The Kounin Model Research Powerpoint

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The Kounin

By: Payton Priebe
Do your students think
you have eyes in the back
of your head?
If so, you’re already
Kounin’s techniques,
and teaching style!
Jacob Kounin
Founder of the Kounin Model
of teaching.
“Good classroom management
depends on effective lesson
management”, says Kounin.
Main Points Kounin’s Method is based off of
preventative discipline. Three of
● Ripple Effect his main ideas were the “Ripple
● Withitness effect”, Withitness, and
● Overlapping Overlapping.
The Model
The Kounin Model of teaching focuses on integration of teaching, and discipline
in the classroom. Kounin focuses on preventive discipline, and instructional
management, which leads to classroom management. Preventative Discipline is the
techniques and strategies designed to prevent the occurrence of discipline
problems. Whereas, Instructional Management is for teachers to be organized,
prepared, and use proactive behavioral management, as well as high student
involvement. This demonstrates effective classroom behavior, leading to a more
effective classroom, and minimizing disruptive behavior (Name, Year).
Ripple Effect
The Ripple Effect is one of Kounin’s three key concepts of discipline. This is
demonstrated by when correcting one student’s misbehavior, it can positively
impact the behavior of other students. As Wuest says in the article “Are you with it?”,
The more firm a teacher is with the correction of a student's behavior, the less likely
other students are to repeat the same act. The Ripple Effect is most effective at the
beginning of the year.
Withitness, a term created by Kounin, is defined as awareness of what is going
on in all parts of the classroom. This is commonly thought of as “having eyes in the
back of your head.” According to Kounin, this is key in the classroom. To increase
effectiveness, the teacher should be able to correctly identify who the instigator of
the incident is, and address their behavior.
Overlapping is attending to, or hearing, two or more situations, or students, at
the same time. Kounin believed that the best teacher was someone strong in their
ability to multitask. A key element in the classroom is being available, and attending
to every situation when it happens, this is where overlapping comes into play.
Kounin found that teachers skilled at overlapping were also more aware of what was
going on in the classroom.
● Teachers can end up over
dwelling on things, taking too
much time away from teaching.
● When withitness is overlooked,
overlapping loses its
Downfalls effectiveness.
● It is nearly impossible for a
Of course, like with nearly teacher to know every single
everything, there are some downfalls thing that is happening in a
to this method… Some of these
classroom at a given moment.
include :
● A teacher can lose control over
destructive students.
I agree with the Kounin Model. Depending on
your beliefs, and teaching style, it is a very
effective way to discipline students, and manage
your classroom. Based on my ways of teaching,
this fits me very well, and would work well for
MY Third grade teacher, Mrs. Holloway,
demonstrated the Kounin model. It was very
effective. She would focus on always knowing
what was going on, and disciplining the
students who misbehaved, but while she would do
this, all of the other students would make sure
they were good. This was very successful in her
Summary of Main Points
Jacob Kounin had three main parts to his teaching model; Ripple effect, Withitness,
and Overlapping. Ripple effect is when by punishing one student, the other students
learn not to do whatever they’re being disciplined for. Withitness is being aware of
your surroundings, as a teacher, and knowing what is going on in all parts of the
classroom. Last, Overlapping is attending to more than one situation at once, and
being able to multitask.
“Good classroom management depends on effective lesson
management”, says Kounin. Kounin’s Model of teaching is based off of
preventative discipline, techniques and strategies used to prevent the
discipline from the start.
SO, If your students think you
have eyes in the back of your
head, you are already using
kounin’s teaching model!

Castro, T. (2013). Jacob Kounin-Instructional Management Theory. Retrieved from


Wuest, D. (1999). Are you with it? . Retrieved from

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