study the
material with them, untying hard knots and empowering
them to go teach same in the Discipleship Meetings. The
focus of the study should be applying the text to daily life.
The Discipleship Teacher thus has a responsibility ahead of
the Class so he can impact the class during the studies.Of
necessity, the relationship between the discipler and the
disciple is to be a life-long one, as the discipler continually
helps the new convert to grow and glow.
As a Committee, we are grateful to God for this vision
and appreciate the visionary leadership of the Chairman,
General Secretary, International Missions Director and
other Executive Members. Their vision, direction and
encouragement gave the Committee the mandate to put
all these materials together.
We are extremely grateful to the sub-committee who
worked on the (Discipleship Manual)-Pastors Samuel
Gakpetor, Emmanuel Agyei Kwafo, Clement Achim-
Gyimah, Samuel Berko, Overseers Emmanuel Pasteeco
Arthur, Michael Osei Acheampong, and Felix Okyere
Anti. Ps. Benjamin Aboagye and Ovr. George Asiedu
deserve commendation for editing the material.
We are grateful to the Translators who diligently
translated the scripts from English to nine other languages;
Akuapem Twi (Ovr. Henry Adu Obuobi & Mr. Owiredu
Amoh); Asante Twi (Ps. William Boakye-Ansah &
Ps. Alex Kieninger Anum; Dangme (Elders Owulah Tsatsu
& Gordon Ansah); Ewe (Eld. Caiaphas Badzi & Bro Ernest
Hodofe); Fante (Mrs. Sylvia Acquah-Sampson and Mr.
Patrick Wonkyi); Ga (Ps. Henry Ako-Nai & Mr. Samuel
Lomo); Kokomba (Ps. James Magyam & Bro. Peter
Balabon); Nzema (Ps. Stephen Ewusie-Ocran & Dn. Evans
Gyenny-Mensah) and French (Eld. Ancien Jonas Kabore).

The members of the National Bible Study & Cell Committee

also deserve commendation. They are;

Aps. John Appiah Aidoo Deputy Coordinator

Ps. Franklin Agbove Hushie Secretary
Aps. Matthew Larbi-Wettey Member
Ps. Ben Ali Member
Ps. Henry Ako-Nai Member
Ps. Samuel Gakpetor Member

Aps. Dr. Stephen Kofi Baidoo

National Coordinator,
National Bible Study & Cell Committee


C ongratulations on accept-
ing the privilege and
challenge of discipling a
Truly, the present and
the future of the church
depend on the effectiveness
new believer in Christ. This of this task. Indeed, you or
is exactly what God called someone might be praying
us to do as a church, to for a soul to be saved. It
make disciples. This Dis- is certain that the person
cipleship Manual will help you are about to disciple is
a new follower of Christ in the answer to that prayer.
a crucial way, establishing
Therefore, whatever invest-
solid foundations at the
ment you make in helping
start of his Christian walk
him to mature in Christ will
and for his future in God’s
be rewarded. You will be
investing in this person’s
life for a long time. Below as a living example to this
are brief details to help you new convert, which is crucial
in your work. for his growth. Your ministry
as a mentor will be to help
Discipleship is more than
your new brother or sister to
giving or finishing a series
know and practice spiritual
of lessons; it is a lifelong
disciplines, together and
process. In the process of
discipling a new believer:
6. Your experience, in the
1). You will share your life,
participation of spiritual
your experiences and your
disciplines, such as prayer,
insight to guide him on the
fasting, reading and
path that you have already
meditating on Scripture,
and community worship in
2). It is important that you the church, among others
develop a relationship of should be a guide to you as
love and trust with the a discipler.
person you are discipliner.
7. It will be important that
3. You must also be willing you help the new follower
to learn from the person as of Christ to establish the
well. habit of having a personal
devotional time with Jesus
4. You should be aware that
and to be fed daily by Him.
a personal relationship of
unity and care establishes 8. You will also need to
the basis for discipleship. introduce the Bible as
It also provides your new his guide to continuous
brother or sister with a spiritual development.
healthy model for his
9. Show him how to look
Christian life and for a future
for scriptural passages in
ministry as a mentor.
the Bible.
5. You should be aware of
The lessons at the core
the fact that you will serve
of your encounters are
very important. The first As you know, there are
thing you need to do is many versions of the Bible
to discover if the person that can and should be
made a conscious decision used to enrich this study.
to follow Jesus, and if he However, during this
is sure that his sins had study, we will use the New
been forgiven. This is the International Version (NIV)
starting point for basic unless otherwise stated.
discipleship. If he is sure
of the decision to follow NB:
Jesus, then you can begin Please provide your details
with the lessons; if not, you below for the new believer.
should spend time with the
person and lead him/her
through accepting Christ
again before continuing
with these lessons.




A s you begin this study,

keep in mind that the
topics in the lessons should
How is the relationship with
his/her spouse, family and
be adapted to the specific
What are his/her struggles?
needs of the new believer.
Start where the believer is. What needs do the person
To adequately guide the and his family have that
new believer, you should you and the church can
discover his/her personal respond to?
When you begin this
How was his life without journey of constant learning
Christ? and growth with the new
believer, you may receive

principles and guidance c). Pray consistently for the
through the Holy Spirit to lives of the new disciples
continually enjoy a new and their families. Ask them
and abundant life in Christ. for specific prayer requests.
Pray also for the time
There are some practical
you will study the lessons
elements that you should
together and individually if
consider as you lead the
need be. Pray that the Lord
lessons in this Bible study:
will enlighten your minds
a). Choose a day and time and help you understand
in the week preferably the truths presented in
Sunday morning (during each lesson.
Bible Study Classes time)
d). Read and review the
and a specific place
“Guide for the Disciple” with
preferably the chapel,
them so they understand
where you will meet with
your relationship and how
the new believers. It’s
the lessons will guide
important that you meet
them for the Mentoring
the new converts in small
groups of about 5-10. This
is to enable them to learn e). Encourage the new
together as they build disciples to study and
fellowship with one another complete the whole lesson
and you. The converts who before you meet. This will
come later should be given help you take the most
to a new teacher to handle advantage of your valuable
so as to ensure continuity. time together. Give them
one lesson at a time. There
b). Each session should not
is no hurry; let them fully
be longer than 60 minutes;
digest every lesson.
45 minutes is ideal. If you
don’t complete a lesson, f). Study the lessons in
continue with it the next advance, fill in the blank
time. spaces and learn the
content well before sharing
it. If the person has trouble i). You will need to teach
reading or writing, find the new disciples about
another way for them to prayer. It is always good
complete the lessons. to start and conclude the
lesson with prayer, allowing
g). If the new disciples ever
the new believers to
forget to complete a lesson,
practice prayer when you
be patient, but motivate
are present. This way you
them to do it next time. It
will be able to encourage
is very important that the
them to cultivate the life
new believers learn to be
of prayer and correct any
accountable to someone;
shortcoming with love if
in this case, it’s you. If,
need be. You will want
as you review the lesson,
them to learn how to pray
you encounter mistakes,
correctly and to make
correct them kindly and
prayer a habit for their
listen to their point of
whole Christian life.
view. However, under no
circumstances should they j). Make sure that the new
be allowed to continue in believers complete all the
their error. activities in each lesson; that
they memorize the verses
h). Make sure that the
when the lesson calls for it
person you are discipling
and that they understand
has a Bible and, if necessary,
and are able to explain the
spend one session
verses in their own words.
explaining to them what the
Ask them, maybe towards
Bible is and how to look for
the end of the lesson:
verses. Allow them to share
How can you put into
any concerns or questions
practice what you learned?;
about the Bible and clarify
Would you encounter any
any misunderstandings
obstacles incorporating
that the person might have
these principles into your
about it.

life? If yes, how could you You are about to begin a
overcome them with the beautiful adventure of faith
help of the Lord and your with your new brothers
discipler? or sisters in Christ. We
encourage you to be
k). It is very important that
consistent and allow God
you are responsible and
to use you powerfully. Ask
punctual with the people
the Lord to give you grace
you are discipling. Do
and wisdom to influence
everything you promise.
the lives of your new
Put yourself at the person’s
brothers and sisters, and
disposal; give them your
for both of you to grow in
telephone number and
experience, knowledge and
address, as well as those
commitment to Christ and
of the Pastor and the
His church. Work towards
Presiding Elder of the
the point where the person
church. Be mindful of the
you are discipling becomes
way you dress and your
mentors themselves. Be
personal appearance, as
a faithful and committed
well as your speech and
disciple of Christ! This is
our lifelong task!
l). If you come across a
situation or question that
you cannot deal with or if
you are in doubt, talk to
your pastor or the assigned
leader. It is important
that you get together
periodically with your
pastor or the leader in
charge of the discipleship


