JA of Dominador Corpuz FINAL Na

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Republic of the Philippines

Second Judicial Region
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya





I DOMINADOR A. CORPUZ, of legal age, married, Filipino

citizen and residing at Brgy. Ineangan, Dupax del Norte, Nueva Vizcaya,
after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and

In relation to the above-entitled case, the counsel Atty. Lucky Joy A.

Domingo at her law office located at Aglipay Street, District IV,
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya asked me questions which I answered and
fully conscious that I did so under oath and that I may face perjury and any
other criminal liability for false testimony;

The questions asked by Atty. Domingo and the answers I gave are as

1. SALUDSOD: Ibagam ti nagan mo, estado sibil ken dadduma pay a

mabalin a pakabigbigan kenka? ( Please state your name, civil
status, and other personal matters that would identify you?)

SUNGBAT: Siak ni DOMINADOR A. CORPUZ, nataengan,

Filipino, naasawaan, ken agnanaed diay Brgy. Ipil-Cuneg,
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, (I am DOMINADOR A. CORPUZ, of
legal age, Filipino, married, and residing at Brgy. Ipil-Cuneg,
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya)

Judicial Affidavit of Defendant Dominador A. Corpuz

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2. SALUDSOD: Amammom ba iti nagdarum? Do you know the

SUNGBAT: Wen Ma’am (Yes, Ma’am).

3. SALUDSOD: Ibagam man ti nagan na, estado sibil ken dadduma

pay a mabalin a pakabigbigan kanyana?: Will you please name them
and also say what you know about their personal circumstances?
SUNGBAT: Ti nangidarum ket ni Manuel B. Aquino, nataengan,
Filipino, naasawaan, ken residente iti Brgy. Ipil-Cuneg, Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya. (The plaintiff is Manuel B. Aquino, of legal age,
married, Filipino citizen and a resident of Brgy. Ipil-Cuneg,
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya)
4. SALUDSOD: Ammom ba diay daga nga isu iti riri itoy nga kaso?
Do you know the lot which is the subject matter of this case?
SUNGBAT: Wen Sir. Iti daga nga isu iti riri ditoy nga kaso ket
addaan iti rukod na nga 200 square meters ken paset iti maysa nga
parsela iti daga nga addaan iti dagup nga rukod nga sumurok wennu
kumurang nga One Hundred Fifty Five Thousand Two Hundred
Sixty Five (155,265) Square Meters nga rukod na ken makita diay
Barangay Brgy. Ipil-Cuneg, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, ken sakop
nairehistro iti nagan ni Manuel B. Aquino, kasar kenni Martha C.
(Yes, sir. The real property which is the subject matter of the
Complaint is has an area of 200 square meters which is a part of a
parcel of land containing a total area of One Hundred Fifty Five
Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Five (155,265) Square Meters, more
or less, located in Barangay Brgy. Ipil-Cuneg, Bayombong, Nueva
1300 and registered in the name of Manuel B. Aquino, married to
Martha C. Cruz);

5. SALUDSOD: Nasaom nga iti riri nga daga ket sakop itan iti
orihinal wennu naudi nga akin kukwa diay nga daga sakbay nga
naiyakar iti nagan iti nagdarum, nu ammon? You mentioned that the
subject lot is now covered by TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE
NO. T-1300, who is the original or previous owner of said lot before
it was transferred in the name of the plaintiff, if you know?

SUNGBAT: Wen Sir ammok, ta naibaga kanyak ni tatang ko nga

Mariano ken nakitak batay dagiti dokumento nga iti riri nga daga ket
kukwa idi ni Francisco C. Aquino, ken idi natay isuna ket naiyakar
iti nagan iti anak na nga ni Juan C. Aquino nga isu iti met iti ama iti
nagdarum. Kalpasan ti mano a tawen ket naiyakar diay riri a daga iti
nagan iti nagdarum; (Yes Sir I know, because my father Mariano told
me about it and based on documents, the subject lot was previously

Judicial Affidavit of Defendant Dominador A. Corpuz

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owned by Francisco C. Aquino, and when he died it was transferred

in the name of his son Juan C. Aquino, who is the father of the
plaintiff. After how many years the subject lot was transferred in the
name of the plaintiff.);

