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5, MAY 2009

Integrated Receiver Including Both Receiver

Channel and TDC for a Pulsed Time-of-Flight Laser
Rangefinder With cm-Level Accuracy
Jan Nissinen, Ilkka Nissinen, and Juha Kostamovaara, Member, IEEE

Abstract—An integrated receiver that includes both the time-to-

digital converter (TDC) and the receiver channel and is intended
for a pulsed time-of-flight laser rangefinder with a measurement
range of approximately 10 m has been designed and fabricated in
a standard 0.13 m CMOS process. The receiver operates by de-
tecting the current pulse of an optical detector and producing a
stop timing mark for the TDC by means of a leading edge timing
discriminator. The TDC is used to measure the actual time interval
between the start and stop pulses and the slew-rate of the stop
pulse, to compensate for a walk error produced in the discrimi-
nator. The single-shot precision of the whole receiver is 250 ps for a Fig. 1. Block diagram of a pulsed time-of-flight laser rangefinder.
minimum detectable signal, and its accuracy and power consump-
tion are 37 ps with compensation within a dynamic range of at
least 1:10,000 and less than 45 mW, respectively. The size of the die
is 1300 m 1300 m including pads. greatly if the laser radar could be realized as an integrated
microsystem of small size and with low power consumption
Index Terms—Laser radar, optical receiver, time interval mea-
and costs.
In order to achieve a high enough signal-to-noise ratio with
non-cooperative measurement objects, laser pulses with a peak
I. INTRODUCTION power of several watts or even tens of watts are typically used,
but at this peak power level the available laser diode pulsing
A PULSED time-of-flight (TOF) laser rangefinder operates
by measuring the flight time of a light pulse from a
laser transmitter to the target and back to an optical detector,
techniques limit the pulse length to a few nanoseconds [7], [8].
The dynamic range of the received optical echoes, and thus the
as shown in Fig. 1. It typically consists of a semiconductor current pulses from the optical receiver, depends on the specific
laser diode transmitter, two receiver channels, for start and stop application and is affected by the maximum range, reflectivity
timing pulses, respectively, a time interval measurement unit to and orientation of the object and the exact construction of the
measure their time difference and a control unit. These devices transmitter/receiver optics. In some applications such as traffic
are widely used in many industrial applications, e.g., for mea- velocity control it may reach up to 1:100,000 due to the large dif-
suring levels in tanks and containers, for profiling and scanning ference in reflection properties between clean, mirror-like metal
surfaces and as proximity switches [1]–[6]. The measurement plates and muddy parts of a car’s surface, for example. When
ranges involved typically vary from a few meters to tens of aiming at a centimeter-level accuracy in a single measurement
meters in industrial applications and even to several kilometers this dynamic range poses a challenge for the detection of the
in military applications. The required precision can vary from a time position of the received echo, bearing in mind the relatively
few millimeters to some centimeters or even meters, depending long pulse length used (nanoseconds). In fact, this continues to
on the specific application. Pulsed time of flight has advantages be a problem even when successive measurement results are av-
eraged, since averaging improves only the effect of statistical
over other optical distance measurement techniques with re-
spect to accuracy, especially when fast measurement is needed errors such as noise in the preamplifier.
and when the variation in the received echo (pulse amplitude) A wide dynamic range can be achieved by means of leading
is large. An example of such an emerging new application for edge timing detection [9], but without any other measures a large
timing walk error ( in Fig. 2) will then be caused by the ge-
these devices is velocity control in traffic, for example. It is
ometry of the pulse, as shown in Fig. 2. This error may be as
obvious that this application, like many others, would benefit
large as the rise time of the laser pulse ns ns . Since
one cm in distance corresponds to 67 ps in time, an error of this
Manuscript received June 30, 2008; revised February 11, 2009. Current ver-
sion published May 01, 2009. This work was supported by the Finnish Funding
kind is generally not acceptable.
Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES), the Academy of Finland and Several suggestions have been put forward for reducing the
STMicroelectronics. walk error, including measurement of the signal amplitude and
The authors are with the Electronics Laboratory, University of Oulu, Finland use of such data to compensate for the walk and the use of gain
(e-mail:;; juha.kostamovaara control in the receiver to absorb the amplitude variations [9],
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2009.2017006 [10]. Although operative in principle, a restricted dynamic range
0018-9200/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE

