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Transformer Routine Tests as per IS : 2026(1977)

The routine maintenance of transformer is performed at regular intervals over the

service period and is performed concurrently with preventive maintenance. Thus the
routine maintenance of transformer shall be performed to meet the objective such as to
ensure the uninterrupted and reliable power supply, to minimize or to avoid enforced
stoppage, to enhance or to achieve its designed long life, fault less and trouble free service
and also to detect slowly - developing problems causing electrical deterioration.

The object of maintenance is to ensure normal and correct operation of the

transformer permanently over its design life of 20 to 25 years or more. Upon installation of
any transformer, each user needs to carryout the routine tests. The following tests shall
constitute the routine tests:
a) Measurement of winding resistance
b) Measurement of voltage ratio and check of voltage vector relationship
c) Measurement of impedance voltage/short-circuit impedance and load loss
d) Measurement of no-load loss and current
e) Measurement of insulation resistance
f) Dielectric tests
g) Separate source AC withstand voltage test
h) Induced AC voltage test
I) Tests on on-load tap-changers.


a)Measurement of Winding Resistance


Transformer winding resistance is measured in the field in order to check for any
abnormalities due to loose connections, broken strands and high contact resistance in tap
changers as pre-commissioning checks and compare the measured values with factory test
values. The test made with low resistance ohm meter will indicate a change in DC winding
resistance when there are short-circuited turn, poor joints, bad contacts etc. This reading
should be compared to factory test information. Measuring the DC resistance of
transformer windings will aid in identifying problems such as shorted or open windings, as
well as loose is used to A) calculate I2R Loss B) Calculate winding temp.
Measurement is made to check transformer windings and terminal connections and also both to use
as reference for future measurements and to calculate the load loss values at reference (e.g. 75C)
temperature. Measuring the winding resistance is done by using DC current and is very much
dependent on temperature. Temperature correction is made according to the equations below:

235  t2 225  t2
R2  R1  (for copper) R2  R1  (for aluminium)
235  t1 225  t1

R2 : winding resistance at temperature t2, R1 : winding resistance at temperature t1

Because of this, temperatures must be measured when measuring the winding resistances and
temperature during measurement should be recorded as well.

Winding resistances are measured between all connection terminals of windings and at all tap
positions. During this, winding temperature should also be appropriately measured and recorded.

The measuring current can be obtained either from a battery or from a constant(stable) current source.
The measuring current value should be high enough to obtain a correct and precise measurement and
small enough not to change the winding temperature. In practice, this value should be larger than
1,2xI0 and smaller than 0,1xIN, if possible.

There are 3 methods to calculate the winding resistance of transformer

A)Current Volt Method

B)Kelvin Bridge method

C) Measuring Winding Resistance by measurement KIT

In the current – voltage method, the measuring current passing through the winding also passes
through a standard resistor with a known value and the voltage drop values on both resistors (winding
resistance and standard resistance) are compared to find the unknown resistance (winding
resistance). One should be careful not to keep the voltage measuring voltmeter connected to the
circuit to protect it from high voltages which may occur during switching the current circuit on and off.

V c

Figure 1.1: Measuring the resistance by Current-Voltage method

The bridge method is based on comparing an unknown (being measured) resistor with a known value
resistor. When the currents flowing in the arms are balanced, the current through the galvanometer
will be zero. In general, if the small value resistors (e.g. less than 1 ohm ) are measured with a Kelvin
bridge and higher value resistors are measured with a Wheatstone bridge, measurement errors will
be minimised.

R1 R2


rN RN R’3

Figure 1.2: Kelvin bridge

The resistance measured with the Kelvin Bridge;

Rx  RN  ( 1/ 2) R1=R3 &R2=R4)


Apparatus Required

The measurement of winding resistance is done using

(a) Digital micro ohmmeter,
(b) Transformer ohmmeter.

While calculating the I2R losses in the winding it is necessary to measure dc

resistance of each winding. The resistance measurement should be done after the direct
current circulating in the winding has reached a steady state. In some cases this may take
several minutes depending upon the winding inductance. Temperature of the winding
should be stable and for this reason the test is carried out normally before the load loss
measurement test. The test is carried out only after ensuring that the transformer has been
under oil for at least 3-8hrs depending upon the rating, till the transformer oil temperature
equals the ambient temperature. Then the top oil temperature is taken as average oil
temperature and the temperature of the winding is the same as the average oil temperature


For star connected winding the per phase resistance is calculated by the average of all the 3
phases and dividing by 2.let R is the equivalent to resistance between phases and r is
equivalent to resistance per phase.

Then referring to figure R=r+r




For delta connected winding the per phase resistance is calculated by taking the avg of all
the three phases and multiplying it by 1.5.
Then referring to fig
R = r in parallel with (r + r)
R = (r * 2r)/(r +2r) = 2r/3
r = 1.5 *R

After calculating the per phase resistance values they should be converted to 75°C
R2 =R1 (K+t2)/ (K + t1)
R1 = resistance at room temp
R2 = resistance at reference temp
t1 = room temp
t2 = reference temp
K = 225 for Al
= 235 for Cu


b) Measurement of Voltage ratio/turns ratio and vector group


The transformer turns ratio (TTR) test is used to determine, to a high degree of accuracy,
the ratio between the primary and secondary of the transformer. This test is used to verify
nameplate ratio, polarity, and tap changer operation for both acceptance and maintenance
testing. It can also be used as an investigative tool to check for shorted turns or open
windings. If the turn to turn insulation begins to break down in either winding, it will show
up in successive TTR tests. In briefly the TTR test sets aid in identifying:
• Shorted coils
• Open circuits
• Incorrect connections
• Internal faults or tap-changer defects in step regulators as well as in transformers.

