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Prepared by: AKASH DEEP

Department of Mechanical Engineering

G L Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology
Greater Noida- 201306

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Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering


List of Experiments
Minimum Ten / Eight experiments to be performed (As per syllabus)

S. No. List of Experiments Page No.

1. A. CAD Experiments:
Line Drawing or Circle Drawing experiment: Writing and validation of
computer program.
2. Geometric Transformation algorithm experiment for
translation/rotation/scaling: Writing and validation of computer program.
3. Design of machine component or other system experiment: Writing and
validation of computer program.
4. Understanding and use of any 3-D Modeling Software commands.
5. Pro/E/Idea etc. Experiment: Solid modeling of a machine component.
6. Writing a small program for FEM for 2 spring system and validation of
program or using a FEM Package.
7. Root findings or curve fitting experiment: Writing and validation of
computer program.
8. Numerical differentiation or numerical integration experiment: Writing
and validation of computer program.
9. B. CAM Experiments:
To study the characteristic features of CNC machine.
10. Part Programming (in word address format) experiment for turning
operation (including operations such as grooving and threading) and
running on CNC Machine.
11. Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for
drilling operation (point to point) and running on CNC machine.
12. Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for
milling operation (contouring) and running on CNC machine.
13. Experiment on Robot and programs.
14. Experiment on Transfer line/Material handling.
15. Experiment on difference between ordinary and NC machine, study or
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

16. Experiment on study of system devices such as motors and feed back
17. Experiment on Mecatronics and controls.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering


List of Experiments
S. No. Name of Experiments Practical Outcomes
1. A. CAD Experiments: Student will be able to
Line Drawing or Circle Drawing experiment: Writing and acquire the knowledge
validation of computer program. of C language to draw
the line and circle.
2. Geometric Transformation algorithm experiment for Students will be able to
translation/rotation/scaling: Writing and validation of understand the basic
computer program. analytical
fundamentals that are
used to manipulate
geometric models in a
3. Root findings or curve fitting experiment: Writing and computer program and
validation of computer program. acquire the knowledge
of c language for root
finding and curve
4. Understanding and use of any 3-D Modeling Software Students will be able to
commands acquire the knowledge
5. Pro/E/Idea etc. Experiment: Solid modeling of a machine of various 3-D
component. Modeling software
commands and utilize
them to create solid
modeling of machine
6. B. CAM Experiments: Students will be able to
To study the characteristic features of CNC machine. acquire the knowledge
7. Part Programming (in word address format) experiment for of various features of
turning operation (including operations such as grooving and CNC machine,
threading) and running on CNC Machine. CAD/CAM part
8. Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) programs, simulation
experiment for drilling operation (point to point) and running of part program for
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

on CNC machine. drilling, milling and

9. Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) running on CNC
experiment for milling operation (contouring) and running on machine.
CNC machine.
10. Experiment on difference between ordinary and NC machine, Students will be able to
study of retrofitting. create a computer-
aided manufacturing
(CAM) model and
generate the machining
codes automatically
using CAM system.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering


 Syllabus

 Practical Outcomes

 Mapping of Program Outcomes with Practical Outcomes

 Session Plan

 Laboratory policies & Report format

 Evaluation sheet

 Experiment and viva-voce questions

Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Study & Evaluation Scheme

Periods Evaluation Scheme

S. Sessional ESE
No . Subject Name of the Assessment Subject Credit
Code Subject L T P CT T A Total Total

1 NME-751CAD/CAM Lab 0 0 2 10 10 20 30 50 1

Practical Outcomes (Pro):

S. No. Outcomes
1. Student will be able to acquire the knowledge of C language to draw the line and
2. Students will be able to understand the basic analytical fundamentals that are used
to manipulate geometric models in a computer program and acquire the
knowledge of c language for root finding and curve fitting.
3. Students will be able to understand various 3 D commands and utilize them of
solid modeling of machine components.
4. Students will be able to acquire the knowledge of various features of CNC
machine, CAD/CAM part programs, simulation of part program for drilling,
milling and running on CNC machine.
5. Students will be able to create a computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) model
and generate the machining codes automatically using CAM system.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mapping of Program Outcomes with Practical Objectives

S. Pro/PO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
2 2 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -
3 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - -
4 4 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -
5 5 1 - - - - - - - - - - -

(Put 1 ,2,3 for mapping)

1: Slight (low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

If there is no correlation put “-”

Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Session Plan
COURSE: B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)







1. Automated manufacturing systems by
Mikell P. Groover
2. CAD by Ibrahim Zeid


Internal Evaluation Method

S.No. Item %
1. Attendance 20
2. In lab performance 40
3. Record 30
4. Post lab Viva-voce 10
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering


1. Lab reports should be submitted on A4 paper. Your report is a professional
presentation of your work in the lab. Neatness, organization, and completeness will be
rewarded. Points will be deducted for any part that is not clear.

