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Simple Linear Regression

(Multiple Choice Question)

Submitted by:
Mushayyed Muhammad Ali Khan 18-MS-PT-AMD-13
Tamoor Ahmed 18-MS-PT-AMD-24

1) A regression analysis is inappropriate when;

a) you have two variables that are measured on an interval or ratio scale.
b) you want to make predictions for one variable based on information about another
c) the pattern of data points forms a reasonably straight line.
d) there is heteroscedasticity in the scatter plot.

2) In regression analysis, the variable that is being predicted is;

a) the independent variable
b) the dependent variable
c) usually denoted by x
d) usually denoted by r

3) In the regression equation y = bo + b1x, bo is the;

a) slope of the line
b) independent variable
c) y intercept
d) coefficient of determination

4) The coefficient of determination is;

a) the square root of the correlation coefficient
b) usually less than zero
c) the correlation coefficient squared
d) equal to zero

5) If the slope of the regression equation y = bo + b1x is positive, then;

a) as x increases y decreases
b) as x increases so does y
c) Either a or b is correct
d) as x decreases y increases
6) Least square method calculates the best-fitting line for the observed data by minimizing
the sum of the squares of the _______ deviations.
a) Vertical
b) Horizontal
c) Both of these
d) None of these

7) Which one is the least square method formula;

a) min ∑(yi - ŷi) 2
b) min ∑(ŷi -yi)
c) min ∑(yi - ŷi) 2
d) min ∑(yi - ŷi)

8) The standard deviation is to the mean as the ____________ is to the regression line.
a) z-score
b) SSR
c) coefficient of determination
d) standard error of the estimate

9) Which one of the following is the most appropriate definition of a 99% confidence
a) 99% of the time in repeated samples, the interval would contain the true value of
the parameter
b) 99% of the time in repeated samples, the interval would contain the estimated value
of the parameter
c) 99% of the time in repeated samples, the null hypothesis will be rejected
d) 99% of the time in repeated samples, the null hypothesis will not be rejected when it
was false

10) A residual is defined as

a) The difference between the actual Y values and the mean of Y.
b) The difference between the actual Y values and the predicted Y values.
c) The predicted value of Y for the average X value.
d) The square root of the slope.

11) If the regression equation is equal to y=23.6−54.2x, then 23.6 is the _____ while -54.2 is
the ____ of the regression line.
a) Slope, intercept
b) Slope, regression coefficient
c) Intercept, slope
d) Radius, intercept
12) The correct relationship between SST, SSR, and SSE is given by;
a) SSR = SST + SSE
b) SST = SSR + SSE
c) SSE = SSR – SST
d) all of the above

13) Below you are given a summary of the output from a simple linear regression analysis
from a sample of size 15, SSR=100, SST = 152. The coefficient of determination is;
a) 0.5200
b) 0.6579
c) 0.8111
d) 1.52

14) The ratio of MSR/MSE yields;

a) the t statistic
b) SST
c) the F statistic
d) the Z statistic

15) If a regression coefficient is less than 1 then the other should be?
a) Equal to 1
b) Less than 1
c) 0
d) Greater than 1

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