Design of Helical Antennas For 433 MHZ Radio Telemetry Ground Station and Uav (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)

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Design of Helical Antennas for 433 MHz Radio

Telemetry Ground Station and UAV (Unmanned

Aerial Vehicle)


1st Eni Dwi Wardihani
2nd Syarif Hidayat 3rd Eddy Triyono
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Politeknik Negeri Semarang Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia
Semarang, Indonesia Semarang, Indonesia
4th Budi Basuki Subagio
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia
Abstract— UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is a unmanned communications because of the advantages of these
flying machine, uses aerodynamic force to fly and can fly antennas, large gain in axial direction with wide range
automatically or remotely controlled. UAV uses telemetry kit frequency [9]. On circular polarized helical axial-mode
for communication links between UAVs and ground stations. antenna allows ground station to receive signals with
Telemetry devices are used to transmit data between the UAV
and ground station. UAVs used in long-range surveilance
various conditions from UAV maneuvers and solve wave
require optimal communication signal quality. Factory propagation problems [2].
standard antennas are only able to communicate up to a In UAVs, changes in weight and size in certain parts or
distance of 140 m with a maximum power of 20 dBm from whole will affect UAV flights. Replacement of antenna
telemetry transmitters. The replacement of telemetry antennas material is an option to improve the quality and gain of the
on ground stations and UAVs is an option to resolve the
antenna. Antenna material replacement is with material that
problem. On the ground station, the helix axial mode
directional antenna is made. At UAV, an antenna is made with
have higher conductivity or smaller loss by minimizing the
a material that has higher conductivity or smaller loss with a weight and size changes significantly. With higher
silver material. The result of this research are helix monofilar conductivity, the antenna efficiency is higher [10].
axial mode with a gain 8,243 dBic circular polarization to be
placed at the ground station. In the telemetry antenna UAV II. ANTENNA HELIX
with a silver material produced a gain of 3,823 dBic which is
greater than the standard telemetry antenna that equal to Helical antennas are a combination of two simple
3,461 dBic. radiating elements, a dipole and a loop antenna (helical
antennas with truncated). Helical antennas are antennas that
Keywords— Antenna Helix; Ground Station; Hexacopter; have a three-dimensional shape that radiating elements are
Antenna Silver; UAV helix. Helix antenna have circular polarization with large
gain and quite simple to manufacture [8]. The helix antenna
I. INTRODUCTION (HEADING 1) can be operated in several modes, normal (broadside) and
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is defined as an axial modes (endfire).
unmanned flying machine, using aerodynamic force to fly, In Normal Mode or omni mode, the maximum antenna
can fly automatically or remotely controlled[1]. UAVs are radiation field is in the normal plane to the spiral and
usually used for military and research purposes, because minimum axes along the spiral axis. To get normal mode,
using UAVs can reduce risks and costs [2]. In long-range the helix dimension is smaller than the wavelength [11].
surveillance, UAVs or unmanned aerial vehicle require
optimal communication signal quality. Good communication In axial mode, there is only a major lobe and maximum
signal quality aims to make communication between UAVs radiation intensity along the helix axis. Axial mode occurs
and ground stations possible in real time [3]. when the circumference (C) of the helix is worth more than
one wavelength at the center frequency of its working
UAVs use telemetry kits for communication links on
UAVs and ground stations[4]. Telemetry devices are used to frequency . And space between turn S ≈
transmit data between the UAV and ground station[5]. With . For the angle of pitch angle, α usually is between
this telemetry kit, data transmission can be received in real
time. This telemetry device uses an omnidirectional helix 12º<α<14º [11].
type antenna with a Male SMA connector type [6]. The
The dimensions and parameters of the helix element are
standard antenna has a gain of 2.5 dBi [5]. maximum
the size of each antenna part that is adjusted to the antenna
transmit power is 100 mW with receive sensitivity of -117
characteristics. The parameters below are used to describe
dBm. With the telemetry specifications, the distance that can
the helix antenna geometry [8].
be reached is a maximum of 140 m [7]. The distance range
of 140 m causes the area that can be monitored by the UAV D = diameter of helix (center to center) = C/π
is quite small. When used in large areas such as forests, the C = circumference helix = πD
distance of UAV range with ground station is needed more S = space between turn (center to center)
than 140 m with good communication signal quality and can α = pitch angle = arctan S/πD
be done in real time. L = length of one turn
n = number of turn
Based on this problem the replacement of telemetry
A = axial length = nS
antennas on ground stations and UAVs is an option to solve
d = diameter helix wire
the problem. In telemetry ground stations a directional
antenna is needed to reach a large area because directional Diameter and circumference are used as parameters in
antennas have a large gain. With a greater gain, the power determining the working frequency of Helix, usually
that is transmitted is also greater so that the range is expressed in the wavelength and . Axial length and
increased. Antenna with circular polarization is also needed
pitch angle determine the gain of Helix. The longer the axial
for ground station antennas, because the direction of the
length, the greater the gain of the helix antenna [12].
antenna on the UAV is always changing following the
movement of the UAV [2]. Helical antennas are circular Gain can be estimated through an approach using several
polarization antennas that have a large gain [8]. Helical different formulas. Among them, formulated using the
antennas are usually used in application space such as following formula [13]:
weather, radio telescopes, global positioning and global
environmental satellites, ground stations for satellite (1)
tracking or space vehicles and data relay systems. [8].
Helical axial-mode antennas have long been used in satellite In addition to using equation 1, the antenna gain value
approach can be calculated using the following equation
Figure 1. adjusment space between ground plane and helix wire