2. The lab reports will be written individually. Please use the following format for your lab

a. Cover Page Include your name, Subject Code, Subject title, Name of the

b. Evaluation Sheet Gives your internal mark split –up

c. Index Sheet Includes the name of all the experiments
d. Experiment It includes experiment name, date, objective, flowchart,
documentation algorithm, formulae used, Model calculation, problem solution,
simulated output and print-outs.

e. Post lab Should be written after completing the experiments.


3. Your work must be original and prepared independently. However, if you need any
guidance or have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to approach your staff
in charge. The students should follow the dress code in the Lab session.

4. Labs will be graded as per the following grading/marks policy:

5. Reports Due Dates: Reports should be submitted immediately after next week of the
experiment. A late lab report will have 20% of the points deducted for being one day late.
If a report is 3 days late, a grade/marks of D/0 will be assigned.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.1:

Object:- Line Drawing or Circle Drawing experiment: Writing and validation of computer

Apparatus Required:-
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
1. Computer System Acer i3 processor, RAM 4GB, HDD
2. C language GCC Plus

Brief Theory:-
Line : A geometrical object that is straight, infinitely long and infinitely thin.

Circle: A round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant
from a fixed point (the centre).

C Programming to draw a line
Int main()
int x1,x2,u1,u2;
int gd= DETECT, gm;
initlgraph(&gd, &gm,”C:\\TURBOC3\\BGI”);
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

printf(“Enter the value of x1 and y1:\n\n”);

printf(“Enter the value of x2 and y2:\n\n”);
return 0;

C Programming to draw a Circle

Int main()
int gd= DETECT, gm;
outextxy(x-100,50,”Circle using Graphics in C”);
return 0;
Result:- The line drawing or circle experiment is completed in C language.

1. Enter program in proper format of C language.
2. Should use the syntax in proper step.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Viva-voce Questions
1. Explain the different types of syntax.
2. Differentiate between high level & low level laqnguages.
3. Explain the advantages of C language over fortran.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.2:

Object:- Geometric Transformation algorithm experiment for translation/rotation/scaling:

Writing and validation of computer program.

Apparatus Required:-
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
1. Computer System Acer i3 processor, RAM 4GB, HDD
2. C language GCC Plus

Brief Theory:- Any geometric entity or drawing entity can be manipulated using
transformation routines. If a real drawing has to be produced using a computer, the limitation on
size of display screen poses a problem. There are only fixed number pixels on display surface. A
solid model needs to be rotated to give a clear picture of its shape. An engineer can make use of
transformation techniques to overcome such difficulties. Transformation in a single plane is
called 2D transformation. There are basically five types of transformation routines

 Translation
 Scaling
 Rotation
 Reflection
 shear

C program for translation
void main()
int graphdriver=DETECT,graphmode,errorcode;
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

int i;
int x2,y2,x1,y1,x,y;
printf("Enter the 2 line end points:");
printf("Enter translation co-ordinates ");
printf("Line after translation");
return 0;

C program for scaling

Int main()
int graphdriver=DETECT,graphmode,errorcode:
int I;
int x2,y2,x1,y1,x,y;
printf(“enter the two lines end points”);
printf(“enter scaling coordinates”);
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

printf(“line after scaling”);
return 0;

C program for rotation

void main()
int graphdriver=DETECT,graphmode,errorcode;
int i;
int x2,y2,x1,y1,x,y,xn,yn;
double r11,r12,r21,r22,th;
printf("Enter the 2 line end points:");
printf("\n\n\n[ Enter the angle");
//printf("%lf %lf %lf %lf",r11,r12,r21,r22);
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

return 0;

Result:- The geometric transformation algorithm experiment for translation/

rotation/scaling is completed.