The turn ratio measurement can be made using two different methods;
a. Bridge method
b. By measuring the voltage ratios of the windings
a). Measurement of turn ratio is based on, applying a phase voltage to one of the windings using a
bridge (equipment) and measuring the ratio of the induced voltage at the bridge. The measurements
are repeated in all phases and at all tap positions, sequentially. During measurement, only turn ratio
between the winding couples which have the same magnetic flux can be measured, which means the
turn ratio between the winding couples which have the parallel vectors in the vector diagram can be
measured. (fig 2.1, 2.2, 2.3). In general, the measuring voltage is 220 V a.c. 50 Hz. However,
equipments which have other voltage levels can also be used. The accuracy of the measuring
instrument is ≤ 0,1%.

220 V U1 U2

1 Transformer under test 2 Transformer with adjustable range (standard)

3 Zero position indicator U1 Applied voltage to the bridge and HV winding (220 V, 50 Hz)
U2 Induced voltage at the LV winding

Figure 1-1: Bridge connection for measuring the turn ratio

Theoretical turn ratio = HV winding voltage / LV winding voltage

The theoretical no-load turn ratio of the transformer is adjusted on the equipment by an adjustable
transformer, it is changed until a balance occurs on the % error indicator. The value read on this error
indicator shows the deviaton of the transformer from real turn ratio as % .


Deviation easured turn ratio  expected turn ratio 

expected turn ratio

b). The voltages at the winding couples to be measured, can be measured at the same time and the
ratio can be determined, or digital instruments which are manufactured for this purpose can be used in
the voltage ratio measurement method. By using such instruments, in addition to measuring the turn
ratio, also determining the connection group (with three phase measuring instrument) and measuring
the currents during measurement are also possible. The method of comparing the vector couple
voltages also allows measuring the angle (phase slip) between vectors at the same time

The no-load deviation of the turn ratios should be ≤ % 0,5 .

Apparatus Required
1)Ratio Meter
This test energizes any chosen winding at a specified voltage and measures the
induced voltage on any other winding. The results are then presented as a ratio. The
connection scheme of turns ratio measurement for transformer is shown in fig(1).

Although there are a number of methods available, the most accurate method is by
the use of a null balance test set. The ratio determined by the test set should agree with the
indicated nameplate voltage ratio, within a tolerance of ±0.5 percent.
(a) If a high exciting current is developed at low voltage, it could indicate a short in the
windings or an unwanted short across the exciting clamps.
(b) If there is a normal exciting current and voltage, but not galvanometer deflection, there
is the possibility of an open circuit or a lack of contact at the test leads.
(c) Actual test results for most transformers will show a slight ratio difference for the
different legs of the core, due to the different return paths for the induced magnetic flux.


Determining the Connection Group

Depending on the type of the transformer, the input and output windings of a multi-phase transformer
are connected either as star ( Y ) or delta ( D ) or zigzag ( Z ). The phase angle between the high
voltage and the low voltage windings varies between 0 and 360 .

Representing as vectors, the HV winding is represented as 12 (0) hour and the other windings of the
connection group are represented by other numbers of the clock in reference to the real or virtual
point. For example, in Dyn 11 connection group the HV winding is delta and the LV winding is star and
there is a phase difference of 330 (11x30) between two windings. While the HV end shows 12 (0),
the LV end shows 11 o’clock (after 330).

Determining the connection group is valid only in three phase transformers. The high voltage winding
is shown first (as reference) and the other windings follow it.

If the vector directions of the connection are correct, the bridge can be balanced.

Also, checking the connection group or polarity is possible by using a voltmeter. Direct current or
alternating current can be used for this check.

The connections about the alternating current method are detailed in standards. An example of this
method is shown on a vector diagram below.

12 A
11 The order of the measurements:
i 2 1)- 3 phase voltage is applied to ABC phases
a 2)- voltage between phases (e.g. AC) is
n ii measured
III 3 n 3)- A short circuit is made between C and n
a' b 4)- voltage between B and b is measured
II c
4 5)- voltage between A and c is measured
n' C
6 c'


 For distribution transformers within a facility, often delta-wye is chosen because these
transformers do not require 4-wire input; a 3-wire primary feeder circuit suffices to supply a 4-
wire secondary circuit. That is because any zero sequence current required by the secondary
to supply ground faults or unbalanced loads is supplied by the delta primary winding, and is
not required from the upstream power source. The method of grounding on the secondary is
independent of the primary for delta-wye transformers.

 The second criterion to consider is what phase-shift you want between primary and

secondary. For example, Dy11 and Dy5 transformers are both delta-wye. If we don’t care

about the phase-shift, then either transformer will do the job. Phase-shift is important when we

are paralleling sources. We want the phase-shifts of the sources to be identical.


C) Measurement of short-circuit impedance and load loss

The short-circuit loss and the short-circuit voltage show the performance of the transformer. These
values are recorded and guaranteed to the customer and important for operational economy. The
short-circuit voltage is an important criteria especially during parallel operations of the transformers.
The short-circuit loss is a data which is also used in the heat test.
Short-circuit voltage; is the voltage applied to the primary winding and causes the rated current to flow
in the winding couples while one of the winding couples is short circuited. The active loss measured
during this, is called short-circuit loss. If the adjusting range is more than 5%, in addition to the rated
value, the losses are repeated for the maximum and minimum values.

