A Third Amblyomma Species and The First Tick-Borne Rickettsia in Chile

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A Third Amblyomma Species and the

First Tick-Borne Rickettsia in Chile

Article in Journal of Medical Entomology · January 2012

DOI: 10.1603/ME11147 · Source: PubMed


26 138

6 authors, including:

Katia Abarca Javier Lopez

Pontifical Catholic University of C… Hospital Universitario Ramón y C…


Gerardo Acosta-Jamett
Universidad Austral de Chile


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A Third Amblyomma Species and the First Tick-Borne Rickettsia in Chile


J. Med. Entomol. 49(1): 219Ð222 (2012); DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/ME11147

ABSTRACT During November 2010, three ticks were collected from three dogs living in the rural
area of Arica, northern Chile. Morphological analyses of the ticks in the laboratory revealed that they
were most similar to Amblyomma maculatum Koch and Amblyomma triste Koch. However, because
of unique metatarsal spurs, neither of the Chilean specimens could be assigned with certainty to A.
maculatum or A. triste, based on external morphology. The mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene partial
sequences obtained from two Chilean specimens were 99.5% identical to A. triste from Uruguay, and
99.0% identical to A. maculatum from the United States. Through phylogenetic analysis inferred from
partial 16S rRNA sequences, the Chilean specimens were classiÞed as A. triste. Molecular analyses also
showed that one of the three Chilean ticks was infected by Candidatus ÔRickettsia andeanaeÕ. These
Þndings extend the geographical distribution of A. triste to Chile, where no tick-associated rickettsia
had been reported previously.

KEY WORDS Amblyomma triste, Amblyomma maculatum, Rickettsia andeanae, Chile

The South American tick fauna is represented by ⬇145 Materials and Methods
species, divided into two families, namely Argasidae
During November 2010, one of us (J. L.) collected
(52 species) and Ixodidae (93 species). As much as 51
(55%) of the Ixodidae species reported in South Amer- three ticks from three dogs (each tick from one dog)
ica belong to the genus Amblyomma (Guglielmone et living in the rural area of Arica (18⬚ 28⬘ S, 70⬚ 18⬘ W),
al. 2003, 2010). These include species of major medical northern Chile, only 10 km from the border with
importance, with human biting behavior and trans- Peru. These three dogs were reared unrestrained,
mission of tick-borne diseases, especially spotted fever with free outdoor access, and had no recent history
rickettsioses (Labruna 2009). of leaving the rural area of Arica. The ticks were
Because of its particular geographic conditions, brought to the laboratory, where taxonomic iden-
Chile is the only South American country where the tiÞcation of the ticks to species level was attempted
genus Amblyomma has been reported to be poorly based on current literature (Estrada-Peña et al.
represented, with only two established species, 2005), and by comparisons with adult specimens of
namely Amblyomma tigrinum Koch, and Amblyomma Amblyomma maculatum Koch from Colombia, and
parvitarsum Neumann (González-Acuña and Gugliel- Texas, and Amblyomma triste Koch from the state of
mone 2005). Although there has been an increasing Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, both available in the
number of tick-borne rickettsiae identiÞed during the tick collection “Coleção Nacional de Carrapatos”
last decades among South American countries (CNC) of the University of São Paulo. Two ticks
(Labruna 2009, Romer et al. 2011), rickettsia infecting (one male, one female) had their internal contents
ticks in Chile never have been reported. removed through a slight perforation of the poste-
Herein, we report the presence of a third Ambly- rior margin of the idiosoma, by using a 21-gauge
omma species in Chile. One of the ticks also was found
sterile needle. The internal contents of each of the
to be infected by a recently described spotted fever
two ticks was processed separately for DNA extrac-
group Rickettsia, which is to our knowledge, the Þrst
record of a rickettsial infection in a Chilean tick. tion by using the DNeasy Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Chats-
worth, CA), and then processed by polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) protocols targeting portions
1 Facultad de Medicina, PontiÞcia Universidad Católica de Chile,
of the tick mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene (Mangold
Santiago, Chile.
2 Hospital Veterinario Puente Alto, Santiago, Chile.
et al. 1998), the rickettsial gltA gene (Labruna et al.
3 Instituto de Medicina Preventiva Veterinaria y Programa de In- 2004), and the rickettsial ompA gene (Roux et al.
vestigación Aplicada en Fauna Silvestre, Facultad de Ciencias Vet- 1996). PCR products were sequenced in an automatic
erinarias, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile. sequencer (Applied Biosystems/PerkinElmer, model
4 Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de

São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. ABI Prism 310 Genetic, Foster City, CA) according to
5 Corresponding author, e-mail: labruna@usp.br. the manufacturerÕs protocol. Partial sequences ob-

0022-2585/12/0219Ð0222$04.00/0 䉷 2012 Entomological Society of America


Fig. 1. A. triste specimens from northern Chile. (A) Female dorsal view. (B) Male dorsal view. (C) Female coxae IÐIV.
(D) Chitinous tubercles on female festoons. (E) Female metatarsus II. (F) Female metatarsus III. (G) Male metatarsus II.
(H) Male metatarsus III. (I) Male metatarsus IV. Each of metatarsus IIÐIV has a strong spine (black arrow) and a weaker
spine, resembling a strong seta (white arrow).

