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Name: ____________________________________________________________Class : 6


Paper 2
(40 minutes)

This paper consists of 20 questions. Answer all questions. Write your answer
clearly in the spaces provided in the question paper. Show your working. It
may help you to get marks. If you wish to change your answer, erase the
answer that you have done. Then write down the new answer. The diagrams in
the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated. The marks
allocated for each question are shown in brackets. This question paper must
be handed in at the end of examination.

1 Write ‘three hundred ninety-

seven thousand four hundred
and thirty-nine’ in numerals.
Tuliskan angka bagi ‘tiga ratus 4 Partition 748 202.
sembilan puluh tujuh ribu empat Cerakinkan 748 202.
ratus tiga puluh sembilan’.
[1 marks]
[1 mark]
5 Round off 6 278 162 to the
nearest hundred thousands
Bundarkan 6 278 162 kepada
ratus ribu yang terdekat

[1 marks]
2 Write 148 497 in words.
Tuliskan 148 497 dalam

[1 marks] 6 8 765 ÷+ 876 + 45 678 =

[2 marks]

7 The sums of 334 336 ,98 and 98

3 State the digit value of 9 in the
7654 is
number 6 927 135.
Hasil tambah bagi 334 336 ,98
Nyatakan nilai digit bagi 9 dalam
and 98 7654 ialah
nombor 6 927 135.
[2 marks]
[1 mark]

8 1 982 723 –– 235 876 –– 1 987

[2 marks] 12 (3 002 + 8 808 ) × 6 =

[2 marks]

9 Find the difference in value

2 440 795 and 875 331.
Cari perbezaan nilai antara
2440 795 dan 875 331. 13 28765 ÷–– 985 × 7 =

[2 marks] [2 marks]

10 Find the product of 9 791 and

30 is
14 6 022 + 876 × 4 =
Carikan hasil darab bagi 9 791
dan 30 ialah
[2 marks]
[2 marks]

11 a) 9 7990 ÷ 10 =
b) 986300 ÷ ÷ 100 = 15 388 - 516 ÷ 12 =
[2 marks] [2 marks]

produced by these machines in a
Berapakah jumlah roti yang
dihasilkan oleh mesin-mesin ini
dalam satu tahun?

[3 marks]
16 A hypermarket sold 51 891
chickens and 51 305 fishes in
last year. 92 510 chickens and
99 630 fishes were sold in this
What is the sum of chickens and
fishes sold since last year? 18 Table 2 shows the number of
Sebuah pasaraya menjual buns produced by 3 machines,
51 891 ayam dan 51 305 ikan di A, B and C in a year.
tahun lepas. 92 510 ayam dan Jadual 2 menunjukkan jumlah
99 630 ikan dijual di tahun ini. roti yang dihasilkan oleh mesin
Berapakah jumlah bilangan A, B, dan C dalam satu tahun.
ayam dan ikan yang telah dijual
sejak tahun lepas?
[3 marks] A B C
Number of
154 1 21 13
buns 5 063
78 2
Jumlah roti
Table 2
Jadual 2
17 Table 1 shows the number of What is the total number of buns
buns produced by 3 machines, produced by these machines in a
A, B and C in a year. year?
Jadual 1 menunjukkan jumlah Berapakah jumlah roti yang
roti yang dihasilkan oleh mesin dihasilkan oleh mesin-mesin ini
A, B, dan C dalam satu tahun. dalam satu tahun?
[3 marks]
1402 less
Number of machine Y
buns 6 312 1402 19 130 marbles are given to Joseph
Jumlah roti kurang and Chow. Joseph gets 90 less
daripada than Chow.
mesin Y How many beads does Chow
Table 1 get?
Jadual 1 130 biji guli-guli diberikan
kepada Joseph dan Chow. Joseph
What is the total number of buns

mendapat 90 biji kurang
daripada Chow.
Berapakah guli-guli yang Chow

[3 marks]

20 Abdullah has 628 black marbles

and 716 blue marbles. He gives
equally of all the marbles
among 6 friend.
How many marbles does each
friend get?
Abdullah mempunyai 628 guli
hitam dan 716 guli biru. Dia
memberi sama banyak semua
guli itu 6 orang kawannya.
Berapakah guli yang diterima
oleh setiap kawannya?

[3 marks]

1. 397 439
2. hundred forty-eight thousand four
hundred and ninety-seven
3. 900 000
4. 700 000 + 40 000 + 8 000 + 200
5. 6 200 000
6. 55 319
7. 1 322 088
8. 1 744 860
9. 1 565 464
10. 293 730
11. A) 9 799 b) 9 863
12. 70 860
13. 21870
14. 9 526
15. 345
16. 295 336
17. 11 222
18. 180 373
19. 110
20. 224


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