Diagnosing Early Interceptive Orthodontic Problems - Part 1: Michael Florman, DDS

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4 CE credits
This course was
written for dentists,
pediatric specialists,
dental hygienists,
and assistants.

Diagnosing Early
Interceptive Orthodontic
Problems – Part 1
A Peer-Reviewed Publication
Written by:
Michael Florman, DDS
Rob Veis, DDS
Mark M. Alarabi, DDS, CECSMO
Mahtab Partovi, DDS

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Educational Objectives dental problems, crowding in the mixed denti-
Upon completion of this course, the clinician will tion, excessive spacing, open bites and class II
be able to do the following: skeletal or dental problems.
1. Be knowledgeable about normal growth and
development of the dentition and its phases. The Mixed Dentition
2. Be knowledgeable about the early treatment Orthodontic Examination
examination and the records that are required When performing a mixed dentition examination,
for this examination. the main goal is to determine whether there is need
3. Understand the factors and potential prob- for interceptive orthodontic measures that will
lems to consider during the early treatment allow for the eruption of all the permanent teeth.
examination. The earlier in the mixed dentition stage a problem
4. Be knowledgeable about the fixed and remov- is diagnosed and corrected, the better off patients
able appliances that can be used as space will be as they continue to grow. When performing
maintainers and habit breakers during the an interceptive orthodontic examination, the fol-
mixed dentition phase. lowing records are needed.
5. Be able to treat certain early treatment
problems with removable appliances. Records
Study Models
Abstract Study models are necessary because they allow you
It is important to have a clear picture of how a child to evaluate the occlusion outside of the patient’s
is changing dentally and skeletally throughout his mouth. For example, abnormal wear patterns and
or her growth period. In fact the American As- crossbites can easily be seen. Study models also al-
sociation of Orthodontists recommends that every low the practitioner to perform a mixed dentition
child have an orthodontic examination by the age analysis. Many mixed dentition analyses exist,
of seven. The early treatment examination in the such as the Tanaka and Johnston and Moyer’s pre-
mixed dentition enables the practitioner to identify diction values. An accurate bite registration must
problems at an early stage, and to determine when also be taken as part of this record.
to commence treatment and/or refer patients to an
orthodontist. Things to look for during a mixed Radiographs
dentition examination include crowding of perma- Panoramic Radiograph
nent teeth, excessive overjet or overbite, missing In the mixed dentition phase, the panoramic radio-
primary teeth needed for space maintenance, su- graph is useful for seeing permanent erupting teeth,
pernumerary teeth, skeletal discrepancies, habits, crowding of teeth, space or lack of space between
airway problems, and eruption path problems. teeth, eruption paths, third molars, supernumerary
teeth, and root apex formation (which is used to
Introduction determine the patient’s dental age). Using a pan-
This continuing dental education article is being oramic radiograph is like seeing the world through
written to describe the need for early examination a wide-angle lens, as compared to looking through
and diagnosis of malocclusions in growing chil- a small looking glass, which could be considered
dren. A short review of growth and development analogous to full-mouth series of radiographs.
will be presented, along with a description of the
stages of tooth eruption. After completing this Lateral Head Film (Cephalometric Radiograph)
course, the reader will have a clearer understand- Lateral head films are necessary when evaluating
ing of problems associated with children in the growing children to evaluate dentofacial propor-
mixed dentition stage of development. tions. As teeth erupt and growth occurs, the teeth
The American Association of Orthodontists relationships (within the jaws and skull) are part of
recommends that every child have an orthodontic a much bigger picture only visible with a cepha-
examination by the age of seven. By then, the maxil- lometric film and the appropriate cephalometric
lary and mandibular first molars, lateral incisors, tracing. In the mixed dentition, the following
and central incisors should have erupted. This article guidelines are designed to help in the decision pro-
will describe what practitioners should be looking cess on when a cephalometric film is indicated.
for during an early treatment examination in the
mixed dentition and aid them in determining what Class II Patients:
they should treat and/or when they should refer. Patients presenting with Class II dental relation-
This article has been broken into two parts. Part ships such as a distal step in primary second molars.
1 will include a discussion of the mixed dentition Patients with Class II relationships of per-
examination, records, tooth eruption sequence, manent molars.
growth and development, primary teeth as space Patients who have a significant positive overjet
maintainers, normal eruption of permanent teeth, and/or patients with mandibular retrusive profiles.
delayed eruption of permanent teeth, over-retained
primary teeth, and supernumerary teeth. Class III Patients:
Part 2 will cover: excessive deep bites, cross- Patients with Class III relationships of perma-
bites, anterior crossbites, class III skeletal and nent molars.

