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Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:667–675

DOI 10.1007/s11920-012-0319-2


Staging and Neuroprogression in Bipolar Disorder

Gabriel Rodrigo Fries & Bianca Pfaffenseller &
Laura Stertz & André Vinicius Contri Paz &
Aroldo Ayub Dargél & Maurício Kunz &
Flávio Kapczinski

Published online: 23 October 2012

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract The apparently progressive nature of a consider- models of BD, with a special emphasis on the search for
able proportion of cases of bipolar disorder (BD) has been biomarkers associated with illness progression.
acknowledged in recently proposed clinical staging models.
This has been part of an attempt to facilitate and refine Keywords Bipolar disorder . BD . Staging . Clinical staging
diagnosis, treatment selection, and establish a prognosis. model . Neuroprogression . Cellular resilience .
The study of the progressive nature of some cases of BD Neuroplasticity . Biomarkers . Allostatic load . Treatment .
has given raise to the hypothesis of neuroprogression, which Remission . Psychiatry
postulates that different stages of BD are associated with
distinct neurobiological underpinnings. Given that BD may
be intimately associated with chronic stress response and Introduction
coping mechanisms over the course of illness, we propose
that cellular resilience mechanisms may play a key role in A growing body of evidence has suggested that bipolar
the neuroprogression in BD. In the present study, we review disorder (BD) may present a progressive course [1•, 2••,
neuroanatomical evidence of the progression that occurs in 3]. As reviewed elsewhere [4•], the duration of intere-
many cases of BD, as well as cellular resilience mechanisms pisode intervals seems to be reduced with the recurrence
and peripheral biomarkers associated with distinct stages of of acute episodes [5, 6], and progression of BD may
this disorder. In summary, cellular resilience mechanisms also be associated with several unfavorable clinical out-
seem to be less efficient at later stages of BD, especially comes: lower responsiveness to treatment, especially
mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum-related responses with lithium and cognitive behavioral therapy [7–9],
to stress. These insights may help in developing staging worse treatment outcome of family psychoeducation

G. R. Fries : B. Pfaffenseller : L. Stertz : A. V. C. Paz : A. A. Dargél

A. A. Dargél : M. Kunz : F. Kapczinski (*) e-mail:
Laboratory of Molecular Psychiatry, Centro de Pesquisas
M. Kunz
Experimentais, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, and INCT for
Translational Medicine,
Rua Ramiro Barcelos,
2350, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil G. R. Fries : B. Pfaffenseller : L. Stertz : F. Kapczinski
e-mail: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas: Bioquímica,
G. R. Fries Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS,
e-mail: Rua Ramiro Barcelos,
2350, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
B. Pfaffenseller
A. A. Dargél : M. Kunz : F. Kapczinski
L. Stertz
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina: Psiquiatria,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS,
A. V. C. Paz Rua Ramiro Barcelos,
e-mail: 2350, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
668 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:667–675