resistor ) and then amplified in a transimpedance preampli-

fier (preAmp) and further amplified in a voltage-type postampli-
fier (A). Two timing comparators with different thresholds,
and , were used to generate the logic-level timing marks
STOP and STOPtr. The TDC has separate channels to measure
the START-STOP time interval used to calculate the distance to
the target and the STOP-STOPtr time interval (proportional to
the slew rate) used to correct the timing walk error caused by
the varying amplitude of the received pulse. This, of course, ne-
cessitates the use of a look-up table or a fitting calibration curve
which contains time walk information collected during calibra-
tion of the receiver. It should be noted, however, that calibration
may not be needed for every circuit, depending on the accuracy
Fig. 2. Walk error in the leading edge timing discriminator.
The transimpedance preamplifier (preAmp) shown in Fig. 3,
of less than 1:3000 has typically been achieved if the walk error which is used to convert the current to a voltage signal, in-
budget is limited to less than a few cm. cludes a core amplifier and feedback resistors. Optimization of
The aim of this work was to develop a “laser radar chip” that the preamplifier is important because it limits the performance
would include the optical receiver needed to produce a logical of the whole receiver. Contrary to modern fiber-optic commu-
timing mark from the detected optical echo and the time-to-dig- nications, a photo detector with a relative large active area is
ital converter needed to digitize the time interval between the needed in laser radar applications due to the large emitting area
transmitted and received echoes, both located on the same die of the high-power pulsed laser diodes. This results in a large
realized in a standard 0.13 m CMOS technology (ST Micro- input capacitance, in our case 2 pF, which has a sig-
electronics). Moreover, we set out to minimize the walk error in nificant effect on the performance of the preamplifier, as is well
timing discrimination by measuring the slew rate of the detected known from the theory of optical preamplifiers [11].
pulse with the on-chip time-to-digital converter. This technique Due to the fact that the input capacitance is relatively large,
has the advantage that it can also compensate for the walk error the dominant pole is located at the input to the receiver channel.
when the receiver channel is saturated, since the slew rate for Thus, the transfer function of the preamplifier can be approxi-
large signals continues to increase even then. The other advan- mated as
tage is that this method is consistent with the main principle
of pulsed time-of-flight measurement and induces only a small (1)
modification in the time-to-digital converter that is in any case
needed in the system. Due to the high level of integration, such
a laser radar chip is believed to be especially beneficial in prox- where , and are the feedback resistance, total input
imity switch-type laser radar applications, which typically call capacitance and DC gain of the core amplifier, respectively. The
for compact construction of the measuring device and may need bandwidth of the preamplifier is designed to be wide enough
a wide dynamic range. to preserve the rising edge of the pulse without increasing the
The paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the noise too much. The laser pulses used (see Fig. 2) have a rise
structure and operation of the receiver chip, and Section III time of 1–2 ns, which results in a bandwidth of about 250 MHz
presents the structures and operation of the amplifier channel [10], [12].
and its subcircuits. Section IV presents the structures and op- The predominant noise sources in the CMOS transimpedance
eration of the timing discriminator and the principle of walk preamplifier, as shown in Fig. 4, are the thermal noise of the
error compensation. Section V then presents the structure and feedback resistors and the input-referred voltage noise of the
operation of the time-to-digital converter and Section VI the core amplifier. Ignoring the 1/f noise due to the high bandwidth,
measurement results achieved with the whole receiver. Finally, the equivalent input-referred current noise power spectral den-
Section VII summarizes the findings. sity can be written as

A simplified block diagram of the receiver chip for a pulsed The second term in (2) represents the equivalent voltage noise of
TOF laser rangefinder is shown in Fig. 3, where a single-ended the input transistor. As seen, there is a zero in the transfer func-
receiver channel is shown for clarity instead of the fully differ- tion which causes the noise gain to peak at high frequencies.
ential structure that was used in the final realization. The optical To minimize the noise, and should be large, but any in-
pulse is first converted to a current pulse in an external photode- crease in will increase the input capacitance as well, which
tector (avalanche photodiode, APD; is a coupling capacitor means that there is an optimum size for the input transistor, as
realizing a lower cut-off frequency of about 1 MHz with the bias discussed in [13]. In general, the input capacitance should match

Fig. 3. Block diagram of the receiver chip.

The purpose of the postamplifier, shown in Fig. 6, is to am-

plify the output pulse of the preamplifier further to a suitable
level for a timing discriminator. The postamplifier is based on a
differential pair with diode and cross-coupled diode loads [15].
The gain can be chosen using the ratio of to .
Since the gain in the postamplifier is approximately 3, the effec-
tive transimpedance of the whole channel is 30 k . The band-
width of the postamplifier is designed to be sufficiently wide that
it does not degrade the bandwidth of the whole receiver channel
too much.