T o learn about Jesus you

would need the help
and guidance of another
church later).
You, as a spiritual baby,
together with your mentor,
follower of Christ. This person would pursue growth
has been on the journey of in an intimate personal
learning from Him longer, relationship with God and in
and has done so through a the understanding of God’s
group of disciples called the will for your life. God is the
church. This is why you have inexhaustible source for
this person to guide you. your constant growth and
You should rejoice that when spiritual development. This
you give your life to Jesus, study uses two important
you also become part of this tools: praying and reading
family called the church (You the Bible, thus the Word of
will learn more about the God. Kindly take note of the
1. This study has been made 6. In this way, you would
as a basic tool to motivate allow God to continue
you to learn about what changing you, and you
Christ has done for you and would be able to develop
what He wants to do in you fully until you can guide
and through your life. others in their walk with
2. You should commit to Christ.
completing all the lessons 7. Studying is a powerful
in order to learn as much as method to achieve permanent
you can about Christ and growth and maturity as a
establish a solid foundation disciple of Jesus.
for everything that God has
planned for you. 8. Enjoy the time you dedicate
to studying the Bible and start
3. The lessons are based on getting used to it.
different Bible passages that
you need to read, then fill in 9. Your mentor would walk
the blank spaces according alongside with you in this
to what you have learned initial process. You could
from them. share your questions, doubts
and needs with him or her.
4. The main purpose of
learning this way is to 10. Having a Bible and
become obedient and learning to use it is very
faithful to your Master, Jesus important for this task.
Christ, and to become a 11. You can use different
servant to others, motivated versions of the Bible, but we
by His love. will use the New International
5. You would need to Version (NIV).
continue taking steps to 12. Your mentor will help you
get involved in the life of with this. Many of the lessons
the church, and making will have verses to memorize
decisions to grow in and activities to do.
commitment to Jesus.

13. It is important that you 20. Your mentor will go
do all of these exercises, through the completed
because they would enrich lesson with you.
your practical learning. 21. Above all, this process
14. For your continued should be centered on
growth in Christ, liaise prayer.
with your mentor and your 22. Ask God to give you the
group members to choose wisdom you need to learn
a convenient time within the spiritual truths that are
the week for meetings fundamental for your new
and be dedicated to this life in Christ.
important task.
You are about to begin
15. Choose a place of
a beautiful adventure of
meeting, preferably the
faith with your brothers
chapel which should be
free of distractions where and sisters in Christ. We
you will be comfortable to encourage you to be
share with your mentor. consistent. Allow God to
continue to shape you.
16. Let your family know so Share what you learn
that you are not interrupted
with your family, friends
unless it’s an emergency.
and school or work
17. Your mentor can meet acquaintances. This way,
you individually if need you will influence others
be but the place should with the Word of God and
preferably be the chapel. your learning will increase.
18. You would need to study Be a faithful and committed
and complete the lesson disciple of Christ! This is
before your next meeting. our lifelong task!
19. Write down your
questions and doubts in a




1 Guide for the Class Meeting and
the Disciple & Filling of Questionnaire
2 Lesson 1-The Assurance of Salvation
3 Lesson 2-Ordinance of Water Baptism
4 Lesson 3-Prayer: Communicating with God
5 Lesson 4-The Bible: God’s Word to You
6 Lesson 5- Establishing an Effective Quiet Time
7 Lesson 6- Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper
8 Lesson 7- The Church: the Family of God’s People
9 Lesson 8-The Church of Pentecost in
Focus (Brief History & Tenets)
10 Lesson 9-The Church of Pentecost in Focus
(Rules of Conduct & Core Values)
11 Lesson 10-The Personality of the Holy Spirit
12 Lesson 11-The Holy Spirit Baptism
13 Lesson 12-Walking in the Spirit

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the
old has gone, the new has come”
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

T his Biblical lesson has

been designed for you,
who have received new
will learn to grow in your
new relationship with God
through prayer and Bible
life in Christ, to help you reading. This first lesson
in the first step of your looks at the assurance of
Christian life. In this lesson your salvation and would
and those that follow, you help you understand the
new life that Christ has 1. You are a New Creation
given you. You will also a. According to 2 Corinthians
be able to discover the 5:17-18, who is a new creation?
wonderful plan that God
has for you and how you can
b). What happened to “the
be a follower of Jesus who
old things”? (Verse 17)
is involved in His church,
and in that way, fulfill His
purposes for humanity. c). Who provides all these?
(Verse 18)
Salvation is the rescue
or deliverance from sin
Think about your salvation
and from the wrath of
experience and answer the
God. It is God’s means of
following questions:
bringing mankind to a right
relationship with Himself d). What are “the old” things
through Jesus Christ. in your life that are now gone
Salvation is the acceptance
of one’s sinfulness, e). What are the things that
repenting of those sins, God has made new in your
believing and accepting life?
Jesus Christ as one’s Lord
and personal savior. It
f). John 1:12 affirms that all
is a complete change of
who have received Him
mind (repentance) and
committal of one’s faith
unto the Lord. It is based
on personal faith. No one 2. You have a New Security
can believe on your behalf a). Now someone lives in
or in your stead. you, because you have
invited Him to live in your
You are now a new creation
heart. You are no longer
in Christ and will need to
alone. Who is with you,
learn how to live as a child
according to John 14:23?
of God.
b). According to 1 John 5:13, experience of millions
what can you be sure about of Christians affirm that
now? when Jesus is in your life,
He fills you with His Spirit
of love. This is reflected in
c). If you should die in the
all of your relationships.
next few hours, where does
Relate well and make
the Bible say you will go
efforts of having new
according to Luke 23:40-
healthy relationships in the
Church. Old relationships
which undermine your new
d). According to Matthew union with Christ must
28:20b what did Jesus be checked. John 14:15-
assure His Disciples of? 17 says that Christians
have the presence of God
in their lives at all times.
3. Enjoy New Relationships
After reading this passage,
Relationship could be
answer the
explained as the way in
following questions:
which two or more people
feel about one another i). Who did the Father send
and behave towards one to be with His children at all
another. Relationship could times?
be vertical (man with God)
and horizontal (man with
ii). In whom can the Holy
Spirit live?
The Christian life is not a
solitary life. Some people
iii). In whom does the Holy
are afraid of losing their
Spirit not live?
friends and loved ones
because of their decision
to follow Christ. Though
iv). When you read John
this might happen in some
15:11-16, you will discover
cases, the Bible and the
that besides God, now you
have more friends. Christians b). According to verses
have a new family in God 27 and 33, what three
that extends to (verse 12): steps do the disciples
of Jesus need to take?
v). What makes you a
friend to Jesus (verse 14): c). According to verses
28-32, what does Jesus
compare to growth in the
vi). Christians who love
Christian life?
Jesus will do as much as
possible to (verse 16):
d). If you build a tower or
guide an army, what is the
Jesus does not want you
first thing that needs to be
to be separated from your
done so it does not fail?
family and friends. His will
is for them to see in you the
new life that God has given To grow as a follower
you. of Christ you need to be
willing to leave all you are,
4. You have Experienced
all you have and all your
New Growth Jesus died
future in His hands. If you
to give you new life, a
want to continue being His
new relationship with God
disciple, give everything to
and others, and for the
Him in prayer.
HolySpirit to guide you
step by step in growth. Conclusion
Read Luke 14:25-33, where You need to ask yourself
Jesus talks about how the the following questions
disciples should grow. before you move to the next
lesson. Positive answers
According to the passage:
to these questions mean
a). Does being a follower
you have really understood
of Christ have a cost?
your salvation. If your
answers are not positive it
does not mean you have
lost your salvation. You 4) Are there sacrifices I
are already doing well but have not made in other to
you will need your mentor make it to heaven if I die
to take you through your today?
difficulties in this lesson.
5) How can you put into
The questions are:
practice what you learned?
1) What can I practically
say in my life that it has 6) Would you encounter
seen change? any obstacles incorporating
these principles into your
2) How do I sense the life? If yes, how could you
presence of God in my life? overcome them with the
help of the Lord and your
3) What shows that I have
an intimate relationship
with God?

Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:


“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit” Matthew 28: 20 (NIV)

W e believe in the follow-

ing two ordinances
of the Church: Baptism by
by Christ and are important
to your new found faith.
Lesson 2 will look at water
immersion and Holy Com- baptism and Lord’s Supper
munion i.e. The Lord’s Sup- would be discussed in a
per. They were all instituted later lesson.
In this lesson we will seek the Baptism by immersion
to find out the following: because we follow the
example of Jesus.
What is an ordinance
(sacrament)? a). What does Mark 1:9-11 say?
Why do we celebrate two
ordinances? Your participation in
the sacraments is very
What is baptism and what is
important for your
its place in my commitment
continued spiritual growth,
to Christ and the church?
because through the
Ordinances are symbols ordinance we unite as a
that were incorporated church, receive grace from
into the life of the church God and become witnesses
by Jesus Christ himself; of His love to the world. We
and who also personally participate in this ordinance
participated in them during in church, led by a qualified
His earthly ministry. (Matt pastor or minister.
28:19-20, Mark 16:16, Luke
What is Water Baptism?
22:19-20). Ordinance, is
an outward sign of an Water baptism is an initiation
inward work of grace (Acts ceremony and a public
8:12; Rom 6:4-6).They are witness of the forgiveness of
Baptism by immersion our sins. We affirm our death
and the Lord’s Supper. (old life) and life together with
The word baptism literally Christ (Romans 6:3-5). It is the
means submerge, immerse, means to become a member
purify, regenerate, sprinkle, of the local church. This is a
cleanse. direct command from Jesus
We can identify at least and must be obeyed.
three different forms of Read Matthew 3:13-17.
baptism in church practice b. Who is baptized in this
but in the church of passage?
Pentecost, we subscribe to
c). How was He baptized j). After the baptism of Lydia
according to the passage? and her family, what did she
ask of Paul and his companions,
according to Acts 16:14-15?
d). What did the voice
say immediately after the
baptism? k). In Acts 18:8, what
happened to the people after
they believed?
e). Reading from Acts 2:41,
what was done to those who
accepted the message? l). Acts 9:17-18

f). What does Matthew 28:19 m). Acts 16:29-33

say about baptism?
n). Finally, to which other
Note that this is a direct baptism does the water
command from Jesus, not a baptism point, according
suggestion and Jesus is our to Matthew 3:11 and Acts
model. 1:5?

g). According to Acts 2:38,

what should I do before water Conclusion
baptism? God bless you for
completing lesson 2,
you are making a lot of
h). What do I benefit from progress. Reflect on these
being baptized? questions and do your
best to provide answers
i). What did Peter do with the to them, they will help to
new believers in Caesarea, refresh your thoughts on
according to Acts 10:47-48? what you have studied:
1. What conviction did I
receive after my baptism

2. How have I understood If you have not yet been
Jesus’ method of baptism? baptized ask your mentor
3. After baptism what next? to introduce you to your
presiding elder who will
4. How can you put into inform the district minister
practice what you learned? to baptize you. You need
5. Would you encounter any this great life changing
obstacles incorporating experience.
these principles into your
life? If yes, how could you
overcome them with the
help of the Lord and your

Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:


“Pray continually”
(NIV) 1 Thessalonians 5:17

T his lesson will teach you

how Christians grow in
their relationship with God
through praying. In this
lesson, you will find answers
to the following questions,
which are common to all
new followers of Christ:
Why do Christians pray?
(babbling like pagans) or
How do I pray as a faithful
the repetition of words.
follower of Jesus?
However prayer is both
Did Jesus pray when He a conscious and spiritual
was on earth? communication with God.
Does God listen to me “Call to me and I will answer
when I pray? you and tell you great and
unsearchable things you do
Prayer is not an exercise
not know” (Jeremiah 33:3).
in vain, desperation and
The Bible teaches us that
performance to impress
God is always ready to
people or God. Also, it
listen to us and help us
is not the use of a lot
as His children. Now that
of meaningless words
you are a child of God, He
wants you to share with Read the passage and answer
Him all your needs. You can the following questions:
approach God freely and b) What kinds of prayer will
tell Him about your dreams, God not listen to (verses 7, 8)?
goals and needs. Do you
know how to express
your needs to the creator c) What is meant to be
of the universe? Jesus babbling like pagans?
understood this better than (James 1:6-8)?
anyone else. God is patient
and has a loving heart in
In this model that Jesus gave us,
listening to His children.
we can find some fundamental
When Jesus was on the
purposes of prayer:
earth, He frequently went
somewhere alone to have 1. TO WORSHIP AND GIVE
a private prayer time with THANKS
God. To worship God is to
recognize His greatness
a) At what time did Jesus
and serve Him. We can see
wake up to pray, according
this in verses 9 and 13.
to Mark 1:35?
a. What does Jesus affirm
in the opening and closing
The disciples were of His prayer?
witnesses of the wisdom,
strength and power that
Jesus received through Gratitude is closely related
prayer. On one occasion, to worship. Jesus taught
they asked Jesus to teach that the children of God
them how to pray (Luke should be thankful for
11:1). Jesus gave them the everything they receive
instructions about prayer from their Heavenly Father.
that we find in Matthew This does not only include
6:5-13. material things, but also
friends, family, job, rest
and everything else they
receive every day from will at all times (verse 10).
God’s hand. The believer also has the
privilege of interceding for
other people.
c). Who do Ephesians 6:18-
When Christians pray, they
20 and 1Timothy 2:1-2 say
demonstrate that they want
we should remember to
to live close to God and
pray for?
know His will for their lives.
Through prayer, they can
get to know their Heavenly 3. TO CONFESS SIN AND
Father more and more, and RECEIVE FORGIVENESS
grow in their love for Him FROM GOD
every day. A believer who The word “sin” refers to
does not pray every day will actions, words, thoughts
soon become discouraged or desires that ignore the
and weak; they would not known law of God. When
be able to overcome trials someone sins, he or she
and temptations. Because offends God and breaks
of this, many fail in the his or her relationship with
Christian life. Him. That person needs
a). What did Jesus ask for to ask for forgiveness in
in His prayer, in verses 11- prayer. Jesus taught that
13? God’s children should also
be merciful and forgive
those who wrong them.
b). Are Jesus’ requests
selfish and focused only on a). According to Matthew
His personal desires? 6:12, what is the relationship
between the way a person
treats someone who has
In the same way, the
offended him or her and
believer should seek to
the forgiveness that they
be guided by God every
want to receive from God?
day in prayer, to do His

b). According to Matthew persecute us for vengeance
5:44-45, what does God is of the Lord. For further
expect from His children enrichment answer the
in their relationships with following questions;
others? 1) How can you put into
practice what you learned?

Conclusion 2) Would you encounter

Now that you have learnt any obstacles incorporating
how to pray and you these principles into your
know God would listen life? If yes, how could you
to you, prayer must be overcome them with the
a daily activity. Pray for help of the Lord and your
yourself, loved ones, family, discipler?
church members and even
enemies. Bible teaches us
to even pray for those who

Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:


“All Scripture is God-Breathed and is useful for teaching, re-
buking, correcting and training in righteousness” 2 Timothy
3:16 (NIV)

T he Bible is an inspired
book which is life and
gives life; it is the WORD
Old Testament which
consist of 39 books and the
New Testament consisting
OF GOD. It is infallible in of 27 books. In all, there
its declaration, final in its are sixty – six (66) books in
authority, comprehensive the Bible.