[10], higher rates of comorbidity [11], functional impair- used in the studies available, it remains unclear whether
ment [12], increased cognitive dysfunction [1•, 13, 14], and an changes predate the illness or are related to the consequen-
augmented risk of suicide [15] and hospitalization [16]. ces of illness progression [21].
Different hypotheses have been proposed to explain Reductions of the gray [22–24] and white matter [23–25]
the mechanisms underlying the recurrence of mood epi- in the prefrontal cortex have been described in first manic
sodes and the progressive nature of a significant percent- episode patients, becoming more pronounced after multiple
age of cases of BD. Post (1992) [17] suggested that episodes. Consistent results have been also obtained in the
multiple episodes may lead to permanent alterations in anterior cingulate cortex, pointing to a reduction of its
neuronal activity, possibly resulting in a greater liability volume [26] and also of gray matter volume [27] in BD
to relapse and a poorer response to medication [18]. In patients, regardless of their stages. In particular, the subge-
this same vein, BD progression has been compared to nual prefrontal cortex has attracted special interest, because
stress sensitization models and to electrophysiological of its mood-regulating role, integrating cognitive and emo-
kindling of seizures, used in providing a possible expla- tional information [28]. A study involving patients with a
nation for the increased vulnerability to episode occur- family history of BD has reported reductions in the volume,
rence and the transition from triggered to spontaneous blood flow and glucose metabolism of this region [28]. A
episodes at later stages of illness [1•]. Moreover, an reduced number of glial cells at the same area has also been
allostatic load theory has been proposed to account for reported in mood disorders’ patients [25]. This latter finding
the cumulative damage associated with BD [3, 19]. is especially interesting because the subgenual prefrontal
According to that theory, the chronicity involved in acti- cortex has connections with the amygdala, hypothalamus
vating allostatic mechanisms to restore parameters after and midbrain periaqueductal structures that are related to
stressful events leads to a physiological wear-and-tear, emotional behavior and stress responses [25]. As a result,
which has been described as ‘allostatic load’ [20]. These changes in the prefrontal cortex may partly explain the
effects are normally observed during aging and exposure impairment of executive functions [13] and the emotional
to chronic stress, and seem to play a role in adaptive instability observed in patients with BD.
functions. In contrast, the progressive neural and physical The limbic system is another neuroanatomical area of
dysfunction resulting from multiple mood episodes in BD interest in BD due to its relationship with emotional
could be seen as affecting allostatic responses, leading to responses. Some studies have suggested that the amyg-
an allostatic overload in a non-adaptive way. More re- dala tends to increase in volume with the progression of
cently, the allostatic load paradigm has been incorporated illness [29], although results obtained at initial stages
into a new concept of ‘neuroprogression’ [2••], focused have shown reduced amygdala volumes [30]. Interest-
on identifying the pathways associated with oxidative ingly, the hippocampus appears to increase in volume in
stress, inflammation, and neurotrophin expression, which early stage BD, but progressively decreases with illness
may provide explanations for the progressive nature of duration and number of episodes experienced by
BD. Neuroprogression will be used in this review as the patients, ultimately becoming smaller than the hippo-
pathological rewiring of the brain that takes place when a campus of healthy controls [31, 32]. Some studies have
clinical and cognitive deterioration occurs in the context also shown that V2 and V3 regions of the cerebellar
of the progression of psychiatric disorders. vermis are reduced in BD patients who have experi-
Several neurobiological studies have linked chronic enced multiple episodes when compared to first-
social stress with distinct biological features possibly episode patients [33].
underlying BD neuroprogression and its consequences. The basal ganglia in general and the striatum in particular
Therefore, this review aims to discuss neuroanatomical have also been shown to present altered shape [34] and
and neurobiological and genetic findings associated with volume [29, 35] in BD patients. These structural changes
BD staging and progression, emphasizing the potential seem to take place at the onset of BD and to remain at later
role of dysfunctions in cellular resilience mechanisms as stages [35]. The corpus callosum also seems to be affected
one of the pathways to neuroprogression. The clinical from illness onset. Studies involving first-episode bipolar
implications of these studies are discussed in light of patients [36], bipolar adolescents [37], and bipolar adults
the concept of clinical staging in BD. [38] have reported abnormalities in the white matter of the
corpus callosum, possibly indicating altered myelination
Neuroanatomical Changes in BD and ultimately leading to problems in interhemispheric com-
munication in BD patients [38].
Different stages of BD have been associated with specific Finally, other studies have shown that total brain gray
brain abnormalities related to cognitive and emotional func- matter is reduced in BD patients [39, 40], and that the
tions. Due to the heterogeneity of groups and methodologies ventricles increase in size with illness duration [41]. As a
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:667–675 669