Fig. 4. Predominant noise sources in the preamplifier. IV. TIMING DISCRIMINATOR

The width of the optical pulse used in laser radar applica-
tions is approximately a few nanoseconds and the amplitude
the detector capacitance but in reality the optimum is not sharp. of the reflected pulse can vary within a dynamic range of
In our case the detector capacitance is 1.5 pF and 1:10,000 100,000 in some demanding applications where
of the input transistors is approximately 300 fF (width 200 m), distances in the range of twenty meters or so are to be measured.
which lowers the current consumption and increases the speed A straight-forward method for identifying the timing point of
without deteriorating the noise performance. As seen from (1), the detected signal is to use leading edge timing detection,
a larger will result in a lower bandwidth, but this can fortu- as shown in Fig. 7. Here the constant threshold to be used in
nately be compensated for by a larger gain in the core amplifier the timing comparator is typically selected to correspond to
of the preamplifier to keep the ratio unchanged. It should the signal strength at an SNR (peak amplitude of the current
also be remembered that the total rms noise at the output of the signal pulse of the detector versus input-referred rms current
receiver matters in a laser radar application, since the signal will noise) of 10, which minimizes triggerings caused by noise. The
be corrupted by it. It is therefore also important to limit the band- responses of the amplifier channel to small and large signals
width of the core amplifier (within the bounds of stability) so are also shown in Fig. 7. As can be seen, a total timing walk
that voltage noise of (2) will be attenuated at higher frequen- of is induced even with an ideal comparator (no
cies [11]. slew rate dependent delay). The first part of the walk error, ,
The final detailed circuit diagram of the preamplifier, as arises from the finite rise in the laser pulse and occurs even
shown in Fig. 5, is based on the above design principles and with an ideal receiver (infinite bandwidth), while the latter part,
achieves an input-referred total noise current of 100 nArms (in , arises from the difference in the delays affecting small
parallel with the avalanche photodiode) with an estimated total and large signals [9], [16], and the total extent of this error is
input capacitance of 2 pF. Its signal bandwidth is approximately approximately proportional to the RC of the receiver. To be
250 MHz. Note that, contrary to the typical realizations shown more specific, if the rise time of the laser pulse is 1.5 ns and
in a literature, this circuit is already fully differential at the the receiver bandwidth is 250 MHz, a total walk error of about
input to the preamplifier, which means, for example, that its 2 ns (or 30 cm in distance) will be achieved (1.25 ns 650 ps).
effective transimpedance is . This configuration was used This error is not acceptable in accurate ranging.
in order to suppress any cross-talk from the laser transmitter. As mentioned above, gain control and/or unipolar-to-bipolar
The gain in the amplifier is based on the ratio of ’s, and it conversion techniques can be used to produce a walk-free timing
can consequently be designed quite accurately using a constant signal from the detected pulse, but only in a limited range of less
gm bias [14]. Due to the large input capacitance, an effective than about 1:3000 [10], [17], [18]. The compensation techniques
gain of 30 is needed with a bandwidth of 700 MHz to achieve proposed in this work are based on measuring the slew rate of the
the specified bandwidth with the given transimpedance and an front edge of the receiver pulse using two comparators with sep-
acceptable stability margin, and this is achieved here with three arate threshold settings, resulting in two separate timing marks
cascaded gain stages. for the TDC. Walk compensation can be achieved through the

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the three-stage core amplifier.

The advantage of the time domain compensation proposed

here over traditional amplitude measurement is that this com-
pensation is operative even when the output of the receiver is
saturated in the amplitude domain. This is also consistent with
the fact that a pulsed time-of-flight laser radar will eventually
need a time-to-digital converter anyway and actually induces
only a slight modification in the architecture of the TDC, as ex-
plained below. In some sense the proposed technique can be
considered as “time-domain AD conversion” where instead of
trying to measure the amplitude of the received pulse (which
would be limited by the linear dynamic range of the receiver)
and use that information for walk error compensation, the signal
strength is determined in the time domain. This approach is quite
consistent with the development of modern submicron IC tech-
Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the postamplifier. nologies in which speed is increased at the cost of reduced am-
plitude resolution.
In order to obtain a more accurate understanding of the effect
of the threshold settings and time interval measurement reso-
lution and uncertainty on the accuracy of walk compensation,
a rough analysis based on idealized waveforms, as shown in
Fig. 8(a), was carried out next. It can be shown straightforwardly
by geometrical analysis that the measured time interval between
the two threshold settings is