and all – sufficient in its
This lesson will help you
provisions. The Bible is
answer questions such as;
divided into two parts:
What is the Bible?
Whom was the Bible f). According to Hebrews
written to? 4:12, the Word of God is
How can the Bible help one
to grow in the Lord?
1. The Word of God
From the following
a). What does the Word of passages, how would
God say about itself in 2 reading the Word of God
Timothy 3:16? help you grow in your daily
Christian life?
b). For whom is the Word a). Psalm 119:11
of God, according to
Matthew 4:4? Tick the
b). John 15:3
correct answer:
For experts.
For preachers. c). Acts 20:32
For believers.
d). 2 Timothy 3:15
For everyone men
and women. e). What did God tell
Joshua after the death of
c). According to Psalm
Moses in Joshua 1:8?
119:105, the Word of God is
f). How can a young
man keep his way pure
d). According to Psalm
according to Psalm 119:9?
119:103, what is the Word of
God compared with?
g). All other literature will
pass away but 1 Peter 1:25
states that the Word of
e). Reading from Ephesians
6:17, the Word of God is
A believer needs to spend e). Pray according to
time alone with God. As what God has said to you
a new believer, it is the through the Word. Do not
constant reading of the forget the purposes of
word (Bible) and prayer prayer that you studied in
that can help you grow. To this lesson: worship, give
start the attitude of Bible thanks, pray for your needs
studies, follow these steps: and those of other people,
confess your sins and ask
a). Set apart a time every
for forgiveness.
day to nourish your life with
the Word. This is commonly Conclusion
referred to as devotion. You have completed
another lesson and that
b). Read carefully for 15
shows that you are really
to 25 minutes a selected
making progress in your
portion of the Bible; you
studies, your mentor and
could start with the Gospel
Christ of course should be
of Luke as a beginner.
proud of you! Remember
c). As you grow in the faith that the Bible is the Word
you will spend more time of God; it was written to
on the word running from you for your growth and
several minutes into many maturity in Christ. As you
hours. read it, reflect on it and
obey its commandments
d). Meditate on how what
so that you will grow in the
you read relates with how
you are living now. As you Lord. Try to reflect on these
read, you will find promises questions and find answers
from God for your life, for them:
commandments to obey, 1). What do I think about
sins for which you should the word of God?
ask for forgiveness and
teachings about what God 2). What benefit would
expects from you. I gain from studying the
3). What is the Bible to me?
4). How can you put into practice what you learned?
5). Would you encounter any obstacles incorporating these
principles into your life? If yes, how could you overcome
them with the help of the Lord and your discipler?

Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:

Memory Verse: Mark 1:35
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got
up and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.

T his lesson has been

designed to help you
develop the habit of
aside by an individual
child of God to speak
with heavenly Father. It is
communing with God on a an opportunity for every
daily basis. This habit called child to daily meet with
“Quiet Time” is the period His heavenly Father. Often
of time one deliberately set times we read in the Bible
aside to pray and commune that Jesus Christ went to a
alone with God and study place solitarily to pray. He
the word of God. It is set would go to a quiet, lonely
place to pray and commune 2). When did Jesus wake
with God. He saw the need up to pray? Mark 1:35
to daily go to the Father
3). What did Jesus have
alone before encountering
to sacrifice to have a quiet
time? Mark 1:35,36
On some occasions He
4). What benefit did Jesus
would even send His
derive from His quiet time?
disciples away so that He
Mark 1:39
could be left alone to have
a quiet time to commune 5). What is the benefit of
alone with God. spending quality time with
God? Psalm 91:1-2
Many Christians enjoy
corporate prayer, fellowship 6). Why do many Christians
and Bible Study, but forgo their quiet time?
struggle to spend quality
7). What happens to Christians
time alone with God daily.
who fail to do their quiet
It is necessary to build a
personal relationship with
Matthew 17:15-16
God and grow in intimacy
with Him, because that was 8). What practical steps will
the way Jesus lived here on you take to maintain an
earth. A victorious Christian effective quiet time?
life is built on the foundation Practically, quiet time
of constant quiet time where involve the following;
one spends quality time
alone with God in prayer, a). Select a time and a place
meditation and studies. that will be quiet and most
able for you to be alone
Enjoy the discussion below. with God.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS b). Enter God’s presence
1). What is quiet time and is with thanksgiving, praise
it relevant today? and worship-Ps 100:1-5;
Ps 103:1-5.
c). Read a portion of Conclusion
scripture (it is better to God desire that we fellow-
follow a devotional plan). In ship with Him even as
the event of using a guide, individuals. Men like Moses,
please read the scripture Joshua, David and others
thoroughly before reading communed with God
the commentary. consistently. They set out
times daily and regularly
d). Meditate on the Word
to pray and receive
and let the Lord speak to
instructions from the Lord,
you through His Word.
spending a “Quiet Time”
e). Pray, making your requests in God’s presence. Women
known to God- 1 Tim 2:1-3. like Deborah and Anna did
(Pray for yourself, family likewise. No wonder then
or dear ones, your Church, that such men and women
leaders in the nation and became great in God’s
the Church, those who are hand in their own times as
vulnerable among others.) they tapped the resources
of heaven to meet the
f). If you cannot read, you
challenges facing them
can get together with
there on earth. The Lord
somebody who can read or
Jesus Christ also made
meditate on the scriptures
Himself an example to us
or sermons you have heard.
in this respect that may
Spend quality time alone follow in His steps.
with the Lord and He
would grant you fresh
strength, grace, direction
and anointing. Every other
thing can be cancelled, but
not Quiet Time. Make it a

Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:


“And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is
written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring
good news!’ Romans 10:15 (NIV)

T his lesson will teach

you that God has a
wonderful plan for your
What does God expect from
How do Christians serve
life and that He wants to
guide you step by step in
fulfilling it. In this lesson, How can I help my family
you will find answers to the and friends to know Jesus?
following questions, which Christ has a wonderful plan
are common to everyone for your life!
who has decided to follow
Jesus: “And we pray this in order
that you may live a life Mark 4:1-20 and answer the
worthy of the Lord and following questions:
may please him in every b). What does the seed
way; bearing fruit in every represent (verse 14)?
good work and growing
in the knowledge of God”
c). What prevents the plant
(Colossians 1:10) NIV.
from having roots (verses
1. God created you for a 15-16)?
a). What was God’s purpose
d). What happens to the
in creating human beings,
seed that does not fall on
according to Genesis 1:26-
good soil (verses 15-19)?

e). When the seed falls on

good soil, what happens
(verse 20)?
Adam and Eve disobeyed
God and separated
themselves from the plan f). What is your understanding
He had for their lives, which of “bearing fruit”?
affected their descendants,
including us. The Old
g). How much fruit do you
Testament shows us a God
think you can produce?
that is seeking individuals
and a people to live within
His plan. This God sent
3. God has given you a New
Jesus Christ to guide
Life to Bear Fruit.
people back to His original
plan. Jesus illustrated this The seed of the Word of
process in the parable of God has been planted in
the sower. your heart. It will start
producing changes that are
2. God wants to be the
Farmer of Your Life. Read
necessary, for your life to a) What is the great
be more pleasing to God. commandment that Jesus
left for His followers (verse
h). According to Matthew
7:17, what fruit does Jesus
expect from Christians?
b) What is the best way of
i). In what ways can your showing love to our friends
friends and family know (verse 13)?
that you have become a c) What example did Jesus
new person in Christ? give in relation to “giving
life for others to have
eternal life”?
4. The Fruit that God wants
to Produce in His Children d) In verses 14 and 16
is Eternal. Everything in this Jesus asks His followers
life has a limited existence, to make an effort to bear
for example: building a fruit. One way of doing this
house, planting a tree, is by sharing the eternal
writing a book, having a life they received with
child, having a wonderful others. Is this optional or a
marital relationship, being commandment?
good at art, sports or
a profession, etc. The e) What promise can be
only one who offers you found in verse 16 for those
something that will not who ask for the salvation of
cease to exist after death their friends?
is Jesus. The life that He
gives you is eternal and
now He wants to use you f) Write the names of some
so that others would have of your friends that need to
the same eternal life. Read know Jesus:
John 15:12-17 and answer
the following questions:

You can help such people godly living you need to
have eternal life in Jesus by win others for Christ.
doing the following things:
i). Pray for them to desire Finally, as you reflect on
to hear the Word of God the above, answer these
. questions as they apply to
ii). Talk to them about what the study in relation to your
God has done in your life life;
(Your previous lifestyle,
how you got to know 1. What does God expect
Christ, and what He means from me?
to you now). 2. How can I help my family
iii). Invite them to your and friends to know Jesus?
small group meeting or to 3. Which fruits am I
the local church, or set a producing? Do they please
date for them to come and God?
listen to the gospel in your
home. 4. How can you put into
practice what you learned?
Conclusion 5. Would you encounter any
You are really making obstacles incorporating
spiritual advancement in these principles into your
your new walk with Christ. life? If yes, how could you
You have now learnt overcome them with the
to share your salvation help of the Lord and your
experience and the Word discipler?
of God with others. There
is no need to wait, go
ahead and share your faith,
you don’t need to know
everything before you
witness. You are certain of
why God created you, and
apart from bearing fruit of
Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:

“For I received from the Lord what I passed on to you; The
Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and
when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my
body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me” 1
Corinthians 11: 23-24 (NIV)