tained were submitted to BLAST analysis to deter- Brazil typically were shown to have one stout meta-
mine the closest similarities. tarsal spur and a long seta instead of a second spur, the
For phylogenetic analyses, the partial 16S rRNA specimens from Chile were shown to have an inter-
consensus DNA sequence of the Chilean ticks, and the mediate spur pattern, characterized by a stout meta-
corresponding sequences of A. maculatum, A. triste, A. tarsal spur and a second spur that was not as stout as
tigrinum, and A. parvitarsum available in GenBank the second one of A. maculatum, but at the same time,
were aligned manually using GeneDoc software. A much broader than the long metatarsal seta of A. triste
phylogenetic tree was inferred by the maximum par- (Fig. 2).
simony (MP) method by using PAUP* 4.0b10 (Swof- The mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene partial se-
ford 2002) with 1,000 replicates of random addition quences obtained from the two Chilean specimens
taxa and TBR branch swapping; all positions were (one male, one female) were shown to be identical to
weighted equally. The sequence of A. parvitarsum was each other, and after Blast analysis, were shown to be
used as the outgroup.
99.5% (397/399) identical to A. triste from Uruguay
(AY498563), and 99.0% (404/408) identical to A.
Results maculatum from the United States (L34318). Through
Through morphological analyses, the three ticks phylogenetic analysis, the partial 16S rRNA consensus
collected from dogs in Arica were shown to be most DNA sequence of the Chilean ticks were grouped with
similar to A. maculatum and A. triste, as shown by the A. triste under 98% bootstrap support, having A. macu-
scutal ornamentation, coxal spur patterns, and pres- latum as sister sequences (Fig. 3). Based on these
ence of tubercles at the postero-internal angle of all genetic results, the Chilean specimens were classiÞed
festoons, except for the middle one (Fig. 1). However, as A. triste.
because of unique metatarsal spurs, neither of the Only the female Chilean tick yielded PCR ampli-
Chilean specimens could be assigned with certainty to cons targeting the rickettsial genes gltA and ompA. The
A. maculatum or A. triste, based on external morphol- gltA partial sequence (350-bp) was 100% identical to
ogy. Although the A. maculatum specimens from Co- Candidatus ÔRickettsia andeanaeÕ and also 100% to
lombia and Texas typically were shown to have a pair Rickettsia sp strain Argentina (EF451004, EU826513).
of stout ventral spurs on the distal extremity of meta- The ompA partial sequence (587-bp) was 100% iden-
tarsi II, III, and IV, and the A. triste specimens from tical to a Rickettsia endosymbiont of A. maculatum

Fig. 2. Spines on metatarsus IV of female ticks. (A) A. maculatum from Colombia. (B) A. triste from northern Chile. (C) A.
triste from Brazil. Strong spine (black arrow), weaker spine, resembling a strong seta (white arrow), and seta (white arrow head).

(EF372578), and also 100% to Rickettsia sp strain Ar- pattern, characterized by a stout metatarsal spur and
gentina (EF451004, EU826513). a second spur that was not as stout as the second one
The Chilean A. triste specimens of the current study from A. maculatum, but at the same time, much
have been deposited in the CNC tick collection, under broader than the long seta of A. triste. However, these
the accession number CNC-1918. GenBank nucleo- specimens were shown to be genetically closest to A.
tide sequence accession numbers for the partial se- triste, allowing us to classify them as A. triste. Inter-
quences generated in this study are JN180848 for par- estingly, a recent study in Peru (Mendoza-Uribe and
tial sequences of A. triste 16S rRNA mitochondrial Chávez-Chorocco 2004) also reported intermediate
gene, and JN180849, and JN180850 for partial se- forms, similar to the Chilean specimens of the current
quences of Candidatus ÔR. andeanaeÕ gltA, and ompA study. In fact, one of us (M. B. L.) has examined some
genes, respectively. of these Peruvian specimens and has conÞrmed them
to be nearly identical to the present Chilean speci-
mens. Thus, it seems that although typical A. macula-
tum ticks (two stout spurs on metatarsi II-IV) occur
The taxa A. maculatum, A. triste, and A. tigrinum from the United States to the northern part of South
were described as valid species by Koch (1844), based America, and typical A. triste ticks (one spur on meta-
on adult specimens from the United States, Uruguay, tarsi II-IV) occur in South America (Estrada-Peña et
and Brazil, respectively. However, Neumann (1899) al. 2005), some intermediate morphological forms
considered these three taxa to belong to a single spe- (one stout spur and a less stout spur on metatarsi II-IV)
cies, namely A. maculatum, which was adopted by occur in Peru and northern Chile. Because genetic
subsequent authors until the study of Kohls (1956), analyses have indicated that these three morphotypes
who revalidated the three species based on morpho- are close related (Fig. 3), further studies are needed
logical characters. The Chilean specimens of the cur- to verify if they represent different taxa or if they are
rent study were shown to have an intermediate spur just geographical races of a single species. In this

Fig. 3. Maximum parsimony phylogenetic tree of 16S rDNA partial sequences (399-bp) of A. maculatum tick group
species. The A. parvitarsum corresponding sequence was used as outgroup. Numbers at nodes are support values derived from
bootstrap, 1,000 replicates. Numbers in brackets are Genbank accession numbers.

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