where C is the ratio of upper and lower thresholds, the rise

time of the receiver output pulse and the ratio between
the signal amplitude and the lower threshold setting. This equa-
tion shows that the minimum resolution in time interval mea-
Fig. 7. Walk error in leading edge timing detection. surement limits the maximum detectable ratio. For ex-
ample, assuming is 10 ps, is 1.5 ns and , the
maximum detectable ratio will be 150. This means that
known relationship of the walk error to the slope of the timing even with otherwise ideal electronics the residue walk induced
pulse, which is determined as the time difference between the by ratios larger than this would be
outputs of the two timing comparators [19]. The compensation
principle is shown schematically in Fig. 8(a) with three different (4)
amplitudes. As may be seen, the measured becomes shorter
when the amplitude of the pulse is increased, and thus there is a amounting to 10 ps. The accuracy needed in the time interval
monotonic dependence between and the timing error . for a certain permitted walk error can be achieved by increasing

Fig. 8. (a) Compensation principle of a walk error and (b) the jitter in two threshold detection.

Fig. 9. Schematic diagram of the comparator.

[as shown in (4)], but this unfortunately also increases the The timing comparator used in this work, as shown in Fig. 9,
minimum SNR needed and thus limits the maximum range. consists of three identical amplifying stages, in order to max-
It is also instructive to look at the jitter properties of this de- imize the gain-bandwidth product, a latch and a CMOS-level
tection scheme. The jitter is proportional to the ratio of the re- output stage, not shown in Fig. 9. The advantage of the used
ceiver noise to the slew rate of the timing signal at the timing latch is that the outputs of the comparator change state only
point and to the jitter of time interval measurement electronics: once, which reduces switching noise. The gain stages comprise
a differential pair with a pMOS diode load and an extra current
(5) source connected to the output of each stage, in order to increase
the gain. The threshold of the comparators is set by two separate
where SNR is approximated by the ratio of the pulse ampli- on-chip 6-bit DACs by adjusting the current .
tude to total rms noise. With small signals, where the jitter is
at its maximum, it is dominated by the noise of the receiver. As-
suming that the noise values at the two thresholds are uncorre- V. TIME-TO-DIGITAL CONVERSION
lated, which is not entirely true in reality, we can estimate from Time interval measurements can be made easily using just a
geometrical considerations according to Fig. 8(b) that the jitter counter to count the pulses from a stable oscillator during the
in two-threshold detection will be time interval to be determined. The resolution of such an ar-
rangement is nevertheless limited by the period of the reference
oscillator. Thus, to achieve a single-shot precision of one cen-
timeter (67 ps) in distance measurement, for example, a refer-
(6) ence oscillator with a frequency of 15 GHz is needed. If the
timing signals are asynchronous with the measuring instants,
where corresponds to the jitter in one-level thresh- the precision can be improved by averaging several results for
olding. In order to achieve a compromise between the minimum the same distance, but only at the cost of increased measurement
signal to noise ratio, the necessary time interval measurement time. To achieve better single-shot precision, some sort of inter-
resolution and the permitted jitter impairment, a C of 2 was se- polation is needed to determine the position of the timing signal
lected. In practise this means that the threshold settings corre- within the clock period. This interpolation is typically realized
spond to SNRs of 10 and 20. by means of analogue time-to-amplitude converters, or more

Fig. 11. Block diagram of a multiphase ring oscillator-based TDC.

