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SPE 15481 SPE Transient Analysis of Acoustically Derived Pressure and Flow Rate Data by C.S, Kabik, Schlumberger Well Services; F.J. Kuchuk, Schfumberger Doll Research; and A.R. Hasan, U. of North Dakota SPE Members Cony 1988, soot of Paboium Engreers ‘espace wes prepa ox rosin athe Gist Amal Tec! Colerce an Exit te Seco of Pale Engines hn Now Gredne Ua Sooner 8 108 ‘Ths supa was stead fae rsonaton by an SPE Progam Commie ening rei naman conan a act sami yt usta rte of he papers aera have me Goan rvones by bo Saco Pulte thane aed er cages eee ‘ornate pares, cows na recent any soon ote Sec el Povoms tego, onsen erent Poe ‘ese a SPE mesg ay st! pueaon rave ty Edtaral Conmites ol i Seley al Peles Engram Poraeton ecb ‘esc aonract oct nore an SOD wets tare ay nt Do copied ha aber Seas ch conpces ereouegeag rs er by wom tha paper pronote. Wits PuioatoneNanage SPE, Box tee, Moura TH TINGS. Tle, eke Seca AnorRact A pressure bulidup test conducted on a sucker-rod punping well is often alstorted by long-duration wellbore storage. In fact, this distortion can be so severe that oven a week's ahutein period nay not allow a aanitag anaiyete. “A longer ghat- An petted “becones economically discouraging Decause of lost production. Tow energy and ow transstesivity in the reservoir, coupled with {noveaged £1ui4 comptes sibility,” contrtbute 0 thia long-duration storage ‘Phenomenon. One vay of handling thts peoblen clearly lies in the atnultaneoas treat~ Rent of dovahole pressure and flow rate, esti mated from r4aing annular Mqutd-level data by acoustic well sounding (AWS). dacertatning. the quality of the indirectly measured pressure and Fate data constitutes one of the objectives of thks sendy. Several methods exist to translate the AVS data ‘to downhole pre: transtent analyate. ae even an enptrical hydrodynamic correlation provides sat~ Astactory transient data for convolution and de- convolution analyses for moderate pumping liquid columns. when long annular Lula colusne are encountered, translating the AVS data with a mechanistically based hydrodynanic model appears to be a prudent approach. Interpretation of several transient tests shows that autonattc convolved-type-curve or Matory matching of fleld data {ss povorful tool for reservoir paraneter (total nobility, skin, Fracture half-length, storage cooffteten:) esti- mation, Use of downhole rate for the convolved Watorences aid Uitasteations at end OF papery typeccurve matching reducss the stotage coefficient ty several orders of magnitite, thovely enhancing the quality of the estintes, Deconvolution of ‘damhote Deeasure and rate date algndficantly aided ia well /reservoir flow sodel identification. A segontal analysts of the infint te-conductivity vertically fractured motel {s developed in this work for a rapld, Lterative-type computation used in automatic convolved-type-curve analysts. Testing pumping wells presents an interesting chaltenge because one needs to deal with inskrect Reasurenents of downhole pregauve and flow races Pecause of econonte considerations, direct Pressure seasuronents, after renoving the pusp hardwaces, are not cononly practiced. thus questions often arise regarding the vaildtey of indirect measuxenonts and thedr subsequent inter= pretation=-leading to eatination of permeability, skin, average pressure, fracture half-length, There are two approaches for estimating downhole Pressure and flow rate data, The first method involves tracking the movesont of the gea-liquid interface during a translent test, ‘waing an Acoustie well sounding (AMS) device.!"