The short-circuit loss is composed of; “Joule “ losses (direct current/DC losses) which is formed by the
load current in the winding and the additional losses (alternating current/AC losses) in the windings,
core pressing arrangements, tank walls and magnetic screening (if any) by the leakage (scatter)

The impedance voltage/short-circuit impedance (principal tapping) and load loss

shall be measured at rated frequency by applying an approximately sinusoidal supply to
one winding, with the other winding short circuited, with the windings connected on the
relevant tapping. The measurements may be made at any current between 25 percent and
100 percent, but preferably not less than 50 percent, of the rated current (principal tapping)
or tapping current. The difference in temperature between the top oil and the bottom oil
shall be small enough to enable the average temperature to be determined with the required
accuracy. If necessary the oil may be circulated by a pump. The measured values of the
load loss shall be corrected by multiplying them by the square of the ratio of rated current
(principal tapping) or tapping current to test current. The value so derived shall be
corrected to the reference temperature taking the I 2 R loss ( R = dc resistance ) as varying
directly with resistance and all other losses as varying inversely with resistance.
The measured value of the impedance voltage (principal tapping) shall be corrected
by increasing it in the ratio of rated current to test current. The value of impedance voltage
so derived shall be corrected to the reference temperature. The measured value of short-
circuit impedance when given in ohms per phase, shall also be corrected to the reference
On three-winding transformers the impedance voltage/short-circuit impedances
(principal tapping) and the load losses shall be measured between windings taken in pairs


a) Between winding 1 and winding 2 The other winding being open circuited
b) Between winding 2 and winding 3
c) Between winding 3 and winding 1

1: Current Transformer

2: Source Generator

3: Watt meter,Ammeter,Voltmeter

4: Power Analyser


3 A
3 b
N 6 n
2 4

A v

Sht-ckt loss measurement connection dia

1- Power supply
2- 2- Supply (intermediate) Transformer
3- Current Transformers
4- Voltage Transformers
5- - Power Analyser
6- Transformer under test

C- Compensation Capacitor groups


In general, the HV windings of the transformer are supplied while the LV windings are short-circuited.

During measurement, the current has to be at the value of IN or close to this value as far as possible.

The voltage, current and short-circuit losses of each phase should be measured during measurement.

In cases where the power supply is not sufficient enough to supply the measurement circuit,

compensation to meet the reactive power has to be made using capacitors.

Before beginnig to measure, the transformer winding/oil temperature has to be stabilised and the

winding/oil temperature and winding resistances have to be measured.

In order to avoid increasing the winding temperature by the applied current, the measurement has to

be completed in a short time and the measuring current has to be kept between 25%...100% of the

rated current. In this way, the measurement errors due to winding temperature increase will be


The losses have to be corrected based on reference temperature (e.g. 75C ) stated in the standards

and evaluated. The short-circuit voltage Ukm and losses (Pkm ) which are found at the temperature

which the measurement was made, have to be corrected according to this reference temperature.

The direct-current/DC losses on the winding resistances, while the resistance values are RYG and RAG

(phase to phase measured resistances) are as follows ;

2 2
Direct current loss at measuring temp tm=PDC= 1.5(I1 RYG + I2 RAG)

AC / Additional losses = at measuring temperature tm Pac = Pkm- Pdc.

Losses at reference (75C ) temperature:

tR  tm tR + tm
tR : 235 C for Copper ( acc. to IEC )
tR  75 225 C for Aluminium ( acc. to IEC)

PK =PDC ( t R+ 750C / tR  tM) + P AC ( tR+tm/tR+75)


Percentage Impedance (%Z)

The impedance of a transformer is marked on most nameplates - but what is it and what
does the Z% figure mean?


The percentage impedance of a transformer is the volt drop on full load due to the
winding resistance and leakage reactance expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage. It
is also the percentage of the normal terminal voltage required to circulate full-load current
under short circuit conditions.

Measuring Impedance

The impedance is measured by means of a short circuit test. With one winding shorted, a
voltage at the rated frequency is applied to the other winding sufficient to circulate full load
current - see below:

The percentage impedance can then be calculated as follows:

Z% = Impedance Voltage x 100

Rated Voltage


The Effect of Higher and Lower Impedances

The impedance of a transformer has a major effect on system fault levels. It determines the
maximum value of current that will flow under fault conditions.

It is easy to calculate the maximum current that a transformer can deliver under
symmetrical fault conditions. By way of example, consider a 2 MVA transformer with an
impedance of 5%. The maximum fault level available on the secondary side is:

2 MVA x 100/5 = 40 MVA

and from this figure the equivalent primary and secondary fault currents can be calculated.
A transformer with lower impedance will lead to a higher fault level (and vice versa)

The figure calculated above is a maximum. In practice, the actual fault level will be
reduced by the source impedance, the impedance of cables and overhead lines between the
transformer and the fault, and the fault impedance itself.

As well as fault level considerations, the impedance value also:

 determines the volt drop that occurs under load - known as 'regulation'
 affects load sharing when two or more transformers operate in parallel


d) Measurement of no-load loss and current


The no-load losses are very much related to the operational performance of a transformer. As long as
the transformer is operated, these losses occur. For this reason, no-load losses are very important for
operational economy. No-load losses are also used in the heating test.


The no-load loss and current measurements of a transformer are made while one of the windings
(usually the HV winding) is kept open and the other winding is supplied at the rated voltage and
frequency. During this test the no-load current (Io) and the no-load losses (Po) are measured. The
measured losses depend heavily on the applied voltage waveform and frequency. For this reason, the
waveform of the voltage should be very sinusoidal and at rated frequency. Normally, the
measurements are made while the supply voltage is increased at equal intervals from 90% to 115% of
the transformer rated voltage ( UN ) and this way the values at the rated voltage can also be found.