consequence, total brain volume is smaller in multiple-epi- of proteins involved in mitochondrial metabolism [51••].
sode patients compared to first-episode patients and control These findings may be related to an impaired regulation of
subjects [40]. Ca2+ cascades [46], as apoptosis in BD is manifested by an
In sum, it seems that neuroanatomical alterations al- increased expression of apoptotic genes [55]. No study has
ready present at the onset of BD are aggravated by the assessed mitochondrial functions in early- vs. late-stage BD
ocurrence of further episodes. However, other abnormal- patients, but the evidence of impaired mitochondrial function-
ities seem to appear only with illness progression and ing strongly supports a key role of this organelle in synaptic
may be characteristic of later stages of BD. Further functioning, thus contributing to the atrophic changes under-
studies are required to clarify these issues. Nonetheless, lying BD neuroprogression.
the findings above, along with additional evidence com- It remains unclear whether such alterations in cellular
ing from neuroimaging and post-mortem brain studies resilience pathways occur as a result of developmental ab-
that associate BD with structural anatomical changes in normalities, illness progression toxicity of mood episodes,
the size, number, and density of neurons and glia in or due to treatment (or the lack of it). Few studies have
specific brain areas [21, 42], suggest that BD neuroprog- examined resilience at the cell level in BD to determine
ression may be associated with impairments of cellular whether illness duration and number of episodes may affect
resilience and neuroplasticity mechanisms. this process. One of such studies reported that the levels of
synaptic subcellular markers of neuroplasticity were not
Cellular Resilience only reduced in the anterior cingulate cortex of BD patients,
but also negatively correlated with illness duration [56],
Considering cellular resilience as the ability of cells to adapt suggesting progressive alterations in synaptic plasticity in
to different insults or stress episodes, an impaired resilience BD. Another recent study showed that lymphocytes from
at the cellular level may be one possible explanation for the early-stage-patients responded better to in vitro-induced ER
increased vulnerability of BD patients when exposed to stress (with induction of glucose-regulated protein of 78
stressful environmental conditions. kDa (GRP78) and phosphorylated eukaryotic initiation fac-
Evidence suggests that abnormalities in several intracel- tor 2 (eIF2α-P), both essential in activating ER stress re-
lular signaling pathways may affect neuroplasticity and sponse signaling) when compared to patients at late stages
cellular resilience in BD. This would include neurotransmit- of BD [57]. These findings suggests that protective cell
ters, glutamatergic and glucocorticoid signaling, neurotro- mechanisms may become less efficient at more advanced
phic cascades, anti-apoptotic factors, cell survival pathways, stages of BD.
and calcium signaling, among others [43–45]. For instance, The loss of cell plasticity in BD is thought to be the result
elevated and calcium levels have been found in peripheral of a deficiency in trophic support or survival factors along
blood cells of BD patients [46], and an increased vulnera- with an impaired regulation of intracellular signaling cas-
bility to cell death in cells of the olfactory neuroepithelium cades [58]. In fact, brain-derived neurotrophic factor
has also been observed [47]. Neuroimaging studies report- (BDNF) levels have been shown to be reduced in postmor-
ing decreased levels of N-acetylaspartate in the living brain tem brain from BD patients when compared to controls [59],
[48] also support the hypothesis that BD patients present and alterations in peripheral neurotrophic factors have been
impaired neuronal viability and function, possibly causing reported in BD during acute episodes, e.g., BDNF [60],
alterations in cell number and density and changing gray neurotrophin-3 and 4/5 (NT-3 and NT-4/5) [61, 62], and
matter volumes. The mechanisms leading to this reduced glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) [63]. Further-
resilience are most likely involve specific cell signaling more, increased peripheral oxidative stress and higher levels
pathways and organelles typically responsible for main- of inflammatory markers have also been observed in BD
taining cell homeostasis, such as the ER [49, 50] and patients [64]. As discussed below, these alterations in bio-
the mitochondrion [51••]. In vitro and animal model chemical markers may be related to different stages of the
studies have reported that chronic stress and chronic disorder [65, 66].
exposure to glucocorticoids can induce mitochondrial Neuronal atrophy and reduced cellular resilience make
dysfunction, causing reductions in oxygen consumption, certain neurons more vulnerable to insults and may be
mitochondrial membrane potential and calcium holding related to stress and chronic activation of the HPA axis
capacity, ultimately leading to apoptosis [52, 53]. Of [67] and/or a decreased expression of BDNF in some
note, BD patients present mitochondrial dysfunction brain regions [67]. BDNF, as well as other neurotrophic
and an impaired hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) factors, are necessary for neuronal survival and function,
axis [54], as evidenced by decreased levels of high- and are involved in neurogenesis and brain maturation
energy phosphates and mitochondrial respiration, alter- during neurodevelopment. In adults, BDNF activates im-
ations in mitochondrial morphology, and downregulation portant intracellular pathways implicated in synaptic
670 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:667–675