> trans lation of hese data to domhole pressure and zate 4s nade, using a wellbore nydredynanis model/ corretatton."48" ‘the, second appronch uses. tho fmass balance prinotple’~® 9 acconplish the sane tasks Both methods have cevtain linttationss Por example, in a foaming annulus the A¥S method 4s not particularly euitable. Howaver, the major apparent uncertainty in the AMS method’ stems fron the use of a hydrodynanc model/correlations on ‘the other hand, any leak in the systen (wellhead leak, for instance) or vellbore crossflow duriag well’ shut-in causes problens “in” the secon! TRANSIENT RIALYSIS OF ACOUSTICALLY DERIVED PRESSURE AND RATE DATA Pe 15401 sethods thus, simultaneous use of both nathods appears to be a prudent data-gathering approach: Typleally, in a pasping well one is confronted with a long teat because of long-duration weli- bore storage distortion pertod. This atorage Aistortion problen surfaces from low reservoir transmissivity and high syston compressibility because of high gas aatiration in the reseivotr/ wellbore vicinity. the problen 19 further com pounded by low reservoir energy aagoclated with panping welts. The wellbore storage problen can be handled tn several ways. One approach is to simaltaneously analyse, the tranoient pressure and flow rate datal®!2” “using convolution and deconvolution approaches. The other approaches that ye. ox plored are deconvolution with constraints’? and the automated eypenourve analyoia. Recently the Latter was used for onogensous, reservotrs"® and naturally fractured reservoirn'® without consiaq ering the downhole rate data. Subsequently, a hunber of studies used the automate convolved sype-curve snatching tp, interpret testa fro homogeneous “resgcvotx,"7 faulted reservote, fractured well,’? low-transminatvlty reservoir, and layered reservoirs”! using the downhole pees sure and flow rate data, another way of testing puaping wella ijge in adapting the unconventional teat method and Perforning interpretation with elther pressurs and rate data simultaneously or pressure da The purpose of thts study te twofold: First, to search for a su{table wellbore hydrodynantc mode! Yo generate the downhole pressure data; second, to search for an appropriate reservolr flow model wyemodel) for interpreting the test data.” In addition, we wanted to explore the quality of indirectly measured flow raze data through decon= volution analysis because technology for direct measurenent of low flow rates (< 100 RE/D), Prevalent im punping wells, 4s not readily available. Indirectly measured downhole transient pressure and rate data ina punpipg vell can be treated by the convalution Antegual i Bano 7 LP a5t0) tal = 8) +L ae seteseeeeeee(D Py. 1 implicitly ascuses that no storage volume exists beneath the point of rate and pressure Measurenent. This assumption {s, hovevery not valid because of dead storage volume below the perforations, storage volume below the point of measurement, and storage in the fracture Lf the well intercepts an Anfinite-conductivity fracture.'?/14 evan though the meaguvenent, Eeference point could be nade at the perforations in ® pumping well, strictly speaking, the flow seasurenent is required within the’ perforation ‘tumals to elininate the storage effect in a nonfractured well. Thus, we can largely reduce the effects of storage’ on transtent pressure behavior by etther measuring or deducing downhole rate. Pig. 1 {llustrates this potnt Schenattcally. Assuming the system to be Linear, one can write point, By. 1 to incorporate the atorage helow of measuranent ae follows OPge Pa, + Wye 9 where tege = pressure-drop at the true sandface at the {nner boundary, cee ee APye = pressure-drop betwean th WE geasurenant and the sandface. point of ‘the formation paranetera of permeability and skin can be estinated by convolving a py-model, re~ Hlecting the well/eassrvotr flow geometey, with measured rate, day. Althoagh we convolve. tndi~ rectly measured ‘Pressure with rate, search for the ‘storage costficiont {2 nade nonetheless in the autosated or conplterized type-curve match Sng, along with permeability and skin. Typteally, the value of the storage costfictent is orders of wnagnitude sealler than the values normally ob- tained without using the rate. Th this ceapect wwe observe that the avsonated cype-curve matohing with downhole rate! 719 te superior to logarith= ‘mic-convolution’? and other nethods!! becaase the storage effect below tho point of measucenent 13 considexed in the automatic convolved=type-curve approach, Furthermore, logartthelc-convolution oes not work for early-tine analyse dn low-per~ noability rerervolze whan t, ¢ 25. iteratively, one could geazch for a pp-nodel, and then its paraneters (perneabtiity and akin) by using the deconvolution nethod.'