Script Producer Title 1/3: Scene Four Has No Dialogue

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Script Producer Title Page

Time Speaker Script Music / Sound Effects
First scene: All actors meet up at the school to talk about filming at During the first scene
the house. there will be diegetic
Layla Hi guys, are you ready to film? sound of the cars
going by the school as
Casey Can’t wait to see this house, I’ve been looking it up. they are standing by
the main road.
Sky I’m not sure we should be going there to film, I’ve
heard its haunted.
Layla Stop being a baby Sky! (Laughing)

Casey Layla, you do realise it is haunted

Sky I TOLD YOU LAYLA, I don’t think this is a good idea.

Layla Well I’m going, whether you like it or not. Car door opens
(Everyone gets in the car)
No dialogue
Third scene:
Diegetic music from
Lewis Is this the road? the car
Non diegetic sound,
Layla Yes, this must be it. low pitch music that
(establishing shot of the house) slowly gets louder as
they approach the
Sky I don’t like the look of this. (trembling softly) house. Also diegetic
(figure seen in the window) sound of the music
Casey What’s that in the window? (squinting) and sound effects
inside the car.
Sky What!? (frightened)

Lewis I don’t see it. (confused)

Layla It’s fine, let’s just go in.

Casey Let’s investigate!

(Car door opens and a gust of wind pushes hair back) Wind sound effects
Sky Look over there!
(Entrance slowly opens) Creaking door
Scene four Layla Looks like they’re inviting us in.
has no (Starts walking down the way)

Fifth scene:

(Walking up to the entrance and the door slams shut) Door slamming shut

(Tries to open to the door)

Lewis I’m going to find another way in.

Sky I don’t think it’s a good idea to split up.

(Lewis walks away and ignores him)
Sky Let’s go and find another way in by ourselves then.

Script Producer Title Page

Time Speaker Script Music / Sound Effects
Sixth scene: Layla There’s a broken window over there.
(Lewis finds a hiding place)
scene has
no dialogue

scene has
no dialogue


Tenth scene Casey I can’t get up, can you give me a hand. Sound of broken glass
has no (Sky gives the girls a hand up) when stepping onto
dialogue Sky You lot are heavy, know lift me up. the window ledge.


Layla Did you hear that? BANG! Sound effect of

window breaking.
Sky I want to go home.
Casey Stop being a baby, us to will find out what it is then.

Sky I’m not splitting up, without you two.

Twelfth Casey I want to find out what that was.

Layla Let’s have a look.

(slowly creeping through the hallway) Floorboards creaking


Thirteenth Casey WHAT IS THAT?

fourteenth: Layla RUN!
(Running away) Sound of footsteps
and floorboards
Lewis HA HA HA HA! creaking
(Lewis takes off the mask)
Fifthteen Sky That’s not funny Lewis; I thought I was going to die.
Casey That wasn’t funny Lewis, karma will get you back.

Lewis Can anyone else feel vibrations on the floor?

Vibrations from the
Layla RUN! floorboards and sound
Everyone but Lewis runs off of footsteps
Script Producer Title Page
Time Speaker Script Music / Sound Effects
Sixteenth (Lewis sees a figure behind him. And starts to turn
scene and around in shock.)
seventeenth: Alex (heavy breathing) Sound effects of heavy
scene has
no dialogue.

scene: Lewis AHHHHHHHHHH
(Lewis gets killed by the monster) Sound effect of Lewis
Twentieth dying and screaming
scene: Sky What are we going to do!?
(everyone looks shocked)
Casey Leave him, he has no chance.
Slow, low pitch music
Twenty first Layla We never speak of this ever again. plays. No radio inside
scene: the car.

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