Week 6

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Week 6 - Script

(written on Friday 08/03/19)

From Sunday to Wednesday I was in Paris,

more specifically in Disneyland, for a media
live conference. During that period, I started
to write my script/shooting script and writing
my questions for my interviews. I didn’t get a
lot of work done because I was working the
Saturday before the trip when I had originally
planned to do catch up work on that day so
that I wouldn’t be that behind. I also couldn’t
login to Weebly on my phone because the
Wi-Fi kept disconnecting. On the Eurostar
back, I wrote out my questions for my
interviews yesterday, I wrote quite a lot for
the parents and the students that would be
there but it also depended how many people
would show up.

Yesterday, I went to Watford to film a homeschool group. It was also world book day, so I
would see what the kids turned up as and see them socialising with each other. I talked to
some of the parents while the kids were doing a work period (they start off the session
doing 45 minutes of work, whatever subject they want to do), the parents were very
informative when it came to talking about how they school their children and also about
things that happened in their week. I interviewed a couple of parents, a mother and a father
of homeschooled kids, they were really informative and answered every question
thoroughly and in detail. I got plenty of b-roll of the teenagers doing work or outside playing
in the basketball court, it shows the teens interacting with each other and shows that
homeschoolers get socialisation.

My shooting script is coming along but I don’t think I’ll be able to finish it by this weekend,
and I still don’t know how to start my doc plus I don’t know how to structure it.
I’m still adding to it, but I
feel that I’m going to have
to go back and forth. I’ll
just need it keep editing it.
Next week I will be adding
to it in more detail and focusing on making it right for when I film. In concern to the rest of
my pre-production, I haven’t started the rest of the planning but I will next week.

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