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Q: What is Problem Solving?

A: To solve a problem using suitable software is called Problem Solving.

Q: What is meant by defining the Problem?
A: It means knowing the objective of the Problem. It should include identification of the
input and the desired output of the program.
Q: What is Program?
A: Program is a set of instructions according to the syntax (rules) of a Programming
Q: What is Programming language?
A: It is a set of letters, symbols, & numbers arranged according to the syntax of a
language used to write program.
Q: What is Pseudo-Code?
A: It is a tool for writing a program or solution of a problem in narrative form using
natural human language. Pseudo-Code can not be compiled nor executed. Also it
Has no any syntax like algorithm.
Q: What is meant by analyzing the problem?
A: It is the process of understanding the problem by asking series of Questions.
1. How to solve problem?
2. Can it be solved on computer?
3. What are input and output?
4. How many solutions are possible?
Q: What is Problem identification Stage?
A: It is 1st stage of program development. In which we define and analyze the problem to
understand it properly because only then we can write a proper program.
Q: Define Algorithm?
A: It is a step by step procedure developed to solve a problem before writing an actual
program. It is a complete procedure or plan that describes the logic of program.
Q: What is Flowchart?
A: Flowchart is defined as, “The pictorial representation of the algorithm.”
“The graphical form of the detailed steps (algorithm) to solve a problem.”
Learn all symbols of flowchart and their functions from page 5(gaba book).
Q: What is Coding?
A: The process of converting the algorithm into a computer program using computer
Q: Name the types of Computer’s instruction used in a Program?
A: 1. Input/Output instructions.
2. Control instructions.
3. Arithmetic instructions.
4. Logical instructions.
5. Specification instructions.
Q: What is purpose of Input/Output instructions?
A: Theses instructions direct the computer to move information to and from the

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