1. Enter program in proper format of C language.
2. Should use the syntax in proper step.

Viva-voce Questions
1. Explain the geometric transformation algorithm.
2. Define translation command.
3. Explain rotation and scaling command.
4. Give the applications of translation, rotation & scaling.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.3:

Object:- Root findings or curve fitting experiment: Writing and validation of computer

Apparatus Required:-
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
1. Computer System Acer i3 processor, RAM 4GB, HDD
2. C language GCC Plus

Brief Theory:- Curve fitting is the process of constructing a curve, or mathematical

function, that has the best fit to a series of data points, possibly subject to constraints. Curve
fitting can involve either interpolation, where an exact fit to the data is required, or smoothing, in
which a "smooth" function is constructed that approximately fits the data.
In mathematics and computing, a root-finding algorithm is an algorithm for finding roots
of continuous functions. A root of a function f, from the real numbers to real numbers or from
the complex numbers to the complex numbers, is a number x such that f(x) = 0. As, generally, the
roots of a function cannot be computed exactly, nor expressed in closed form, root-finding
algorithms provide approximations to roots, expressed either as floating point numbers or as
small isolating intervals, or disks for complex roots (an interval or disk output being equivalent
to an approximate output together with an error bound).

C program for linear curve fitting
void main()
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

int n,I,x[20],y[20],sumx=0,sumy=0,sumxy=0,sumx2=0;
float a,b;
printf(“\n ENTER THE VALUE OF X :\n”);
printf(“\n ENTER THE VALUE OF Y :\n”);
printf(“\n THE LINE IS Y=%3.3f,+3.3f X”, a,b);

C program for exponential curve fitting

void main()
int n,I;
float Y[20],sumx=0,sumy=0,sumxy=0sumx2=0,x[20],y[20];
float a,b,A;
printf(“\n ENTER THE VALUE OF N :”);
printf(“\n ENTER THE VALUE OF X :”);
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

printf(“\n ENTER THE VALUE OF Y :”);
printf(“\n THE CURVE IS Y=$4.3fe^%4.3fX”,a,b);

C program for root finding

void main()
float a, b, c, d, root1, root2;
printf("Enter the values of a, b, c\n");
scanf("%f%f%f", &a, &b, &c);
if(a == 0 || b == 0 || c == 0)
printf("Error: Roots can't be determined");
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

d = (b * b) - (4.0 * a * c);
if(d > 0.00)
printf("Roots are real and distinct \n");
root1 = -b + sqrt(d) / (2.0 * a);
root2 = -b - sqrt(d) / (2.0 * a);
printf("Root1 = %f \nRoot2 = %f", root1, root2);
else if (d < 0.00)
printf("Roots are imaginary");
root1 = -b / (2.0 * a) ;
root2 = sqrt(abs(d)) / (2.0 * a);
printf("Root1 = %f +i %f\n", root1, root2);
printf("Root2 = %f -i %f\n", root1, root2);
else if (d == 0.00)
printf("Roots are real and equal\n");
root1 = -b / (2.0 * a);
root2 = root1;
printf("Root1 = %f\n", root1);
printf("Root2 = %f\n", root2);

Result:- Root finding or curve fitting experiment is completed.

1. Enter program in proper format of C language.
2. Should use the syntax in proper step.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Viva-voce Questions
1. Explain the linear regression.
2. Explain the exponential regression.
3. Explain any root finding method.
4. What is convergence?
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.4:

Object:- Understanding and use of any 3-D Modeling Software commands.

Apparatus Required:-
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
1. Computer System Acer i3 processor, RAM 4GB, HDD
2. Color monitor 32 bit color display and screen
resolution 1024 by 768 pixels.

4. A scroll mouse, keyboard

Brief Theory:-
Computers are now being widely used in all the engineering fields and it is not possible to
undertake a major engineering project without the use of computers. Computing capabilities of
computers have been rapidly improved in terms of their memory capacity and processing speed
which means more complex problems can be tackled with ease and more calculations can be
performed in a given time.

Computer aided design methods are now being routinely used in design of engineering
components, automobiles, aircraft, ships, spacecrafts, buildings, textiles machine tools, consumer
goods and various other products. It includes 2D drafting design, 3D solid modeling of
components, design analysis tools such as FEM and FEA, optimization and testing tools etc.
There are so many design softwares available in the market such as solidworks, NX Unigraphics,
Catia, Autocad etc. All the softwares have basic 3d modeling software command like shaft,
revolve, extrude etc.

