Receptiom Script For Wedding

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Good Afternoon everybody. Today calls for a day of celebration.

We are extremely
delighted that all of you are here to celebrate this important milestone in Nygel and
Krystalle’s lives. I am __________________________ your host for this afternoon and we
welcome you here in ________________________ for Bedolido and Defensor, wedding

We are done with the solemn part of the celebration and in behalf of the newlyweds,
we thank those particular people who were with us earlier for the wedding ceremony.
And for those who just join in, Welcome!

At this point, may I request everyone to stand up as I introduce the newlyweds. Ladies
and Gentlemen, the very reason why we are all gathered here today. Without further
ado, It is with distinct pleasure as I present to you the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Nygel
Bedolido. Let’s give them a warm round of applause.

I would like to acknowledge the key persons who took great part of this joyous affair.
For without their support, this event would not be possible. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is
with great pleasure to introduce to you the parents of the Bride and Groom,

The guidance of the Lord is for always the best thing we should consider, may I request
everybody to please rise for the prayer.


And now, may I introduce to you the people who stood witness to the couple as they
took their vows: The Principal Sponsors (Read the names in the wedding invitation).

We would also like to acknowledge the following people who have also played
significant roles during the ceremonies: The Secondary Sponsors (Read the names in
the wedding invitation).

We would also like to thank Nygel and Krystalle’s relatives and friends for sharing their
precious time with us today.

Alright, so let’s move on to our next stop. A wedding is not complete without traditions
the first one is the Money Dance

The Money Dance or Ala Salud its symbolizes prosperity

Today is indeed a special day and will forever be etched in the memory of our beloved
couple. For this day marks the beginning of their new life together. From this day
forward they shall be one, and on this joyful beginning what could be more fitting than
to celebrate it with their First Dance. At this moment, the newlyweds will now have their
money dance. This is one of our Filipino traditions. This will be the first dance of the
newlyweds as Mr. and Mrs. , So Ladies and gentlemen Nygel and Krystalle in their first
ever dance as couples. (gabaton man sila dollars, ampao)

After the Money Dance

Father and Daughter Dance

Mother and Groom Dance

Our next tradition is the slicing of the wedding cake.

Slicing of the Cake

May I request Nygel and Krystalle to prepare for the cake ceremony. The cake, which
has been a part of wedding celebrations since the Roman times, it is a symbol of good
luck and fertility. The sharing of this food symbolizes the couple’s willingness to fulfill each
other’s needs, creating a bond so simple and yet so strong.

Wine Toast or the Best Man Toast

Our next tradition is the wine tossing. Raising a glass together is a way for everyone to
share in wishing good health and happiness to the newlyweds. As the wine is poured,
our newlyweds now make wishes for their good fortune, a better future and the best life
possible for them. Let’s join them in their fervent wishes through good fellowship and
camaraderie, love and happiness. May I call Mr. ____________________ the brother of the
Groom for the Best Man Toast

Tossing of the Bouquet or Bouquet Throw

At this time, may I request all the single ladies to please come over for the bouquet
throw. We would also like to request the bride to come forward and take her place at
the center.

May I request for the lady who was able to catch the bouquet to please come forward
and join us here. Congratulations! Ok so let’s give a big hand to Miss______. Please have
seat beside the bride and in a moment we shall match in the garter toss.

Retrieval of the Garter/Tossing of Garter

This tradition has been done over the years and is meant that whoever catches the
garter will be the luck guy to get wed. Requesting all the gentlemen in this hall to
please come forward.
May I request for the gentlemen with the quick hand who now have in his possession
the garter. Sir please come forward and take your place beside the lady who has the
bouquet. Congratulations Sir.

Now that we have already found a perfect match. The next bride and groom to be in
the future. It it time for another ritual. The gentlemen who got the garter is to put it on
the lady who caught the bouquet. At this point we would like to request Ms. __
_________to please have a seat while Mr. ___________ will put the garter. Ladies and
gentlemen, Mr. __________ will now put on the garter on Ms. _________.

There we have it ladies and gents, Dinner is served. Everyone is hereby invited to
partake dinner. You may now feel free to get your food at the buffet table, and please,
enjoy your meal. Thank you!

And while we are having our dinner, the newlyweds will go table hopping for the
souvenir picture. Once again Bon appetite!

And may I request _______________ to give a message to the newlyweds. (during


Father’s Bride

Father’s Groom

1 ninong

1 ninang

The night and this celebration has almost come to an end but for our newlyweds it is just
a start of their new life together. As we each go home, may this day be memorable for
all of us as it it to them. To personally convey their heartfelt gratitude let us now lend an
ear to our newlyweds.

Well I guess that’s about everything ladies and gentlemen. We have finally come to the
end of our program. It has been such a great day! Congratulations Nygel and Krystalle
and best wishes to the both of you. We wish you to be blessed with long and happy life
together with your future children. Once again, in behalf of Nygel and Krystalle, we
would like to thank everyone for coming. Thank you for sharing time and effort in this
momentous event of their Nygel and Krystalle’s lives.

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