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GRADES 1 to 12 School Name GPMS – SDO CAM.NORTE Grade Level Grade 1 Formatted: Left: 0.5", Right: 0.5", Top: 0.5", Bottom:
DETAILED LESSON Teacher RUBY L. NAGERA Learning Area ENGLISH – Lesson 3&4 0.5", Width: 11.69", Height: 8.27", Footer distance from
edge: 0.5"
PLAN Teaching Date and Time 2 Days Quarter 3rd Quarter – 2nd week

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Commented [d1]: Annex a protocol for filling up the DLL


Demonstrates understanding of familiar words use to communicate personal experiences, ideas, thoughts action, and feelings. Commented [d2]: Copy the format/nomenclature in the CG
A. Content Standardsknowledge Formatted: Justified

Shares/express personal ideas,thoughts,actions and feelings using familiar words.

B. Performance Standards

B.C. Learning Competencies / Recognize rhyming words in nursery rhymes,poems, song heard. (EN1PA-IIIa-e-2.2)
Objectives y/ Competencies Commented [d3]: Include in the policy, learning competencies
 Identifies the rhyming words in a poem / song.
Write the LC code for each are found in the CG. Some Learning areas have broad
competencies, so teachers must need to break into learning
C. Valuing
CONTENTFOCUS TOPIC Focus topic Define objectives (per day).
II. Must be found in the CG Listen to short stories/poem Formatted Table
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A. References
Formatted: Justified
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
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2. Learner’s Materials pages
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3. Textbook pages Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: I, II, III, … +
4. Additional Materials from LRMDS Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent
Learning Resource (LR) portal Formatted: Font: Arial Narrow, 10 pt
B. Other Learning Resources IWash Song Formatted Table
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1. Let the pupils sing the iWash Song. Formatted: Justified

Discuss important key points in the song.

A. Reviewing previous lesson or
Ask: Why there is a need to wash our hands? ( to keep one healthy and to prevent illnesses)
presenting the new lesson.
When should you wash your hands? ( before eating and after using the toilet )
What should you use in washing your hands? ( soap and water )

Let the pupils sing the iWash Song while demonstrating / showing how to wash hands properly.

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2. After singing give emphasis on the following:

Washing hand is cool

At home and in your school.

Ask: What are the rhyming words in the song? ( cool and school) ( Write the words cool and school on the board.)
What are the ending sounds of these words? ( Encircle the ool in the words cool and school to give emphasis on the ending sound.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson. Say: Today, you are going to listen to the song to identify the rhyming words.
1. Present this song. ( Write the lyrics of the song in a manila paper or present it through tarpapel or powepoint presentation.)

I have two hands.

The left and the right.
. Hold them up high.
So clean and bright

Clap your hands softly 1,2,3

Clean little hands
Are good to see.

C. I do it

2. Talk about the poem.

Ask: What is the poem about?

How many hands do you have? ( Let the pupils show their hands.)
What can you say about the hands in the poem? ( they are clean.)
What should you use to clean your hands? ( water and soap)
How do you feel when you have clean hands? ( happy )
What will you do to have clean hands? ( Wash them always.)

Say: Class, show your hands. Are they clean?

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( Make an inspection on the hands of the pupils. )

Ask: What can you say about your hands? ( Call some pupils to show their hands and ask them to say something about them. )

When your hands are dirty, how do you feel? ( disgusted ) ( demonstrate or show icons of the feeling )
What will you do to make it clean? ( Wash them with soap and water. )

Let the pupils sing the song again.

3. Go back to the song posted on the board. Focus on the 1st stanza of the poem.

I have two hands.

The left and the right.
Hold them up high.
So clean and bright

 Sing the song again then read the lyrics. ( Do it several times. Give emphasis on the words right and bright
so the pupils can recognize and identify the rhyming words.)

Ask: What are the rhyming words in the poem? ( right and bright ) ( If the pupils are not able to identify the words, read them again.

Give emphasis on the words right and bright.) ( If the pupils are able to identify the rhyming words, encicle the two words.)

Say: Class, the words right and bright are rhyming words.
Ask: Why do you say that these two words are rhyming? ( They have the same ending sound.)

( Write the two words on the board. Ask one pupil to encircle the letters in the words right and bright that are the same.)

right bright
Say: Class, look at these two words. Look at the letters that are the same. So, if the words have the same ending sound
we can say that they are rhyming words.

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5. Post another poem / song on the board. Let the pupils identify the rhyming words.
( The teacher will sing/recite it while the pupils listen.)

Jack and Jill

Went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.
Tra, la, la, la, la, la
Tra, la, la, la, la, la

After singing the song read the lyrics. Give emphasis on the first pair of rhyming words – Jill / hill.
Let the pupils identify them by encircling the two words. Then proceed to the next sets of rhyming words – water / after, down / crown.

After the pupils have identify them, write the rhyming words on the board to give emphasis on the ending letters of the words to give
hint or clue to the pupils that the pairs of words rhyme.

Jill water down

hill after crown

Ask some pupils to encircle the ending letter of each pair of words.

Ask: Class, what do we call these words? ( rhyming words )


1.Let the pupils sing the iWash Song, ( Give emphasis on the key messages of the song. )

Ask : When should you wash your hands? ( before eating and after using the toilet.)
Why is it important to wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet?
D. We do it What should you use in washing your hands? ( soap and water )
Why do you need to use soap in washing your hands? ( To keep hands clean. )

2. Review:
a.. Sing the iWash song again.
After singing the iWash song, ask the pupils to give two words that rhyme in the song. ( Write them on the board.)
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b.. Sing the “ I Have Two Hands”.
After singing “ I Have Two Hands “, ask pupils to give two words that rhyme in the song. ( Write them on the board.)
c. . Sing the “ Jack and Jill “
After singing “ Jack and Jill “, ask pupils to give two words that rhyme in the song. ( Write them on the board.)

d. Together with the pupils read the rhyming words on the board.

cool – school
right – bright
Jill - hill

Ask: What do you call these words? ( They are rhyming words!)

3. Group pupils into 4 group.

Give each group a poem / song / nursery rhyme. Let them encircle the rhyming words.
Each group will present it to the class.

Group 1: Humpty, Dumpty Group 2 : When I am on the farm

Sat on a wall I fell so light and warm
Humpty, Dumpty
Had a great fall

Group 3: Rain, rain go away Group 4: Hickory, Dickory dock

Come again another day The mouse ran up the clock

( Assess the performance of the pupils using a rubric.)

4. Wrap-up the lesson based on the group activity.

Ask: Class, what did you identify in the poem? ( rhyming words)

E. You do it Worksheet Activity.

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Let each pupil identify the rhyming words in a poem.

Direction: Encicrcle the rhyming words in the box.

Look at the sun.

1, Let’s have some fun.

2. Come with me.

Let’s be happy.

Write a word that will complete each set of rhyming words.

1. mat,sat, rat, bat, ________

F. Additional activities for application and
2. pen, hen, Ben, den, ________
3. tap, nap, rap, sap, ________.


VI. REFLECTION Formatted Table

A. No.of learners who earned 80% in the Formatted: Justified
B. No.of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.of
learners who have caught up with the
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D. No.of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategiesworked Formatted: Right: 0.05"
well?Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.05", Hanging: 0.13"
use/discover which I wish to share with other
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