plasticity and dendritic growth, especially in the cortex Neurotrophins

and hippocampus [68]. Therefore, reduced BDNF levels
in late-stage BD may indicate decreased neuronal viabil- Alterations in neurotrophic factors are well documented
ity [66] resulting from illness progression. in BD [59], especially in association with acute mood
Additional evidence comes from studies showing the symptomatology. During euthymia, decreased BDNF
effects of mood stabilizers on signaling pathways involved levels have been reported at late stages of BD, but not
in the regulation of cell plasticity [69], such as mitogen- at early stages [66]. Recently, some studies have
activated protein kinases, cyclic adenosine monophosphate reported increased plasma levels of BDNF in patients
(cAMP) response element-binding (CREB) protein, BDNF, with long-term BD [71, 72]. However, meta-analytic
and B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) protein. Those studies have studies seem to agree that BDNF levels are reduced
suggested long-term benefits associated with mood stabil- during mood episodes but not during euthymia, suggest-
izers as a result of their neurotrophic effects. In this same ing a decrease of this protein with age and length of
vein, the increased vulnerability to stress associated with illness [60, 73]. Another possible target is neurotrophin
disease progression may be explained by the progressive 4/5, which was found to be increased in euthymic BD
loss of neuronal resilience. These cell cascades are therefore patients at late stages [62]. In summary, along with the
considered important targets in the treatment of BD. Like- evidence of reduced neuroplasticity resulting from illness
wise, impairments in signal transduction pathways suggest progression, the measure of peripheral neurotrophic factors
that effective treatments will need to provide both trophic may be useful to determine the stage of BD.
and neurochemical support, mainly in patients refractory to
conventional medications. Because cell changes may prog- Inflammatory Markers
ress over the course of BD, avoiding impairments by en-
hancing resilience mechanisms could probably delay or We found only two studies assessing inflammatory
prevent illness progression. Further studies should focus markers at early stages of BD, which reported increased
on identifying resilience and susceptibility factors, and also serum levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)
on elucidating how such factors could contribute to treat- [66, 74], as well as of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and
ment and to improve both staging of BD and interventions interleukin-10 (IL-10) [66], in patients when compared
aimed at earlier stages of the disorder. In this sense, if we to controls. Moreover, several studies report a pro-
consider that these impairments provoke changes to differ- inflammatory imbalance at late stages of BD. The main
ent peripherally detectable molecules, the use of biomarkers inflammatory markers which seem to be increased are
could be a useful tool in optimizing clinical staging. IL-6 [66, 75], TNF-alpha [66, 76, 77], high sensitive C-
reactive protein (hs-CRP) [75, 76], IL-10 [78], and IL-
1β [79]. Recently, increased plasma levels of CCL11,
The use of biomarkers as a potential tool for staging BD CCL24, and CXCL10, and decreased plasma levels of
CXCL8 have been reported in late BD when compared
An ideal biomarker assay for BD staging should be sensi- to healthy controls [80]. In a peripheral profiling anal-
tive, specific, cost-effective, fast, easily detected, and robust ysis for BD, approximately 60 differentially expressed
against inter-operator and inter-institutional variability [70]. molecules involved predominantly in cell death/survival
It should also be clinically more relevant than the informa- pathways were identified. In peripheral blood mononu-
tion already available at the time of diagnosis [70]. In clear cells, this was manifested in cytoskeletal and stress
addition, it is reasonable to consider that biomarkers for response-associated proteins, whereas most serum anal-
BD staging should be used after the stabilization of an acute yses were associated with inflammatory response [81].
episode (i.e., during euthymia), in order to avoid bias from Therefore, the imbalance toward a pro-inflammatory state
episode-induced alterations. To the best of our knowledge, seems to be prominent at late stages of BD. More studies are
none of the biomarkers studied so far has adequately ful- warranted to further assess inflammatory markers in early
filled these characteristics. stages of BD.
Therefore, we decided to review the main peripheral
biomarkers in euthymic BD patients, including neurotro- Oxidative Stress Markers
phins, inflammatory markers, oxidative stress, and telomere
length. Given the lack of studies designed to evaluate these Many lines of evidence link BD with a fundamental ab-
biomarkers in relation to the clinical staging of BD findings normality in oxidative energy metabolism [82]. In early
were divided into in early-stage alterations (stages I or II) stages, increased lactate levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of
and late-stage alterations (stages III or IV). The main find- patients possibly indicate increased extra-mitochondrial,
ings are reported in Table 1. anaerobic glucose metabolism, which is consistent with
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:667–675 671

