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The Father remains the same … yesterday,

today, and tomorrow … and with that in mind, He
commanded us to never add to or take away from
His Word. Unfortunately, after nearly six thousand
years, His Word has been augmented and
diminished in a myriad of ways - not only by
interpreting the original Aramaic/Hebrew writings of
Scripture into other languages, but also by reading
those interpretations with a very different mindset …
a very different way of thinking, which misconstrues
the things the Father is actually saying.

Let this mind be in you

Which was also in Mashiach Yahshua.
Pilipiyim (Philippians) 2:5

To have the mind of Mashiach, means to think as

Yahshua thought … and to think as He thought, we
must understand the Eastern mindset that He had
… and this requires an adjustment to our Western
way of thinking. Even the Hebrew language, in
todays modernized version, has been westernized
to a great degree. Consider these differences:

By learning to study key words in Scripture, using

the Father’s original pictographic alephbet, we will
begin to change our ways of thinking … we will start
seeing the Word and its message as it was intended
to be seen … and eventually, we will begin to see
not only that the whole Word is a picture of
Yahshua, but that the picture itself is built on the
most basic elements: A house, a family, and a

The Father’s Word and His alephbet are comprised

of the most basic and simple things for us to
understand! It’s all about the sun (rising in the east,
bursting light into the darkness or setting in the west
and diminishing into darkness), water (being
washed by His Word), blood (being purchased by
the shedding of His blood), seeds (the Good Seed
and the Bad Seed), thorns, roots, trees and vines,
branches and shoots, and fruit … it’s all about eyes
(what we see), ears (what we hear), hearts (what
we understand), arms and hands (what we do), feet
(which path we walk on), heads (what we think and
who our headship is), mouths (what we say and
who we praise) … and it’s all about the house of
Elohim – the family, The Door (Yahshua), a tent peg
which secures our house, a plowing tool used to dig
into His Word and to plant seeds with, a fence that

surrounds and protects, a basket that catches fish

and stores bounty, and a staff that steers and
teaches the flock.

With that being understood, we do not need to learn

the Aramaic/Hebrew language at all! Because the
Father’s anointed message is clearly preserved in
each picture He has painted through the letters of
His alephbet!

Consider Alexander the Great … who, at the early

age of eighteen, conquered the entire world. How
did he do that? What made him so successful? He
didn’t enslave his captors … he didn’t imprison them
or starve them to death … he simply changed their
language! He knew only too well, as does Satan,
that if you change languages, you change mindsets
and cultures, as well. And this has been Satan’s
game! He has drawn people away from knowing
the Father’s original language; he has succeeded in
causing everyone to forget LaShone haQodesh
Qaddam and to think in ways that are contrary to
the Father’s original ways … contrary to The Way!

This book is designed to compliment my YouTube

videos … to help you follow along with me as I
deliver deeper and more accurate understandings
about the Father’s Word. It is also designed to get

you started on your own journey into the marvels

and mysteries of Scripture.

If you haven’t yet watched my video, titled Having

the Mind of Christ, I urge you to do so before you
go any further. I posted this video on my YouTube
channel on October 25th, 2013.

Go to to watch it
… its thumbnail icon looks like this (except it’s in

This video includes a very powerful delivery about

the mindset of Yahshua … about the way it has
been obscured by Satan … and how we can restore
it for ourselves and for others. Please watch this
video and every video that follows from that date
forward, on my YouTube channel.

For then I shall turn unto the peoples

a clean lip (a pure language), so that they all
call on the Name of Yahweh,
to serve Him with one shoulder.
TsephanYah (Zephaniah) 3:9

What follows are my reference charts, revealing the

most ancient pictograph letters of the Father’s
language. I’ve outlined all twenty-two of them,
along with their numerical values (His letters also
serve as numbers) and all their meanings.

A letter, in the Aramaic/Hebrew, is an ot (say “oat”)

and means “a sign” … the plural is otiot (say “oat-
ee-oat”) … and words are written and read from
right to left.

Also … please note that, since I was unable to find

any font library containing the proper combination of
pictographs, I drew each one of these myself.
Afterwards, I thought to myself, “How appropriate!
This is just how it should be done … personally …
and by hand!”

I trust this work will help you as you join with me in

discovering how to properly pitch a tent with our
beloved Abba Father Yahweh!

Shalom, my friend!

The quickest way, of course, is to contact me

with a query … and I’m happy to conduct a video
teaching for you on my YouTube channel …
providing it’s a study that benefits many. However,
if you want to learn to do this yourself, here are the
processes I use:

Firstly, since Strong’s Concordance references only

the King James Version of the Word, we need to
use the KJV, for the most part, in determining the
English words that have been used to interpret the
First Covenant books … and secondly, since
Strong’s only refers to the Greek interpretations of
the Renewed Covenant books, we need to go to the
AENT (see below) in determining the English words
that have been used to interpret the Renewed
Covenant books.

Re: The First Covenant Books

When it comes to the First Covenant books -
Genesis through Malachi, we begin by taking any
English word from any of the First Covenant books

that you want to understand more fully. Next, you

will go to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of
the Bible, published by Hendrickson Publishers.

As an example, we’ll look at the word “friend” as

found in 2 Chronicles 20:7 (KJV), where it says that
Abraham is Elohim’s friend forever.

1. We look up the word “friend” in Strong’s, listed

alphabetically, and see that, for 2 Chronicles 20:7,
the reference number for the English word “friend” is

2. We then go to the back of Strong’s, under

Dictionary of Hebrew and Aramaic Words and look
up number H157, where we see that the original
Aramaic/Hebrew word is ahab … and that this word
is comprised of three Aramaic/Hebrew letters:
aleph, hey, and beyt (right to left).

Note: You’ll see that the Aramaic/Hebrew letters in

Strong’s are from the Modern Hebrew alephbet …
so I’ve made a chart for you to reference, on page
23. Once you know the correct otiot (letters) from
the Modern Hebrew, you can then turn to the more
ancient pictograph otiot.

3. Finally, you can look the otiot up in the previous

section of this book and put your study together!

In so doing, you will easily see that this English

reference to Abraham being Elohim’s friend lacks
the much more meaningful picture that is revealed
when looking at the Aramaic/Hebrew word!

By looking at the two outside otiot - aleph and beyt -

we see that Yahweh is the Father and the headship
(aleph) of Abraham’s house and family (beyt) …
and then, by looking at the ot in the center - hey -
we see that this is because of Abraham’s spiritual
worship and awe for the Father! Thus:

The word ahab is saying that Yahweh has become

the Father and Headship of Abraham’s house
and family because of Abraham’s spiritual
worship and awe for the Father.

Now doesn’t that say a whole lot more than,

“Abraham was the Father’s friend”? It sure does!
And even more than that, it starts filling our own
thoughts with the Eastern mindset of Yahshua -
bringing to mind the idea of pitching your tent with

Re: The Renewed Covenant Books

Unfortunately, when it comes to the Renewed
Covenant books - Matthew through Revelation,
Strong’s does not allow us to discover the original

Aramaic/Hebrew words that were penned, because

it only references the Greek texts for these books.
There is way around this, however, and that is to
use the Aramaic English New Testament,
compiled by Andrew Gabriel Roth and published by
Netzari Press. To obtain a copy of this book and to
see how this process works, see my YouTube video
titled Aide to Alan’s Book, dated December, 2013
… or type this link into your web browser:

This video will clearly show you the steps I take in

researching both the First and the Renewed
Covenant books.

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