The 3D modeling commands of catia software are

Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

1. PAD command-PAD command adds material in the third direction, a direction other
than the sketch. The equivalent of this is called EXTRUDE. The cube below was made
using the PAD command.

Fig 4.1 pad

2. POCKET command- in CATIA, The POCKET command is somehow the

opposite of PAD command. It simply helps remove geometry belonging to an already
create part. On the figure below the POCKET command is helping us to create the
cylindrical hole in the middle of the cube.

Fig 4.2 Pocket

3. SHAFT command-Similar to REVOLVE command in other CAD software, the

SHAFT command is mostly used to make shaft like parts. It requires an axis, around
which the sketch will be revolved.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Fig 4.3 shaft

4. GROOVE command-As said earlier, there is another command in CATIA to

subtract geometry from shaft like components, called GROOVE. This command
allows you to remove material by revolving a sketch

Fig 4.4 groove

5. RIB command-The command which is usually known as SWEEP is called RIB in

CATIA. It adds material along a guide curve (which can be a straight line, arc or may
be a spline). RID is used to make components like springs, pipes etc.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Fig 4.5 rib

6. SLOT command-Slot removes the material along a guide curve. While using
SLOT, I have used the same guide curve that was used for RIB. This ensures that the
cross section will be uniform throughout. The example of slot is

Fig 4.6 slot

Result:- The understanding and use of some 3D modeling command of catia is

Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Viva-voce Questions
1. What are the applications of CAD?
2. What is 2D drafting?
3. Define constraints in design software.
4. What is rib command?
5. Define extrude command
6. Name 5 design software .
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.5:

Object:- Pro/E/Idea etc. Experiment: Solid modeling of a machine component .

Apparatus Required:-
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
1. Computer System xeon processor with 3.40 GHz, RAM
8GB, HDD 500GB
2. Color monitor 32 bit color display and screen
resolution 1024 by 768 pixels.

3. A scroll mouse, keyboard

4. Catia software

Brief Theory:- The connecting rod is the intermediate member between the piston and
the crankshaft. Its primary function is to transmit the push and pull from the piston pin to the
crankpin and thus convert the reciprocating motion of the piston into the rotary motion of the
crank. It consists of a long shank, a small end and a big end. The cross-section of the shank may
be rectangular, circular, tubular, I-section or H-section. Generally circular section is used for low
speed engines while I-section is preferred for high speed engines.

1. Open the catia software of any version in the system.
2. Select the mechanical and then part design.
3. Select front plane and then double click on it.
4. To draw the small end of the connecting rod , select the circle command and draw the
circle having diameter 22cm and 14cm.
5. To draw the big end of the connecting rod, select the circle command and draw the circle
having diameter 49cm and 37cm at a distance of 121.26cm from the small end.
6. Exit the 2d workbench and Pad all the circles with a depth of 19 cm.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

7. Exit the 3d workbench and select the side plane, select the plane command and drw the
offset plane in the middle of small end.
8. Select the line command and draw the lines which coincide the outer part of small end
and big end of the connecting rod.
9. Exit the 2d workbench and select the 3d workbench the pad the both lines with a depth of
12 cm by using pad command.
10. Select the front part of the shank and then select the 2d workbench. Draw the I section
on it.
11. Select the 3d workbench and then select the slot command and provide the hole upto the
12. Propogate all the files of the connecting rod. And save it with an extension of .prt
13. Open the draft sheet and import top view, side view, front view and isometric view.
14. Give the dimensions and save it.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Result:- The draft sheet of connecting rod in catia software is completed.

Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

1. Workstation should be shut down properly after completing the work.
2. Catia software should be open properly.

Viva-voce Questions
1. What are the applications of CAD?
2. Define 3d commands in catia.
3. Define 2d commands in catia.
4. Define constraints in catia.
5. Define extrude in solid works.
6. What is offset in catia?
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.6:

Object:- To study the characteristic features of CNC machine.