ring oscillator , but the resolution of the TDC is im-

Fig. 10. Timing diagram of the operation of a ring oscillator-based TDC.
proved by the multiphase structu{T}_re of the ring oscillator so
that it is . The input time measurement result can
be derived in the form
often recently, with digital delay lines [20]–[22]. These tech-
niques enable a wide measurement range of several microsec- (7)
onds and a single-shot precision of about 10 ps to be achieved
at best [23]–[25]. The result in Fig. 10 can be now written, for example, as
Although the TDCs referred to above give excellent results in .
time interval measurements over a wide measurement range, it The structure of the multiphase ring oscillator-based TDC is
would be beneficial in some laser radar applications to avoid a presented in Fig. 11. This realization consists of an 8-phase free
complicated multiphase interpolation structure with an off-chip running ring oscillator (OSC), a counter, registers (START and
reference delay-locked loop, for reasons of cost, power budget STOP REGISTER) to store the states of the ring oscillator and
and robustness, for example. Starting from this observation, we a calibration counter (CAL_COUNTER) to compensate for the
describe here an attempt to develop time interval measurement temperature and the supply voltage drifts in the frequency of the
techniques in which the heart of the TDC is a free running multi- ring oscillator. The TDC also contains various buffers to control
phase ring oscillator which operates as a flash type of converter the output of the result (RESULT). The counter is enabled by a
when sampled by means of a timing signal. This type of TDC start signal to calculate the full clock cycles of the ring oscillator
cannot compete with the state-of-the-art precision achievable (CLK(q1)) and is disabled by a stop signal, whereupon the result
over a measurement range of a few microseconds with realiza- is stored in the counter’s registers. The states of the eight phases
tions based on the use of an external frequency reference, but of the ring oscillator within the period of the clock signal are also
there are many industrial proximity switch-type distance mea- stored in the start and stop registers by the timing signals.
surement applications (with measurement ranges of 15 m or The maximum possible resolution of the ring oscillator is
100 ns in time) for which the utmost in precision over a wide achieved by allowing it to operate in free-running mode, so that
measurement range is not needed whereas minimization of the its frequency is not limited by any control signal. One disad-
circuit area, power and number of components is important from vantage of this is that its frequency is inversely proportional to
a cost point of view. the ambient temperature and directly proportional to the supply
voltage, but these dependences can still be compensated for by
A. Ring Oscillator-Based Interpolation means of the calibration counter. Before the actual time interval
A multiphase ring oscillator-based time-to-digital converter measurement the frequency of the ring oscillator, and hence the
operates by counting the pulses of the ring oscillator and resolution of the TDC, is determined by enabling (EN_CAL)
recording the state of its phases at the moments of arrival of the a reference signal (REF), and measuring the resulting accurate
timing signals. Hence, this structure automatically performs time base of the calibration counter by means of the TDC. On the
an interpolation function. The resolution of the TDC (LSB, other words, the resolution of the TDC is thus allowed to change
width of bin) can be derived by dividing the period of the ring along the temperature and the supply voltage, but this change is
oscillator by the number of phases [26]. known after the calibration and it does not affect the accuracy
The CLK signal in the timing diagram of the operation of achieved. The accurate time base (e.g., 10 MHz) is intended to
the 8-phase ring oscillator-based TDC, shown in Fig. 10, corre- be produced by the controller of the laser radar micromodule.
sponds to one phase of the ring oscillator. A counter (COUNT)
is started by the next rising edge of the CLK after the START B. Sub-Gate Delay Line
signal and stopped by the next rising edge of the CLK after The maximum achievable resolution is limited by the gate
the STOP signal, giving the result . The double synchro- delay of the technology used in the ring oscillator-based TDC.
nization scheme is used to control the counter to avoid possible The interpolation ratio can be increased further by means of ad-
metastability problems [26]. In addition, the state of the ring ditional RC delay line-based timing signal interpolators, the de-
oscillator (PHASE) is stored by these asynchronous timing sig- lays in which can be less than a gate delay [27]. Timing signal
nals START and STOP, giving the results and , respec- interpolators can also be realized by means of parallel elements
tively. The resolution of the counter is equal to the period of the operating effectively as a sub-gate delay line [28], [29], as the