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Patients who have a mesial step of primary primary dentition ends with the first eruption of
second molars. a permanent tooth. It is not age dependent. The
Patients who have a significant negative mixed dentition phase ends when there are no lon-
overjet (underbite). ger any primary teeth in the mouth. This becomes
Patients who have a protrusive profile of the the permanent dentition.
mandible or retrusive profile of the maxilla. Prior to age five, most children will have only
their primary teeth. At ages six to seven, the first
Airway problems: permanent molars will erupt. Permanent centrals
Airway problems diagnosed in children with open will usually erupt between the ages of six and seven.
mouth breathing tendencies, such as turned up noses, Lateral incisors will usually erupt between the ages
allergic salute (wiping the nose with the hand in an of seven and eight. This sets the stage for future
upward swipe), or other medical history findings. eruption of the remaining twelve permanent teeth
(permanent maxillary and mandibular cuspids,
Vertical relationship problems: first and second premolars) between the ages of ten
Vertical relationship problems such as open bites and eleven. At twelve years of age, the four second
associated with habits, airway problems, verti- permanent molars erupt. For those who have wis-
cal skeletal growth problems, or patients with lip dom teeth, they erupt by age twenty in most cases.
incompetency(lips do not touch or seal at man- The ages stated above are just basic guidelines.
dibular rest). It is important to know that chronological age does
not follow dental age, nor does it correlate with
Serial Lateral Head Films children’s height, weight, or mental development.
Serial lateral head film radiographs are useful when This is a common question asked by parents.
monitoring growth in children with Class II or
Class III tendencies, beginning at the first visit you Growth of the Maxilla and Mandible
diagnose them. They are also useful in comparing Growth in the cranial base pushes the maxilla
what orthodontically has really occurred after forward, as well as active growth in the maxillary
patients have been treated, by comparing pre- and sutures that is responsible for the passive displace-
post-treatment films. ment of the maxillary process. As the maxilla is
translated downward and forward, bone is added
Photographs at the sutures and in the tuberosity area posteriorly,
It is recommended that a full series of orthodontic while at the same time surface remodeling removes
photographs is taken for all patients. There is a bone from the anterior surfaces. For this reason, the
proper way to take photographs, along with a way amount of forward movement of anterior surfaces
to retract soft tissues to capture vital anatomy, such is less than the amount of displacement. In the
as molar relationships. roof of the mouth, however, surface remodeling
The standard orthodontic photographs consist of adds bone, while bone is resorbed from the floor
eight pictures. Extraoral Photos: profile, frontal facial of the nose. The total downward movement of the
smiling, frontal facial at rest. Intraoral Photos (teeth in palatal vault, therefore, is greater than the amount
occlusion): maxillary occlusal, mandibular occlusal, of displacement. Between the ages of seven and
right and left buccal dental, and frontal dental. fifteen, one-third of the total forward movement
There are other useful photos one can take of the maxilla can be accounted for by this passive
when documenting an examination. For example, displacement. It can be concluded that two-thirds
a patient with a tooth interference that causes a of the growth during that time is via active growth
shift when intercuspation occurs can be docu- at the sutural level. If cranial or facial bones are
mented by photographing the midlines at rest and mechanically pulled apart at the sutures, new bone
with the teeth apart. When the patient occludes, will fill in, and the bones will become larger than
the midlines will change, demonstrating the shift. they would have been otherwise. If a suture is
Close-up shots of individual teeth are also use- compressed, growth at that site will be impeded. It
ful when documenting chips or decalcifications is imperative to understand the growth sequence
that you may be blamed for in the future after in order to properly diagnose maxillary excess or
orthodontic treatment has been completed. deficiency and to treat orthopedically.
Mandibular growth occurs by both endochon-
Other Records dral proliferation at the condyle and apposition
Other records may also be needed, depending on and resorption of bone at surfaces. The mandible
the oral examination, such as anterior-posterior is formed from Meckel’s cartilage. The two halves
films (AP films) (for transverse analysis), cone- of the mandible are united at the anterior midline
beam 3-D imaging films (the new frontier in radi- by a suture at the symphysis. Further growth
ology), and/or occlusal films. continues at this suture until it ossifies during the
first year of life. Throughout growth the mandible
Growth and Development is translated downward and forward. It seems that
Eruption of Teeth the mandible is translated in space by the growth
By definition, the mixed dentition has both of muscles and other adjacent soft tissues and
primary and permanent teeth in function. The that addition of new bone at the condyle occurs