C ontinuing from lesson

2 on ordinances, this
lesson will further help you
What are some of the
significant elements in the
Lord’s Supper?
to answer the following
What is the importance
of partaking in the Lord’s
What is the Lord’s Supper?
Christ invites you (his child) symbolizes the blood of
to be an active participant Christ shed on the cross,
in His ordinance! makes us participants in:
The Lord’s Supper was
instituted by the Lord
The new covenant refers
Himself and it is a ceremony
to a new relationship that
of communion and constant
we can now have with God
renewal for His disciples.
through the death and
Since its inception, the
resurrection of Christ, an
church of Jesus Christ
intimate love relationship
has observed it to date.
as children of God.
The Lord’s Supper can be
celebrated as frequently as d) What did Jesus do
desired. immediately after taking
In the Church of Pentecost, the bread and the cup,
it is observed at least once according to Luke 22:17-19?
a month and in most cases
on the first Sunday of each e) What future hope does
month. We can see some Luke 22:18 give us in the
of the significant elements Lord’s Supper?
of the Lord’s Supper in the
following passages:
f) In the same way as Luke
a) According to Matthew 22:19, 1 Corinthians 11:24-
26:26-28, what do the bread 25 urges us that when we
and the cup symbolize? celebrate the Lord’s Supper
we do it in
b) According to 1 Corinthians
11:26, when we take the Participating in the Lord’s
elements of the Lord’s Supper in memory of Him
Supper, what are we doing? is to realize that the Lord
relives this experience
c) Mark 14:24 points with His disciples, making
out that the cup, which
Himself present not in the Conclusion
elements, but in His church. This study completes our
discussions on ordinances
g) Finally, what opportunity
which was started in lesson
does the Lord’s Supper give
2. After treating Lord’s
for our spiritual growth as
Supper try your hands
indicated in 1 Corinthians
on these questions which
11:28 and 31?
seeks to find out how you
could practically apply the
We encourage you to topic studied to real life
participate more actively situation.
in the Lord’s Supper every
Do I really do what I am
time it is celebrated.
supposed to do after eating
1. What prevents me from
eating with the Lord at His
The following conditions
must be considered;
a). Accept Jesus as Lord 2. If I cannot go to the
and Saviour Lord’s Table, how can I
approach Christ in person
b). Receive baptism by
at His second coming?
c). Right hand of fellowship 3. How can you put into
should be extended practice what you learned?

d). Be a husband of one wife 4. Would you encounter

any obstacles incorporating
e). Should not be a second these principles into your
wife life? If yes, how could you
overcome them with the
f). Should not be a suspended help of the Lord and your
member discipler?
g). Should be qualified by 1
Cor. 11:23-32
Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:

“And let us be concerned about one another in order to
promote love and good works, not staying away from our
meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each
other, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”
Hebrews 10: 24-25 (NIV)

T his lesson will help

you understand what
the church is and why
who has decided to follow

Christians gather to What is the church?

worship and fellowship with
the people of God. You Why do Christians gather
will find answers to the together?
following questions, which
are common to everyone
Why is unity necessary in 1) Chosen people: family,
the church? race, descendants
What is the mission of the 2) Royal priesthood: priests
church? that serve before the King
of Kings (Jesus).
Why does Christ want
to make you part of His 3) Holy nation: people that
church? are cleansed from sin and live
according to the will of God.
The word church literally
means “assembly” and it 4) A people belonging to
appears 109 times in the God: the people of God
New Testament, mostly in that have been bought by
Paul’s letters. Only in 17 of the blood of Jesus
these passages does church d) What did God establish
refer to the whole people His church for, according to
of God; in the rest of the 1 Peter 2:9b
references it describes a local
congregation of disciples.
e) According to 1 Corinthians
1. The Nature of the Church 12:27 and Ephesians 5:23,
a. On whom is the church what is the relationship of
founded, according to Christ with the church?
Matthew 16:16-18?

Read 1 Peter 2:9. Read Ephesians 5:25-27

How does Peter describe and explain in your own
Christians? words;
a) f) How important is the
b) church to God?
These terms describe what g) In what ways has He
the church is and they mean: shown this?

2. The Unity of the Church f). Where were the two
In John 17 we read the meeting places for the first
prayer Jesus prayed for Christians?
all His disciples (including
g). Why did they gather
a). Reading verses 20-23, according to verses 46 and
who did Jesus pray for? 47?

h). What did they

b). Did Jesus also pray for
experience when the
Christians were together?

c). What did Jesus ask

i). Read the following
the Father to do for His
passages for more reasons
that Christians should
d). Why is it important for I. Ephesians 5:18-20
Christians to get together
and develop bonds of
friendship? II. Acts 1:14 and 12:5

III. Acts 2:44-45

Read Acts 2:43-47 and 3. The Mission of the

consider the following Church
questions. The reason why the church
e). Is it possible to be a exists is the same reason
disciple of Jesus without why Jesus also came to the
being part of His local world. He now shares this
church? mission with us; we are His
church in our time (1 Cor.
Yes No
6:19), wherever we live.
There are two key passages
in the New Testament that Finally, we learn about the
summarize the mission of mission of the church as
Jesus for His church in the we observe how the first
world. Christians developed their
During His ministry with the
12 disciples, Jesus taught c) According to Acts 2:42,
and modeled the mission in what did they devote
of the church to them in themselves to?
different ways.
a) According to the
following passages, what is The mission of the church
the mission of the church? is to become the type of
i. Matthew 5:13-16 church that God can use
to reconcile the world to
Himself. We need to be
ii. John 15:1-5
faithful disciples of Christ
through the ministry of
iii. Matthew 28: 19-20 the church and be actively
involved in its life and
mission. What a great
iv. Acts 1:8?
privilege we have to take
active part in what God
v. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, wants to do in and through
His church in the world!
vi. What did Paul say we In view of the above, it
are in 2 Corinthians 5:20? behoves on every believer
to belong to a Christ
believing local church,
b) According to Acts 1:8,
attend services regularly,
what do we need to receive
and participate in all that
before fulfilling our mission
the church does.
as a church?

As a new believer in the 1. Why do you have to join
Church of Pentecost, you a local congregation of
should participate in all believers?
church activities includ-
2. What should be your
ing Sunday Church Ser-
responsibility in your local
vices, Home Cell meetings,
Evening Church Services,
weddings, funerals and 3. How can you put into
anything that involves the practice what you learned?
church. You must be a
4. Would you encounter
member of at least one of
any obstacles incorporating
the ministries: Evangelism,
these principles into your
Women, PEMEM (Pente-
life? If yes, how could you
cost Men’s Ministry) and
overcome them with the
Youth. When you are firmly
help of the Lord and your
established you could opt
to be a teacher or assist in
the work of the Children’s
You have done well to
complete yet another
insightful topic about the
church. The church has a big
role to play in your progress
as a Christian. God wants
us to continue in fellowship
with other believers in
the local church and
contribute meaningfully to
their growth and ours too.
Answer these questions as
they apply to your study on
the church.
Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:


BRIEF HISTORY OF THE believers of the Apostolic

CHURCH OF PENTECOST Faith led by Rev. Peter
Newman Anim (who later

T he Church of Pentecost,
like most great
institutions, started in a
became the Founder of
Christ Apostolic Church) in
a town called Asamankese.
small way. The Church’s
Due to doctrinal differences
beginnings are linked to the
based on divine healing,
ministry of Pastor James
the group split in 1939 into
McKeown (1900-1989),
the Christ Apostolic Church
an Irish missionary sent
and the Apostolic Church,
by the Apostolic Church,
Gold Coast. The latter saw
Bradford, UK to the then
great expansion under
Gold Coast (now Ghana)
Pastor James McKeown.
in 1937 to help a group of
In 1953, a constitutional The Church of Pentecost
crisis led to the founding of is a worldwide, non-profit-
the Gold Coast Apostolic making Pentecostal church
Church led by Pastor James with its headquarters in
McKeown. Accra, Ghana. As at (2012),
the Church of Pentecost
On the attainment of
is active in 86 countries
independence by the
in Africa, North America,
country in 1957 and
Asia, Europe, and the
following the changes of its
Middle East with over
name to Ghana, the Gold
16,455 Assemblies (Local
Coast Apostolic Church
Congregations) with a total
was renamed the Ghana
membership of 2,252,228
Apostolic Church. The
worldwide. The driving
split in 1953 did not end
force behind the church’s
the crisis. New conflicts
growth is the Lordship of
compelled the then
Jesus Christ as the Head
President of the Republic
and the enabling power of
of Ghana, His Excellency Dr.
the Holy Spirit. Currently
Kwame Nkrumah, to advise
2012), the Church has
the leadership of the Ghana
seventy (70) basic Schools,
Apostolic Church, to adopt
one (1) Hospital (Pentecost
a new name in order to
Hospital at Madina),
foster peace and harmony
seven (7) Clinics, two (2)
on the Pentecostal front.
Secondary Schools, one
Therefore, on August 1,
(1) Technical Institution &
1962, the new name, The
two (2) Vocational Schools
Church of Pentecost,
& a University (Pentecost
legally replaced the Ghana
University College).
Apostolic Church. In Ghana
as at 2012, the Church of Vision Statement
Pentecost is the fastest Planting and nurturing
growing Church. healthy churches globally.