small coupling inverters to improve the common-mode sensi-

tivity [30]. Time-to-digital conversion is based on counting full
clock cycles in the ring oscillator and storing its state by means
of the interpolated timing signals. The sub-gate delay lines, con-
sisting of four adjustable buffers, are locked to the delay be-
tween two adjacent phases of the ring oscillator by the control
voltage controlled by the DLL and the replica circuits (
and ). The resolution of this TDC can be derived by
dividing the period of the ring oscillator by the number of its
phases and the number of parallel elements in the sub-gate delay
line . The temperature and the supply voltage
dependences of the resolution of the TDC are compensated for
by using an accurate time generator to measure that resolution
before the actual time interval measurement.
Fig. 12. Principle of using parallel sub-gate delay lines for the timing signal
A photograph of the receiver for a pulsed TOF rangefinder,
delay difference between them can be scaled to be much less including both the TDC and the laser radar receiver channel,
than the gate delay. In that case the timing signals generated fabricated in a standard 0.13 m CMOS process (ST Microelec-
can be used to sample the state of the ring oscillator in order tronics), is shown in Fig. 15. The size of the layout of the whole
to improve the resolution of the TDC. As shown schematically receiver, including the pad ring, was m m and
in Fig. 12 (where the number of phases is set at 4 to keep the the maximum power consumption of the four receiver chips was
figure simple), the states of the phases (q1, q2, q3 and q4) of less than 45 mW from the 1.2 V power supply (2/3 consumed
the 4-phase ring oscillator (4-PHASE OSC) are stored in the by the receiver channel) when the operation frequency of the
present case by four timing signals , , and gener- ring oscillator was approximately 1.2 GHz, giving a resolution
ated from the start signal (START) by means of a timing signal (LSB) of 13 ps for the TDC.
interpolator (T-S INTERPOLATOR). The period of the ring os- Additionally Fig. 16 shows a block diagram of the whole con-
cillator, , is the time difference between the adjacent rising structed receiver chip with I/O-pads (excluding supply voltage
edges of q1, when the delay in the adjacent phases of the ring and ground pads) to clarify the test setup. The receiver channel
oscillator is . Hence, a resolution of is programmed by using a serial-in-parallel-out register (SIPO).
is achieved in this example. This programming consists of setting the threshold values of
The parallel scaled delay line, or T-S interpolator, presented comparators by means of digital-to-analog converters (DAC1
with its timing diagram in Fig. 13 consists of four voltage-con- and DAC2), choosing a bias structure (on-chip or off-chip) and
controlling different switches (measuring different part of the
trolled buffers scaled by different capacitive loads. The scaling
receiver, for example just the TDC or the receiver channel).
factor (number of unit C loads) is indicated inside each buffer,
and each has a different delay of , where n is a scaling A. Measurements of the Receiver Channel
factor, is the basic delay and is the adjusted delay of the
The bandwidth of the receiver channel was measured by
sub-gate delay line. Even if the absolute delay in each parallel
means of a spectrum analyzer. The magnitude response is
buffer is larger than the basic gate delay, the delay between ad-
shown in Fig. 17, where the y axis shows the exact tran-
jacent elements will only be . This kind of sub-gate delay line simpedance of the whole receiver channel measured with a
can be locked to the time elapsing between adjacent phases of differential current pulse. The bandwidth and transimpedance
the ring oscillator ( in Fig. 12) by means of a of the channel were 300 MHz and 23 k , respectively.
replica delay line in a delay-locked loop. In that case, given that Noise was measured with a spectrum analyzer. The rms
the control voltage of the delay-locked loop is used to adjust the output voltage noise was calculated by integrating the power
control voltage in the structure presented in Fig. 13, is spectral density up to 5 GHz, resulting in an rms output
locked to time divided by four. voltage noise of 2.2 mV. The input-referred rms noise current
can be calculated by dividing the rms noise voltage by the
C. A Ring Oscillator-Based TDC With Timing Signal
transimpedance of the channel, and is 95 nA, confirming the
simulation results. The bandwidth and noise were measured
The time-to-digital converter presented here and realized in a with a photodetector (Silicon Sensor AD230-8 1.5 pF)
0.13 m CMOS technology is used as part of an integrated re- connected at the input.
ceiver in a pulsed time-of-flight laser radar. The block diagram
of the TDC, as shown in Fig. 14, consists of a 16-phase free-run- B. Walk Error and Accuracy of the Receiver
ning ring oscillator, three timing channels (START, STOP and The walk error measurements were performed on a test bench
STOPtr used for walk compensation), sub-gate delay lines where the amplitude of the optical pulse could be varied in a
, a counter, an accurate time generator (CAL_COUNTER) range 1:10,000 by means of a neutral density filter to corre-
and a delay-locked loop (DLL). The ring oscillator consists of spond to input current pulse amplitudes ranging from 2 A to
eight differential delay cells based on basic CMOS inverters and 20 mA at the input to the preamplifier. The input current of 2 A

Fig. 13. A parallel scaled delay line and its timing diagram.

Fig. 14. Block diagram of the TDC.

and stoptr signals, where stop and stoptr are the timing marks
from the first and second comparators and the start pulse was
generated electrically. The walk error (change in the timing mo-
ment at the lower threshold value) shown in Fig. 18 was about
2.2 ns, which corresponds to 33 cm in distance, over a range of
2 A to 20 mA without any compensation.
Compensation was performed by means of a compensation
curve which shows the walk error as a function of the measured
(STOP-to-STOPtr). This compensation curve, which can be
extrapolated using walk error measurement results and the re-
sults of STOP-to-STOPtr measurements in a range of 2 A to
20 mA, is shown in Fig. 19. Compensation is performed using
a look up table after the measurement by a computer.
The compensated walk error was less than 30 ps (corre-
Fig. 15. Photograph of the receiver for a pulsed TOF rangefinder. sponding to a distance of 4.5 mm) in the same amplitude range
as shown in Fig. 20 for the worst and best of the receiver chips.
The deviation in compensated walk error is caused by quanti-
corresponds to an SNR of 20 and represents the minimum signal zation noise that occurred when using the compensation curve.
here, since two threshold levels (SNR 10 and SNR 20) were This noise is dependent on how many points are used to extrap-
used for walk compensation. The pulse amplitude was varied olate the compensation curve.
over a range of 1:10,000 during measurement, and 5000 mea- The total accuracy of the receiver is affected by the walk error
surements were made for each amplitude in order to achieve ad- of the receiver channel and the nonlinearity of the TDC. In order
equate statistical reliability. The on-chip TDC was used to mea- to estimate the effect of the latter on the total accuracy of the re-
sure the time intervals between the start and stop and the start ceiver, the linearity of the TDC was measured separately as a

Fig. 16. Block diagram of the receiver with I/O-pads.