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in response to the soft tissue changes. On average The unilateral space maintainer can be used in
the ramus height increases 1 to 2 mm per year and very young children who have lost a single primary
body length increases 2 to 3 mm per year. posterior tooth but only when you are sure that
The maxilla and mandible grow in all three the successor tooth will not erupt for many years.
planes of space, in the following sequence: width, Otherwise when using a space maintainer consider
length, and then height. In both sexes, growth in using a bilateral space maintainer because:
vertical height of the face continues longer than 1. If a permanent tooth is erupting a properly
growth in length, with the late vertical growth designed bilateral space maintainer will not
primarily in the mandible. Increase in facial cause you to have to remove the new appliance
height and concomitant eruption of teeth continue you just placed.
throughout life. 2. If there is need for other space maintenance on
the other side of the arch, a bilateral appliance
Primary Teeth Act as Space Maintainers would be a better choice.
The primary cuspids and first and second primary
molars act as space maintainers for the permanent Figure 2 demonstrates a unilateral space
erupting cuspids and premolars. The permanent maintainer used in the arch with the opposite side
premolars are smaller than the primary molars left untreated. Perhaps a better appliance choice
they replace. In the maxilla an average of 1.5 mm would have been one that would have maintained
of space exists and in the mandible 2.5 mm due to space throughout the entire arch.
the differences in size of these teeth. This space is
called Leeway space. The primary cuspids and first Figure 2. Unilateral Space Maintainer
and second primary molars not only act as space
maintainers for the permanent cuspids and first and
second premolars, but also act as a guide for the per-
manent teeth to follow when erupting (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Primary Teeth as Space Maintainers

Here are some questions that should be asked

when evaluating whether there is enough space in
the mixed dentition patient:
How much anterior mandibular crowding is
present (teeth numbers 23, 24, 25, and 26)?
Is there enough Leeway space to accommodate
Space Maintenance the lower crowding plus the unerupted permanent
It is essential that children be evaluated for miss- teeth (cuspid and premolars)?
ing primary teeth in order to determine if any How much anterior maxillary space (or crowd-
space maintenance is necessary. As a general rule ing) is present (teeth numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10)?
of thumb, it is recommended that all space created This is where the mixed dentition analysis and
by a missing primary tooth should be maintained. the panoramic radiograph become useful.
When in doubt, maintain space. Analyses such as the Tanaka and Johnston meth-
If there is an early loss of a primary molar od measure one half of the mesiodistal width of the
and the first permanent molar has erupted, space four lower incisors. Then by adding 10.5 mm to this
maintenance must be employed as soon as pos- number the space needed for the mandibular canine
sible. Doing so will prevent the first permanent and premolars in one quadrant can be estimated.
molar from drifting mesially. If the first molar is Add 11 mm to estimate the space required for the
allowed to drift mesially, it will not only eat up the maxillary canine and premolars in a maxillary quad-
Leeway space, but it can potentially interfere with rant. This method has good accuracy for children of
the eruption of the premolars or canines. European descent. This method will overestimate
the required space for Caucasian females in both
Posterior Space Maintenance arches and underestimate the space required in the
Space maintainers are very important to keep this lower arch for African-American males.
Leeway space intact until eruption of the perma- An excellent reference for the mixed denti-
nent teeth occurs. There are two basic categories of tion analysis can be found in The Practice Build-
space maintainers: fixed and removable. As a rule, ing Bulletin, Volume IV, Issue XIX, located at
fixed appliances are generally used as space main- www.appliancetherapy.com, under practice
tainers. The two types are unilateral and bilateral. building bulletins.