Where : = Gain
= Antenna efficiency factor

The ground plane can be made in square or circle

shapes. For a ground plane with a circular shape can be
searched by the following formula :
Figure 2. Plate addition on ¼ last turn helix wire


Where : = Diameter of ground plane

The impedance value of the helix antenna terminal can

be obtained by the following equation [8]


Where : = antenna impedance Figure 3. Final result of the helix antenna for GS


III. ANTENNA GROUND STATION Antennas are usually made using conductor material,
Large gain can be obtained with axial mode. In the low-loss dielectric material or a combination of both.
Material selection and construction strength form an
ground station antenna the selected mode is axial mode.
important part of ensuring the manufacture of antennas [10].
selected is 1, pitch angle α 14º, and ¼. With a center In principle, all conductor materials can be used as antennas,
frequency of 433 MHz, the size of the antenna geometry is but antenna efficiency is closely related to material
obtained : conductivity. The higher the conductivity of the material, the
higher the efficiency. When building antennas, it is not only
D = 22,05 cm the conductivity that is noticed, but the costs incurred, the
C = 69,284 cm weight, and the purpose of using the antenna also influence.
S = 17,321
L = 71,41 On helix antennas from standard antennas telemetry uses
copper material for radiating elements. Copper material has
The number of turn is 4.5. With a number of turn of 4.5, good conductivity. Copper has a conductivity value 5,8 x
the gain based on formula 2 is 11.299 dB. The chosen 107 S/m and above that there is still silver that has
ground plane shape is a circle, then with formula 3, the size conductivity 6,3 x 107 S/m [10]. With conductivity below
is 51.963 cm. silver, copper has bigger loss than silver.
The helix antenna impedance value based on formula 5 In the transmission line from the male SMA connector to
is 150 Ω. The transmission line used is 50 Ω. With a the helix, the standard telemetry antenna uses 178 RG
considerable difference, matching impedance is needed. coaxial cable. The 178 RG coaxial cable has a resistance of
Impedance matching between antenna and channel can be 29 dB / 100 ft at a frequency of 400 MHz. There is a coaxial
done by adjusting the last helix wire to the ground plane to cable that has a smaller resistance than RG 178, that is RG
be flattened or tapered gradually [8]. In addition to 402. RG 402 has a resistance of 7.2 dB / 100 ft at a
flattening or sharpening, impedance adjustments can also be frequency of 400 MHz and its diameter is not as big as other
made by soldering thin metal plates on the helix wire types of coaxial cables that have small obstacles[10].
between the feeding point and the beginning of the helix.
The impedance approach to 50 Ω can be done by adjusting Silver material was chosen as a substitute for copper
the distance between the ground plane and the plate [15]. material in the radiation element. At the transmission line,
RG 402 is chosen instead of RG 178. In the antenna
Improvement VSWR by adjusting the distance between connector is selected connector 90 L male SMA because
the ground plane and the beginning of the plate or helix wire telemetry on the UAV is placed in a horizontal position
as in Figure 1. Another way is to give additional plates to ¼ while the antenna must be in a vertical position while RG
last turn of helix as in Figure 2. 402 has semi-rigid character is not more flexible than RG
178. The following in Figure 4 is a helix antenna design for
telemetry on UAV. The geometry of normal mode helix for
UAV is as follows :
D = 3,5mm
C = 10,99 mm
n = 28,5
A = 21mm
d = 0.5mm angles experienced by these antenna can be caused by poor
antenna construction. In addition to the antenna geometry, it
can also be caused by conditions when testing. Conditions
when testing ideally are minimal from unexpected signal
reflections and places around can absorb signal radiation as
well as in the anechoir chamber. Conditions when testing is
done in a field that cannot be free from unexpected signal
The gain test for the three antennas is directly done by
Figure 4. Geometry of antenna UAV comparison method. The antenna used as a comparison is