No-load losses and currents:

The no-load losses of a transformer are grouped in three main topics; iron losses at the core of the
transformer, dielectric losses at the insulating material and the copper losses due to no-load current.
The last two of them are very small in value and can be ignored. So, only the iron losses are
considered in determining the no-load losses.

1: Current Transformer

2: Source Generator

3: Wattmeter, Ammeter ,Voltmeter

4: Power Analyser


Before the no-load measurements, the transformer might have been magnetised by direct current and
it’s components (resistance measurement or impulse tests). For this reason, the core has to be
demagnetised. To do this, it has to be supplied by a voltage value (increasing and decreasing
between the maximum and minimum voltage values for a few minutes) higher than the rated voltage
for a certain time and then the measurements can be made.


a A
3 B
n 6 N
2 4


1- Power supply 5- Power Analyser

2- Supply (intermediate) Transformer 6- Transformer under test
3- Current Transformers 4- Voltage Transformers

: Connection diagram for measuring no-load losses

In general according to the standards, if there is less than 3% difference between the effective (U)
value and the average (U’) value of the supply voltage, the shape of the wave is considered as
appropriate for measurements. If the supply voltage is different than sinusoid, the measured no-load
losses have to be corrected by a calculation. In this case, the effective (r.m.s.) value and the average
(mean) value of the voltage are different. If the readings of both voltmeter are equal, there is no need
for correction.


During measurements, the supply voltage U´ is supplied to the transformer by the average value
voltmeter. In this way, the foreseen induction is formed and as a result of this, the hysteresis losses
are measured correctly. The eddy-current losses should be corrected according to equation below.

Pm  Po  (P1  k  P2 ) Pm = Measured loss

P0 : no-load losses where the voltage is sinusoidal

Here : P0 = Ph + PE = k1 . f + k2 . f

K= (U/UI )2

P1 : The hysteresis loss ratio in total losses (Ph) = k1 . f

P2 : The eddy-curent loss ratio in total losses (PE) = k2 . f

At 50 Hz and 60 Hz, in cold oriented sheet steel, P1= P2 =% 50. So, the P0 no-load loss becomes:

P0 = Pm
P1  k  P2

Here P1= P2 = 0.5

According to IEC 60076-1; Pm = P0.( 1+d ). Here d = (U-U )/ U

During no-load loss measurement, the effective value of the no-load current of the transformer is
measured as well. In general, in three phase transformers, evaluation is made according to the
average of the thre phase currents.

The no-load currents are neither symmetrical nor of equal amplitude in three phase transformers. The
phase angles between voltages and currents may be different for each of three phases. For this
reason, the wattmeter readings on each of the three phases may not be equal. Sometimes one of the
wattmeter values can be 0(zero) or negative (-).


e) Measurement of Insulation Resistance


The insulation resistance test is probably the best known and most often used
electrical test for insulation. It is used primarily to detect low resistance paths to ground or
between windings that result from carbonization, deterioration, or the presence of moisture
or dirt.


The various insulating materials used in the transformers are Kraft paper, epoxy
dotted paper, pressboard, perma wood etc. Being hygroscopic materials, these absorb
moisture and store the moisture due to higher affinity of water to kraft paper over oil.
Water present in the moisture is injurious to the transformer insulation system since it
reduces electrical strength and resistivity of the oil and accelerates the deterioration of the
solid insulation.

All possible preventive actions shall be taken to guard against moisture penetration
to the inside of the transformers. This will include blocking of all openings for free access
of air in storage and frequent reactivation of breathers in service.

To remove the moisture the transformer before tanking is dried in oven. High
insulation resistance reveals that the transformer is dried properly. The insulation resistance
is measured between windings, windings and tank with a meggar. The insulation resistance
varies inversely with the temperature. Therefore the oil temp is also recorded. For every 10
°c rise in temp, the insulation resistance reduces to half. A minimum value of 1000 M ohm
is recommended as insulation resistance at room temperature. The circuit diagram for
measuring insulation resistance is given in the figure. This test is to be done before and
after carrying of all other routine tests.
The main reasons why insulations fail are due to excessive heat, moisture, dirt,
vibrations and aging. To detect such deteriorations in order to initiate preventive
maintenance procedures it is necessary to perform regular resistance tests


The total current in the body of an insulation system consists of leakage currents, charging
currents and absorption currents. These currents are time dependent. At the start of the
measurement the current is mostly dominated by the capacitance charging current. About
one minute later the capacitance is charged and the total current is mainly based by
absorption current, which is caused by molecules that polarize. The absorption current
typically collapses after a few minutes and if no surface leakage is present the current
consist only of leakage current, which should be stable.

1) Capacitance charging Current. When the insulation resistance is being measured

between two conductors, the conductors act like the plates in a capacitor. These “plates”
absorb a certain amount of electrical energy (the charging current) before the applied
voltage is actually developed across them. These current results in stored energy that
should be discharged after the test by shorting across the insulation.

(2) Dielectric absorption current. As noted above, the two conductors between which the
potential is being applied act like a capacitor. The winding insulation and the insulating
fluid then act as dielectric materials and absorb electrical energy as their molecules become
polarized, or charged. The absorption current decreases as the materials become charged,
resulting in an apparent increase in the insulation resistance.

The absorption current results in stored energy that takes longer to dissipate than it did to
build. The insulation should be shorted for a time period equal to or longer than the time
the test was applied, preferably longer.

(3) Leakage current. This is the current that actually flows throughout the insulation or
across it’s surface. Its magnitude is usually very small in relation to the rated current of the
device, and it is usually expressed in microamperes (one millionth of an amp). It indicates
the insulation’s actual conductivity, and should be constant for a steady applied voltage.
Leakage current that increases with tie for a constant applied voltage indicates a potential


What affects insulation resistance readings?