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The lower lingual holding arch (LLHA) in (Figure 7), there is minor crowding that will be
the mixed dentition is readily used to maintain resolved by using the Leeway space that is main-
the Leeway space in children with minor to tained by using a fixed lingual holding arch.
moderate crowding (Figure 3). Note the Leeway
space maintained on the lower right segment Figure 6. Maxillary Arch with No Crowding
between the first premolar and the cuspid.

Figure 3. Lower Lingual Holding Arch

When a patient receives a fixed lower lingual

holding arch, it maintains the space that the pri-
mary cuspids and primary molars are occupying.
Once exfoliation occurs, the anterior crowd-
ing can be distalized into the Leeway space.
The transpalatal arch appliance is used in the From the mixed dentition analysis, the follow-
maxillary arch as a bilateral space maintainer ing were labeled:
(Figure 4). A. Corrected lateral position, which corrects
for excess space or crowding in the ante-
Figure 4. Transpalatal Arch Appliance riors, demonstrating the space the laterals
will occupy when uncrowded and properly
B. True available space, which is measured
from the mesial of the first molar to the the
corrected later position (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Mandibular Arch with Minor Crowding

If maximum anchorage is needed, a Nance

button can be added to a maxillary appliance
which touches the palate, preventing mesial
movement of the maxillary molars (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Nance Button Appliance

In Figure 8, the panoramic radiograph
demonstrates enough Leeway space for the
permanent teeth to erupt. Note, it is difficult
to see the crowding in the anterior teeth on a
panoramic film.

Figure 8. Panoramic Radiograph Demonstrating

Sufficient Leeway Space

The following case demonstrates a maxillary

arch with no crowding and with a normal erup-
tion pattern (Figure 6). In the mandibular arch

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Anterior Space Maintenance Delayed Eruption
There are three categories of anterior space Children who have a single tooth that is not
maintainers: fixed, removable-functional, and erupting comparably to the tooth on the op-
removable-static. Anterior space needs to be posite side (same arch) should be watched and
maintained for esthetics, normal speech and reevaluated in (three- to six-month) increments
phonetic development, and to allow normal oral to determine if interceptive treatment is needed.
maxillofacial development. There are many possible causes for the delay
The best fixed appliance for anterior space of the eruption. One of the most common is
maintenance in arches that do not need arch de- an earlier trauma to the region. It is sometimes
velopment is the Groper appliance (Figure 9). necessary to perform surgical exposure to gin-
gival tissue that may be holding up the eruption
Figure 9. Groper Appliance process. Today these procedures are quite easy,
using laser technology to open a small window
in the tissue that will allow the teeth to erupt.
In cases where the bone is holding up the erup-
tion, it is best to have an oral surgeon remove the
bone, leaving a window for the tooth to erupt
through. It is rare that these teeth are ankylosed,
or have lost their eruption potential.
Figures 12 and 13 demonstrate tooth number
9 almost erupted, with tooth number 8 delayed.
The primary right central incisor is still present
in this patient with a complete root.
When arch development is needed, remov-
able-functional appliances like the Schwarz can Figure 12. Panoramic Radiograph Showing
be used, delivering esthetics during arch devel- Delayed Eruption
opment (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Maxillary Schwarz Appliance

Figure 13. Delayed Eruption of Tooth Number 8

The next category, removable-static, is rep-
resented by Hawley-type appliances that have
an artificial tooth placed. As permanent teeth
erupt, adjust the acrylic to accommodate the
needed space. Its main use is in trauma cases
and cases that have congenitally missing teeth
(for example, lateral incisors). A labial bow can
be used to add retention if desired (Figure 11).
Figure 11. Hawley Flipper

In many cases, after teeth have been surgi-

cally exposed and still do not erupt on their own,
a bonded button and some elastic force anchored
to either a removable appliance or fixed brackets
may be needed to facilitate the movement.
If no movement occurs after forces have
been applied for a short period, the tooth may
be ankylosed. This will require some form of
luxation, which hopefully will free up the tooth
and allow the eruption to occur.

