Handout-Prob-Peanut-Reflect 2

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Exploring Computer Science Peanut Butter & Jelly Project Algorithm Reflection

Mr. Prestwood

Name:Jose Partida Period:1 Date:11/22/2016

Instructions: This is your opportunity to reflect on the Problem Solving Process. Always write with
complete sentences when you see CS. (2 pts each)

1. What did your project finally look like? (Place an image of it below)

2. What are the 4 steps in Polya’s Problem Solving Process? (Recall the video with Joe)
3. What did you understand the problem to be for the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich project? (CS)
The steps had to be specific but wasn’t going to be perfect.

4. What does Constraint mean? (Consider: www.m-w.com) something that limits or restricts
someone or something

5. What constraints did the project have? (CS) Certain words were limited and being specific was hard.

6. What steps in the Computer Science Problem Solving Process did the project focus on? An
algorithm making a recipe to make the sandwich.

7. Since you are now at the Reflect step of Polya’s process, was the implementation: successful,
partial success or a disaster? Why? (CS) It was partly successful some of the steps didn’t make
sense and had to be skipped.

8. While following the other team’s algorithm for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you
discovered errors or bugs in the algorithm. What were some of the bugs or problems that you found
while building the sandwich? (CS) They didn’t describe which hand to use on which item also the
got ahead on certain steps.

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Exploring Computer Science Peanut Butter & Jelly Project Algorithm Reflection
Mr. Prestwood

Name:Jose Partida Period:1 Date:11/22/2016

9. What would you do to improve their algorithm or your algorithm ? Be more specific on certain steps
that involve hand movement.

10. What would you do to simplify the creation of an algorithm for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich”?
(CS) Imply that the “robot” has common sense.

11. Do you feel that your team member helped you fairly to develop the algorithm? Why? What did they
do? (CS) Yeah we both helped each other equally.

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