Fig. 17. Magnitude response of the receiver channel.

Fig. 19. Compensation curve for the walk error.

Fig. 18. Walk error without compensation. Fig. 20. Compensated walk errors of the receiver chips.

function of the input time interval by stepping the input time and the results were compared with those for a calibrated TDC
interval from 0 to 100 ns (0 m–15 m targeted distance range) (a delay generator was used to step the input time interval). The

Fig. 21. Nonlinearities of the TDC chips. Fig. 23. Single-shot precision of the receiver over a dynamic range of 1:10,000.

Fig. 22. Temperature dependence of the walk error.

Fig. 24. Single-shot precisions of the TDC chips.

nonlinearities of the worst and best of four TDC chips as a func-

tion of the input time interval are shown in Fig. 21. The nonlin- this specific realization, however, the walk error compensation
earities of the TDCs were less than 7 ps when measuring time technique also affected the jitter, due to the interpolation error
intervals from 5 ns to 100 ns. The linearity of the TDC is affected in the walk error compensation curve. This is seen in Fig. 23,
by crosstalk from the start channel when measuring time inter- which shows the measured jitter (standard deviation of mea-
vals shorter than 5 ns, causing a nonlinearity of approximately sured single shot time intervals of 100 ns, corresponding to the
15 ps. Hence, the total accuracy of the receiver is estimated maximum range) as a function of the input pulse current. As
to be less than 37 ps ( 5.5 mm) over a distance and dynamic seen, contrary to the general expectation, the jitter increases at
range of 0.75–15 m and 1:10,000 (SNR 20), respectively. higher amplitudes due to the increasing steepness, and thus due
to uncertainty in the walk error compensation curve (Fig. 19) at
C. Temperature Dependence higher signal slew rates.
Walk error measurements were also performed over a tem- The worst-case single-shot precision of the whole receiver,
perature range of 10 C to 70 C, using the compensation including the precision of the TDC, jitter in the receiver
curve at 30 C to compensate for the walk error generated in the channel, jitter in the laser pulses and jitter in the compensation,
temperature range 10 C to 70 C. The maximum temperature was approximately 250 ps ( 38 mm in distance) at the min-
dependence of the walk error, shown in Fig. 22, is about 150 ps imum usable signal level, corresponding to an SNR of 20. The
over the whole temperature range. This temperature dependence single-shot precision (standard deviation, -value) over a dy-
includes the temperature drift of the receiver channel and the namic range of 1:10,000, corresponding to a STOP-to-STOPtr
residual temperature drift of the TDC. As explained in Section V, range of 70 ps–2.6 ns, is shown in Fig. 23.
the drift of the TDC was compensated for by measuring with the The single-shot precision of the TDC was measured sepa-
TDC constant time intervals generated by the controller before rately from 0.8 ns to 100 ns to see its effect on the single-shot
the actual distance measurement. In reality some residual drift is, precision of the receiver. 10,000 separate measurements were
however, still generated by non-equal electrical delays in the start made for each input time interval in order to achieve adequate
and stop timing channels, for example. This offset-like drift was statistical reliability. Each timing pulse was split into start and
measured to be 0.27 ps C in the temperature range from 10 C stop pulses by means of a power splitter in order to achieve
to 70 C. Thus, the measured drift of the walk error is dominated jitter-free timing marks, and the stop pulse was then delayed
by the temperature dependence of the receiver channel. with an adjustable coaxial delay unit to sweep an input time in-
terval over the range of 0.8–100 ns. The single-shot precisions
D. Precision of the Receiver ( -values) of the worst and best of four TDC chips over a period
The single-shot precision of the receiver is determined by the of 0.8–100 ns are shown in Fig. 24, where the single-shot pre-
noise over the slew rate of the timing pulses at the detection cision is seen to deteriorate on account of the cumulative jitter
threshold and the precision of the TDC, as shown in (5), and in the free-running ring oscillator when measuring time inter-
should in principle be improved at higher signal amplitudes. In vals longer than approximately 20 ns. The single-shot precisions