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Retained Primary Teeth and their associated actions that may change the
Retained primary teeth need to be extracted to way an individual child grows.
allow for the eruption of the permanent succes- Children with airway obstruction, present-
sors (Figure 14). It is not exactly known why ing with enlarged adenoids or tonsils, should be
some primary teeth do not exfoliate, but in the evaluated for surgical removal of these tissues.
event you see a primary tooth with no mobility Find an ENT in your area who will help you di-
and the successor stuck below it, you should agnose and confirm possible airway obstruction
extract the tooth to allow for normal eruption. and will take the measures necessary to perform
the surgeries when needed. In undiagnosed
Figure 14. Retained Primary Teeth airway obstruction, jaws can grow narrow, due
to the open mouth breathing positions. The
muscles of the face constrict the jaws and can
lead to a condition called Adenoid Facies and
Narrow Face Syndrome.
If it is suspected that a child may have an
obstructive airway, it is recommended that the
patient see a specialist and have a sleep study.
The dangers of obstructive sleep apnea are well
documented in both children and adults. Dental
practitioners may be the first line of defense in
diagnosing these problems. Symptoms children
who have obstructive sleep apnea exhibit in-
Some of the mesial root of the primary first molar did not resorb and can clude restlessness, inability to do well in school,
be clearly seen on the radiograph. irritability, etc. For an excellent article on sleep
apnea, go to www.appliancetherapy.com and
Supernumerary Teeth download the Practice Building Bulletin on
Diagnosis of supernumerary teeth is best made sleep apnea. Articles on sleep apnea can also be
early, and treatment planning their extraction found at www.ineedce.com.
should begin as soon as an oral surgeon deems it
appropriate. In many instances, the oral surgeon Speech Problems, Tongue Position,
may elect to wait some time before removing or Thrust Problems
them in order to prevent damaging adjacent Tongue position problems can cause dental
teeth. Set up a consult as soon as supernumer- anterior open bites, which if not treated early
ary teeth are discovered. If you are planning on can lead to unfavorable skeletal growth. Normal
moving teeth orthodontically, supernumerary speech development is virtually impossible if the
teeth need to be removed prior to starting treat- tongue is not able to position properly against
ment. The most frequent place for supernumer- the palate and teeth.
ary teeth to be present is in the maxilla. Figure Students of early treatment often debate
15 illustrates three supernumerary teeth. whether the tongue thrust is truly a thrust or a
position the tongue takes to create a seal needed
Figure 15. Supernumerary Teeth for swallowing. Some patients have vertical
growing skeletal patterns that can result in open
bites. Some children with airway problems who
are forced to breathe through their mouths can
also exhibit narrowing of arches, resulting in
transverse discrepancies with open bites, affect-
ing tongue position. Regardless, tongue thrust
or tongue position problems are very important
to diagnose and correct.
First, assess if there are any underlying speech
problems. If so, refer the patient for therapy right
away. Attempting to correct a speech problem
later in life results in poorer prognoses.
Habits/Environment/Speech Problems Then ask the patient to swallow as you gen-
Detection of poor habits and speech problems tly force the lips open with a gloved finger to see
needs to be addressed as early as possible. In some if the tongue is pushing forward. It instantly
instances, excessive environmental forces (for becomes obvious that the tongue is filling the
example, playing a musical instrument) can alter space, and now a diagnosis needs to be made to
growth if forces are applied over long periods of determine if this is a simple tongue thrust or a
time. The habits of children, both nocturnal and more complex problem involving the airway or
during the daytime, can alter tooth positions and vertical skeletal growth. Figure 16 illustrates the
skeletal development in some cases. Practitioners tongue at rest in a patient with a tongue thrust
should examine all children for signs of habits habit. Even when the patient is not swallowing