Insulation resistance is temperature-sensitive. When temperature increases, insulation

resistance decreases, and vice versa. A common rule of thumb is insulation resistance
changes by a factor of two for each 10 DegrC change. So, to compare new readings with
previous ones, you will have to correct your readings to some base temperature. For
example, suppose you measured 100 megohms with an insulation temperature of 30
DegrC. A corrected measurement at 20 DegrC would be 200 megohms (100 megohms
times two).




Fig.(1) Connection scheme of Insulation Resisatance measurement for transformer


The oil/air temperatures shall be measured and recorded immediately prior to the
test. The insulation resistance of each winding, in turn, to all the other windings, core and
frame or tank connected together, and to earth shall be measured and recorded.

The winding insulation resistance test (also known as the Meggar test) is a measure
of quality of insulation within the transformer. It can vary due to moisture content,
cleanliness and the temperature of the insulation parts. All measurements are corrected to
20°C for comparison purposes. It is recommended that tank and core are always grounded
when this test is performed. Each winding should be short-circuited at the bushing
terminals. Resistances are then measured between each winding and all other windings and
ground (for 2 winding transformer - H-LG, L-HG and HL-G and three winding transformer

The connection scheme

of the insulation resistance test for transformer is shown in fig( 1 ).

The polarization index is calculated as the ratio of the 10-minute to the 1-minute value of
the insulation resistance, measured consecutively.

Insulation Resistance after 10 minutes

Polarization Index =
Insulation Resistance after 1 minute

Insulation Resistance Readings are time dependent

 at the start, capacitance is what you see first

 at or about one minute, absorption
 at 10 minutes, reading is mainly leakage current


f ) Dielectric tests :

The following insulation tests are performed in order to meet the transformer insulation strength

Unless otherwise requested by the customer, the following test are performed in the following order
(IEC 60076-3) :

 Switching impulse test : to confirm the insulation of the transformer terminals and windings to the
earthed parts and other windings, and to confirm the insulation strength in the windings and
through the windings.

 Lightning impulse test : to confirm the transformer insulation strength in case of a lightning hitting
the connection terminals.

 Separate source AC withstand voltage test : to confirm the insulation strength of the
transformer line and neutral connection terminals and the connected windings to the earthed
parts and other windings.

 Induced AC voltage test ( short duration ACSD and long duration ACLD ) : to confirm the
insulation strength of the transformer connection terminals and the connected windings to the
earthed parts and other windings, both between the phases and through the winding.

 Partial discharge measurement : to confirm the “partial dicharge below a determined level”
property of the transformer insulation structure under operating conditions.

According to standards, the transformer windings are made to meet the maximum operating voltage
Um and the related insulation levels. The transformer insulation levels and the insulation test to be
applied according to IEC 60076-3 is shown in the below table.

Maximum tests
Winding operating
voltage Lightning Switching Long Short
structure Applied
impulse impulse duration AC duration AC
Um kV voltage test
( LI ) ( SI ) ( ACLD ) ( ACSD )
uniform type na
Um  72,5 na routine routine
insulated ( note 1 ) ( note 1 )
72,5 Um  170 routine na special routine routine
and 170  Um  300 routine routine routine special routine
gradually ( note 2 ) ( note 2 )
 300 routine routine routine special routine

Note 1 : In some countries, in transformers with Um  72,5 kV applied as routine test and the ACLD test is
applied as routine or type test.

Note 2 : If the ACSD test is defined, the SI test is not applied.


In case of a transformer with one or more than one gradual insulation, if foreseen by the induced
voltage test, the switching impulse test is determined according to the maximum Um voltage winding.
The foreseen test voltage can not be reached in lower Um voltage windings. In this case, the ratio
between the tap changer’s optimum tap position and the windings shall be such arranged that, the
lowest Um voltage winding reaches the most appropriate value. This is acceptable ( IEC 60076-3).

If chopped wave is requested during ligthning impulse ( LI ) test, the peak value of the chopped wave
is 1.1 times the full wave value (10% higher).

For transformers with the high voltage winding Um > 72.5 kV, the lightning impulse (LI) test is a routine
test for all windings of the transformer.

Repeating the dielectric tests :

If no modification is made in the internal insulation of a transformer, only maintenance is made, or if

insulation tests are required for a transformer which is in operation, and if no agreement is made with
the customer, test is performed with test voltages at 80% of the original test values. However, the long
duration induced voltage test ( ACLD ) is always repeated with 100% of the original value. For new
transformers with factory tests completed, tests are repeated always with 100% of the original values
( IEC 60076-3 section 9 ).


g) Separate-source voltage withstand test


A separate-source power frequency voltage withstand test is intended to verify the

power-frequency withstand strength of the winding under test to earth and other windings.

In short-time power frequency over voltage tests, the breakdown strength of the
solid insulation is influenced by temperature rise. When an alternating voltage is applied,
initially the heat on account of dielectric losses is stored inside the insulation and
temperature begins to rise. The heat is dissipated to surrounding ambient which is at a
lower temperature than the insulation. The insulation temperature continues to rise until a
state of equilibrium is reached, wherein the heat dissipated is equal to the heat generated.
But with the increase in temperature, the resistance of the solid insulation decreases due to
the negative temperature coefficient of resistance resulting in increase of current. Losses
are further increased due to increase of current, and this leads to a run-away condition
resulting in an eventual breakdown. Hence, with the increase in the time of application of
voltage, the dielectric strength at power frequency reduces. For most of the insulating
materials, the infinite time strength is approximately two thirds of the one-minute strength,
and the one-second strength is about 1.6 times the one-minute strength.