Table 1 Peripheral biomarkers in early and late-stage euthymic BD patients

Early Late
Neurotrophins - BDNF [66]
NT-4/5 [62]

Inflammatory IL-6 [66] IL-6 [66, 75]

markers IL-10 [66] TNF-alpha [66, 76]
TNF-alpha [66, 74] IL-10 [78]
hs-CRP [75, 76]
IL-1 [79]
CCL11, CCL24, CXCL10 [80]
CXCL8 [80]

Oxidative stress 3-Nitrotyrosine [65] Glutathione reductase [65]

PCC [85] Glutathione S-transferase [65]
3-Nitrotyrosine [65]
TBARS [86]
NO [86]
Lactate [83]
Total oxidants status [88]

Telomere length - Shorter telomeres [89, 90]

the impaired mitochondrial metabolism observed in some Clinical Staging Models

patients with schizophrenia and BD [83]. Impaired mito-
chondrial metabolism could lead to excess free radicals, Different clinical staging models have been proposed for BD
causing an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidant [91–93] (Table 2). Their common feature is placing the illness
mechanisms [84]. Two studies point to oxidative alterations in a continuum progressing from a latent or asymptomatic
in proteins in early BD, such as increased 3-nitrotyrosine [65] form (stage 0 or latent) to a chronic, unremitting presentation
and protein carbonyl content [85]; some of these alterations (stage IV or unremitting). That is to say researchers agree that
seem to be maintained at late stages [65]. Nonetheless, the there is a great clinical need of selecting treatment interven-
main findings have been reported for late stages of BD. tions that are able to match patients’ illnesses in terms of
Increased levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances natural course, severity and underlying biology. This is the
(TBARS) [86, 87], glutathione reductase, glutathione S- basis of staging models [93]. Effective staging methods
transferase [65], nitric oxide [86], and total oxidant status should be able to predict what treatments should be used
[88] point toward an increase in oxidative stress along with according to illness characteristics, and this would benefit
the progression of BD. the patient in terms of efficacy and tolerability. Nonetheless,
at this point staging models proposed for BD specifically
Telomere Length differ regarding emphasis on mood symptomatology and pat-
terns of recurrence, functional disability and cognitive decline.
Telomere length has been reported to be significantly Simply using the total number of previous episodes, Berk
shorter in patients with mood disorders, corresponding and colleagues have been able to demonstrate the potential
to as much as 10 years of accelerated aging when com- of clinical staging [4•]. When people with BD have had over
pared to controls [89]. Moreover, the load of short telo- ten previous episodes, for instance, they tend to have a more
meres was found to be increased in patients with BD treatment-resistant illness, and their risk of relapse is much
type II compared to healthy controls, possibly represent- higher when compared to people with fewer than ten epi-
ing 13 years of accelerated aging. In this study, the sodes [4•]. Furthermore, an analysis using data from STEP-
authors found that the load of short telomeres and mean BD shows that people with more than ten episodes tend to
telomere length were associated with lifetime number of have worse outcomes across the board, having worse longi-
depressive episodes, but not with illness duration. De- tudinal functioning and quality-of-life measures in addition
pressive episode-related stress may accelerate telomere to traditional symptom outcomes [94]. In this same dataset,
shortening and aging. Longitudinal studies are needed staging also predicted the likelihood of having a comorbid
to fully clarify the role of telomere shortening and its clinical condition, which is also in accordance with the
relationship with clinical variables in BD [90]. notion of neuroprogression and staging [95]. While an
672 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:667–675