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Figure 16. Tongue Thrust Habit frame. Because habits can be difficult to correct,
it is necessary to evaluate the patient within
three months after the appliance therapy ceases,
in order to make sure that the habit is actually
broken and the open bite does not return. If the
problem does return, replace the appliance for
another four months, and reevaluate.
Figures 17 shows a bonded tongue crib prior
to treatment. Figure 18 demonstrates the open
bite closing. Note, in most cases the open bite
will close most of the way, but in this case, ad-
ditional intervention such as fixed braces will
be needed.
Another appliance that is used to aid in training
the tongue from moving forward is the transpalatal
Figure 17. Bonded Tongue Crib Prior to Treatment spinner. The patient is informed that every time
they swallow, they are to reach back with the tip of
the tongue upon swallowing (Figure 19).

Figure 19. Transpalatal Spinner

Figure 18. Bonded Tongue Crib During Treatment

Figure 20 illustrates a removable Hawley

tongue crib appliance. In order for this appli-
ance to work, it needs to be worn all day and
night except when eating.

Figure 20. Removable Hawley Tongue Crib

(posing for a picture), the tongue decides to rest

in this position maintaining the open bite.
Tongue appliances can be both fixed and
removable. Fixed appliances use two bands ce-
mented on either the permanent first molars or
the primary second molars.
Some practitioners use removable appliances
for tongue problems, but to work, the appliance
needs to be worn all the time, even when eating. Digit and Other Habits
Children adapt quickly to speaking normally Digit (finger) habits can include sucking, nail
and are instructed to place their tongues up against biting, and other habits including pen/pencil
the anterior hard palate when swallowing. biting. They are also best solved by using fixed
After approximately six to eight months, bonded appliances. Leave the appliance in for
remove the appliance and evaluate whether the approximately six months, and then remove it
problem has been resolved. When using a fixed and evaluate if the child is continuing to place
tongue crib, it will usually work within this time digits in his or her mouth.

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With digit habits, the bonded appliance post graduate training in Orthodontics at New
alters the way the digit feels when inserted in York University. Dr. Florman is a Diplomate
the mouth. The bluegrass roller is an excellent of the American Board of Orthodontics, and
appliance for eliminating digit habits (Figure has been practicing dentistry since 1991. He
21). After successfully wearing a tongue or digit has authored over forty scientific publications
habit appliance and eliminating the tooth mov- in the field of dentistry and medicine, and is an
ing forces created by the digit, the natural forces active clinical advisor to many pharmaceutical
from the muscles in the cheeks and lips will cor- and dental companies. He is a member of the
rect the protrusion in most cases. American Dental Association, California Den-
tal Association, and the American Association
Figure 21. Bluegrass Roller Appliance of Orthodontists

