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Isabella Castillo

Capstone Reflection

When I first heard about capstone I didn’t know how to make a film and I didn’t know what to do
for the film with but I saw what I did before when I was in one the capstones last year. When I
first found out that we had to make all these different kinds of films I didn’t know how to make
one. My first time creating a film was doing a five by five and it was really fun creating that piece
because I realized after doing the experience I realized that I could then I can make a film. Also
I could remember the conversation I had with one of my teachers that I was really nervous but
then after doing it I was really happy. The real message behind my film is how I got lost and at
first I was alone but then I found the people I connect with and I realized who I really was.

The challenges I had during this experience of making these films was mostly losing my
confidence because I thought I didn’t know what I was doing until I started the whole thing.
There was always a time and a place where I wanted to do a different shot and how my reaction
would be after shooting all the different places. When I started shooting I was a little mad
because of how it was first coming out but when I was editing it I was getting used it. I
remember making the films that I did before this that was not easy but it was so fun putting them
together. Also my reaction of putting all different shots in a different order.

The success of working on my capstone is going well. I see myself putting more hard work into it
that I don’t wanna stop. Even though I struggle through my editing of capstone it brings me
happiness that it’s coming out really good. I’m glad I got to get some feedback from my
classmate about my film to see how I can make it better. I believe my film will inspire people to
see the real me and how I grew up from emotional experiences.

The more I worked on my film I saw how happy I was during the rough cut of mine and other
films I’ve done before. I love how I based my film about my cousin because he was a family
member who everyone looked up to even though he did mistakes. My film means a lot to me
because not only is about me it’s about how I got to be who I am today. Also about the people
who made the person I am today. I feel like this is more than a film it’s a memory of how things
came to be.

What I learned from doing this experience is how to really be proud of myself during it because
of how it really was about. This film really put me in a good place and I’m glad were it is right
now. The film would remind me of how happy I get when good things happen to me and how I
love people who bring me up. Also how I live life to the fullest even though it’s hard I can fake a
smile through it. I’m glad I’m gonna be able to show my film to people because they’ll get a
chance to see how I became a person I am today.

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