6. SALUDSOD: Apay ta ammo ni tatang mo nga Mariano dagijay

detalye nga nasaom may panggep iti riri nga daga, nu ammom? How
your father did knew about the details regarding the subject lot, if
you know?
SUNGBAT: Ammo na Ma’am ta isu met gamin iti orihinal nga
Tenant iti riri nga daga. (He knew about it because he is the original
tenant of the subject lot)

7. SALUDSOD: Adda aba iti dokumento wennu papeles nga

mangpaneknek nga ni tatang mo nga Mariano ket isu iti umuna nga
tenant diay riri nga daga? (Are there any document or papers which
can prove that your father Mariano is the first tenant in the subject

SUNGBAT: Adda Ma’am. adda kopyak iti Katulagan iti panagtalon

nga inamungan da Juan C. Aquino ken tatang ko nga Mariano D.
Corpuz. ( There is Ma’am. I have a copy of Leasehold Agreement
entered into by Juan C. Aquino and Mariano D. Corpuz.)

(Witness presenting to me a machine copy of Tulag iti Katulagan

which is marked as Exhibit “1”.)

8. SALUDSOD: Ayan ngayen tatta ni Mariano D. Corpuz nu ammom?

(Where is Mariano D. Corpuz now, if you know?)

SUNGBAT: Natay isu nan Ma’am idi November 24, 1985 dijay
Ipil-Cuneg, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. (He already died Sir on
November 24, 1985 at Ipil-Cuneg, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya);

(Witness presenting to me a machine copy of a Death Certificate

which is marked as Exhibit “2”.)

9. SALUDSOD: Anya iti sumaruno nga napasamak nu adda man?

(What happened next, if any?)

SUNGBAT: Idi natay ni tatang ko nga Mariano ket sinublat ko iti

karbengan na kas Tenant iti nagdarum uray aggigyan nak paylang idi
diay Brgy. Pangawan, Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya. (When my father
Mariano died I succeeded his right as tenant of the plaintiff even
though I am still staying then at Brgy. Pangawan, Kayapa, Nueva
Vizcaya. ;

10.SALUDSOD: Anya iti sumaruno nga nangyari nu adda man?

(What happened next, if any?)
Judicial Affidavit of Defendant Dominador A. Corpuz
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SUNGBAT: Idi July 1990 adda iti nag-pigsa nga gingined nga
nangdadael iti balay ko diay Kayapa, isu nga naawanan nak iti balay.
(On July 1990 there was a strong earthquake which destroyed my
house in Kayapa, and so I became homeless.);

11.SALUDSOD: Anya iti inaramid mo kalpasan nga naawanan ka iti

balay nu malagip mo? What did you do after you lost your home if
you can remember?

SUNGBAT: Imbaga kanyak iti maysa nga gayyem ko nga ni Luis T.

Barnacha a dati nga agtrabtrabaho diay DAR, nga maysa nga
karbengan iti maysa nga tenant ket maaddaan iti makuna nga home
lot isu nga napalabas iti mano nga aldaw kalpasan iti ginggined ket
napan nak diay Ipil-Cuneg, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya tapno
mangkita iti mabalin ko nga matakderan iti balay; (One of my friends
named Luis T. Barnacha who previously worked at DAR, told me
that one of the rights of a tenant is to have a Home Lot and so few
days after the earthquake, I went to Ipil-Cuneg, Bayombong, Nueva
Vizcaya to look for a place where I could built a house.);

12.SALUDSOD: Anya iti sumaruno nga nangyari nu ammom? (What

happened next, if you know?)

SUNGBAT: Ket nagpatakder nak garod iti balay ko diay paset iti
riri nga daga ken nagmula nak iti saba-sabali nga klase iti kayo kas
niyog, mama, g-melina, ken naduma duma nga nateng kas parya, ken
kamote. (And so I built my house in the portion of the subject
property and I planted therein different varieties of trees such as
coconut, betel nut, g-melina, and different classes of vegetables such
as bitter gourd and sweet potato);

(Witness presenting to me a machine copy of photographs of

improvemnts which are marked as Exhibit “3” with sub-markings.)

13.SALUDSOD: Anya iti sumaruno nga napasamak nu adda man?

What happened next, if any?

SUNGBAT: Idi September 3, 1990, ket adda iti Agricultural

Leasehold Agreement nga inamungan mi iti nagdarum, ken naaramid
diay DAR, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. (On September 3, 1990,
there is an Agricultural Leasehold Tenancy Agreement executed by
me and the plaintiff in DAR, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya);

(Witness presenting to me a machine copy of a Agricultural

Leasehold Tenancy Agreement which is marked as Exhibit “4”.)