Rob Veis, DDS

Dr. Rob Veis began 24 years ago as a general
dentist, and taught for twelve years at the Uni-
versity of Southern California as a Clinical Pro-
fessor in Restorative Dentistry. Dr. Veis lectures
for the AGD/California masters program. He
also lectures internationally, on the integration
of orthodontics and appliance therapy into the
general practice on behalf of Space Maintainers
Laboratories where he has been a member of the
teaching staff since 1990. He is coauthor of the
comprehensive textbook Principles of Appliance
Therapy for Adults and Children, and author of
several Practice Building Bulletins. Dr. Veis is
Summary a member of the California Dental Association
In accordance with the recommendations of the and the Academy of General Dentistry.
American Association of Orthodontists, the
early treatment examination of the mixed denti- Mark Alarabi, DDS, CECSMO
tion should be performed by age seven. During Dr. Al-Arabi obtained his dental degree from
this examination radiographs, models and orth- the University of Tishreen, Syria in 1996.
odontic photographs are required. Additional He received his training in Orthodontics and
records may also be necessary depending on the Dento-Facial Orthopedics at the University of
patient. During the examination, it is important Aix-Marseille II earning a Certificate of Special
to consider primary teeth as space maintainers Studies in Clinical Orthodontics (CECSMO)
and to identify any problems that may require in 2002, and is a former member of the French
intervention. Potential problems can include Society of Dento-Facial Orthopedists and the
early loss of primary teeth, retained primary French Society of Bioprogressive. Dr. Al-Arabi
teeth, delayed eruption of permanent teeth, joined the faculty at Jacksonville University in
supernumeraries, and habits. Early assessment July 2003. He is a member of the American As-
enables the early identification of problems, sociation of Orthodontists.
intervention and optimal timing of referral and/
or treatment for the patient. Mahtab Partovi, DDS
Dr. Partovi received her dental degree from
References New York University College of Dentistry. Dr.
1 Proffit WR. Contemporary Orthodontics, Fourth Partovi is presently a resident at Jacksonville
Edition, Mosby, 2007. University, School of Orthodontics, and is a
2 Ibid. member of the American Dental Association
3 Ibid. and the California Dental Association.
4 Altherr ER, Koroluk LA, Phillps C. The influence of
gender and ethnic tooth-size differences on mixed
dentition space analysis. Am J Orthod Dentofac Disclaimer
Orthop, in press. The authors of this course have no commercial ties
5 Proffit WR. Contemporary Orthodontics, Fourth with the sponsors or the providers of the unrestricted
Edition, Mosby, 2007. educational grant for this course, except for Dr. Rob
Veis who is an instructor for the Appliance Therapy
Group and the SMILE Foundation.
Authors Profiles
Reader Feedback
Michael Florman, DDS We encourage your comments on this or any
Dr. Florman received his den- PennWell course. For your convenience, an
tal degree from the Ohio State online feedback form is available at www.
University and completed his ineedce.com.

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1. The American Association of 11. If there is early loss of a 20. Removable-functional appli-
Orthodontists recommends that primary molar and the first ances are used when _________.
every child have an orthodontic permanent molar has erupted, a. arch development is needed
examination by age seven. maintaining the space as soon b. arch development is not needed
a. True as possible will _________. c. the patient is noncompliant
b. False a. create extra space for wisdom teeth d. none of the above
b. prevent eruption of permanent premolars
2. The main goal of a mixed denti- c. prevent the first permanent molar from 21. Hawley appliances are
tion examination is _________. drifting mesially examples of _________.
d. none of the above a. fixed appliances
a. to determine whether there is a need for
b. removable-static appliances
multiple extractions 12. The unilateral space maintainer c. removable-functional appliances
b. to determine whether there is a need for should be used in _________. d. none of the above
interceptive orthodontic measures a. very young children who have lost a
c. to assess the patient’s caries experience single primary posterior tooth 22. One of the most common
d. none of the above b. very young children when you are sure causes for delayed eruption
the successor tooth will not erupt for
3. The records needed when many years of a single tooth when the
performing an interceptive c. children whose permanent bicuspids contralateral tooth has erupted is
orthodontic examination have already erupted earlier trauma to the region.
d. a plus b a. True
are _________. b. False
a. panoramic and cephalometric 13. When evaluating space in the
radiographs mixed dentition, the _________ 23. A bonded button and some
b. study models should be evaluated. elastic force can be used to
c. orthodontic photographs a. sufficiency of Leeway space facilitate movement after surgical
b. amount of mandibular crowding
d. all of the above
c. amount of anterior maxillary spacing exposure of an erupted tooth.
or crowding a. True
4. Serial lateral head films are
d. all of the above b. False
useful when patients have
Class I tendencies. 14. The Tanaka and Johnston method 24. Retained primary teeth ______.
a. True will overestimate the required a. can be left in place until they
b. False space for Caucasian females. eventually exfoliate
a. True b. need to be extracted to allow for eruption
5. Other records that may also b. False of the permanent successors
be needed for an interceptive c. are of no consequence
15. The lower lingual holding arch d. none of the above
orthodontic examination is readily used _________.
include _________. a. in the fully erupted permanent dentition 25. The most common
a. anterior-posterior films to maintain the Leeway space place for supernumerary
b. cone-beam 3-D images b. in the mixed dentition to maintain teeth is _________.
c. occlusal films the Leeward space in children with
a. the mental region of the mandible
d. all of the above severe crowding
c. in the mixed dentition to maintain the b. adjacent to the submandibular
6. Chronological age correlates Leeway space in children with mild to salivary glands
with a child’s dental age, height, moderate crowding c. the maxilla
d. none of the above d. all of the above
weight and mental development.
a. True 16. The transpalatal arch is 26. Children’s habits can
b. False used _________. alter tooth positions and
a. in the maxillary arch as a bilateral skeletal development.
7. Lateral incisors usually erupt space maintainer a. True
between the ages of _________. b. in the maxillary arch as a unilateral b. False
a. four and five space maintainer
b. five and six c. in the mandibular arch as a bilateral 27. In undiagnosed airway obstruc-
c. six and seven space maintainer tion in children, _________.
d. seven and eight d. a and c a. the jaws can grow narrow
17. The addition of a Nance b. the muscles of the face constrict the jaw
8. During growth, the amount c. the patient may exhibit restlessness
of forward movement of button to a maxillary
appliance _________. and irritability
the anterior surfaces of the a. prevents distal movement of the d. all of the above
maxilla is less than the amount maxillary molars 28. Tongue position problems and
of displacement. b. prevents mesial movement of the
a. True maxillary molars tongue thrust can cause anterior
b. False c. prevents tongue thrust open bites.
d. all of the above a. True
9. Late vertical growth occurs b. False
18. The three categories of ante-
primarily in the _________. rior space maintainers are the 29. When using a fixed tongue
a. symphysis fixed-functional, fixed-static crib, the problem has usually
b. maxilla and removable.
c. mandible
been resolved after wearing the
a. True appliance for _________.
d. tuberosity b. False a. two to three months
10. The space maintained by the 19. According to the authors, the b. three to six months
primary cuspids and molars Groper appliance is the best c. six to eight months
for the permanent erupting appliance for _________. d. nine to twelve months
cuspids and premolars is a. missing posterior teeth in arches that 30. Digit habits are best solved
need arch development
known as the _________. b. missing anterior teeth in arches that need by _________.
a. Leeward space arch development a. using removable appliances
b. Leeway space c. anterior space maintenance in arches that b. using fixed bonded appliances
c. Maintained space do not need arch development c. using bitter aloe
d. none of the above d. a and b d. none of the above