Test Procedure:


The connection scheme of the separate source voltage test for transformer is shown
in fig(above). The test procedure as follows:

1. The separate-source voltage test shall be made with single-phase alternating voltage as
nearly as possible to the sine-wave form and of any convenient frequency not less than 80
percent of the rated frequency.

2. The test shall be commenced at a voltage not greater than one-third of the specified test
value and shall be increased to this value as rapidly as is consistent with measurements. At
the end of the test, the voltage shall be reduced rapidly to less than one-third-of the test
value before switching off.

3. The full test voltage shall be applied for 60s between the winding under test and all
terminals of the remaining windings, core, frame and tank or casing of the transformer,
connected together to earth.

4. The test shall be successful if no collapse of the test voltage occurs.


h) Induced Over voltage test :


An induced over voltage withstand test is intended to verify the power frequency
withstand strength along the winding under test, between its phases, and to earth and other
The duration of voltage application, the frequency of test voltage has a significant
effect on the insulation strength; the increase in frequency results in reduction of strength,
and thus increases rapidly the severity of the power frequency over voltage est. As the
frequency increases, the dielectric loss and heating increase, reducing the strength of the
solid insulation. The strength does not vary in the linear proportion to the reciprocal of
frequency but approximately with an exponent of 0.137, i.e., strength α (1/f0.137). The effect
of increase in frequency has much smaller effect on the oil strength as compared to the
solid insulation. In general, it can be concluded that the increase of frequency has a harmful
effect on the strength of transformer insulation during the power frequency over voltage
tests. If the frequency is increased, the time of application of voltage should be reduced to
produce the same amount of dielectric stress. Hence, the test standards specify the total
number of cycles for the power frequency induced over voltage test. When this test (in
which the insulation is stressed to at least twice the voltage/turn) is conducted, frequency is
also increased in order to avoid the core saturation. With the increase in frequency, time of
application of voltage is reduced to maintain the same degree of severity. The IEC standard
60076–3, second edition: 2000, specifies that the test time should be 60 seconds for any
frequency upto and including twice the rated frequency. For a test frequency higher than
twice the rated frequency, the test time should be reduced and calculated in accordance
with the formula,
Test duration=120 x (rated frequency/test frequency) seconds,
Subject to a limit that it should not be less than 15 seconds. In other words, the number of
cycles for the test is fixed; 6000 cycles for 50 Hz and 7200 cycles for 60 Hz transformer.
Hence, for a 50 Hz transformer, if the test is conducted at 200 Hz, the test duration will be
30 seconds.


Test Procedure:

The connection scheme of the induced over voltage test for transformer is shown in
fig.(5). The test procedure as follows:

1. An alternating voltage shall be applied to the terminals of one winding of the

transformer. The voltage shall be, as nearly as possible, to the sine-wave form and of a
frequency suitably increased above the rated frequency to avoid excessive excitation
current during the test.

2. A three-phase winding shall preferably be tested with symmetrical three-phase voltages

induced in the three winding phases. If the winding has a neutral terminal, this may be
earthed during the test.

3. The test voltage across an untapped winding of the transformer shall be equal to twice
the rated voltage, but the line-to-line test voltage of any three-phase winding shall not
exceed the rated withstand voltage.

4. Unless otherwise specified in the subsequent clauses, the duration of the test at full test
voltage shall be 60s for any test frequency up to and including twice the rated frequency.
When the test frequency exceeds twice the rated frequency, the duration of the test shall be
120 x (rated frequency/test frequency) seconds,
but not less than 15 seconds.

5. The test shall be successful if no collapse of the test voltage occurs.


I) On-Load Tap Changer Tests :

Operation Test—After the tap-changer is fully assembled on the transformer, the

transformer manufacturer shall perform the following tests [with the exception of (b)] at
100 percent of the rated auxiliary supply voltage. These tests shall be performed without
a) Eight complete operating cycle with the transformer not energized;

b) One complete operating cycle with the transformer not energized, with 85 percent of the
rated auxiliary supply voltage;

c) One complete operating cycle with the transformer energized at rated voltage and
frequency at no load; and

d) Ten tap-change operations with ± 2 steps on either side of the principal tapping with as
far as possible the rated current of the transformer with one winding short-circuited.

Auxiliary Circuits Insulation Test

After the tap-changer is assembled on the transformer, a power frequency test shall be
applied to the auxiliary circuits as specified in IS: 2026 (Part III)-1977*.


Acceptance Criteria for Transformer Routine Test
S.No Test Item Objectives Acceptance Test Equipments
1 Measurement of Winding To measure the The resistance Transformer
Resistance resistance of each HV variation of each Winding
and LV windings HV winding Resistance
within ±8%. and Meter
the variation of
each LV winding
within ±12%
2 Measurement of Voltage To measure the turns The turns ratio Transformer turns
ration and phase ratio and vector group Error shall be ratio meter
displacement of the transformer within ±0.5% for
each tap
3 Measurement of Short To measure the load Not exceed +15% Digital Power
Circuit Impedance and losses (copper losses) of guaranteed for Meter, Yokogawa
load losses. and the percent of load loss, and not
impedance voltage. exceed ± 10% of
4 Measurement of No-load To measure the no- Not exceed + 15% Digital Power
losses and no- load losses(core losses of guaranteed Meter, Yokogawa
Current. ) and the no-load
5 Separate source AC To test the insulation No collapse of the Apply potential
Voltage withstand test between HV and LV test voltage test set for AC 50
side, HV side and Hz.
GND, LV side
and GND ( power
frequency test )
6 Induced AC voltage test To test the insulation No collapse of the Induced Potential
of each winding test voltage Test Set
between the turns and frequency
between winding to
7 Measurement of To test the insulation >500 MΏ Insulation Tester
insulation resistance resistance between HV
and LV windings,
HV winding and
Ground, LV winding
and Ground,







What is Temperature Rise:

 It is the difference between the temperature of the part under consideration and the temperature of

the external cooling medium.

