English Paper 3 Rough Draft

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Aurora Foster


Mrs. Litle

Essay #3

Rough draft

Why We Should Have More Recycling Bins at OJC

LessIsMore.org: Santa Barbara County's Recycling Resource,


In this article it talks about why recycling should be a bigger thing in schools. The author

used different data and numbers to grab the attentions of the readers. In the article the author

states ideas that can help schools find a good way to better use recycling in there daily routines,

with given the data and research given to help support which ways are more beneficial. They

also show ways in which I can give a counter argument on the paper. With all the waste and trash

used in school that with just schools recycling alone would bring up the rate of recycling by a

good amount. “In the County’s unincorporated area, recycling is on average 36% cheaper than

trash collection. Local cities also offer pricing incentives to encourage recycling.” This quote is a

really good and key quote from the article because it just shows the effort people are making to

make recycling easier and more convenient for everyone.


Deyssenroth, Maya A., et al. “Intrauterine Multi-Metal Exposure Is Associated with

Reduced Fetal Growth through Modulation of the Placental Gene Network.” Environment

International, vol. 120, 2018, pp. 373–381., doi:10.1016/j.envint.2018.08.010.

This source explains how we don’t choose to pick the ways we dispose of waste

correctly, and better ways that we could dispose of a lot of our waste by recycling. “Waste, and

how we choose to handle it, affects our world's environment—that's YOUR environment. The

environment is everything around you including the air, water, land, plants, and man-made

things. And since by now you probably know that you need a healthy environment for your own

health and happiness, you can understand why effective waste management is so important to

YOU and everyone else.” This is a good quote from the article itself because it is telling you why

it is so important to recycle, we all want to breathe in becayd healthy air and have a healthy

environment right? So why do we choose so poorly to take care of it even though it is so easy

just to help a little bit and recycle. If we were to bring recycling by the dorm rooms at OJC alone

we would help so much with helping to save the environment and help make it a better place to


Westervelt, Amy. “Can Recycling Be Bad for the Environment?” Forbes, Forbes

Magazine, 28 May 2012, www.forbes.com/sites/amywestervelt/2012/04/25/can-recycling-be-


According to this journalist, recycling can be bad and yes it might not be a .org or .edu it

is a .com because all the article is is opinionated they do have a lot of good facts in there, but not

all of it is true. “Moreover, not everything that's "recyclable" actually gets recycled. Even when

you're dealing with easily recycled items like PET or HDPE plastic (the plastics commonly used

for bottles), or glass or cardboard, first you've got to get consumers to dispose of the items

properly, then you've got to have a collection system in place (just over half of U.S. cities have

curbside recycling, keep in mind), and then recyclers typically need to have a buyer lined up to

justify recycling anything.” Earlier in the article she talks about how a couple years ago there

was a huge demand for cardboard, and because the demand was so big that it left ware houses

filled with not reused cardboard. This is a very good point, but that was one time out of how

many? Even then the people did what they felt right and recycled even if it didn’t end up

happening. With it just being one time I don’t think that alone justifies the good that recycling

can bring. Later she than begins to talk about how people don’t have enough so that the stuff the

companies do get it ends up just sitting there waiting for there to be enough to break it down etc.

This is where schools can maybe help that, if you think about how much waste and recyclable

items get thrown away at schools it’s ridiculous. So if we were to just bring recycling around

schools more and even the public, maybe we wouldn’t have that problem. It just needs to be

more advertised and more bins need to be around more public areas like parks, schools, and even

a couple on the sidewalk of busy areas.

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