Apparatus Required:-
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
Make: XL MILL:
HI numeric Axis: 3(X, Y,Z)
Machine Specifications:
1. Table size: 360 mm x 132 mm
2. Spindle motor capacity: 0.4KW to 0.5 HP
3. Spindle speed: 150-4000 rpm
4. spindle nose taper: BT 30
Control system:
PC based 3 Axis continuous path
Power source:
230 V, single phase, 50 Hz

Brief Theory:- Constructional Features of CNC Machines

A conventional machine tool has an intelligent source for error compensation (the operator).
During machining a skilled operator can vary the cutting conditions to compensate for deflection,
vibration, etc. to generate the desired shape, size and finish.
The CNC machine can only compensate for an error that is detected and communicated to the
control. Deflection, vibration etc. cannot, as yet, be easily monitored. For this reason NC
machines are made stronger and stiffer to perform to a more accurate standard than their
conventional counterparts.The capacity for varying the conditions while machining is therefore
limited. As far as possible the conditions have to be established as the program is produced.In
addition to this, CNC machines are spending more time per shift cutting than conventional
machines did in the past. This higher percentage of cutting time results in faster wear rates on the
slides and transmission systems.Optimum cutting speeds and feeds, continuous path machining,
rapid slide movement to bring the tool close to the work and then sudden stopping, all subject the
machine to forces which are not encountered on conventional machines.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Machine Structure
Since rigidity plays a major part in the accuracy of a machine tool, modern CNC machines tend
to have over-proportionated slide ways, guides and spindles. Thicker cast sections than
conventional machines are also used. The use of symmetrical castings assists in reduction of
thermal stresses within the machine. These structural design features are employed to cope with
the torsional forces and heavy duty cutting imposed on these machines.
Conventional machine tool slideways operating under conditions of sliding friction do not
exhibit a constant coefficient of friction. Friction coefficient is highest at low velocity. This
condition gives rise to 'stick-slip' which produces jerky slide action when movement takes place
at low velocities. Numerical control also requires a rapid response of the slides to command
signals from the machine control. To eliminate these problems rolling friction can be used
instead of sliding friction.
The lead screws used on conventional machine tools are usually of the Acme thread form. These
threads are very inefficient because of the high frictional resistance between the flanks of the
screw and the nut. They also exhibit high backlash, because there must be clearance between the
flanks of the nut and the screw. This would not be acceptable on CNC machines.The alternative
most commonly used is the re-circulating ball leadscrew. This type of leadscrew replaces sliding
friction with rolling friction. Both the lead screw and nut have a precision ground form into
which an endless stream of re-circulating balls which completely fill the track is inserted. This
type of leadscrew has an efficiency of up to 90%.The advantages of recirculating ball screws
over Acme screws are:
(1) longer life
(2) less frictional resistance
(3) lower torque required
(4) more precise positioning of slides because backlash is almost completely eliminated.

Figure 6.1 - Re-circulating Ball Leadscrew

Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Machine Axes
The primary axes of a machine are designated as X, Y, Z and can have positive or negative
values. The Z-axis is always parallel to the main spindle of the machine (see Figure ). It does not
matter whether the spindle carries the workpiece or the tooling, therefore the Z-axis can be either
vertical or horizontal. On milling, boring and drilling machines the spindle is the tool rotating
means while on cylindrical grinders and lathes the spindle is the work rotating means. Positive Z-
movement always increases the distance between the work and the tool. The X-axis of motion is
horizontal and parallel to the work-holding surface. If Z is horizontal, positive X is to the right
looking from the spindle towards the workpiece. If Z is vertical, when looking from the spindle
towards its supporting column, positive X is to the right. The Y-axis of motion is perpendicular
to both the X and Z axes. Positive Y is in the direction which would make a right-handed set of
CNC lathes only have two major axes X and Z. There is no Y-axis.

Figure 6.2 - X, Y, Z Axes

Some CNC machines have additional axes running in parallel with the main axes.
Where there is more than one moving element in the same axis one is called the primary axis and
is designated as X Y or Z. Secondary movements in the same axis are designed by U V W in
upper case letters.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Control of Slide Movement on CNC Machines

The control of slide position and velocity of movement can be either accomplished by open loop
(non-servo) or closed loop (servo) means. In an open loop system the position and velocity of the
slides are not measured.
A block diagram of an open loop control is shown in Figure .

Figure 6.3 - Open Loop Control

Open loop systems have no means of comparing the final slide position with the position in
which it was commanded to go. A special type of electric motor known as a stepper motor is
usually used in open loop systems to provide accurate positioning and velocity control of slide
Servo control requires both positional and velocity feedback, i.e. the actual velocity and position
of the slideway must be compared to the commanded values. A servo system always forms a
closed loop (see Figure). The devices which are used to provide the feedback in the closed loop
are called transducers. A transducer is a device which converts one form of energy into another
form, e.g. mechanical displacement into an electrical signal.
Two types of transducers are used on CNC machines:

 Velocity transducer: The most common velocity transducer is the tacho-generator.