 In oil filled transformer, the temperature rise is defined for Oil and Winding

(Average winding temperature - external cooling medium) = Winding Temp. Rise

(Average oil temperature - external cooling medium) = Oil Temp. Rise

Objective of the TEST:

The purpose is to check the temperature rise of the active part of the transformerr ( oil, windings)) do not exceed the limits agreed on or by the
Standards i.e Avg. Winding temp rise and Avg. Oil temp rise of the transformer.

In directly it gives information of conductor current density and sufficient cooling system

Temperature-rise test is a type test. The oil and winding temperatures are tested whether they are in
accordance with both standards and technical specifications or not.

Electric insulation system in transformer (oil) :

Solid insulation : Oil impregnated paper or cellulose paper and transformer board.

Liquid insulation : Oil (Mineral oil, Natural ester and Synthetic ester.)

The electric and mechanical strength of the paper depends on the operating condition of the transformer and different

chemical and physical processes which cause aging.


θci θo θo θhs
Top oil exit

Ave. Oil temp. θo θw
Av. Wind.temp

Bottom oil inlet. Bottom of wind.

θco θw

θa Temperature rise θ

θo = Maximum oil temperature (under cover)

∆θo = Maximum oil temperature rise ∆θo = θo - θa
θa = Ambient temperature
θw = Average winding temperature
∆θw = Average winding temperature rise ∆θw = θw - θa
θci = Input temperature to cooler
θco = Exit temperature from cooler
θwmax = Maximum winding temperature
C = Cooler
θoavg = Average oil temperature  θo  θwo
∆θwo = Temperature difference between winding and oil
∆θoavg = Average oil temperature rise
θhs = Hot - spot temperature

Figure 10.1: Simplified temperature distribution of a transformer


a) Performing the test

During this test make sure that the transfomer is away from especially outside effects (hot or cold air

The power, voltage and current (which should be recorded during test) measuring principles are the
same as section 3 measuring load losses. Unless otherwise requested by the customer, the
temperature increase test is made at the highest loss and current ranges.

Since the transformer temperature risings and ambient temperatures should be recorded during test,
thermometers are placed in the thermometer pocket on the transformer cover, at the cooler inlet and
exit and 1 or 2 meter away from the transformer. Before starting the test, while the transformer is cold
(windings are cold and in balance), the temperatures at these thermometers are measured and
recorded. The winding temperature is also measured and recorded before starting the test (cold
resistance). To reach the operating condiitions, the transformer is placed at the tap position where
maximum losses occur. At this condiditon it is supplied with enough current and voltage to cover the
short-circuit losses and no-load losses at this tap position.

Whenever appropriate, the cooling system is shut down temporarily for a while to shorten the 1st step
of the test for a few hours.

The transformer is loaded with a total calculated from no-load and load losses. In multiple winding
transformers, if the power of one of the windings is equal to the total power of other windings, the
loading should be made with the total windings’ loss.

The maximum current and voltage values during supply are as follows;

Po  Pk Po  Pk
Supply Current: I b  I N√  Supply Voltage:
Ub =U √ Pk

IN = Test current (the current at the tap which the test is performed),
P0 = No-load loss , PK = Load loss

Temperature rising test is performed in two steps:

1) Supplying with total losses ( 1st step of test ) :

The step where total losses are supplied is continued until the difference between the top oil
temperature rising and the ambient temperature becomes saturated ( is continued until the
difference between top oil temperature and ambient temperature stays below 1C for 3 hours ).
This step is called 1st step of the test. During this, the supply values of the transformer, all oil
temperatures and ambient temperature should be measured at appropriate time intervals.

2) Supplying with rated current ( 2nd step of test ) :

After the top oil temperature rising is saturated, the transformer is loaded with IN (the current at
test tap position) current for 1 hour. Meanwhile, all oil temperatures and ambient temperatures are
measured. After this 1 hour period, the supply is stopped and the circuit is opened (this step is
called the 2nd step of the test) and after the circuit is opened, resistance is measured quickly and
the cooling curve of the winding is formed, and then by extrapolation of the resistance-time curve,
the resistance value at exactly the opening moment of the circuit is found.

After the supply current is stopped, during resistance measurement, the fans and pumps are kept
running (if any) ( according to IEC 60076-2 ).


b) Measuring the ambient temperature (cooling air or water temperature)

In air cooled transformers, the air temperature around the transformer should be taken as ambient
temperature. According to standards, air temperature is measured by 3 thermometers or thermo
elements distributed around the transformer. Measuring is performed in oil inside a container which
has a 2 hour time-constant. The containers should be protected against extreme air flow and heat
waves. The containers should be placed at three sides of the transformer, 1 – 2 meter away from the
transformer and at half height of the coolers. If the transformer is being force cooled (by fans), the
forced air inlet should be measured as ambient temperature. The cooling media is measured in the
thermometer pocket at the cooling water inlet.

The cooler ambient temperature (cooling air or water temperature) is measured every ½ or 1 hour and
recorded and is used in average temperature rise calculations at the last quarter of the test.

c) Calculating the temperature rise of the oil

The top oil temperature can be measured in the thermometer pocket which is on the transformer
cover. The difference between maximum measured temperature and ambient temperature is ∆θt .