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[1] B. S. Goldstein and G. F. Dalrymple, “Gallium arsenide injection laser [23] K. Määttä and J. Kostamovaara, “A high-precision time-to-digital con-
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[2] J. Kostamovaara, K. Määttä, and R. Myllylä, “Pulsed time-of-flight Instrum. Meas., vol. 47, no. 2, Apr. 1998.
laser rangefinding techniques for industrial applications,” in Proc. SPIE [24] R. B. Staszewski, S. Vemulapalli, P. Vallur, J. Wallberg, and P. T. Bal-
Conf. Intelligent Robotic Systems, Boston, MA, Nov. 10–15, 1991, vol. sara, “1.3 V 20 ps time-to-digital converter for frequency synthesis in
1614, Optics, Illumination and Image Sensing for Machine Vision, pp. 90-nm CMOS,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II: Expr. Briefs, vol. 53, no.
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[3] K. Määttä, J. Kostamovaara, and R. Myllylä, “Profiling of hot surfaces [25] J. Jansson, A. Mäntyniemi, and J. Kostamovaara, “A CMOS time-to-
by pulsed time-of-flight laser range finder techniques,” Appl. Opt., vol. digital converter with better than 10 ps single-shot precision,” IEEE J.
32, no. 27, pp. 5334–5347, Sep. 1993. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1286–1296, Jun. 2006.

[26] I. Nissinen, A. Mäntyniemi, and J. Kostamovaara, “A CMOS time-to- Ilkka Nissinen was born in Oulu, Finland, in 1976.
digital converter based on a ring oscillator for a laser radar,” in Proc. He received the M.Sc. Eng. and Licentiate of Tech.
29th ESSCIRC’03, Estoril, Portugal, Sep. 2003, pp. 469–472. degrees in electrical engineering from the University
[27] M. Mota and J. Christiansen, “A high-resolution time interpolator of Oulu, Finland, in 2002 and 2007, respectively.
based on a delay locked loop and an RC delay line,” IEEE J. Solid-State Since then, he has been working toward the Dr. Tech.
Circuits, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 1360–1366, Oct. 1999. degree in electrical and information engineering at
[28] T. Rahkonen, J. Kostamovaara, and S. Säynäjäkangas, “CMOS ASIC the same university.
devices for the measurement of short time intervals,” in Proc. IEEE Int. His research interests include the design of time
Symp. Circuits and Systems, Jun. 1988, vol. 2, pp. 1593–1596. interval measurement architectures for the integrated
[29] A. Mäntyniemi, T. Rahkonen, and J. Kostamovaara, “An integrated receiver of pulsed time-of-flight laser rangefinders.
9-channel time digitizer with 30 ps resolution,” in IEEE Int. Solid-State
Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2002, vol.
1, pp. 266–465.
[30] T. Kwasniewski, M. Aboud-Seido, A. Bouchet, F. Gaussorgues, and J.
Zimmerman, “Inductorless oscillator design for personal communica- Juha Kostamovaara (M’85) received the degrees of
tions devices—A 1.2 m CMOS process case study,” in Proc. IEEE Dipl. Eng., Lic. Tech. and Dr. Tech. in electrical en-
Custom Integrated Circuits Conf., Santa Clara, CA, May 1995, pp. gineering in 1980, 1982 and 1987, respectively, all
327–330. from the University of Oulu, Finland.
He was Acting Associate Professor of electronics
in the department of electrical Engineering, Univer-
sity of Oulu, in 1987–1993, and was nominated As-
Jan Nissinen was born in Oulu, Finland, in 1976. He sociate Professor from the beginning of 1993. During
received the M.Sc. Eng. and Licentiate of Tech. de- 1994, he was an Alexander von Humboldt Scholar
grees in electrical engineering from the University of at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.
Oulu, Finland, in 2002 and 2007, respectively. He is In 1995 he was invited to become a full Professor of
currently pursuing the Dr. Tech. degree in electrical electronics at the University of Oulu, where he is currently also the Head of the
and information engineering at the same university. Electronics Laboratory. In 2007 he was nominated to the Academy Professor-
His research interests include the design of analog ship position by the Academy of Finland for the period of 2006–2011. His main
and mixed-signal integrated circuits and the optical interest is in the development of high-speed electronic circuits and systems and
receiver channel for the integrated receiver of pulsed their applications in electronic and optoelectronic measurements and radio mo-
time-of-flight laser rangefinders. bile telecommunications.

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