This is a device similar to a bicycle dynamo. It provides a voltage proportional to its speed.
Tacho-generators usually come as an integral part of a servo motor. The voltage is used to
provide feedback from motor speed and hence slide velocity.
 Position transducers: Slideway position is measured by transducers which can be either linear
or rotary. Linear transducers operate by measuring slide movement. Rotary transducers
operate indirectly by measuring leadscrew rotation or motor shaft rotation and relating this to
linear slide movement.
The types of motor used for electrical servo systems can be either AC or DC servo motors.
Hydraulic servo systems are also used on some CNC machines.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Figure 6.4 - Block Diagram Closed Loop Control System

Advantages of CNC Machines
Despite the extra costs involved CNC machines have many advantages. These can be
summarised as follows:

 Reduced lead time

 Elimination of operator errors
 Flexibility in changes of component design
 Reduced scrap and inspection
 Complex one-offs and small batch quantities
 Lower Labour Cost
 Accurate Costing and Scheduling

Result:- The study of characteristic features of CNC machine is completed.

Viva-voice Questions
1. What is the CNC machine?
2. What are the difference between CAD and CAM?
3. What are the main features of CNC machine?
4. What are the advantages of CNC machine?
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.7:

Object:- Part Programming (in word address format) experiment for turning operation
(including operations such as grooving and threading) and running on CNC machine.

Apparatus Required:-
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
Make: HMT Model:
CNC Tutor Control system:
Hinumeric Axis: 2(X, Y,)
Year of purchase: 2015
Cost: Rs.12, 92,399.80
Machine Specifications:
1. Height of centres: 70mm
2. Distance between centres: 310mm
3. Swing over bed: 100 mm
4. Swing over cross slide: 60mm
5. Traverse of cross slide: 55mm
Head Stock:
1. Spindle Taper MT 2
2. Hole through work spindle 16mm
3. Spindle range 50-3200 RPM
4. Output power 0.3 Kw
Tail Stock:
1. Spindle Diameter 22mm
2. Spindle Taper MT 2
3. Sleeve stroke 35mm
Feed Rate:
1. Rapid traverse 700mm/min
2. Auto feed rate 1-699mm/min
2. CNC simulation software FANUC

3. Acrylic sheet 100x100x8 mm

Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Brief Theory:-
G-codes & M-codes are given below:
G21 – Metric
G98 – Feed/Min
G28 U0 W0 – Reference Point Return
G00 X Y – Positioning (Rapid Traverse)
G01 X Y F – Linear Interpolation (Feed)
G03 – Circular Interpolation (CCW)
G90 – Cutting Cycle Turning

M06 – Tool Change
M03 – Spindle Forward Clockwise
M05 – Spindle Stop
M30 – Program End

Part Diagram:-

Figure 7.1
1. To write the program for given job.
2. To type G and M CODES.
3. To give the tool size and stock dimensions.
4. Finally to run the machine to the operation.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T0101
M03 S1500
G00 X26 Z1
G01 X25 F50
G01 Z-30 F50
G01 X26 F50
G01 Z1 F50
G01 X24 F50
G01 Z-30 F50
G01 X26 F50
G01 Z1 F50
G01 X23 F50
G01 Z-30 F50
G01 X26 F50
G01 Z1 F50
G01 X22 F50
G01 Z-30 F50
G01 X26 F50
G01 Z1 F50
G01 X18 Z0 F50
G03 X22 Z-2 R2 F40
G28 U0 W0

Result:- The part program was written for given job.

1. Clean the machine and work part.
2. Proper setting of tool in tool post.
3. Proper setting of work part on work table.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Viva-voce Questions
1. What is the function of G28?
2. Discuss the benefits of manual part programming.
3. What do you mean by canned cycle?
4. What are the use M codes?
5. Explain the difference between Cartesian and Polar coordinate systems and examples of
what each is good for.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.8:

Object:- Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for drilling
operation (point to point) and running on CNC machine.

