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Meaning A technique of job A management

design in which the tool used to
task related to a motivate
single job are employees, by
increased is known adding
as job responsibilities
enlargement. in the job is
known as Job

Concept Quantitatively Qualitatively

expanding the extending the
scope of a job. range of
performed by a

Objective To decreases the To make the job

boredom in more
performing a challenging,
redundant task. interesting and

Outcome May or may not be The result of job

positive enrichment is
always positive.

Requirement of No Yes
additional skills

Expansion Horizontal Vertical

Supervision More Comparatively

Definition of Job Enlargement

Job Enlargement means to increase the tasks of an employee performed by

him in a single job. It is an attempt of management to decrease the
monotony of the repetitive task. Under this technique, few tasks are added to
the existing job which is similar in nature.

Graphical Representation of Job Enlargement

In this way, variety in the job is added, and it will become more interesting for
the job holders. There are some advantages of job enlargement which are
indicated below:

 It increases the degree of satisfaction in workers because when the job is

enlarged, one employee is assigned the whole or the maximum part of
the project. In this way, their contribution to that particular project is
 In job enlargement, both the physical and mental abilities of a worker
are utilized. However, the jobs should be enlarged to a limited extent,
i.e. up to the capacity of the employee. It should not create pressure and
frustration in an employee.
 It increases the task variety that reduces boredom in performing the job.

 Job Enrichment is a job design strategy, applied to motivate the

employees by delegating them extra responsibilities to make it more
rewarding. In short, we can say that job enrichment means to upgrade
the quality of a job and to make it more exciting, challenging and

 Graphical Representation of Job Enrichment

 The job holder is given responsibilities and power to plan, control and
make important decisions. The requirement of supervision will now be
less or it can also be said that the worker himself will perform the tasks
of a supervisor.

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