14.SALUDSOD: Anya iti inaramid mo kalpasan na nga naaramid diay

nga Agricultural Leasehold Agreement nu adda man? What did you
Judicial Affidavit of Defendant Dominador A. Corpuz
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do next after an Agricultural Leasehold Agreement was made, if


SUNGBAT: Ket intuloy ko iti panagtalon ken agnaed diay riri nga
daga ken intuloy ko met lang aramid ni tatang ko nga Mariano nga
kada malpas agapit ket manged iti abang ken Manuel Aquino. (I then
continued tilling and staying in the subject lot and I also continued
the doings of my father Mariano of giving rentals to Manuel Aquino
every after harvest)

(Witness presenting to me acknowledgment receipts which are

marked as Exhibit “5” with sub-markings.)

15.SALUDSOD: Anya pay nu adda man? What else, if any?

SUNGBAT: Idi March 2017, bummaba iti naapit ko nga pagay gapo
iti agsasaruno nga bagyo nga dummalan itoy probinsya tayo isu nga
bummaba met lang iti presyo iti pagay. Ket gapo dayta 130 lang nga
cavan iti pagay nga naiyawat ko kas renta kenni Manuel. (On March
2017, my harvest went down because of series of typhoons which hit
our province and so even the price of the rice went down. Because of
which, I was only able to give 130 cavans of rice to Manuel as
rentals.) ;

16.SALUDSOD: Anya iti reaksyon ni Manuel nu adda man? What was

the reaction of Manuel if any?

SUNGBAT: Nakaunget isuna Ma’am, ket imbaga na metten nga

umalis nak lattan kan diay riri nga daga nu haan ko nga maaramid
nga nasayaat iti obligasyon ko (He got angry ma’am and told me to
just leave the subject lot if I cannot perform well my obligations.);

17.SALUDSOD: Anya pay nu adda man? What else, if any?

SUNGBAT: Idi April 2018 ket indarum nak metten ni Manuel diay
Barangay. (On April 2018, I was sued by Manuel before the

18. SALUDSOD: Anya iti napasamak idi nagsango kayo diay

barangay? (What happened when you had confrontation in

SUNGBAT: Idi nagsango kami diay Lupon ket ipapilit na metten

nga iti panag-naed ko diay riri nga daga ket gapo lang iti
panangpalubos da kanyak. Ket inbagak met nga diay balay ko (home
lot) diay riri nga daga ket maysa nga karbengak kas Tenant ken iti
kaadwan diay Barangay nga ket bigbigbigen dak kas tenant ni
Manuel isu nga madik nga pinati iti dawat ni Manuel nga umalis nak
diay riri nga daga.
Judicial Affidavit of Defendant Dominador A. Corpuz
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(When we had a confrontation before the Lupon he is insisting that my

stay in the subject lot is by mere tolerance. I told him that my home lot
in the subject property is one of my rights as tenant and most of the
people in the Barangay recognize me as tenant of Manuel and so I did
not acceded to the request of Manuel to leave the subject lot);

19. SALUDSOD: Asino gayam iti agbaybayad iti padanum diay

riri nga daga nu ammom? By the way who is paying for the
irrigation fee of the subject lot if you know?
SUNGBAT: Siyak ma’am. Iti kinapudno ket maysa nak
nga miyembro iti Colocol Irrigator’s Association nga saranay
dagiti mannalon ket siyak iti bigbigen da nga tenant iti
nagdarum (I am the one ma’am. In fact I am a member of
Colocol Irrigator’s Association, which is an association of
farmers and they recognize me as the tenant of the plaintiff. )

(Witness presenting to me a latest Official Receipt of irrigation fee

and Certification issued by Colocol Irrigator’s Association which
are marked as Exhibit “6” and Exhibit “7”.)

20. SALUDSOD: Diay ngay barangay yu asino iti ammo da nga

nakaposisyon, aggigyan ken mangtaltalon diay riri nga daga? What
about in your barangay who is the person they know who is in
possession, occupant, and tiller of the subject lot.

SUNGBAT: Iti ammo iti kaadwan maski iti Barangay Officials

ket siyak iti nakaposisyon, aggigyan ken mangtaltalon diay riri nga
daga. (What most of the people know including the Barangay Officials
is that I am the one who is possessing, occupaying, and tilling the
subject lot.)