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Diagnosing Early Interceptive Orthodontic Problems — Part 1

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Requirements for successful completion of the course and to obtain dental continuing education credits: 1) Read the entire course.
2) Complete all information above. 3) Complete answer sheets in either pen or pencil. 4) Mark only one answer for each question.
5) A score of 70% on this test will earn you 4 CE credits. 6) Complete the Course Evaluation below. 7) Make check payable to
PennWell Corp.

Educational Objectives Mail completed answer sheet to

1. Be knowledgeable about normal growth and development of the dentition and its phases. Academy of Dental Therapeutics and Stomatology,
2. Be knowledgeable about the early treatment examination and the records that are required for A Division of PennWell Corp.
this examination. P.O. Box 116, Chesterland, OH 44026
3. Understand the factors and potential problems to consider during the early treatment examination. or fax to: (440) 845-3447
4. Be knowledgeable about the fixed and removable appliances that can be used as space
maintainers and habit breakers during the mixed dentition phase. For immediate results, go to www.ineedce.com
5. Be able to treat certain early treatment problems with removable appliances. and click on the button “Take Tests Online.” Answer
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9. Would you participate in a similar program on a different topic?
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10. If any of the continuing education questions were unclear or ambiguous, please list them.
11. Was there any subject matter you found confusing? Please describe.
12. What additional continuing dental education topics would you like to see?
___________________________________________________ AGD Code 373


The authors of this course have no commercial ties with the sponsors or All questions should have only one answer. Grading of this All participants scoring at least 70% (answering 21 or more questions PennWell maintains records of your successful completion of any
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SMILE Foundation. mailed within two weeks after taking an examination. is accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership credit. Please to date, will be generated and mailed to you within five business days
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questions to: macheleg@pennwell.com.


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