Apparatus Required:-
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
Make: XL MILL:
CNC Tutor Control system:
Hinumeric Axis: 3(X, Y,Z)
Machine Specifications:
1. Table size: 360 mm x 132 mm
2. Spindle motor cap[acity: 0.4KW to 0.5 HP
3. Spindle speed: 150-4000 rpm
4. spindle nose taper: BT 30
Control system:
PC based 3 Axis continuous path
Power source:
230 V, single phase, 50 Hz
2. Acrylic sheet 100x100x8 mm

Brief Theory:-
Part-Program Format
The machine control unit (MCU) controls the machine in response to coded commands which
make up the part program. These commands are identified by a capital letter which is referred to
as an address. The commands also contain numbers which follow the letters. The combination of
the letter address and the numerical information is known as a word. Each line of a program is
called a block. A block may contain a number of words.The format in which the words are
arranged within a block is known as the part program format. The order in which the words
appear in a block may be fixed or variable.

Word Address
Each word is preceded by its letter address. This system enables instructions which remain
unchanged from the preceding block to be omitted from successive blocks. This format is
adopted by most CNC machine control units e.g.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Table 8.1 - Word Address

Part Program Code Listings
 N: Block sequence number address. Blocks are often inserted in steps of 5 to
allow for blocks to be inserted if accidentally omitted.
 X, Y, Z: These addresses signify the X, V, Z axes movements.
 I, J, K: These addresses are used for programming circular moves
 T: Tool numbers address. The programmer must assign a number e.g. T01 to
each tool used in the program.
 S: Spindle speed address. The letter is followed by numbers which indicate
the spindle speed.
 F: Feed rate address - followed by numbers as in spindle speed.
M: Miscellaneous Functions
These are machine management functions such as starting and stopping. The M letter is followed by 2
digits. The common standardised M functions are as follows:

 M00: program stop

 M02: end of program
 M30: end of program with rewind to program start
 M08: flood coolant on
 M09: coolant off
 M06: tool change
 M03: spindle on clockwise
 M04: spindle on anti-clockwise
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

 M05: spindle off

 M07: mist coolant on
G: Preparatory Function Addresses
G functions are preparatory functions used to change the mode of movement of the machine, such as
rapid slide movement, circular movement, controlled feed rate, absolute or incremental movement etc.
The code consists of the letter G followed two digits. Some common standardised G functions are as

 G00: rapid slide movement

 G01: linear interpolation
 G02: circular interpolation clockwise
 G03: circular interpolation anti-clockwise
 G21: metric units
 G40: cancel cutter radius compensation
 G41: cutter compensation left
 G42: cutter compensation right
 G70: inch units
 G90: absolute coordinates
 G91: incremental coordinates

Part Drawing:-

Figure 8.1
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

1. To write the program for given job.
2. To type G and M CODES.
3. To give the tool size and stock dimensions.
4. Finally to run the machine to the operation.

Manual Part Program (Word address format)
N001 G21 G90 G92 X0 Y050.0 Z010.0;
N002 G00 X070.0 Y030.0;
N003 G01 G95 Z-15.0 F0.05 S1000 M03;
N004 G01 Z010.0;
N005 G00 Y060.0;
N006 G01 G95 Z-15.0 F0.05;
N007 G01 Z010.0;
N008 G00 X120.0 Y030.0;
N009 G01 G95 Z-15.0 F0.05;
N010 G01 Z010.0;
N011 G00 X0 Y-050.0 M05;
N012 M30;
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

ATP Format

Part Diagram:-

REMARK Part geometry, Points are defined 10 mm above part surface.
PTARG = POINT/0, -50.0, 10.0
P5 = POINT/70.0, 30.0, 10.0
P6 = POINT/120.0, 30.0, 10.0
P7 = POINT/70.0, 60.0, 10.0
REMARK Drill bit motion statements.
GODLTA/0, 0, -25.0
GODLTA/0, 0, 25.0
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

GODLTA/0, 0, -25.0
GODLTA/0, 0, 25.0
GODLTA/0, 0, -25.0
GODLTA/0, 0, 25.0

Result:- The part program was written and simulated for given job.