(Witness presenting to me Certification from Office of the Barangay

of Ipl-Cuneg which is marked as Exhibit “8”)

21. SALUDSOD: Anya iti sumaruno nga nangyari nu adda man?

What happened next, if any?

SUNGBAT: Agapo iti panang-abuso iti karbengan nga

inaramid iti nagdarum ken iti apuraan ken awan iti basaran nga
darum, ket napilitan kami nga mangala iti abogado tapno
maprotektaran iti karbingan mi. Gapo dayta ket nagbayad kami iti
gatad nga (P30, 000.00) para iti abogado ken sabali pay dayjay tallo
nga ribo (P 3, 000.00) kada bista. Isu nga masapol lang nga bayadan
na kami diay nagdarum iti amin nga inkam nagastos para ditoy nga

Judicial Affidavit of Defendant Dominador A. Corpuz

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(By reason of the abuse of right committed by the plaintiff and due to
the instant precipitate and unfounded suit, the defendants were
constrained to hire the services of a lawyer to defend his rights and
interests for a professional fee of P30,000.00 plus P3,000.00 per
court appearance which amount should be reimbursed, by the
plaintiff in our favor.)

22. SALUDSOD: Anya iti nariknam kalpasan nga naidatad iti darum
kontra kanyam? What did you feel after the plaintiff filed a case
against you?

SUNGBAT: Ket gapo met lng iti awan basaran na nga darum,
ket naburburiburan nak, ken naibabain nak, isu nga masapol lang
nga bayadan na kami diay nagdarum iti P20,000 kas moral damages.
(Similarly, the plaintiff’s unfounded suit has caused me mental
anguish and suffering and public humiliation and
embarrassment, for which the defendant claims moral damages
of P20,000.00).;

23. SALUDSOD: Anya pay nu adda man? What else if any?

SUNGBAT: Tapno maikkan iti pagnakeman iti nagdarum gapo iti

awan basaran na nga darum, ket kasapulan nga agbayad iti nagdarum
iti gated nga FIFTEEN THOUSAND PESOS (Php15,000.00) kas
exemplary damages. (That in order to teach the plaintiff a lesson for
filing a baseless suit, the plaintiff must be ordered to pay, the sum of
FIFTEEN THOUSAND PESOS (Php15,000.00) by way of exemplary

24.SALUDSOD: Awanen iti maisaludsod ko. Adda pay kadi iti

mainayun mo? (I have no more questions, do you have something to
SUNGBAT: Awanen Ma’am. (No more Ma’am.)

25.SALUDSOD: Sika ba ket agsapata nga amin nga imbagbaggam ket

pudpudno? (Do you affirm and confirm the truthfulness of your
SUNGBAT: Wen Ma’am. (Yes Ma’am.)

26.SALUDSOD: Ammon ba nga sika ket mabalin nga makaswan iti

perjury nu maamwuan iti korte nga sika ket agululbod? (Are you
aware that you can be charge for the crime of Perjury in case the
court will learn that you are not telling the truth?)
SUNGBAT: Wen Ma’am. (Yes Ma’am).

Judicial Affidavit of Defendant Dominador A. Corpuz

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IN WITNESS whereof, I have hereunto set my and on this affidavit

this 6 day of September 2018 at Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.

SSS ID No. 14324-7210033

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 6th day of

September 2018 at Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, affiant having exhibited
to me her competent evidence of identity bearing his name and signature.


I, LUCKY JOY A. DOMINGO, under oath, declare: that I am the

counsel for the defendant in the above-entitled case that I personally
conducted the foregoing judicial affidavit of the affiant; that I have
faithfully recorded the questions I asked and the answers of the affiant.

That I also certify that neither I nor any person then present had
coached the affiant regarding his answer in this judicial affidavit and that
he was examined inside my Law Office located at Aglipay Street, District
IV, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.

WITNESS MY HAND, this 6th day of September 2018 at

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 6th day of

September 2018 at Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, affiant having exhibited
to me her IBP ID. No. 19286222 bearing his name and signature.

Judicial Affidavit of Defendant Dominador A. Corpuz

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Copy Furnished:


Counsels for Plaintiff
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Date of Receipt: _____________________

Received by: _____________________

Judicial Affidavit of Defendant Dominador A. Corpuz

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