Table 2 Proposed clinical staging models for BD

Berk et al., 2007 [91] Kapczinski et al., 2009 [92] Reinares et al., 2012 [96]

Stage Description Stage Description Stage Description

0 at-risk, asymptomatic period, Latent mood and anxiety symptoms and

where a range of risk factors increased risk for developing
may be operating threshold BD; no cognitive
impairment but polymorphisms
that confer susceptibility
1a mild or non-specific 1 well-established periods of euthymia Good outcome low subsyndromal depressive
symptoms and absence of overt psychiatric symptoms, increased inhibitory
1b range of prodromal patterns morbidity between episodes, without control and estimated verbal
cognitive impairment. High serum intelligence
levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha
(TNF-alpha) and 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT)
as biomarkers
2 first threshold episode of 2 rapid cycling or current axis I or II
illness, which can be of comorbidities, transient impairment
either polarity, but more and high serum levels of TNF-alpha
commonly depressive and 3-NT and low brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) as
3a first relapse, subthreshold 3 clinically relevant pattern of cognitive Poor outcome residual depressive symptoms,
3b threshold illness and functioning deterioration as well increased episode density, low
3c subsequent pattern of as altered biomarkers (morphometric inhibitory control and estimated
remission and recurrences changes in brain may be persistent, verbal intelligence
high serum levels of TNF-alpha and
3-NT and low BDNF levels)
4 unremitting or treatment 4 cognitive and functioning impairment,
refractory course unable to live autonomously and
altered brain-scans and biomarkers
(ventricular enlargement and/or white
matter hyperintensities, high levels of
TNF-alpha and 3-NT and low BDNF
levels, increased levels of glutathione
reductase and transferase)

estimate of a quantity of episodes is possibly too simplistic clarified, so models can be refined. Ideally, the utility of
to realistically reflect individual treatment needs, this line of staging BD – as well as the utility of employing a specific
research demonstrates how people with recent illness can model – should be demonstrated in randomized controlled
differ from people with chronic illness in a number of trials. That would be the test of whether staging truly has
features related to course and outcome. Taking into account heuristic potential for improving the treatment of BD.
interepisode functioning may be one viable alternative to
create more realistic models [92, 96]. Table 2 demonstrates
some features of one such model. What is hypothesized is Conclusions
that having a measure of disability and cognitive decline, for
instance, would be a more direct measure of underlying Some cases of patients with BD seem to progress with the
neuroprogression that would be able to more accurately course of illness. As an attempt to explain the progression
predict treatment needs [92]. This has been tested in a reported in BD without the kind of degeneration reported in
sample of people that underwent a course of psychoeduca- patients with neurodegenerative diseases, we propose the hy-
tion. As predicted, being on a late stage predicted a worse pothesis of neuroprogression. This progression has been ac-
outcome to this simple intervention [10], as would be pre- knowledged by different clinical staging systems, which all
dicted by the notion of staging [93]. categorize the disorder in prodromal, early, and late stages of
Certainly, there is a large cross-over between current BD. In this vein, neuroprogression may help explain clinical,
models. That is, possibly most people characterized to be functional and cognitive alterations that occur with the course of
in a late stage by chronicity would only be placed in a late illness. However, it is crucial to extend staging beyond clinical
stage using functioning measures. Nevertheless, the clinical features to include biological correlates. In this light, a stage-
implications of using these staging models need to be specific treatment regimen might work not only to promote
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:667–675 673

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