1. Clean the machine and work part.
2. Proper setting of tool in tool post.
3. Proper setting of workpart on work table.

Viva-voce Questions
1. Define part program.
2. Explain about G codes?
3. Explain about M codes?
4. Which format is used to write the part program?
5. Define APT?
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.9:

Object:- Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for milling
operation (contouring) and running on CNC machine

Apparatus Required:-
S. Name of Apparatus Specifications
Make: XL MILL:
CNC Tutor Control system:
Hinumeric Axis: 3(X, Y,Z)
Machine Specifications:
1. Table size: 360 mm x 132 mm
2. Spindle motor cap[acity: 0.4KW to
0.5 HP
3. Spindle speed: 150-4000 rpm
4. spindle nose taper: BT 30
Control system:
PC based 3 Axis continuous path
Power source:
230 V, single phase, 50 Hz
2. Micro meter, Vernier

3. Acrylic sheet 100x100x8 mm

Brief Theory:-
G-codes & M-codes are given below:

G21 – Metric
G98 – Feed/Min
G90 - Absolute coordinates
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

G00 X Y – Positioning (Rapid Traverse) G01 X Y F – Linear Interpolation (Feed) G03 –

Circular Interpolation (CCW)
G90 – Cutting Cycle Turning
M03 – Spindle Forward Clockwise
M05 – Spindle Stop
M30 – Program End

Part Diagram:-

Figure: 9.1

1. To write the program for given job.
2. To type G and M CODES.
3. To give the tool size and stock dimensions.
4. Finally to run the machine to the operation.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Program:- Manual part program:

N001 G21 G90 X0 Y-050.0 Z010.0;

N002 G00 Z-025 S1000 M03;

N003 G01 G94 G42 Y0 D05 F40.0;

N004 G01 X160.0;

N005 G17 G03 X130.0 Y090.0 R030.0;

N006 G01 X035.0;

N007 G01 X0 Y0;

N008 G40 G00 X-40.0 M05;

N009 G00 X0 Y-050.0;

N010 M30;
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

APT Program:-

Part Drawing:-

Figure: 9.2

Program:- APT Program

REMARK Part geometry, Points and Lines are defined 25 mm
below part top surface.
PTARG = POINT/0, -50.0, 10.0
P1 = POINT/0, 0, -25.0
P2 = POINT/160.0, 0, -25.0
P3 = POINT/160.0, 60.0, -25.0
P4 = POINT/35.0, 90.0, -25.0
P8 = POINT/130.0, 60.0, -25.0
L1 = LINE/P1, P2
L2 = LINE/P2, P3
L4 = LINE/P4, P1
PL1 = PLANE/P1, P2, P4
REMARK Milling cutter motion statements.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

GO/TO, L1, TO, PL1, ON, L4

Result:- The manual & APT part program was written to the given dimension and executed
in CNC milling.

1. Clean the machine and work part.
2. Proper setting of tool in tool post.
3. Proper setting of workpart on work table.

Viva-voce Questions
1. What is the function of G90?
2. Discuss the geometry statements of APT.
3. What are various statements used in APT?
4. Discuss motion & post processor statements in APT.
5. Do you know manual machining?
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.10:

Object:- Experiment on difference between ordinary and NC machine, study or retrofitting.

Apparatus Required:-
S. Name of Apparatus Specifications
Make: XL MILL:
CNC Tutor Control system:
Hinumeric Axis: 3(X, Y,Z)
Machine Specifications:
1. Table size: 360 mm x 132 mm
2. Spindle motor cap[acity: 0.4KW to
0.5 HP
3. Spindle speed: 150-4000 rpm
4. spindle nose taper: BT 30
Control system:
PC based 3 Axis continuous path
Power source:
230 V, single phase, 50 Hz
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering



Procedure:- The difference between ordinary and NC machine are as follows:


 They have fixed sequence of operations  It is a flexible method in which the

with little or no variation to machine a sequence of operations can be changed
part. to machine a new part or product
 Suitable for mass production having design.
identical parts.  This can be applied to batch production
 The machine require more time for run or even a single part.
setting up.  Complex setting up procedure are
 The program of sequence of operations almost by passed in these machines.
is build into the hardware.  In these machines the program is stored
 It has less scope for variation as it is of as software.
high cost.  These machines have large scope for
variation of different product without
involvement of high cost.
Approved by AICTE, Government of India & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Result:- The study of difference between ordinary and NC machine is completed.

1. Clean the machine and work part.
2. Proper setting of tool in tool post.
3. Proper setting of workpart on work table.

Viva-voce Questions
1. Describe the types of routine maintenance you’ve regularly performed on CNC
2. Share an experience where you identified a problem with a machine.
3. Can you use a calipers and read a micrometer?
4. What was the worst shop accident you’ve seen and how could it have been avoided?

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