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HACC Lesson Plan Format

EDUC _1 ​ 10​_
Name: Dhariana perez, Ashley Haines, Angelica Santos, Nikeisha Pickering.
Date: ​4/19/2019

TITLE: ​Hunting For Shapes


GRADE LEVEL: ​Kindergarten.


STANDARD AREA​:​ ​CC.2.3.K.A.1 and AL.2.K.A1

Identify and describe two and three-dimensional shapes​.
Complete a task, despite interruptions or classroom disruptions​.

OBJECTIVE(S)​: After watching a video of sesame street’s scavenger hunt, students will then
collaborate in small groups to perform their own scavenger hunt throughout the classroom.
Following their teacher’s instructions, students will use their worksheets correctly, discuss and
compare the number of shapes found.


Big Idea:
Patterns exhibit relationships that can be extended, descirbed, and generalized.
How can patterns be used to describe relationships in mathematical situations?


The students will gather knowledge about basic shapes. They will be able to relate the shapes
to the everyday world, and find objects to expand their understanding. The children would have
been discussing shapes prior to this activity.


After watching sesame streets scavenger hunt video, and listening to instructions. Students will
perform their own scavenger hunt using small groups of 4 to 5 children. The hunt will conclude
at the tables where each student will discuss and share where they found their shapes.
DURATION: ​1hr and 30 min

LIST OF MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT​: ​(NAEYC 4.b) Please use a bulleted materials list.

● ​Youtube video of seasame street scavenger hunt.
● A list of shapes.
● A clip board.
● A dull sharpened pencil.
● Before doing the experiment toys need to be cleaned and picked up.
● All center’s should be closed off with visible signs instructing students to not enter that
● students chairs should be pushed in.
● To make sure students are safe during the activity, we will go over the classroom rules,
and the importance of listening to their teachers during this ativity.

VOCABULARY: ​(NAEYC 4.b) ​List 3 vocabulary words that will be introduced with this lesson.
● Explore
● Count
● Discuss

PROCEDURES: ​(NAEYC 5c.) Please use a numbered procedures list.

1.​ ​Bring the children in circle time, and have an discussion on what they remember about
shapes from the lesson prior.
2. Watch video from seasame street scavenger hunt on youtube.
3. After video, the teacher will say “Now it’s your turn to do an scavenger hunt. First we will
discuss (ask if the children know what that means and if not explain the definition) the shapes
one last time. The children and teacher will talk about the shapes, and then the teacher will tell
the children to explore (talk about what that vocab means) and count (ask the class to count to
10 to make sure they are following along) the shapes around the room. You will check the
shapes off of the worksheet that you have found within your groups.”
4. The teacher will then put the children in groups of 4 or 5 by by already having a list picked out
with the groups. The teacher will also go over the safety rules, and have the children repeat
after the teacher.
5. The children will gather in their groups, and the teacher will give them a clip-board and a
pencil. The children will then go around the room, and find the shapes on the worksheet. The
children will discuss what the shapes are, and count how many sides each shape has.
6. The children will then come back to circle time after they find the shapes. The teacher will
then have the children discuss as a class what shapes they found, what everyday objects are
those shapes, and count how many sides do the shapes have to wrap up the lesson.

ASSESSMENT (Formative): ​(NAEYC 3.b)

• The teacher will have a checklist, and go around the room to see which students
understand the concept. The teacher will also pay attention during circle time to see which
students understand the concept.


The following book can be found in the classroom library for students to read independently, or
in small groups
The Great Shape Hunt by Kathryn Knight.​
The following link will be sent home with students for their families to watch with them, discuss,
and act out their very own hunt.
Students may also download a free sesame street app using the apple store application located
on any apple products.


For the students that are ELL, the teacher will have worksheets that are also in their language to
help them complete the activity. For the gifted students, during circle time the teacher will have
some difficult shapes up and ask the gifted students if they can name the shapes or count the
sides. For students with disabilities, the instructions can be explained independently, the aisle
ways will be cleared out to began with, and the shapes will be on a low level so it is accessible.

EXTENSIONS: (​NAEYC 2.c and 3.d)

Ask each child to bring in an object from their house, and to explain what shape they brought in.
The child will have a worksheet that would be brought home so the parents and the student can
write down together what the object is, what shape,and how many sides their are.

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