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Module 2 Homework Assignment

M2 – HW1
What are materials? List eight commonly encountered engineering materials.
The material in terms of fabric science is any physical matter or factor which can be pure or impure,
either single or multi part system, it will be manmade or natural. normally encountered engineering
materials are metals like steel, nonmetals like carbon, plastics etc.
M2 – HW2
Define Materials Science and Materials Engineering.
Answer: Material science: the scientific study of properties and applications of materials.
Material engineering: it's associated with testing of materials and selecting the foremost appropriate
one for the appliance,
M2 – HW3
What are the main classes of engineering materials?
Answer: numerous categories of materials engineering embrace metals, ceramics, electronic materials,
composites, and biomaterials.
M2 – HW4
What are some of the important properties of each of these engineering materials?
Metals are serious and possess high strength, sensible conduction. Ceramics have high strength, will
sustain terribly heat however are brittle and possess poor conduction. Composites are light-weight
however sturdy and are the most effective substitute to metals.
M2 – HW5
Define a composite material. Give an example of a composite material.
Answer: Composites are a correct mixture of 2or additional materials at macro scale in order that
properties of every material are preserved and also the final product possess moderate properties of
all constituents. typically, it consists of matrix and fiber distributed within the matrix. typically
encountered composites are FRP, carbon composites, metal matrix composites etc.
M2 – HW6
List some materials usage changes that you have observed over a period of time in some
manufactured products. What reasons can you give for the changes that have occurred?
over a amount of your time material gets wore out because of environmental factors like wet and dirt.
Some materials get unsound within the neck of the woods of wet, Strength of materials decreases
because of these factors.
M2 – HW7
What factors might cause materials usage predictions to be incorrect?

The fatigue of fabric because of inherent cracks and producing defects, incorrect usage, usage in
inappropriate conditions could cause material to fail before its expected time of failure.

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