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Plastic product ban

Plastic is an environmental issue, which got more bad with time. There are many

reports talking about how plastic kills sea creatures and about floats of plastic in the

sea as big as the U.S. Now they discovered small plastic parts even in humans. What

exactly are we going to do about it? The government considers product plastic ban all

over the U.S. Who exactly has plastic product ban and how the law developed during

time I will explain in the following.

Plastic products should be banned, but that needs time, instead of banning all plastic

products, you should start with banning plastic bags and use reusable bags.

I think that way, because it is easy to bring your own bag for shopping or use bags from

other material, for example wood or textile. Other countries already have reusable bags

and it works out. Alone in the U.S. are states who already banned plastic. According to

a study Hawaii is the only state who banned plastic worldwide. Notable cities with

plastic ban or fees would be Chicago, Ill; Los Angeles, California; New York, N.Y.;

Washington D.C. and some more. But just one state really banned their plastic, that is

Furthermore I think that banning all plastic product is not advantageous, because that

can be very expensive and for some things you can just use plastic and no other

material. According to an article, many businessmen and retailer groups think the same

way. They don’t want to use other materials for plastic, because it is more

expensive.They also think that it is too important and too useful to ban. I kind of think

the same way, that is why you should not ban all plastic just little piece, e.g. plastic


Still I think if we ban plastic, that would improve the environment, because there is not

that much waste anymore what pollutes the sea and environment. That contributes

saving sea animals and helps to stop spreading tiny plastic parts in our bodies. The

Green party thinks the same way. They want to preserve and restore the environment.

The most value for them is to restore the water cleanness.

I learned that Democratic and Republican opinions are very different, what I didn’t really

know before, because I didn’t deal with it before. I think I know now a lot about how the

government and the people in America stand for the environment.

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