Mission Statement tive Committee Members/
The Church of Pentecost National ITI PENSA Coor-
exists to bring all people dinating Committee, Area
everywhere to the saving Women’s Ministry Leaders
knowledge of our Lord in Ghana, Specialist, Re-
Jesus Christ through the tired Ministers and other
proclamation of the gospel, persons may be invited
the planting of churches and without voting rights.
the equipping of believers
The Executive Council
for every God-glorifying
The Executive Council
service. It demonstrates
is a nine (9)-member
the love of God through
Committee of the Church,
the provision of social
and sees to the day-to-
services in partnership with
day administration of the
governments, communities
Church. The Committee is
and other like-minded
made up of the Chairman,
the General Secretary,
GOVERNMENT OF THE the International Missions
CHURCH OF PENTECOST Director, One (1) Apostle/
General Council-The high- Prophet/National
est decision-making body Head elected from the
of the Church is the General Francophone Zone, One (1)
Council. The General Coun- Apostle/Prophet/National
cil is made up of Apostles, Head elected from the
Prophets, Evangelists Anglophone Zone, four (4)
and ordained Pastors of others elected from among
the Church, Area Execu- the Apostles and Prophets
tive Committee members, in Ghana.
National Heads, National
NOTE: Please help the
Deacons, National Secre-
members to know the names
taries, Trustees, Chairmen
of the current Executive
of Boards and Committees
Council Members.
and Ministry Leadersor
Directors, National Execu-
The Area Presbytery become an automatic
The Area Presbytery which member of the Committee.
is the coordinating and
NOTE: Please help
the highest policy-making
members know the names
body in the Area is made
of the Area Executive
up of the Area Head, Area
Committee in the Area.
Executive members, All
The District Presbytery
Area Ministry Leaders, their
Assistants and Chairmen
The District Presbytery
of Area Committees, All
is the highest decision-
District Executive Committee
making body in the District
members, two (2) Deacons
and is made up of the District
from each District, three
Minister, his wife, Elders,
(3) Deaconesses from each
Deacons and Deaconesses
District, all other serving
in the District and then
ministers and their wives in
District Ministry Leaders
the Area. Retired officers
and their Assistants. The
and other persons may be
District is headed by a
invited to attend without
seven (7)-member District
voting rights. The Area
Executive Committee
Executive Committee,
comprising the District
which is responsible for
Minister as the Chairman,
the day-to-day running
the District Secretary,
of the Area, is a seven
Chairman of the District
(7)-member Committee
Finance Committee and
and led by the Area
four (4) Elders. The District
Head. The Area Executive
Executive Committee
Committee is made up of
shall be responsible for
the Area Head as Chairman,
the administration of the
the Area Secretary, two (2)
Church in the District,
ministers, the Area Deacon,
implementing the decisions
and two (2) Elders. In an
of the Area Executive
Area where a Prophet is a
Committee and the
District Minister, he shall
Executive Council.
members know the names OF THE CHURCH OF
of the District Executive PENTECOST
Committee. 1. The Bible
The Local Presbytery- We believe in the divine
The local Presbytery is inspiration and authority
made up of the Minister, of the Holy Scriptures.
his wife, Elders, Deacons That the Bible is infallible
and Deaconesses of the in its declaration, final in
Local Assembly. Local its authority, all-sufficient
Ministry Leaders who are in its provisions and
not ordained Officers shall comprehensive in its
be co-opted to the Local
sufficiency (2 Timothy
Presbytery where applicable
but shall have no voting 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21).
rights. The Presiding Elder 2. The One True God
shall preside over the Local We believe in the existence
Assembly in the absence of of the One True God, Elo-
the District Minister.
him, Maker of the whole
This chain of command universe; indefinable, but
ensures there is both revealed as Triune God-
vertical and horizontal flow head - Father, Son and
of communication, thereby Holy Spirit - one in nature,
making implementation essence and attributes;
of policies and feedback
Omnipotent, Omniscient
very vital ingredients of
and Omnipresent (Gen-
effective administration.
esis 1:1; Matthew 3:16-17;
In addition, the Church’s 2 Corinthians 13:14; Mat-
official magazine “Pentecost thew 28:19; Genesis 1:26).
Fire” is published quarterly
3. Man’s Depraved Nature
to educate church members
We believe that: “all
about events in the Church.
men have sinned and
It also shares the gospel
come short of the glory
with non-Christian readers.
of God;” are subject to

eternal punishment; and 6. The Ordinance of Baptism
need repentance and and the Lord’s Supper
regeneration (Genesis 3:1- We believe in the Odinance
19; Isaiah 53:6). of Baptism by immersion as
a testimony of a convert who
4. The Saviour
has attained a responsible
We believe that man’s
need of a Saviour has age of about 13years (Luke
been met in the person 3:21; Mark 16:16). [Infants and
of Jesus Christ, because children are not baptised
of His deity, virgin birth, but are dedicated to the
sinless life, atoning death, Lord] (Luke 2:22-24, 34;
resurrection and ascension; Mark 10:16). We believe in
His abiding intercession the Odinance of the Lord’s
and second coming (John Supper which should be
8:46; 14:30; Colossians 1:15; partaken of by all members
2 Corinthians 5:19; Romans who are in full fellowship
3:25; Acts 2:36; Philippians
(Luke 22:19-20; Matthew
2:9-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:3).
26:21-29; Acts 20:7).
5. Repentance, Justification,
7. Baptism, Gifts and Fruit
of The Holy Spirit
We believe all men have
We believe in the Baptism of
to repent of and confess
the Holy Spirit for believers
their sins before God and
with signs following; and
believe in the vicarious
in the operation of the
death of Jesus Christ to be
gifts and the fruit of the
justified before God. We
Holy Spirit in the lives of
believe in the sanctification
believers (1 Corinthians
of the believer through the
12:8-11; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:4;
working of the Holy Spirit
Galatians 5:22).
and in God’s gift of Eternal
Life to the believer (Acts 8. Next Life
2:38; Luke 15:7; Romans We believe in the
4:25; 5:16; 1 Corinthians Resurrection of both the
1:30; 1 Thessalonians 4:3). saved and the unsaved;
they that are saved to the
resurrection of life, and the 10. Divine Healing:
unsaved to the resurrection We believe that the healing
of damnation (John 5:28- of sickness and disease is
29; Daniel 12:2; Romans 2:7; provided for God’s people in
6:23; Acts 20:35). the atonement (Isaiah 53:4-
5; Matthew 8:7, 17; Mark 16:18;
9. Tithes and Offerings
James 5:14-16; Luke 13:10-
We believe in tithing and
16). The Church is, however,
in the giving of free-will
not opposed to soliciting
offerings towards the
the help of qualified medical
cause of carrying forward
the Kingdom of God. We
believe that God blesses
a cheerful giver (Malachi
3:10; Hebrews 7:1; Luke
6:38; Acts 20:35).

Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:

RULES OF CONDUCT The following guidelines
FOR THE CHURCH OF are therefore intended to
PENTECOST (AS IN THE help you walk worthy of
MINISTERS MANUAL, your calling as a child of
2001) God: -
a). Set aside some period
The Church is the household
daily for personal quiet time
of God, redeemed and
in prayer and meditation
sanctified by the blood
on the Word (Matthew 6:6,
of Jesus Christ. Thus the
Ephesians 6:18 – 20).
Church is not a mere social
institution but a family of b). Always endeavour
saints being trained and to adequately prepare
equipped until we all attain yourself through prayer
unto the measure of the and meditation before
stature of the fullness of coming to the house of God
Christ. (Hebrews 4:15 -16).
c). Be in your seat in brethren with brotherly
good time before the affection and, if you are able,
commencement of the contribute to the needs of
service, and participate the saints (Philemon verse
fully in every aspect of the 7, Acts 2:46).
worship service.
d). Endeavour, by word at home or at work, do not
and deed to bring up your speak disrespectfully or
children in the fear of the disparagingly about the
LORD, and bring them with church and God’s servants.
you to the house of God. Make your concerns and
Supervise and monitor grievances known to the
the active participation of appropriate authority for
your children in the Sunday explanation or redress
School and Youth Ministry, (3 John 9 – 10, Numbers 12:1, 2).
as the case may be. Do not
h). Endeavour to study the
neglect the spiritual well-
Bible diligently on your own
being of other relatives
and take it with you any
and house-helps under
time you go to the house of
your care; they also need
God (2 Timothy 2:15, Acts
salvation (Genesis 18:19;
17:11, Joshua 1:8, Ezra 7:10).
Joshua 24:15, 2 Timothy
1:5, 6, Proverbs 22:6, i). Enter reverently; pray
Deuteronomy 6:4 – 7). fervently; listen attentively;
give praise from a grateful
e). Make the Pastor your
heart, and worship God in the
personal friend. He needs
beauty of Holiness (Psalm
your sympathy, support and
118:27 – 29, Ecclesiastes
counsel even as you need
5:1, Romans 7:12, James
his. Constantly pray for him
1:19). “Enter into His gates
(Hebrews 13:17 – 18, Romans
with thanksgiving, and into
15:30 – 32, Malachi 2:7).
His courts with praise; be
f). Make the Church your thankful unto Him and bless
spiritual home. Love the His name” (Psalm 100:4).
j). Marital fidelity and Jesus Christ our Savior, Jesus
chastity before marriage Christ our baptizer in the
are the hallmarks of a Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ our
true Christian and are, Healer and Jesus Christ our
therefore, strongly urged soon coming King, through
upon every child of God. rallies, crusades, conventions,
Pre-marital and extra- media evangelism, personal
marital relationships have evangelism, etc. (Mk. 16:15-16;
no place in the church of Mt. 28:19-20)
God; members found in
2. Church Planting –
such relationships will be
Placing emphasis on
punished by suspension
planting a local church for
and/or withdrawal from
every community (Romans.
fellowship (1 Corinthians
7:2, Hebrews 13:4)
3. Discipleship - Equipping
k). In your business,
the saints to Christ-like
endeavour to make all your
maturity (Eph. 4:11-13)
dealings and transactions
Bible-based, honest and 4. Prayers – Worship,
transparent (Proverbs 16:8; intercession/supplication,
22:16, Jeremiah 17:11; 22:13, spiritual warfare resulting in
Proverbs 21:16). miracles, signs and wonders
and answer to prayers (Acts
A true child of God may not
2:42-46; 4:23-31; 13:1-3)
deal in items known to be
detrimental to the spiritual, 5. Gifts and Operations of
mental and physical health of the Holy Spirit (Mk. 16:15;
others, e.g. alcohol, cigarettes Acts 1:8; 2:1-4; 19:16;1Co.12:1-
and narcotic drugs. 11)-see Tenets
THE CORE VALUES OF THE 6. Sacrificial Giving-(Mal.
CHURCH OF PENTECOST 3:6-13; 1 Co. 116:1-2; 2 Co.
1. Preaching the Gospel – 9:1-9-consult Tenets)
Placing emphasis on the
“Foursquare Gospel” which is
7. Fellowship – attend- Deaconess by the appoint-
ing church services, Home ing authority and in extreme
Cells meetings, tarry and cases excommunication
other prayer programmes, from the Church by the Ex-
Ministry meetings, Commu- ecutive Council on the rec-
nion services, Conventions, ommendation of the Area
meeting needs of the saints Head and the Area Execu-
and of one another (Acts tive Committee (Heb. 12:14-
2:44; 47; Gal. 6:2; 1 Jn. 1:3) 17; 1 Tim. 5:19-21).
8. Church Discipline – In 9. Social Services–helping
our efforts to maintain per- to meet some social
sonal and corporate holi- needs through Schools,
ness, various, disciplinary hospitals, and other social
measures are taken. Some interventions- Mt. 25:31-46
disciplinary measures in-
10. Respect for Authority -
clude; public rebuke,
1 Th. 5:12-13
suspension, revoking of the
Office of Elder, Deacon and

Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another
Counsellor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth. The
world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor
knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will
be in you.” John 14: 16-17 (NIV)

INTRODUCTION everything we do, say and

T he Holy Spirit who is

the third person in the
God Head (Trinity) is a
think about Him. A proper
understanding of the
Holy Spirit, therefore, can
personality. Christians of transform our lives. It must
today should eagerly seek therefore be said for a fact
Him after accepting Jesus that we are living in the era
as their Lord and savior. or dispensation of the Holy
A right knowledge of who Spirit and that any Christian
the Holy Spirit is, affects or Church organization
that fails to acknowledge b). Is the Holy Spirit simply an
the teaching and direction “influence”, or “impersonal
of the Holy Spirit is bound force that emanates from
to fail, or merely exist as a God?
religious club.
c). Why is the Holy Spirit
Today some people doubt a person? His Personal
the personality of the Holy Characteristics.
Spirit. They consider Him
a power, a force or an
energy, and not a person.
However, Scripture shows A) THE HOLY SPIRIT
clearly that He is a person SPEAKS
(a Being). 1) What does 1 Tim 4:1 say
and who is speaking?
Despite the importance
of understanding the
Scriptures as a whole, there
is much confusion and 2) Go to that chariot and
superstition in the minds stay near it. Who said this
of many people about the according to Acts 8:29?
Holy Spirit. It is our intention
in this lesson to present the
3) According to Acts
true understanding of what
10:19-20, Peter was given
the Bible teaches about the
a charge to execute. Who
subject of the personality of
gave that charge and what
the Holy Spirit.
was it?
This lesson will however
help you get answers to
these questions;
4) Reading from Acts 13:1-
a). Is the Holy Spirit 4, what did you observe
a person, or one that the Holy Spirit do?
possesses “personality”?

5) According to Jn. 14:26,
the Counselor who was to E) THE HOLY SPIRIT
teach the Apostles and to FORBIDS
remind them of all things e). What did the Holy Spirit
was referred to as? do according to Acts 16:6-

It is worthy to note that Jesus

consistently used a personal This He did by “forbidding”
pronoun “He” “Him” to refer them and “not permitting”
to the Holy Spirit and not them, despite their initial
“it” (implying a being, not an efforts. Sometimes the Holy
impersonal force) – Jn. 14:16- Spirit can forbid us from
17, Jn. 16:7-13 making certain decisions.
b). According to John 15:26, f). The “Spirit Himself (note
what would the Holy Spirit Paul’s use of the personal
do when He comes? pronoun) ”
Rom 8:26


c). Just as the apostles (who POSSESSES PERSONAL
were “Personal Beings”) CHARACTERISTICS
would bear witness, so also g). According to Rom 8:27,
the Holy Spirit Jn. 15:27 he who searches our hearts
h). 1 Co 2:11 suggests that
d). According to John.
He has knowledge because
16:13, what will the Holy
He knows
Spirit do?

i). Humans have affection p). What was the result of
(love) so do the Holy Spirit. their actions against the
What does Romans 15:30 Holy Spirit?

j. According to 1 Cor. 12:11,

who decides which person q. What did the Jewish
to receive which gift(s)? leaders do according to
Acts 7:51-53?
k. Can we say that based on
1 Cor. 12:11, the Holy Spirit
has a will?
Yes No
From the discussions
H) THE HOLY SPIRIT above, it is obvious to
COULD BE OFFENDED agree with the Bible that
l. What does Eph. 4:30 say? the Holy Spirit is a person
who possesses all the
unique characteristics such
m). Can we declare base
as a ability to speak, think,
on Eph. 4:30 that the Holy
guide etc. He cannot be a
Spirit has emotions?
force, energy or an object
Yes No
as some suggest.
n). What are the three
Having gone through this
things you are not to do
lesson, kindly meditate
against the Holy Spirit
over how your personal
according to Matt. 12:31-32
relationship with the Holy
Spirit is. How does He feel
o). According to Acts 5:3 towards you? What has
what did Ananias and his He done, and is doing, for
wife, do and against who? you in God’s scheme of
redemption? And how does
He react to your reception
or rejection of the Word He
has revealed? How can you put into practice what you
Would you encounter any obstacles incorporating these
principles into your life? If yes, how could you overcome
them with the help of the Lord and your discipler?

Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:


“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on
you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all
Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8 (NIV)

B aptism in the Holy Spirit

is an experience of the
Holy Spirit coming upon
Acts 2:1-4, Acts 8:14-17 etc.
There are various reasons
why we speak in tongues in
and filling those who are church and in our privacy.
born again with the initial
This lesson seeks to answer
evidence of speaking in
the need to be baptized
tongues. Matthew 3:11,
in the Holy Spirit and the
Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4-5, 8
conditions for the Baptism.
1. The Need for Holy Ghost 40 what would you do to
Baptism meet the condition for the
a) Reading from Acts 2:4,
what filled the disciples
b) Luke 11:9-13 suggests
and what happened
some possible means we
may receive the Holy Spirit
Baptism. What are they?
b) According to Acts 1:8
and Luke 24:49, when
the Holy Spirit comes
c) Which command did
upon you, He gives you
Jesus give the disciples
while he was eating with
accomplish mighty works
them according to Acts 1:4-
in Christ.
c) The Holy Spirit helps you
in times of your weakness
according to Romans 8:26.
d) According to Acts 2:4,
the disciples yielded by
d) According to 1 availing themselves.
Corinthians 14:2, what does i) What does it mean to
he who speak in tongues yield in?
utter and to whom?
ii) What is expected of you?
e) 1 Corinthians 14:4
declares that if you
The baptism of the Holy
speak in a tongue, you
Spirit is a gift for all
believers including the new
2. What do you do to believer who needs Him
receive the Baptism? for spiritual growth and
a) Reading from Acts 2:38- maturity; as well as gifts for

the benefit of the Church. principles into your life?
Desire for that baptism, pray If yes, how could you
for it, be in expectation and overcome them with the
God will give it to you freely. help of the Lord and your
Try your hand on these discipler?
questions which is able to
aid your understanding of NOTE
the baptism. 1. The above is the normal
order or process but there
1. Why is it necessary for me
can be an exception.
to receive the baptism in
Eg. At the house of
the Holy Spirit? State three
Cornelius (Acts 10:44-48)
(3) reasons that relate to
you personally.
2.Certain physical manifestations
like falling, jumping, crying,
shaking etc and also
prophesying and other
gifts may accompany the
2. What sacrifices do I
occurrence. However, the
have to make to meet the
biblical initial evidence is
conditions for the baptism
always the speaking of
in the Holy Spirit? Consider
new tongues as on the Day
three (3) of them.
of Pentecost. Thus, the
speaking of genuine new
tongues given as utterance
from the Holy Spirit is not
just the primary evidence
3. How can you put into
which will lead on to
practice what you learned?
secondary evidence but
the only initial sign of the
4. Would you encounter
Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
any obstacles
incorporating these

Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:


“So I say, live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the
desires of the sinful nature” Galatians 5: 16 (NIV)

T his lesson teaches that

as Christians there are
two struggles that go on in
answers to the following
i. What do we mean by
our body; the result is what Walking in the Spirit?
is seen by other people we
relate to. It is either you ii. When we walk in the
walk in the spirit to please Spirit, what happens?
God or Walk in the flesh to iii. What is fulfilling the lust
please Satan. At the end of the flesh or walking after
of this lesson you will find the flesh?

iv). What are the acts of the Read Galatians 5: 16-24
flesh? and answer the following
v). What is the result of
a) What will be the result, if
those who obey the acts of
you walk in the Spirit?
the flesh?
vi). How can we overcome (verse 16)
the acts of the flesh?
b) What is against the Spirit?
1. WALK IN THE SPIRIT. (verse 17)
It is important you
c) According to Romans
understand that Man is a
8:1, what will happen to
spirit being, has as a soul
those who walk according
and lives in a body (Genesis
to Spirit?
1:26). Man is spirit because
of God’s consciousness
in him (you need to know
God in your spirit), Soul d) What do those who live
– Self consciousness according to the Spirit do?
(Mind, Emotions and Will), Roman 8:5
Body – Sense/ World
consciousness (hot, cold
sweet, bitter). To walk is
to live in a particular way
or to conduct your life in
particular way. Therefore
The flesh refers to the old
to walk in the Spirit is to
nature (the desire to do evil)
have your daily life under
or man’s fallen nature. The
the command and control
sinful nature is that desire
of the Holy Spirit. Know
and easiness to sin or err;
that the Spirit and the flesh
that is still with the believer
are in conflict. Galatians 5:
even after conversion. The
16- 24 (New King James
lust of the flesh is what
a person desires to do in

order to be physically or 3. HOW DO WE WALK IN
emotionally satisfied. It is THE SPIRIT? GALATIANS
as a result of our actions 5:16
that people see us either to The reality of your
be spiritual (walking in the consciousness is reuniting
Spirit) or carnal (obeying your spirit with the Spirit
the desires of the flesh) of God; being alive in
Read Gal 5:19-22; Spirit or following the
things of God. The Holy
a) What are the works of
Spirit has reunited with
the flesh? (verses 19-21)
your spirit and has given
you new birth. (Romans
8:16) Walking in the Spirit
b) What will happen to
is a daily experience of a
anyone who practices
believer who feeds on the
the works of the flesh?
word of God, prays and
obeys what the Bible says.
You can walk in the Spirit
by renewing your mind with
c) What will happen to
the word of God (Romans
those who do not walk
12: 1-2); growing by feeding
according to the flesh?
on the word of God (1 Peter
Romans 8:4
2:2) and being led by the
Spirit of God.
(Romans 8:14)
d) What do those who walk
according to the flesh do?
a) What is your reasonable
Romans 8:5
service? Romans 12:1

e) Please continue the b) How will you not

statement: (Galatians 5:24) conform to this world?
“Those who are in Christ have Romans 12:2

c) How would you grow? that we need to put to
1 Peter 2:2 death (stop). Colossians 3:5

d) What is the fruit of the c) What will happen to

Spirit? Galatians 5: 22-23 those who keep on living
to please the sinful nature?
Colossians 3: 6
e) Since we live in Christ,
what should we do?
Galatians 5:25 d) Indicate the things
(habits) we need to put
off as we walk in the spirit.
Colossians 3:8,9
This lesson will help you
identify the things you are
expected to do as a new
believer and those you are e) What should be the life
not supposed to do. Again, style of the new believer
it will help you discover who is walking in the
what are the things of the Spirit?. Colossians 3: 12-17
Spirit and that of the flesh;
and the role of the new
f) Everyone in a family
believer in the home.
has a role to play in order
a) According to Colossians to please God. If we play
3: 1, what are the things we our role in the family and
are supposed to seek community to please
God then we are simply
Why must we set our minds walking in the spirit. Read
on things above (Heavenly Colossians 3: 18-22 and
things). Colossians 3:3 state the duties of the
following people indicated
b) If we really want to walk below:
in the Spirit what are some
h) Wives:
of the things of the flesh
i) Husbands
j) Chidren go through another exciting
k) Father and growth oriented
l) Slaves/House helps lessons in the next Volume.
The next volume will look
at the Keys to abundant
Life. The lessons will help
We believe that this week’s
you grow and glow; and
lesson has enabled you to
affect others with your new
understand how to walk in
found faith. Please answer
the Spirit in order not to
the questions that follow to
fulfill the lust of the flesh.
help you;
We pray you will put these
lessons into practice and 1) How can you put into
make it become part of practice what you learned?
your life, for a fruitful living
2) Would you encounter
in Christ Jesus.
any obstacles incorporating
You have successfully these principles into your
completed all the lessons life? If yes, how could you
on New Life in Christ, overcome them with the
Congratulations! Prepare to help of the Lord and your

Discipler’s Confirmation
(to be filled by Disciple Class Teacher)

I (Discipler),
do affirm that (name of
new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her
questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore
grounded on this topic.

Signature of Discipler: Date:






ALL GENERAL questions, suggestions or information to be forwarded

to any of the following persons:
PS. FRANKLIN HUSHIE (0244483084)
PS. SAMUEL GAKPETOR (0244093690)
You can also send your suggestions to the emails below; OR
The following persons can be contacted for editorial inputs and queries
for any of the languages below.

1. Akuapem 6. Ga
Ovr. Henry Adu Obuobi Ps. Henry S. Ako-Nai
0244968945 0244889792

2. Asante 7. Kokomba
Ps. W. Boachie-Ansah Ps. James Magyam
0244137880 0242636481

3. Dangme 8. Nzema
Eld. Owulah Tsatsu Ps. Ewusie-Ocran
0207778401 0245159880

4. Ewe 9. French
Eld. C.K. Badzi Eld. Ancien Jonas Kabore
0243260892 0208157410

5. Fante
Mrs. Sylvia Acquah-Sampson



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