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Module 2 Homework Assignment

M2 – HW1
What are materials? List eight commonly encountered engineering materials.
Materials are substances of that one thing consists or created. Steels, aluminum alloys, concrete, wood,
glass, plastics, ceramics and electronic materials.
M2 – HW2
Define Materials Science and Materials Engineering.
Answer: Material science: the scientific study of properties and applications of materials.
Material engineering: it's associated with testing of materials and selecting the foremost appropriate
one for the appliance,
M2 – HW3
What are the main classes of engineering materials?
 Metallic
 Polymeric
 Ceramic
 Composite
 electronic
M2 – HW4
What are some of the important properties of each of these engineering materials?
Metallic Materials
• many area unit relatively strong and ductile at temperature
• some have smart strength at hot temperature
Polymeric Materials
• usually area unit poor electrical and thermal conductors
• most have low to medium strengths
Ceramic Materials
• usually have high hardness and area unit mechanically brittle
• some have useful hot temperature strength
Composite Materials
• have a decent vary of strength from low to very high
• some have very high strength-to-weight ratios (e.g. carbon-fiber epoxy materials)
• some have medium strength and area unit able to be solid or formed into a variety of shapes
(e.g. fiberglass-polyester materials)
Electronic Materials
• able to sight, amplify and transmit electrical signals in an exceedingly} very difficult manner
• area unit light-weight weight, compact and energy economical.
M2 – HW5
Define a composite material. Give an example of a composite material.
Answer: A material may be a materials system composed of a mix or
combination of 2 or a lot of materials. 2 examples are carbon-fiber epoxy and
fiber glass polyester materials.
M2 – HW6
List some materials usage changes that you have observed over a period of time in some
manufactured products. What reasons can you give for the changes that have occurred?
• the modern automobile is being created with heaps of and additional plastic materials
and less aluminous due to the lower cost and weight of plastics.
• the modern aircraft is pattern heaps of composite materials and plastics and fewer aluminous materials
to reduce plane weight.
• modern natural philosophy instrumentality uses a wonderful vary of solid state devices created with
electronic materials. These materials area unit heaps of compact, weigh less, and provide higher overall
and energy efficiency. In many cases, they are the only quite material that will be used for specific
applications like difficult portable computer reminiscences.
M2 – HW7
What factors might cause materials usage predictions to be incorrect?

• If a war breaks out and, as a consequence, a raw material’s supply is arousing a halt. as AN example,
if a heavy war bust get into the middle East, the worth of oil would increase, and thence the worth of
plastic materials would to boot increase.
• If a heavy new discovery is made, some materials’ usage would possibly modification. If defects
show up in an exceedingly} very specific material once a selected length of its service, the material’s
usage would possibly decrease. as AN example, a high strength material used for craft would possibly
begin showing some delamination defects.

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