Ɵavg= Ɵ0 - ½( Ɵci – Ɵco) average oil temperature

ΔƟ0 = Ɵ0- Ɵa average oil temperature rise

The cooler inlet and exit temperatures are measured by thermometers insulated against ambient air
and placed at the cooler pipes. In a transformer with seperate cooler, the oil inlet-exit temperature
difference is measured at inlet-exit pipes near transformer tank.

If during the test, the transformer under test can not be supplied with enough current to cover the total
losses due to insufficiency of the laboratory power supply, the difference (test losses being not less
than 80% of the total losses) shall be calculated as below;

ΔƟon = ΔƟom (Pn/Pm)X

∆θon = temperature riseat total losses Pn

∆θom = temperature rise at test losses Pm ( at measuring losses)

X = for distribution transformers 0,8 ( natural cooling, power < 2500 KVA)
For ON 0.9 , for OF and OD 1.0

d) Measuring the temperature rise of the winding

After the oil temperature has reached saturation, the transformer is loaded with IN rated current for 1
hour. This time is considered to be necessary for adapting the balance condition between winding and
oil, to operating state. After this time, the loading is finished and the circuit is opened and the
resistance of the winding is measured for some time to form the cooling curve.


The heating of the winding is calculated with the below equation;

Ɵ2= R2/R1(235+Ɵ1)- 235 θ1 : Average oil temperature at he beginning of test (cold case)
R2 : Resistance at temperature θ2 ( hot case )
R1 : Resistance at temperature θ1 ( cold case )
For aluminium 225 is used at 235 Θ2 : Winding temperature when circuit is open


The heating of the winding is calculated with the below equation;

Ɵ2= R2/R1(235+Ɵ1)- 235 θ1 : Average oil temperature at he beginning of test (cold case)
R2 : Resistance at temperature θ2 ( hot case )
R1 : Resistance at temperature θ1 ( cold case )
For aluminium 225 is used at 235 Θ2 : Winding temperature when circuit is open

Supplying with IN rated current for one hour is defined as 2nd step of the test. The oil temperature will
decrease a little during this time. The relation between the winding and average oil temperature should
be calculated according to below equation..

so ΔƟwo = Ɵ2- Ɵ0(IN)

∆θwo : temperature difference between the winding and the oil

θ2: winding temperature ( the circuit opening moment from cooling curve )
θo (IN ): average oil temperature after supplying with ( 2nd step of the test) IN for 1 hour

θy (IN ) temperature ; the calculation of oil heating is made according to the method in item c).

The difference between the winding and oil temperatures at the 2nd step of the test:

When the difference betwen the oil and winding temperatures ∆θsy, is added to the θy, which is in
pargraph c) (supplying with total losses), ∆θs average winding temperature is found:

∆θw = ∆θwo + ∆θo

In cases where IN rated current can not be reached due to insufficiency of the laboratory supply, the
difference between winding and oil temperatures ∆θwo can be corrected as below:

∆θwoN = ∆θwoM(IN/Im)Y ∆θwoN : winding-oil temperature difference at rated


∆θwom : winding-oil temperature difference at test current

y...exponent : ON and OF cooling = 1.6

OD cooling = 2.0

A maximum temperature formed at any part of the winding insulation system is defined as “ hot–spot
temperature “ and this value is a parameter showing the heat load limit of the transformer.


Winding hot-spot temperature rising is calculated a below:
θhs= θo +Khf . ∆θ wo Khf : hot – spot factor

Hot – spot factor; it can be taken as 1.1 for distribution transformers and 1.3 for power transformers
( according to IEC 60076-2 ).

When the transformer is loaded with total losses at the 1st step of the test, if the test frequency is
different than rated frequency, there is no need to make a correction (the required load to heat the oil
is defined with total losses). However, for loading with rated current for 1 hour at the 2nd step of the
test, correction has to made according to below equation :

IM = IN {[Pdc + (fN/fm)2 Pac] / (Pdc + Pac)}

Im : test current fN : rated frequency

IN : rated current fm : test frequency
Pdc : direct current loss Pac : additional loss

Tempereture Rise test (TRT) general points:

1) the transformer shall be equipped with its protective devices like Bucholz relay.
2) In case of a transformer with more than one value of rated power then the TRT shall perform for
each Power.
3) The ambient temperature should be in the range Between 10°C and the maximum ambient
temperature for which the transformer is designed.
4) The cooling water temperature should be in the
range b/w 5°C and the max water temperature for which the transformer is designed.

5) For a multi-winding transformer, the temperature

rise requirements refer to rated power in all
windings simultaneously. If this is not the case, one
or more particular loading combinations have to be
selected and specified for the temperature rise
6) No numerical limits are specified for temperature
rise of magnetic core, bare electrical connections,
electrical or magnetic shields and structural parts in
the tank. If considered necessary, a temperature
rise limit for the magnetic core surface may be
agreed b/w manufacturer and purchaser.
7) For large power transformers immersed in mineral
oil, DGA performed during the temperature rise test
& it can be a tool for detecting undesirable


8) For large power transformers, the temperature rise
of tank and cover surfaces can be checked by
means of a thermo graphic infrared camera.
9) At least four sensors shall be provided and the
average of their readings shall be used to determine
the ambient temperature for the evolution of test

Checks before start of TRT :

 Load loss measurement at reference temperature

oil immersed transformer – 75°C

dry type transformer – class of insulation

 No-load loss measurement

 Average ambient temperature

 Top oil temperature

 Bottom oil temperature

 Cold resistance measurement

 Sample of oil for DGA

 TRT duration not less than 8 h.

 No plus tolerance for temperature rise

*Minimum Recommended sensors requirement for Transformer as per CPRI Testing Scheme is
given below.



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