? ‘thus, deconvolution aids well/reservotr flov geometry Adentification, However, for the reasons die~ cussed above, deconvolution does not yleld com pletely storage-froe data for conventional. inter~ pretation: the storage effects are only reducod to a large degree. Recently, a nuaber of inyegs Hlgations “mccaaafully deconvoived “ffeis gata, 'S29 Walle others .gseg both synthetic?! 1428/99 ang Field data’?r'7/18+25 c5 genonetiate the benefits of early-tine convolution analyais. ane Above Storage Case ve can approsinate dombole flow Fyeq, assuning Sonstane wmtiboce fi0k4 density, aa! S84 KUCHUK, Re Re HASAN spe 15481 cu. kaWR, Fe ge en, a ay (mat, Sree i (t > ee where seis g- aapucyhe,? ‘The Laplace transform of the dinenatonless velibore pressure solution for the constant well bore storage and skin effect can be written by combining tgs. 1 and 3 ae siywoes see Byle) = 0 a 3 340,37 L3, (8) 481 where 8 = laplace transforw vartable. fone can solve Bq. 4 using Stehfost algoxt thn! provided the Taplace transfor solution, Py, for ‘the constant rate case 49 available for the? well/ reaervolr flow problem of intereot, Solutions for Py) can also be obtained using a Pprnodel, ataculsed, 4p the Appendix, fron the PEllowing algortthae®’ 2 Pyoltoner) * fp(toner) #8 +S a +705 Bgl )I/ + 275), ceeeeeeee (SD (ones > too) > PCToaes > fo)? ana 75 = GolP5C toner ~ Yon) + 81/(Soaet > ton) Exponential Wellbore Rate Decline Case. ‘The wellbore, Flog rate can also be modeled by the polationanap?}r88 bey Grt-e oy wheze @ 4s @ constant and is given as fe atic, eaceanto" The taplace transform of the dimensionless wellbore pressure for the exponential rate cave may be obtained by combining Bus. 1 and 6, +8) ol) = aS sD ‘Thus, solution of By. 1 depends upon avatiabtiity of the pyrfunction in the real space, while either By. 4 or 7 49 solved vhon py-function 4e avaliable tn the Laplace spice. Invother words, using Bq. 6, one can compute the wellbore pres sore, Pyoy from akthor Bq. 1 or By. 7, In the Appenaix”we present the A, models used in this study. INTERPRETAFTON MEnsopoLOGY In thts study, several interpretation methode are applied to obtain reservoir parmnatace of nobtlity, itn, fracture half-Length, and storage coefficient. in Conventional type-curve and MOH analyses do not sasily lead to unique estimation of reservoir parameters because of the doainating {nfluence of ‘the storage or afterflow effect. This storage asstortion can be largely minimized by convolving she Peenaure and cave data aimajcaneouely. Te LogarithmLo-convolution aperoach'® presented a problen because different wellbore geonetty, hydrauleally induced fracture, was encountered in the fleld exanples considered. Only the late= tine data conforming to the psoudoradial flow pertod could be straightened on the logavithnte= Convolution plot. In automated type-curve matching, ve conetder matching model reoponse with f1eld pressure daca with and without the downhole rete. We tara the latter case as convolved-type-curve matching to {ndleate convolution with rate data, The objective of the sutonatic convolved-type curve matching a to aininize, in a laaat-aquare sense, the algforonce between a model (radial- Gylindrteal, fracture, ees.) response and. che observed fold data, Thus, the reservoir pacanee ters azo deternined ny minimising the objective Fonction, oC 3) 4 J eg0s) = wep? ceoneeeeneeelB) the marquarat?® Bye 8. algoritha {o used to minintze EBL BeANPLES, two field examples are discussed in detail to provide insight into data interpretation, par= tleularty that involving downhole pressure and flow rate. A third example 1s also presented to give a flavor of using the deconvoiution method

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