the dipole antenna λ / 2 which has a gain of 2.15 dBi. The
tested antenna has a circular polarization in accordance with
the nature of the antenna, helix type antenna. in this test the
transmitting antenna uses a linear dipole antenna. So that in
testing there is a loss because the difference in polarization
is 3 dB. Then to calculate the gain the result is added to 3
dB. so that the final unit will be dBic which means relative
to circular antennas.
Figure 5. Final result of the helix antenna for UAV
In the test results the result is 8,243 dBic. While in the
V. MEASUREMENT RESULT calculation, the gain is 11.299 dB. When compared between
the measurement and the calculation of the results is far
The helix antenna for ground station has a pretty good enough, the calculation method in the calculation of gain is
VSWR value, which is 1.05 at a frequency of 433 MHz. By only a method for approaching the gain value. In the
testing the frequency of 430 MHz up to 440 MHz, the measurement, there are factors that influence the results of
highest VSWR value is at 1.35 which is at the 440 MHz the measurement of gain, which is due to the reflection of
frequency. SWR 1.35 at 440 MHz is still quite far from the the signal around the test place, the antenna when the test
set limit which is ≤ 2. With the VSWR value indicates that direction is not exactly in accordance with the optimal gain
the antenna is working properly. peak. In addition to the measurement factors, loss on the
Obtaining a good VSWR value is obtained by adjusting antenna, loss on the transmission line can also affect the
the distance between the ground plane and the starting point results of the gain measurement.
of the helix wire and giving an additional plate at the For helix antenna UAV the gain test result is 3,823 dBic.
beginning of the helix rotation. Factors that greatly affect There is an increase in gain when compared to the antenna
the VSWR apart from the antenna geometry itself are ¼ the gain standard telemetry that is equal to 3.461 dBic. With the
initial rotation of the helix both the distance with the ground same antenna geometry between UAV helix antennas and
plane and the width of the wire or plate at the awal initial standard telemetry antennas, UAV helix antennas have
rotation of the helix wire. greater gain. This can be caused by the use of silver
In the ground station antenna radiation pattern, it can be materials which have greater conductivity and the use of
seen that the radiation pattern is directional. But in the transmission lines that have a smaller loss. So the antenna
vertical radiation pattern, the minor lobe appears to be large efficiency is higher due to loss due to antenna material and
enough so that the direction is not good or less efficient. the transmission line is smaller.
With the presence of a minor lobe, this indicates that the
power cannot be radiated completely to mayor lobe. This
can be caused by the use of a reflector or ground plane with
a diameter of λ3/4. To minimize the minor lobe can be by
increasing the diameter size of the ground plane.
The highest gain peaks are at 350° both horizontally and
vertically. This shift can be caused by reflection of signals
from objects around when testing. Because testing like this
requires very minimal space from reflections like in the
Anechoir Chamber. With limited equipment and facilities,
testing in the room or in the ideal space cannot be done.
In the UAV radiation pattern it appears that the UAV
antenna have omni radiation. In the horizontal radiation
pattern, it appears that the radiation pattern is not perfectly
circular. There are some signal decreases at certain angles. Figure 6. Antenna VSWR
Whereas in the vertical radiation pattern, almost the same as
the horizontal there are some decrease in signal power in
certain angles.
With the omni radiation pattern, it is expected that
reception of signals or emission signals from antennas in
various angles can be done well. Power reduction in some
VSWR of 1.05. Helix antenna gain for UAV obtained gain
of 3,823 dBic greater than the standard telemetry antenna
that is 3,461 dBic with VSWR 1,2. With this increase in
gain, theoretically the signal level receive will increase so
that the range will be even further.
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